
Red Bumps on Skin [Symptoms & Treatment]

Red Bumps on Skin [Symptoms & Treatment]
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Experiencing red bumps on skin? Get insights on the causes and remedies of itchy and red bumps on skin.

Sometime it appears all over body or legs, resembling mosquito bite, random, painful, and know more about how to get rid of those and the best treatment.

Red Bumps on Skin

We often describe localized swollen areas on, or under, the skin as a bumps.

While bumpy skin may result from conditions that give rise to a skin rash, many other conditions can result in solitary raised pumps on the skin.

Infections, tumors, and the body’s response to trauma or injury can all lead to lumps or bumps that appear to be located on or underneath the skin.

Medium sized and tiny red bumps on skin are very common, and in most case they cannot cause any harm to the body. They can be triggered by several numbers of factors or condition like:

  • an infection
  • an allergic reaction
  • a skin disorder
  • skin cancer

Depending upon the cause, red bumps on skin may vary in size and be firm or soft to touch.

The overlying skin may be reddened or ulcerated. Skin bumps may or may not be painful or tender, depending upon the cause of the lesions. Most skin bumps get disappear on its own.

However, you should consult your doctor if your bumps are causing discomfort and making changes to your skin.

What Causes Red Spots on Skin?

As we age, we often feel that the days of bumpy skin embarrassments (teenage acne) are over. However, there are numerous, common skin conditions that can inflict us into adulthood.

While some of these skin difficulties are minor and can be dealt with by over the counter topical treatments, skin bumps can still be embarrassing.

Unfortunately, others can be painful, life-debilitating and indicative of another health problem.

So if you have a mysterious bumpy skin, here are ten common skin conditions that could be responsible:

  1. 1. Hives

Hives develop as an allergic reaction to food, environmental surroundings like dust, or medication. They form a rash of annoying and raised itchy welts that can also burn.

And will appear anywhere on the body in a few raised spots or they will join together to create one larger patch of raised, itchy skin that can last up to a few days.

  1. 2. Psoriasis

Psoriasis appear as a thick red rash that develops as white patches or silvery scales, most commonly on the  scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.

Even though it is not contagious, the rash will heal and usually recur as the immune system is compromised or put under stress.

  1. 3. Acne

This is a skin condition that’s usually associated with teenager and hormones, however, it’s appears as whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red lesions typically on the face, neck, and back of adults as well.

Commonly referred to as pimples or zits, acne is caused when pores become blocked by oil, bacteria, and dirt.

  1. 4. Shingles

Shingles are caused by the chickenpox virus.

They start in a rash that develop to little red bumps on the skin raised, tingling dots and gradually become painful blisters on the torso and buttocks that can take weeks and even months for the pain, itching and rash to subside.

Those who get chickenpox as a child are at risk for shingles in adulthood—and it’s possible to have recurring shingles.

  1. 5. Skin Tags

A skin tag forms as a small, annoying flap of flesh-colored tissue that protrudes from a stalk typically near the neck, shoulder, chest, armpit, under the breasts, or wherever there is friction.

Women and seniors are more prone to these annoying, but not dangerous skin ailments.

  1. 6. Warts

Warts are a rather harmless, but embarrassing formation of raised red bumps on skin, typically on the hands and feet.

Usually, they occur due to human papillomavirus (HPV) and they are contagious, painful, and stubborn to eradicate.

  1. 7. Herpes Stomatitis

This viral infection occurs as mouth ulcers and inflammation due to a virus or bacteria that is caused by a mouth injury, a virus or bacteria mostly affect bacco user, chemotherapy or radiation treatment, immune system conditions or irritation from mouth braces.

  1. 8. Carbuncle

A carbuncle is a skin infection that forms when a red bumps on skin of hair follicles become infected deep in the skin and form a mass filled with infection or pus.

Carbuncles can cause permanent scarring and can appear on basically any part of the body.

  1. 9. Impetigo

Impetigo is a very contagious skin condition that typically affects babies and toddlers due to diaper irritation, or irritation due to bacterial infection on the face, neck, and hands of infants.

There are two types of bacteria causing Impetigo

(a.) Streptococcus aureus

(b) Staphylococcus pyogenes, this is caused by a skin injury, insect or animal bite.

Although it rarely affects adults, impetigo can spread via skin-to-skin or bedding to skin contact (via contact with an infected person).

  1. 10. Dyshidrotic Eczema

This type of eczema forms as red bumps on a skin, itchy, fluid-filled blisters on the soles of the feet and on the palms of the hands.

The blisters are a response to seasonal allergies or stress, and can last a few weeks to a moth.

Red Bumps All Over Body

Outbreaks of itchy red bumps on skin are very common and have many different causes.

Itchy red bumps are annoying and uncomfortable, but they’re typically not difficult to diagnose and treat when doctors have the right information.

If you’re experiencing outbreaks, there are a couple of things you should consider before talking to a doctor.

What can you do?

Having these things in mind will help the doctor make a more accurate diagnosis.

First of all, you should think about anything unusual you’ve come into contact with. This list can include both natural materials (such as fruits or leaves) and artificial ones (like household chemicals).

Then you should check to see if anything on that list stands out to you: maybe you ate a fruit that you don’t normally eat, or used a new soap that you just bought.

If something jumps out, it’s likely that you have allergy related hive.

After getting your case diagnosed, you should ask your doctor about getting a blood allergy test.

The blood allergy test can look at your sensitivity to hundreds of different allergens and give you a full picture of your allergies.

You can use that information to avoid outbreaks in the future.

If your rash doesn’t seem related to an outside source, the next most likely cause is a disease or infection.

Infection related rashes are easy to spot because they normally come with other symptoms. They also usually appear after contact with an infected person.

Red Bumps on Skin [Symptoms & Treatment]

Red Bumps on Skin

Finally, think about how long your outbreak lasts. This information is important because different causes create rashes with different durations.

Allergy related hives, for example, rarely last more than a day (as long as the allergen is removed).

Outbreaks caused by infections, on the other hand, typically last much longer. Doctors can use information about the length of your outbreak to confirm their diagnosis.

Small Red Bumps All Over Body Home Remedy

In order to get some well deserved relief from itchy red bumps on skin due to things like dry skin, eczema, hives, mosquito bites, and general skin irritations, here are some soothing ingredients that you probably need:

  1. 1. Glycerin

Glycerin is an effective skin reliever because it draws water into the body. Its humectants properties create a moisturizing, cooling effect on parched or irritated skin.

Over-the-counter glycerin or glycerin soap are great remedies for those who suffer from eczema.

  1. 2. Mint

Mint is known for its calming effects on the digestive system. It’s actually the menthol within the plant leaves that have the anti-inflammatory affects on the intestines.

However, it has the same affect when applied to the bumpy skin as well. Just steep 1 ounce of dried mint leaves in boiling water, let cool, and apply to itchy skin.

  1. 3. Baking Soda

Soaking in a bath of baking soda for 30-60 minutes can make all the difference.

Add one cup baking soda to a tub of warm water. After the bath, it is important to gently pat your skin dry with a towel (or air-dry).

For more localized itching you can make a paste of one part water to three parts baking soda.

  1. 4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is already used in many skin creams and body washes for sensitive skin.

But when natural oats are made into a paste by adding water, it can be spread over irritated skin or sprinkled into a bath for a calming, soothing affect on irritated skin.

  1. 5. Thyme

Like mint, thyme is rich in thymol, an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory natural ingredient that lessens inflammation and numbs that creepy crawling feeling of itchy skin.

To prepare thyme for topical purposes, steep 1/2 ounce of dried thyme leaves in boiling water, let cool, then strain out the leaves and apply the remaining liquid to skin with a damp cloth or compress.

  1. 6. Essential Oils

Luckily, several essential oils will do the trick when it comes to soothing itchy, irritated skin.

For instance, lavender is known for its soothing properties, as well as bay leaf, calendula, chamomile, rosemary, geranium, and nettle.

You can choose to infuse your bath water or apply them right to the skin using a cotton compress.

  1. 7. Basil

Basil is another plant that can provide skin relief thanks to an anesthetic ingredient called eugenol.

Prepare a topical rinse by steeping 1/2 ounce of dried basil leaves in boiling water, let cool, and then apply to bath water or using a damp cloth on the skin.

  1. 8. Coconut or Almond Oil

Coconut and almond oils are used in massage oils and in moisturizers for a reason—they are both highly hydrating.

If you heat the oil just slightly (or warm it by rubbing your hands together), you can apply it all over your skin after a bath or shower for moisturizing skin relief.

  1. 9. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a well known antibacterial, antifungal, and cooling skin treatment. Rich in vitamin E, Aloe Vera is effective for soothing skin burns, inflamed or itchy skin.

You can either apply it topically in over-the-counter gel form or just snip a piece of an Aloe Vera plant to apply directly to the skin.

  1. 10. Lemon

Believe it or not lemon will soothe itchy skin. You might be wary that the citric and acetic acids will burn.

However, both have effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory benefits for soothing itchy skin and warding off bacteria.

Simply squeeze some fresh lemon juice onto a cotton pad and apply directly to affected skin.

Itchy Bumps on Skin like Mosquito Bites

The venom injected into your body from the bite or sting of an insect will cause your immune system to respond.

Often, your body’s immediate response will include little red bumps on skin and swelling at the site of the bite or sting. Minor delayed reactions include itching and soreness.

Insects, stings and bites

  • Stinging insects these include wasps, bees and hornets. The sting is due to venom (like a poison) which the insect ‘injects’ into the skin.
  • Biting insects these include midges, gnats, mosquitoes, flies, fleas, mites, ticks and bedbugs.

What may happen after an insect sting or bite?

Most people will be familiar with the common local skin reactions caused by insects.

  • An insect sting – typically causes an intense, burning pain. This is quickly followed by a patch of redness and a small area of swelling (up to 1 cm) around the sting. This usually eases and goes within a few hours.
  • An insect bite – you may not notice the bite (although some can be quite painful, particularly from a mosquito. However, saliva from the insect can cause a skin reaction such as:

-Irritation and itch over the site of the bite.

-A small itchy red bumps on skin which may develop up to 24 hours after a bite. This typically lasts for several days before fading away. Sometimes some redness (inflammation) surrounds each papule.

-A wheal is a red, slightly raised mark on the skin which is often itchy but temporary. It may develop immediately after being bitten.

Wheal lasts about two hours but is often followed by a small itchy solid lump which develops up to 24 hours later.

This can last for several days before fading away.

Occasionally, small skin reactions following an insect bite persist for weeks or months.

Skin reaction

A persistent skin reaction is particularly likely following a tick bite. Severe allergic reactions (described below) are rare after insect bites – they are more common after insect stings.

Some people have an allergic reaction to the venom in a sting. A localised reaction causes swelling at the site of the sting.

This becomes larger over several hours and then gradually goes away over a few days. The size of the swelling can vary but can become many centimetres across.

The swelling may even extend up an entire arm or leg. However, swelling is not dangerous unless it affects your airway.

However, if it is severe, the skin may break out in blisters.

Allergic reaction of the body after bite or sting by insect

The venom can cause your immune system to react more strongly. This may cause one or more of the following:

  • Itchy skin in many parts of the body, followed by an itchy blotchy rash that can appear anywhere on the body.
  • Swelling of your face which may extend to the lips, tongue, throat and upper airway.
  • A sense of impending doom.
  • Tummy (abdominal) cramps and feeling sick.
  • Dilation of the blood vessel, which can cause:
    • General redness of your skin.
    • A fast heart rate.
    • Low blood pressure, which can make you feel faint or even cause you to collapse.
  • Wheezing or difficulty in breathing due to an asthma attack or throat swelling.

Treatment of itchy bumps on skin for insect bites and sting

If stung by a bee and the stinger is still in place – scrape it out:

  • Scrape out a bee sting left in the skin as quickly as possible. Use the edge of a knife, the edge of a credit card, a fingernail, or anything similar.
  • The quicker you remove the sting the better; so use anything suitable to scrape out the sting quickly.
  • Do not try to grab the sting to pluck it out, as this may squeeze more venom into the skin. Scraping it out is better

The best way to prevent insect bites is by:

  • Avoiding insects
  • Wear protective clothing
  • use pesticide
  • Not eat foods or wear fragrances that attract insects

How to get rid of red bumps on skin?

Treatment for raised skin bumps depends on the underlying cause. Most of the common causes of skin bumps are harmless, so you probably won’t need treatment. However, if see the following symptoms:

  • Red bumps  on skin change or worsen in appearance, or last for a long time
  • you are in pain or they cause discomfort
  • you don’t know the cause of the bumps
  • you suspect you have an infection or skin cancer

You should see your doctor to perform a physical examination and inspect the skin bumps.

Expect him to answer questions about your bumps, medical history, and lifestyle habits.

Your doctor may also perform a skin biopsy to test if the skin bump is cancerous.

This procedure involves taking a small sample of skin tissue from the affected area for analysis.

Depending on the results, your doctor may refer you to a dermatologist or other specialist for further examination.

More reference:

  1. Skin treatment: https://therapieclinic.com/skin-treatments
  2. Raised skin bumps: healthline.com/health/raised-skin-bump
  3. Insect bite and sting: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/insect-bites-and-stings/
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