
Pimples on Back of Head, under Hair, and Neck, after Haircut, Treatment

Pimples on Back of Head
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What causes pimples on back of your head? A look at the pimples on back of head, under hair, and neck, after haircut, hurts, spots, bumps, get rid.

Pimples on Back of Head Causes

pimples on back of head

pimples on back of head

Like the rest of the body, a scalp is able to develop some conditions that might cause you worry or even the concern. If they don’t lead to pain, skin bumps that are on the back of scalp are generally no cause for alarm and are brought about by many common conditions. If you have pain or other troublesome symptoms, do not try to self-diagnose the symptoms. Contact a doctor or even a dermatologist immediately.

The most common cause of pimples on back of head are the skin conditions, called folliculitis and the seborrheic dermatitis.

Folliculitis is brought about by a bacterial infection of the hair follicles, leading to the bumps on scalp, according to dermatologists. Seborrheic dermatitis leads to the skin scaling resembling bumps on scalp, caused by a buildup of excess dead skin cells and the scalp oil, according to doctors.

Pimple-like bumps on the head can be brought about by many conditions, which includes seborrheic dermatitis and also the folliculitis. Although the illnesses have many causes, both of them can be dangerous if left untreated.

Pimple-like scalp bumps can be very much embarrassing and also very much difficult to hide, making it is crucial to understand their causes as well as the remedies.

Pimples on back of head might be tender, itchy, inflamed and also red in appearance. The bumps may also be crusty and might be filled with a pus-like material. They may as well be surrounded by oily or the greasy skin.

Also, hair loss might occur in the area of the scalp that is around the bump. Sometimes, like when the bumps are due to the seborrheic dermatitis, red bumps and also scaling may appear on other areas of the body like the ears, nose and also the eyelids.

Folliculitis is brought about by a bacterial infection that emanates from an irritation of the hair follicles, commonly brought about by friction from tight hair bands or even the hats. As it is a contagious condition, it can also happen because of sharing hair brushes and also combs with another person who has folliculitis.

Pimples on back of head can be brought about by a skin condition known as the seborrheic dermatitis. According to the doctors, this illness happens because of the yeast malassezia and an excess production of oil on skin.

Triggers might include stress, alcohol-containing lotions and also obesity. Red bumps might also be because of a scalp infection known as folliculitis.

This happens when the hair follicles is infected by a fungus, virus or even the bacteria after becoming damaged
Unlike folliculitis, seborrheic dermatitis is not brought about by a bacterial infection. Instead, it is thought to be brought about by an overproduction of scalp oil, called sebum, and also an irritation from a common yeast that lives on the scalp, known as the malessizia. Genetic factors might be involved in sebhorrheic dermatitis, as it generally runs in families

Pimples on Back of Head under Hair

Pimples on back of head forms in much similar way as acne in any other part of the body. The sebaceous or the oil glands are normally located deep in the skin and thus each oil gland is normally connected to a follicle, which is a small canal that has a hair.

The sebum produced by sebaceous glands flows out through the follicle to the skin surface. This assists in lubrication of the hair follicles and also the skin. The opening of the follicle on the skin surface is called a pore.

Pimples forms as a result of a combination of some factors such as;

  • Excess oil or sebum production.
  • Blocked pores.
  • Inflammation brought about by bacteria.

Acne forms when an overactive gland produces excess oil, which might get trapped within the blocked pores. The exact reason of blocked pores is not indicated. As a result of the blockage, the hair follicle might enlarge so as to form a little bump and in time it might rupture, thus allowing the bacteria to reach very deep into the tissues and lead to an inflammation.

Normal skin bacteria multiply within the blocked pores and leads to inflammation of the follicle. Acne is not brought about by bacterial infection but the bacteria might play a role in its development. Whiteheads, painful red bumps, pustules, and boils develop due to the pore blockage.

Superficial inflammation leads to the pustule formation, while the deeper inflammation leads to pimples, and still deeper ones leads to the cyst formation. Whiteheads are normally formed when the excess oil comes out on the surface, while the blackheads are formed by oxidation of oil, and not by accumulation of dirt as is commonly said.

Many factors may contribute to the pimples on back of head:

  • Hormones, more especially during the adolescence and at times of menstruation.
  • High level of stress.
  • Hot and humid conditions.
  • Environmental factors, like pollution.
  • Exposure to some chemicals and the oils.
  • Certain drugs, like the corticosteroids and estrogen or the androgen having medication.
  • Oily, the greasy scalp.
  • Friction or even the pressure, as from helmets.
  • Hair products like the hair oils, and gels can cause blocked pores.
  • Acne tends to run in several families.

Spots on Back of Head and Neck

Pimples on back of head, neck or otherwise are considered body acne. Neck acne, or pimples on back of neck, might appear suddenly and take a long time to disappear, even by using proper cleansing and treatment. That can be due to the skin at the back of the neck being tougher than that at the front, thus allowing the acne to find a place to “hide.”

Possible Causes

  • Pimples on back of head and neck are normally caused by the oils from hair, which might clog the pores. This is true if you have a longer hair, or if you have a great amount of oil produced from the pores on the head.
  • If you have rub the back of the neck, this can also cause pimples on back of neck. This kind of neck acne might be brought on by the bacteria and also the dirt on hands or below the fingernails, which is then transmitted to the pores when you rub the area.
  • Oil builds up on things that you touch, such as the pillowcases. So if you don’t wash them regularly, you might find pimples on back of head one morning after getting up.
  • Some lotions, conditioners and hair products can lead to problems for the skin by clogging the pores. They can also lead to irritation that might then cause painful pimples.

Pimple on Back of Head Hurts

Red, painful pimples on back of head might appear on scalp for many reasons. Skin conditions as well as irritation might lead to the hair follicle inflammation, causing pimple-like bumps or even the rashes and also hair loss in some other areas.

Understanding reasons for their development can guide treatment and also the responsiveness. Some of the conditions might require immediate medical attention. If the bumps persist and also the pain becomes is bothersome, contact a physician for an evaluation and treatment.

Tinea Capitis

Tinea capitis, or also known as the ringworm of the scalp, leads to round, scaly bumps on the scalp’s surface. This is because of the mold-like fungus tinea, which usually infects the skin and then quickly progresses if it is not properly controlled.

Bumps are painful with incessant itchiness and might be filled with pus. Ringworm of the scalp needs antifungal medication that is prescribed by a doctor.


Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles anywhere on skin. It starts when hair follicles is damaged because of the external irritation of the obstructed follicles. In general, the area that looks as red, bumpy and also pimple-like, much exhibiting pain and also some itching. Folliculitis decalvans is a condition that is affecting only the scalp and causes scarring in which the hair never grows back. Staphylococcus aureus is the bacteria which is responsible for the condition and requires several antibiotic treatments so as to ward off the infection.

Scalp Psoriasis

According to dermatologists, red, bumpy patches of skin that has some kind of soreness that might extend beyond hair line shows scalp psoriasis. Symptoms are much similar to the sebhorreic dermatitis of scalp, where there is no pain but just itchiness and also the bumps remaining confined by the hairline.

This condition might range from being mild to severe having thick, crusted plaques that are accompanying basic symptoms. The National Psoriasis Foundation indicates that scalp psoriasis might be less responsive to the medications over a period of time, so rotating or combining treatments helps in fighting the condition.

Tar products and also the salicylic acid assists to treat mild cases, whereas prescription topical or even the oral treatments need some evaluation by a health care professional.

Bumps on Back of Head after Haircut

Razor pimples on back of head are a hazard to shaving parts of the body where the hair grows out the dense and also the coarse. For men, the typically happen on the face or even at the back of the neck when you’re “cleaning up” the hair line which is around the nape.

Hair follicles are normally attached to both oil glands and also the nerve endings, as explained by the skincare experts; when you shave, then the physical process of razor that is cropping follicle usually irritates the skin, leading to unsightly red razor bumps to emerge. There are no given quick cures for the razor bumps on the back of the neck, but experts and cosmetic scientists offer very helpful suggestions that might work for you.


Cosmetic scientists state that the best way that can be used to treat razor bumps is through using a topical anti-inflammatory that has stabilized aspirin. Two of the products frequently mentioned are Paula’s Choice Skin Relief Treatment and also the Tend Skin Liquid, which contains more unisex appeal.

They also state that you can make own topical home treatment. Pick up a bottle of glycerin and also a bottle of aspirin from a drugstore. Crush or also dissolve a couple of aspirin tablets in a cup of water, thickening the solution with some amount of glycerin until you obtain the desired texture.

Persistent Razor Bumps

If the anti-inflammatories don’t give a solution to the problem of razor bumps, both experts advise trying something which is a little stronger, like an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream so as to reduce itching and discomfort.

If the razor pimples on back of head appear to be ingrown or much infected, you might have the folliculitis. Thus the doctors recommend use of a topical antibiotic, like Neosporin, Polysporin or Bacitracin.


Razor pimples on back of head usually resolve on their own if you give the skin and follicles enough time to recuperate. But when the ingrown hairs happen when the follicle grows back toward the follicle, leading to the clusters of small or pus-filled bumps, then you can release the hairs by use of gentle exfoliation.

The experts further advise taking time out at least twice a day so as to wash the back of the head either with a washcloth or even by use of a soft-bristled brush. Use circular motions for a few minutes before going to bed and each time before shaving. If signs of infection are still present, the experts advise use of an antibacterial soap whenever you wash, thus making sure that you use a clean washcloth and also a towel.


The most effective cure for the razor bumps is changing the way you shave so that you can avoid them. One option is through use of an electric razor, which doesn’t crop the hair as closely as a conventional shaving razor.

But if you want to continue shaving, the experts advise use of a single-bladed razor. Dampen the skin using warm water before using the lubricating shaving cream. Shave in the same direction of the hair growth, rather than against it, ensure to take time so as to rinse the razor after each stroke. Use a moisturizing aftershave after rinsing the skin well.

How to Get Rid of Pimples on Back of Head

Pimples on back of head are just as itchy as a pimple on the face or back, but difficult to treat due to the fact that they are covered by hair.

The only advantage to the scalp pimples is that they are hidden by your hair, but natural oils from the hair or headwear is able to worsen the scalp pimples or cause new ones to form. Learning how to treat the scalp acne and take various preventative measures is able to help ensure that the pimple location is not a recurring problem.

  1. Use benzoyl peroxide.Benzoyl peroxide is a very common ingredient in pimples washes and also the lotions. It works by getting rid of the bacteria that might otherwise clog pores so as to form new pimples.

It also assists to clear away the excess oil and also the dead skin cells from the affected area. Benzoyl peroxide is normally found in varying strengths in over-the-counter products.

Possible side effects of the benzoyl peroxide is bleached hair and also the clothing if using a product that has a lot of benzoyl peroxide. Caution must be used when using the product to the hair or scalp.

Other side effects include dry skin, a burning sensation, and also a possible scaling of skin.

  1. Apply salicylic acid.Salicylic acid is the most commonly used topical ingredients, which is found in most facial washes and also medicated wipes.

It assists to prevent pores from clogging and may even unclog pores that is become plugged, shrinking existing pimples on back of head or elsewhere on the body. It is normally found between 0.5 percent and 6 percent strengths in most over-the-counter topicals.

Possible side effects include some amount of skin irritation and a mild stinging sensation.

  1. Use an alpha hydroxyl acid.There are only two types of alpha hydroxyl acids: glycolic acid and also the lactic acid. Both forms of alpha hydroxyl acids are normally used in over-the-counter acne treatments, as they can assist to clear away the dead skin cells and also reduce pimples on back of head. Some studies indicate that alpha hydroxyl acids might also promote new, smoother skin growth.
  2. Try sulfur.Some other people who have pimples on back of head find that sulfur is a vital treatment option. It can assist to clear away dead skin cells and also the excess oil from the body, and is normally combined with other topical over-the-counter ingredients when found in a skin wash or even the medicated topical.

Be aware that some of the products having sulfur may have an unpleasant smell

  1. Apply retinoids.Retinoid is a type of topical medication derived from vitamin A. Retinoids usually prevent the plugging of the hair follicles so as to reduce the occurrence of pimples on back of head.

Use products having retinoids in the evenings. Start with using it three times in a week, and work your way up to daily use as the skin becomes accustomed to the medication.

  1. Try Dapsone.Dapsone is an antibiotic that is combined with the anti-inflammatory medication. This gel assists to treat pimples on back of head by getting rid of the bacteria and also keeping the pores in the skin clean and also unclogged. It is normally combined with a topical retinoid so as to maximize the effectiveness of both the medications. Possible side effects include dry skin and also the redness or irritation.
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