
Bottom Belly Button Piercing, Pictures, Rejection, Price, Cost, Pain, Healing

Bottom navel piercing rejection
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 Acritical look at the bottom belly button piercing, pictures, rejection, price, healing and after care.

Bottom Belly Button Piercing Rejection

Bottom navel piercing rejection

Bottom belly button piercing

When the body rejects a bottom belly button piercing, then the jewelry will move to the surface of the skin and finally come out. This might be much frustrating after having paid for a bottom belly button piercing and also endured a lot of discomfort of healing.

There are several steps that you can take so as to prevent the body from rejection of the belly button piercing. Proper bottom belly button piercing technique as well as the right kind of jewelry might help to reduce the chances of rejection. Recognizing the early indications of rejection can assist you to save the piercing, and is also able to prevent very serious scarring.

When a bottom belly button piercing is being rejected, it’s because of the body pushing out a considered foreign object, just as it would to a splinter. Choosing the jewelry for the navel piercing which is right will make it reduce the likelihood for the skin to reject it.

Make sure that the size as well as the shape of the jewelry is very right for the size of the navel. A ring that is very small may not sit much deeply enough so as to stay in, and a very-large ring might rub up against the waistband of the pants.

Rings that are extremely heavy also tend to come out of the skin. When you get the bottom belly button piercing, the professional piercers normally cautions that there should be enough of skin between the entry and the exit holes of the piercing.

The material that the jewelry is made of might also lead to the piercing rejection. Use only the rings or even the barbells that are made of very high quality surgical type of steel that have very little nickel. Even other person who is not allergic to the nickel may have a reaction to the nickel which is in low-quality type of the piercing jewelry.

If you understand that you’re allergic to the nickel or even any other metals, then you should get titanium or even the niobium jewelry. Symptoms of an allergy to the bottom belly button piercing is an itchy, and the hole that is around the jewelry can appear larger than the jewelry.

All naval piercings appears red, swollen and also very tender immediately after having the piercings done. If this kind of irritation is continuing for more than one week, or if there is a pus or even a bad-smelling discharge, then you might be having an infection. Infected piercings can be an early indication of rejection.

Be very careful to follow the after-care instructions that are given to you by the piercer. Wash the piercing at least twice in a day in a very mild soap and the water, and also turn the jewelry so as to clean and rinse on the inside part.

Make use of an antiseptic cleanser on the bottom belly button piercing as indicated by the piercer. Don’t try to touch the navel piercing unless it is being cleaned, and don’t let any other person touch it either. Also avoid going to swim until the piercing is fully healed, which normally takes about six weeks or even more.

Rejection, when the skin is pushing a foreign object out of the skin by killing the tissue that is on top of it, is a very great risk with any kind of piercing. So as to reduce the risk, then you must take very good care of the piercing, and plan it very well. Good placement is vital including good aftercare.

  1. Find a professional piercer in the type of piercing you require. Check the piercer’s portfolios for the healed piercings together with the fresh ones. Ask also about their experience as well as the qualifications.
  2. Decide the level of risk of rejection is with the bottom belly button piercing. Eyebrows, navels, some genital piercings, and also surface piercings all exhibits a higher risk of rejection. Piercings that is through cartilage have a low risk comparably.
  3. Choose an appropriate jewelry. Piercings that normally travel through the flesh, such as a rook or even a tragus, is to be done using a straight or even a slightly curved barbell. Surface piercings are supposed to be done using surface bars.

Navels and also the eyebrows require curved barbells, or even the surface bars. Most of the piercers also agree that the titanium or even the glass is much less likely to reject than the steel, since the body accepts it very easily.

  1. Make sure that the gauge is large enough. Most of the piercers use 16 gauge as the standard, smaller type of gauges are likely to reject. Choose the largest type of gauge which is suitable. Most of the piercers also believe some other places, such as the tongues and also the inner labia, do better with the 12g or even larger.
  2. Take care of the bottom belly button piercing, by cleaning it very daily using soap and also the water, use sea salt soaks, and do not touch it using dirty hands. To make the sea salt soak, you should use non-iodized sea salt that is able to be obtained at any drug or even the grocery. Use 1/8th teaspoon salt to 8 oz. of warm that is distilled or even the bottled water.

Use of more salt can lead to an irritation to the piercing. Don’t bump or even hit the piercing, and keep the hair products as well as the tight clothing away.

  1. If you think that the body is rejecting the jewelry, then do not get rid of the jewelry yourself. See a professional piercer to get rid of it. Getting rid of it from an infected area is able to seal the infection which is inside the skin, leading to a cyst.

Bottom Belly Button Piercing Price

Bottom belly button piercing price

Bottom navel piercing price

The cost that is associated with belly button piercings normally varies from one studio to another. Usually you’ll realize that the belly button piercings cost much less in the rural areas and more in towns, because of the varying costs that is associated with running a shop in the contrasting settings.

You might pay anywhere ranging from $35 to $60 for a belly button piercing, mostly depending on where you get it done. On average, $50 is standard. If you get a highly-recommended artist, it’ll be worth it to have him do the bottom belly button piercing even if it costs more.

The below are a few facts about what affects the cost of the belly button piercing:

  • The material of the piercing is made out of. Options normally vary widely and also consist of very simple designs up to very much intricate and also complicated works of art.
  • Several options include the silver, gold and metal alloys. The choice usually influences the overall cost.
  • Like any type of purchase, shopping around is very important. Prices range from piercing artist to another. Do research and find for yourself a reputable piercer who is able to offer a good price.

Bottom Belly Button Piercing Pain

First, all of us have personal pain thresholds. Thus, not all of us have pain in an equal type of manner. Rather, what is more painful for others, may be a bit irritating or even fully harmless to others. The same is true for the bottom belly button piercing.

While some other people go through significant amount of pain as well as discomfort that occurs during the procedure, other people claim that they did not feel anything. Thus, the whole of the pain may not be presented as affecting all the people.

Nevertheless, there are many things that one might do so as to reduce any possible presence of the pain while having her belly button pierced.

Although you may not have the pain during the process, you are more likely to feel the pain afterwards. Thus, you may require to use the painkillers while the wound is fresh. Also, you are required to follow the sanitary instructions that are given to you by the piercing artist.

Firstly, do not make use of any products that are able to irritate the navel wound. The best way that can be used to clean the piercing is through use of an antibacterial soap and also water. Do the procedure at least once every other day.

You may also make use of a solution of water and also salt for cleaning of the wound also. Avoid use of antibiotics, exposing the bottom belly button piercing to the clothes that can irritate it or even pull it and take care of which cosmetic products that are safe. Finally, do not try to touch it, or even jerk the piece of the jewelry. If you must, then make sure that the hands are clean.

During pregnancy, then the body undergoes various changes so as to accommodate the developing baby that is inside the uterus. These particular changes are internal as well as external. One of the most reasons that the belly button hurts when a woman pregnant is the internal change that happens in the body.

You might experience a lot of pain as well as soreness that might be in or around the navel. The belly button region might also develop some kind of swelling. Several other reasons might also lead to the belly button to hurt.

Pain that is in the belly button is a very common complaint that is experienced by most of the pregnant women. In majority of the women, the pain is usually mild; but, in some other females, there might be some other issues that requires medical intervention.

Females who obtain bottom belly button piercing during the pregnancy have a higher risk of having to go through very sharp pain and also soreness in the belly button skin area. Piercing of the belly button also increases the risk of having an infection in that skin area causing pus formation, pain and also the swelling. The most common causes of the belly button pain are as indicated below:

  1. Stretching of the Abdominal Skin and Muscles

The muscles as well as the skin that is around the belly button stretch, causing discomfort in that particular area. This is true is the belly button is protruding inward but because of the skin expansion and also the stretch, it starts to protrude outward.

For most of the females, pain and also the soreness because of the stretching of the skin including the abdominal muscles last for only the first half of pregnancy period.

  1. Uterine Pressure

Pain may also be felt in the cases where there is expansion of the uterus presses the navel button. This is very common in later weeks of pregnancy.

  1. Belly Button Protrudes Outwards

In some other females, the navel can push outward instead of pushing inwards by stretching of the belly and gets very much irritated from contact with the clothes causing pain in the navel button. If the belly hurts because of this particular reason, then putting a bandage on the navel or even wearing of the soft clothes can assist to lessen the irritation.

  1. Umbilical Hernia

Belly button pain can also be brought about by the umbilical hernia. Umbilical hernia happens when the intestines are protruding from a small hole that is in the abdominal wall which is near the belly button. Umbilical hernia normally resolves by itself after the delivery, but in some other cases, it might need surgery.

  1. Intestinal Infection

Apart from the mild pain that is in the belly button because of the causes that are indicated, severe cramping found in the abdominal part near the navel, which is associated with the symptoms of nausea, vomiting and also increased amount of temperature might happen because of infection of the intestines and needs emergency medical intervention.

Vomiting and also diarrhea may lead to the contractions of the bowel and also the uterus. Moreover, the toxins that are produced from pathogenic organisms which have brought the infection might have very adverse effects especially on the developing fetus, thus, increasing any chances of termination of pregnancy before the term.

After the infection has been done away with and symptoms have completely subsided, then the state of the developing fetus should be well assessed with the assistance of required diagnostic tools.

Females who obtain the belly button piercing especially during pregnancy have a higher risk of developing very sharp pain and also soreness emanating from the belly button skin part.

Piercing of the belly button also increases the risk of having an infection in that particular area causing pus formation, pain and also the swelling. If the symptoms happen, you should urgently get the belly button ring gotten away with under the supervision of a piercer and visit the physician to obtain the treatment of the condition.

If bottom belly button piercing was performed before getting pregnant, then the pain as well as the soreness might not be brought about by the reason. But, the belly button piercing is to be avoided during pregnancy because the sensitivity of the belly button skin area normally increases during the period of pregnancy.

If you have a piercing just before pregnancy and the ring is making you uncomfortable, then you should get it removed by an expert.

Bottom Belly Button Piercing Healing

Bottom navel piercing healing stages

Bottom belly button piercing healing process

Every piercing, including a belly button piercing, requires enough time for the healing. Attempting to get rid of the original ring from an area before the piercing has completely healed can lead to extreme pain and also very serious infection, one that can take a lot of time to heal.

There are several indications that you are required to look for when checking the navel piercing area. The bottom belly button piercing is normally considered fully healed if it is able to pass each of the tests.

Wait for the appropriate time period before checking if the navel piercing is fully healed. According to studies, you should wait for a period of at least six months before the navel piercing is completely healed.

Blot a tissue around the piercing area. The navel piercing is not fully healed if you see any type of discharge.

Inspect the area for any redness. While a little amount of redness may happen from time to another, a dark red color shows that the piercing is not fully healed.

Look for any type of swelling around the piercing area. Touch the area so as to see if you notice any raised skin. Swelling and also puffiness are indications that the navel piercing is not completely healed.

Wiggle the navel ring more gently. The bottom belly button piercing is not healed if the ring fails to gently slide up and down through the area.

Always get services from a professional piercer so as to change the navel ring for the initial time, as they have very proper equipment to perform the job. You can then change the ring at your personal convenience. The professional piercer can also advise if the piercing has completely healed.

Top and Bottom Belly Button Piercing

There are several passionate body piercing people who are interested in obtaining a double belly button piercing to be done for an extravagant navel decoration. Two piercings are usually placed on the belly button. This is a common fashion trend that is done mostly by the renowned pop stars, but anybody can give it a try so as to show off a well-maintained belly. It is sometimes known as a double navel piercing.

Because it is one of the variations of the belly button piercing, the piercing is normally carried out in the similar manner by insertion of a sterilized, hollow needle straight through the surface of the belly button twice and then placing the jewelry.

As in the case of the standard bottom belly button piercing, it causes a sharp pain especially during the process. The double pierced belly button may also bruise and also swell for a number of days as it occurs in other types of the body piercings.

Cleaning of the bottom belly button piercing for at least two times a day is vital so as to prevent it from getting infected. While redness is generally the after effects of any piercing, severe pain as well as the yellow pus discharge indicates an infection, which requires a medical assistance.

Use of very poor quality jewelry or even having an increased sensitivity to the metals might cause the jewelry rejection and also migration. Discuss with the professional piercer with regard to the type of jewelry that should be used before doing the procedure so as to avoid the scars occurring on the navel.

Flaunt the double pierced navel that has very gorgeous dangles, plain bars and studs so as to make a bold fashion statement.

Bottom Belly Button Piercing Care

How to care for bottom belly button piercing

Belly button piercing care

Think of the piercing as a very minor surgery. The healing time frame normally varies from one person to another, but on average takes many weeks. Some people normally heal slower than other people and healing may take about two or three months of time for some and even much longer for other people.

Follow the provide aftercare instructions closely so as to help increase the healing process and also minimize any given complications.

  • Wash using an Antibacterial Soap. There is always a bacteria that is present on the skin and washing using an antibacterial soap is a perfect way that can be used to prevent infection. Make sure that you wash hands before you start to clean the newly pierced skin area.

You can also make use of a Q-tip that is soaked in the warm water or even peroxide to get rid of any crust that may be around the bottom belly button piercing area.

  • Clean using Salt Water. Most of the bacteria hate saltwater and making use of this method is a perfect idea. That a small dash of a salt when into a cup of warm water is enough. Invert the cup over the navel and let it soak for a period of about 15 minutes. Then rinse off and dry gently using a paper towel or a clean soft cloth.
  • Use Cotton Swabs. Instead of touching the area using the fingers, then you can use a cotton swab. Cotton towels normally harbor bacteria and should then be avoided. Do not try to reuse cotton swabs and get rid of them after every single use.
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