Skin Lightening

Does Milk Lighten Skin, Color, with Honey, Flour, How to Use, Home Remedies

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Does milk lighten skin? Get more insights on how to use milk for skin whitening, honey flour and lemon among other skin whitening home remedies.

does milk lighten skin

does milk lighten skin – before and after

Does Milk Lighten Skin Color

The skin color entirely depends on several factors, main of which is the pigment melanin that is produced in the skin cells called melanocytes. If the skin you have is darker, it implies that the melanocytes produces a lot more pigmentation. But sometimes, darker skin is never the natural skin color.

It may however get darkened due to the tanning that results from overexposure to sun rays. In fact, the skin color adapts rapidly to the intense sunlight radiation so that you can get the best protection against the harmful ultraviolet rays that can destroy your skin. There can be several other reasons for dark skin other than the heredity or the overexposure to sun.

These reasons may include environmental pollution, the dry skin, stress, and also prolonged usage of cosmetics having a lot of chemicals in them. If the dark skin is not due to genetic reasons, you may be tempted to lighten the skin using either of these home remedies specifically for skin lightening.

Homemade Remedies to Lighten Skin Naturally

  1. Milk for Skin Lightening

Does milk lighten skin? Milk is a very rich source that is full of calcium. Calcium, together with several important functions that they perform in our body, also regulates the normal skin color. It works by activating the melanocytes, the skin cells that are responsible for production of the melanin pigment.

Also, when the body gives higher amount of calcium content to the upper epidermis layer of the skin, this helps to maintain effective barrier that works against loss of moisture. This prevents the skin from drying out that can also affect the skin making it darker. Milk contains lactic acid that is able to reduce the skin’s pigmentation making the skin lighter in terms of complexion.

How to use milk for skin lightening?

Have this:

  • Milk preferably cow’s or even goat’s milk amounting to 1 bowl
  • Clean washcloth

The process:

  • Take the bowl full of milk and warm it a little. You need just warm milk and not hot.
  • Soak the washcloth in the milk.
  • Take out the washcloth and wring it out to discard any excessive milk. With the cloth fully soaked in the milk, it should not drip by any means.
  • Now gently rub the soaked cloth on the skin using this cloth.
  • Once the cloth dries up, repeat to soak it in the milk and repeat the process as above.
  • Repeat this cycle of dipping and rubbing for about 4 times.
  • Repeat this daily, but preferably after taking bath.
  • After a couple of weeks repeating the process, you may now do this at least twice a week instead of doing it daily.
  1. Lemon Juice for Skin Lightening

Lemon juice is a known natural astringent and contains also natural bleaching properties. Therefore, if you have an oily skin and if you would like to lighten the skin color, lemon juice is the right for your skin. Its astringent property will be able to tighten the pores on the skin reducing the secretion of sebum and its natural acidic properties will bleach the skin to lighten it. As lemon juice has also rich content of vitamin C, it leads to regeneration of new skin cells so that the skin do away with of all dullness and have brighter look.

Ways of using the lemon juice for skin lightening

  • Take a half of a lemon and squeeze out its juice. Dip a cotton ball inside the lemon juice and apply it gently on the face or dark skin anywhere on the body. Leave the lemon juice on the skin for about 30 minutes and then wash off using water. Repeat the process daily.
  • If you want to salvage yourself from the problem of squeezing out all the time the lemon juice, cut a lemon in two equal halves and then rub one of the lemon half gently on the face for about 15 minutes. Then leave the juice on the face for another extra 15 minutes before washing it off using cold water.
  • For people with oily skin, make the face mask that can also lighten the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 tablespoon of rosewater and some 1 tablespoon of Fuller’s earth. Make a thick paste by mixing them equally and applying the paste to the face. Leave the paste on for about 20 minutes and then wash off using warm water.
  • If the skin on your body is dry, then mix a tablespoon each of lemon juice, honey and also olive oil. Now apply the paste to the skin. Massage gently for a few minutes. Now leave the paste on the skin for about 15 minutes. Wash off using warm water.

Caution: Never get out in the sun after applying this lemon juice or a paste containing the lemon to the skin. Lemon juice makes the skin ultra-sensitive to UV rays that can, in fact, leading to more pigmentation of skin. Also avoid use of lemon juice if you have open wounds on the skin.

  1. Licorice Root Extract for Skin Lightening

Licorice has long been used by Asian Medicine systems so as to treat many medical conditions that includes skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. Nowadays, the best properties that is contained in licorice as a skin lightening product has been utilized by many cosmetic production companies to manufacture herbal skin whitening creams.

These products makes use of licorice root extract as an alternative used in the harmful chemical known as hydroquinone. Licorice has the active compound called glabridin that acts to inhibit the enzyme that leads to skin darkening because of sun exposure.

Glabridin also assists in decreasing the amount of the production of melanin including balancing the skin cells. The licorice extract an excellent natural skin lightening agent and also helps to diminish dark circles and other darkened skin parts due to scars and so many other causes of skin darkening.

As licorice also has ‘licochalcone,’ an oil controlling agent, it is also great for those individuals who have oily or acne-prone skin and who like their skin to become whitened.

How to apply licorice extract for skin lightening?

You can also obtain licorice extract in cosmetic stores. Though you can also make licorice extract at home by boiling the licorice root, it is too mild when prepared. The commercially available licorice root extract have high concentration of the useful agents of licorice extract.

  • Take a small number drops of licorice extract and with the help of a cotton ball, apply a thin layer of the extract all over the face and neck.
  • Leave this overnight and wash off in the morning.

You may also make a face mask using the licorice extract.

  1. Bearberry Extract for Skin Lightening

Does milk lighten skin like bearberry? Bearberry extract that is derived from Uva Ursi plant is commonly used as an astringent in several cosmetic products, the extract is a good natural skin whitening agent also. It has arbutin and the natural form of hydroquinone.

These two active compounds made up of bearberry extract are said to be having amazing effects on dull and dark skin. While the normal synthetic hydroquinone that is used in commercially available skin whiteners is carcinogenic, the one that is naturally present in bearberry extract contains antioxidant properties and is also perfect for cleansing of the skin and also increasing cell multiplication levels that effectively sheds the old skin cells making the face brighter than it was before.

It also helps in protecting the skin from sun damage. Arbutin, just like hydroquinone, contains melanin-inhibiting properties.

How to apply the use of bearberry extract for skin lightening?

You can also obtain bearberry extract with different levels of arbutin. Full strength bearberry extracts should be always diluted before application to the skin. You may dilute the extract with the regular lotion or any moisturizing cream that you apply daily. Alternatively, you can dilute the bearberry extract with some amount of glycerin and water and then apply to the face. You should apply this extract at least twice day for desired results.

  1. Mulberry Extract for Skin Lightening

Mulberry extract also contains the ability to prevent tyrosinase activity. Tyrosinase performance is a main reason of melanin production in the skin. If tyrosinase activity is not controlled during the process of melanoma, it leads to increased melanin production that gives dark skin and pigmentation etc. Several polyphenols, including flavonoids can stop tyrosinase activity.

Mulberry has many phenolic flavonoids such as the garlic acid and quercetin including fatty acids like linoleic acid and also palmitic acid, all of which are important for the skin. The extract is increasingly being included in making of many cosmetic products for skin. To apply mulberry extract, dilute the extract with your regular skin lotion and apply to your skin twice daily.

  1. Citrus Fruits Peels for Skin Lightening

Does milk lighten skin? The peels and membranes that is in citrus fruits has Hesperidin that is a bioflavonoid. Most research points that Hesperidin can effectively stop melanin production without cytotoxicity. Most of the times, hesperidin, together with other similar bioflavonoids, is known as vitamin P but it is not an actual vitamin. It is a bioflavonoid.

The citrus bioflavonoid such as hesperidin helps in the synthesis of vitamin C complex that is a recognized beneficial ingredient not only for the skin health but also important for immune system. While a person can mostly include citrus fruits in your diet, here is a remedy for skin lightening using the orange peels.

How to make a mask for skin lightening with orange peel

how to lighten skin with milk

how to lighten skin with milk

Get this:

  • Dried orange peel enough to get 1 tablespoon powder
  • Milk that plain at least 1 tablespoon

Do this:

  • Grind the orange peels to get one tablespoon of its powder.
  • Mix the orange peel powder with plain milk and make a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the face and neck.
  • Leave it there for about 30 minutes.
  • Wash off using cold water.
  • Repeat the process for about 3 times a week.

How Does Milk Lighten Your Skin

Milk for Skin Lightening

Does milk lighten skin? Lactic acid that is found in the milk is a known remedy great for natural skin lightening. This acid is the best most gentle of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). Alpha hydroxy acids normally act as exfoliants and contributes to rapid shedding of dead skin cells on the surface. This regenerates to cell renewal which in turn gets rid of dullness from the skin giving an individual a brightening effect.

Does milk lighten skin? As a skin lightening agent, the lactic acid helps in bleaching of the dark pigmented skin by inhibiting the production of melanin. Thus, using milk that has with lactic acid, makes a lot of sense when it comes to skin lightening using natural remedies.

Ways to use milk for skin lightening

  • Take some plain milk that is unflavored and unsweetened, yogurt. Rub the yogurt gently on to the skin for a few minutes. Then leave the yogurt on the skin for another few minutes. Now wash off the yogurt on the body by using warm water. Repeat this process daily.
  • Mix milk, lemon juice and oatmeal to get make a thick face mask. Apply this to mask on the skin. Leave it there for about 20 minutes before washing off using cold water.
  • Add about 2 tablespoon of honey to 1 tablespoon of milk. Apply the mixture to the skin. Leave it for about 15 minutes. Wash off using cold water. Repeat the process daily.

How to Lighten Skin with Milk and Honey

Aloe Vera and honey to Lighten Skin Naturally

Aloesin is an internal compound which is present inside aloe vera plant. Aloesin also inhibits tyrosinase performance therefore regulating the production of the dark pigmentation in the skin. This way you can get a fairer skin by use of aloe vera gel. A

s aloe vera also have many additional relevance that is in the form of its antioxidant properties, it can provide with a soft, smooth skin that is light in color.

Honey is a natural exfoliant.

How to use aloe vera for skin lightening?

  • Get a small slice of an aloe vera leaf.
  • Cut open the aloe vera leaf slice and using the help of a spoon, collect the gel inside the leaf.
  • Add some honey and apply the paste to the skin 3 times a day.
  • Repeat the process daily for about 20 days.
  • After 20 days, you can reduce the frequency of application by applying it twice a day about 4 times a week.

You may also obtain aloesin that is extracted from the aloe plant and apply it to the skin four times a day.

How to Lighten Skin with Milk and Flour

Rice Powder and milk for Skin Lightening

Does milk lighten skin when mixed with rice powder? Women from African and Asian countries have since long been using rice water as well as rice powder to tone and lighten the skin. Modern studies also agrees with the positive effects of rice extract on old skin as including its capacity to whiten the skin. Rice is a known source of para amino benzoic acid (PABA) that usually acts as a sunscreen.

When you take in PABA, it increases the level of Vitamin C in the body. Rice also contains ferulic acid, which is an antioxidant that when added to Vitamin C or E, gives you better protection against sunlight. A research done using rice bran extracts has indicated its hydrating, skin whitening and anti-aging effects that is has on skin.

How to make skin lightening rice powder mask?

Obtain this:

  • Uncooked rice about 1 cup
  • Milk- ensure it is enough to make paste
  • Warm water

Do this:

  • Grind the rice to obtain its fine powder.
  • Add the pure milk to the fine rice powder to make a thick paste. If an individual is allergic to milk, then he can even use pure water to make this thick paste.
  • Apply the rice powder paste to the face and neck.
  • Leave it on for about 30 minutes.
  • Wash off using warm water.
  • Repeat the process for about 3 times a week.
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