
Bumps after Shaving: Legs, Pubes, Down There, Face, Itchy, Red, Dots, How to Get Rid

Bumps after shaving causes
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What causes bumps after shaving? Get insights on bumps after shaving legs, pubes, down there, face, itchy, red, dots, how to get rid of them , prevention measures.

Bumps after Shaving Causes

Bumps after shaving causes

Bumps after shaving

There are many causes of small bumps after shaving, which include the following:

The wrong choice of shaving foam.

It would appear that shaving product might not affect shaving. This is not true. Each of the shaving products has some mitigating particles which may lead to allergic reactions and also the pimples. It is important to choose exactly the “correct” foam or gel which is suitable for a given skin type.

Some of the dermatologists strongly recommend not obtaining the expensive foam and use of the “old-fashioned” soap and also the shaving brushes. The likelihood of an allergy in this given situation is much reduced. If for some given reason soap is not suitable – for instance, if the skin is sensitive and the soap dries it – you should experiment until you find the product that is correct for you.

Shaving tool.

There is a lasting dispute about which one is better to deal with bumps after shaving: a razor or an electric shaver. In this particular case everything is individual and there is no given universal solution. It occurs that at first a shaver leads to an irritation and also after a while the skin gets used to it.

But, sometimes quite an opposite situation occurs. Here is also trial and error way is required. Some people combine both tools. Keep in mind that the electric shavers are very much different, both in design and also the producers. The choice is just individual.


The situation is the same as with the shaving products. Aftershaves might lead to allergies or not. There is a wide range of them: from the tonics and also the creams – to ointments and the sprays. Cologne usage is not very much recommended, as fragrance components that are included in it are toxic and very harmful to skin.

Dirty hands.

It is of logical reasoning that before shaving people require to wash hands thoroughly using soap and water. This can prevent open pores after the shaving from ingress of the dirt and infections.

Dirty tool. In any case do not use the razor which was lying on the floor or belongs to another person. The same is to electric shavers. The minimum “sanitary” purity should be kept.

Red Dots after Shaving Legs

About 50 percent of women have dryness as well as the irritation after shaving, according to reports from Gillette. Red dots on the legs, a pesky effect which emanates from in-grown hairs and also the rough shaves, may really detract from showing off with the latest shorts, but you can overcome this with the right shaving approach. It takes a very much simple combination of the prevention, careful shaving as well as treatment so as to make bumps after shaving disappear.

Step 1

Time the leg shaving properly. Some factors make the skin to be more sensitive, which heightens the chance of the post-shave irritation. As a general rule, shave about 1 week after your period for the ladies as the skin is more irritable just before or even during. Avoid shaving if you’ve recently had a lot of alcohol which make for sensitive, bump-susceptible skin.

Step 2

Soak in a warm shower for at least 5 minutes before shaving the legs to soften the hair. Gently scrub the gams using a loofah and also the exfoliating soap so as to open the pores. This will lessen the chance of creating ingrown hairs, then lessens the chance of red bumpiness. Do not exfoliate after shaving, as the act of shaving normally serves as an exfoliant; simply rinse the skin using cool water after you shave.

Step 3

Switch to a three-blade razor if you rely on a five-bladed model. High-tech razors might actually lead to red bumps if you have the sensitive skin, as they cut through to the sub dermal layer, making way for bumps on skin. In any case, turn to a razor that has an aloe or jojoba moisturizing strip for a smoother shave.

Step 4

Use only moderate pressure with a razor and also make short, smooth strokes rather than the long, sweeping strokes. Long strokes increase the chances of irritation, as does pushing the razor into skin with a lot of pressure. If you have to push the blade roughly to cut through hair, then replace the blade.

Step 5

Follow the shave with a moisturizing lotion after you get out of shower and pat the legs dry. Apply a lotion using anti-inflammatory ingredients, like menthol, lactic acid, or urea, so as to reduce the chance of redness.

Red Bumps after Shaving Pubes

Red bumps after shaving pubes

Red spots after shaving pubes

Razor bumps may appear after you have shaved the pubic area. They usually appear when the hair grows back into skin and can thus make the area to feel irritated. If you are much prone to the red bumps after shaving and also an irritation after shaving of the delicate area, take enough preventative steps so as to avoid the condition. If symptoms persist, then consider alternative hair removal methods like depilatory use and also waxing.

Step 1

Shave during or after a shower, so the skin and hair have softened by the steam.

Step 2

Replace the razor. Always use a new razor when you require to shave the pubic area. When a razor is dull, it is able to irritate the skin and cause razor bumps. Electric razors might give a better shave as well and can be used on pubic skin.

Step 3

Use a moisturizing shaving gel when removing hair using a razor from the pubic area. Aloe vera is soothing to skin and will not lead to an irritation that commonly happens when you shave using soap. You may require to reapply the shaving gel very much frequently while doing away with the hair in your pubic area.

Step 4

Get rid of the hair in a downward motion. As you slide the razor over the skin, avoid shaving against the hair growth and instead ensure to shave downwards. Avoid stretching the skin while shaving.

Step 5

Moisturize the area after shaving. Keep the red bumps at bay by using a generous amount of a moisturizing lotion to bikini line.


  • If you notice any amount of pus, severe pain or even the swelling at the area of the red bumps, then contact the doctor for treatment. You might have developed an infection.

Red Bumps after Shaving down there

Red bumps after shaving are not only an unsightly by-product of the hair removal, but they can as well become infected and lead to the pain and also the skin problems. The bikini area might be particularly problematic due to the fact that the skin is so sensitive. Follow along after the jump so as to learn how to treat the bumps and also get back to smooth, irritation-free skin.

  1. Let the hair grow a bit before shaving. Shaving over razor bumps can only irritate them open, leaving them much vulnerable to an infection (and probably not getting rid of much hair in the process). If you can, then you should let the hair grow for a few days and then see if it breaks out of the bumps on its own.
  2. Resist the urge to scratch the skin area. It can itch, but breaking the bumps with the fingernails can cause an infection and also scarring. Try to hold off as much as you can.
  3. Use a product which is designed to treat razor bumps. Look for a product that has salicylic acid, glycolic acid, aloe, or any combination of the ingredients. Some of the products might come in a roller bottle which is designed to go directly on the skin, while others may need you to put the solution on a cotton ball and then dab it on the skin.
    • If you don’t understand what to buy, call the local waxing salon and inquire what they recommend to clients. You can probably obtain the product there also, or look around online.
    • Apply the solution to the skin at least once in a day, if not more. You should aim to do it when you get out of shower, before the skin has sweat or anything else on it.

Red Spots after Shaving Face

Red bumps after shaving face

Res spots after shaving face

After you shave, whether it’s the face or elsewhere on the body such as the legs, then you may notice small red bumps. These are commonly called the razor bumps. Columbia University’s Health Services indicates that razor bumps happen when the shaved hair follicle curls inward to the skin. The body then thinks it’s an intruder and the immune system attacks it, thus creating the red spots, an indication of irritation that you see. Modification of how an individual should shave, plus the application of the right skin care products, can greatly assist you to soothe away the red bumps and also prevent them from happening in the first place.

Step 1

Splash the skin using warm water. This softens both the hair as well as the skin for a cleaner, closer shave. For the best results and least chance of irritating the skin, the doctors recommends shaving after you’ve gotten out of the shower or bath.

Step 2

Use a shaving gel, shaving cream lubricating shaving treatment. This assists to create a thin barrier between the shaving razor and the skin to assist prevent the irritation as well as the problems that can cause razor bumps.

Step 3

Wait for 10 minutes, recommends the doctors. This lets the shaving cream or even the gel penetrate your hair and also the skin for extra softening of the hair.

Step 4

Shave using a very sharp razor and drag it across the skin in the direction that the hair naturally grows. Doing otherwise might force the hair into the skin, directly leading to the red razor bumps.

Step 5

Rinse the skin using warm water, then pat it dry using a clean, soft towel. Don’t rub the freshly shaved skin using the towel, as that can lead to skin irritation.

Step 6

Dab on a skin care cream formulated with benzoyl peroxide, according to dermatologists. The doctors say that these products help remove the redness and inflammation if preventative measures don’t reduce them.


  • The red bumps naturally disappears on their own if a person practices proper shaving principles.

Itchy Red Bumps after Shaving

Red, itchy bumps after shaving can occur to anyone, any part of the skin a razor touches the skin. Legs, face, underarms, both men and women, unfortunately, is an equal-opportunity irritation.

Thankfully, most of the culprits of the nasty red bumps may be easily remedied. Dull razors, skin cream irritants or even a too-fast shave all leads to shaving irritation, but using a few tweaks to the routine, you can calm the skin and then prevent the bumps from coming back.

Step 1

Pat hydrocortisone cream on irritated areas. Aloe contains cooling properties that can take the burn out of razor rash, while the hydrocortisone cream is able to calm itchy bumps.

Step 2

Lay cool tea bags over the red rashes. The tannic acid that is found naturally in tea assists to soothe irritated skin.

Step 3

Use a fragrance-free lotion which is designed specifically for the sensitive skin so as to keep irritated skin moisturized. The heavy fragrances, dyes as well as the strong chemicals in some of the lotions can exacerbate irritated skin.


Step 1

Slather on a thick shaving cream in a warm shower. Hot water is very drying, and cold water can lead to goose bumps. Wait until the end of the shower to shave, when the skin is softer and the pores open.

Step 2

Shave using a sharp, clean blade. Dull blades tug at hairs instead of slicing them cleanly, which can lead to the hair pull against the skin and also become inflamed. This inflammation can also cause ingrown hairs.

Step 3

Try shaving with the growth of the hair, not against it. When you shave against the growth direction of the hair, then the razor blade pulls the hair up and also away from the skin, which can lead to an irritating friction at the base of each hair. If you shave against the grain, then a sharp blade and also a creamy shaving lotion will assist to minimize tugging.

Step 4

Exfoliate bumpy areas twice a week using glycolic acid or a smooth bead exfoliate. Hard exfoliates, such as the nut shells, might scratch the skin. Exfoliation will also assist to prevent bumps brought about by ingrown hairs.

Step 5

Pat on a fragrance-free moisturizer. Pay close attention to how the skin reacts. If you feel any kind of warmness, itching or even stinging as you apply the lotion, rinse it off immediately using cool water. Aloe vera is both soothing and also moisturizing, so you can pat it on skin which is irritated from a harsh lotion.

How to Get Rid of Bumps after Shaving

  1. How to get rid of bumps after shaving

    Cold compress helps to treat razor bumps

    Cold Compress

A cold compress is an effective and easy way to obtain an instant relief from burning sensation brought about by bumps after shaving. It soothes the area and might reduce inflammation. Also, it will assist to reduce redness and also itching, and also prevent razor bumps from forming.

  • Wrap a few ice cubes in a very thin towel. Simply place the towel on the affected skin area for a few minutes.
  • Alternatively, you may soak a cloth in cold water and then place it on the affected skin area for about 10 minutes.

Repeat either of the treatments several times a day as required.

To prevent razor burn, try to splash with cold water on the skin immediately after shaving.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Bumps after shaving burns can be treated very fast using apple cider vinegar. Its anti-inflammatory properties work so as to reduce inflammation and also the itching sensation. Also, the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar assists to prevent infection.

  1. Dab a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and use it on the affected skin.
  2. Allow it to air dry, and then wash it off using warm water.
  3. Do the process three times a day until the bumps disappears.

Those who have sensitive skin should dilute apple cider vinegar with some water before applying it.

  1. Aspirin

Aspirin is an easy and simple way to get rid of bumps after shaving very quickly. The anti-inflammatory property of aspirin assists to reduce redness and also inflammation.

  1. Put about three aspirins in 1 teaspoon of warm water.
  2. Let it sit for 5 minutes, until it turns into a paste.
  3. Rub the paste on the affected skin.
  4. Leave it on for 5 minutes, and then wash it off using lukewarm water.
  5. Use the simple treatment twice a day so as to get rid of discomfort. It will also help you get rid of bumps after shaving.

Those with highly sensitive skin should not use this remedy.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a great choice for soothing bumps after shaving. The soothing as well as cooling nature of aloe vera will provide an instant relief from the inflammation. Also, aloe vera can keep the skin moisturized, which speeds up the healing process.

  1. Extract fresh aloe vera gel from the aloe vera leaf.
  2. Rub the gel on the affected part.
  3. Allow it to dry and then rinse it off with cold water.
  4. Follow the treatment three times daily for three days.
  1. Black Tea

The black tea bags that you use to make a cup of tea can also assist get rid of bumps after shaving. The tannic acid in tea assists to reduce redness and inflammation.

  1. Moisten the black tea bag in warm water.
  2. Allow the tea bag to cool or even you can put it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  3. Rub the cool tea bag over the affected area for three minutes.
  4. Repeat the process about 3 times daily as needed.
  1. Honey

Known for its antibacterial properties, honey can be used to treat bumps after shaving quickly. It can reduce swelling and inflammation, and keep the skin moisturized. Also, honey is able to prevent the area from being infected.

  • Apply some amount of honey directly on the irritated skin. Allow it to air dry and then rinse it off using cold water.
  • Alternatively, you can mix together 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt. Apply the mixture on the affected area, allow it to sit for 20 minutes, and then rinse it off using lukewarm water.

Use either of these treatments 3 times a day for as long as needed.

How to prevent red Bumps after Shaving Pubes

How to prevent razor bumps

How to prevent bumps after shaving

1.) Use a Sharp Razor to Get Rid of Razor Bumps on Bikini Area

The best way to ensure that the razor is clean and also sharp is by using it not more than 2 times. Dull blades do not only irritate the skin around the hair follicle, but also leave a stump of hair having pointed heads which re-enter and then puncture the skin, leading to red bumps after shaving. In addition, old and also dull blades might facilitate harmful bacteria, which easily enter the irritated area during shaving. If you do not have a new blade, then ensure that you treat the old one using alcohol before using it.

Start by shaving the bikini area first while your blade is sharpest before moving to other less sensitive areas. You might also try men’s razors.

2.) Exfoliation to Get Rid of Razor Bumps on Bikini Area

Apply a moisturizer or an exfoliant like a mitt, or loofahs sponge twice a week. This particular technique prevents razor bumps by getting rid of the dead cells which block hair follicles. It also gives a smooth surface, which makes the blade to cut easily and also prevent irritating the skin.

Exfoliation also frees any hair which is trapped within bumps, opens up any clogged pores, preventing the spread of infection to other areas from existing razor bumps, and gets rid of the formation of news ones. If the skin is inflamed, it is best to wait for a day or so after shaving before you exfoliate to reduce further irritation.

3.) Shaving in a warm Shower

Take a warm shower before shaving, you should also ensure that you wash the area well and use a moisturizer having alpha glycolic acids. Instead, you can also lay a wet washcloth over the area for about 10 minutes before shaving. Warm water softens the hair and prevents irritation. You can as well wash the area using salicylic acid to get rid of any possible present bacteria. After shaving, you should apply cold water so as to close up the skin pores and also prevent further irritation and infections.

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