
Pimples on Pubic area: Male, Female, under Skin, Painful, Treatment

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What are the painful bumps on your private parts? A look at the pimples on pubic area, male, female, under skin, painful, lump, bumps, on private parts, get rid, prevent

Pimples on Pubic Area Causes

pimple on pubic area

pimple on pubic area

  • Eczema. This particular skin condition leads to itchy, red patches of skin that might start out as a rash which develops into blisters. Skin dryness, scaling as well as itching are very much common. This is not very contagious, but the symptoms may come and disappear. It is not a very serious condition and it normally gets better with the simple home remedies. Although it is common in young children, adults may have it, also. Eczema may affect any part of the body, but commonly in areas where skin folds happen, like the front of the elbow, and the hands. Treatment consists of topical steroids as well as the skin moisturizers so as to relieve itching.
  • Allergic contact dermatitis. This is a local hypersensitivity reaction that can happen after being exposed to some chemicals that are found in clothes or skin care products. Pink to red bumps might appear, which can develop into blisters. It is not contagious and can improve when exposure to offending agent is avoided. Topical steroids as well as the antihistamines might assist to reduce itching and also inflammation.
  • Folliculitis. Infection and also the inflammation of hair follicles can cause the appearance of pimples on pubic area. Possible causes include wearing of the tight clothing, excessive sweating, and injury to skin. Pus formation, pain and also tenderness happen. Treatment includes cleaning the area using an antibacterial soap and application of topical antibiotic.
  • Jock itch or tinea cruris. This is a fungal infection of skin in the groin. It is very common among athletes and the men who like to wear tight jeans and people who are overweight or have diabetes. Itchy, red patches with scaly edges are also found in the groin and also the thighs, but not in the genitals. Treatment consists of the antifungal creams and use of the loose fitting, cotton clothing.
  • Scabies. This infectious skin condition is brought about by mites, which burrow into the skin, thus producing pink and also red bumps, that appears like bug bites or pimples, sometimes with a scab. The small burrow, which appears as a small, scaly line may be difficult to see. The skin is intensely itchy, mostly at night. Constant scratching can lead to infection with the bacteria. Treatment consists of the prescribed medicated lotions and creams, like permethrin 5% cream, crotamiton 10% cream, or even the precipitated sulfur.
  • Psoriasis. This is a very noncontagious, chronic skin condition that leads to a thickened, scaly pimples on pubic area. It also tends to run in families, but it might be triggered by emotional stress, injury to the skin, and some medications. Areas that are commonly affected are the scalp, elbows, and buttocks. There is no cure for the psoriasis, but treatment includes the use of skin moisturizers, hydrocortisone cream, and also the skin products that has salicylic acid.
  • Molluscum contagiosum. This common skin condition leads to the small, painless, dome-shaped bumps on the skin. It is brought about by a viral infection that is able to spread through sexual contact or through indirect contact with towels or even the clothing. Warm, moist climate and also the poor hygiene increases the risk of spread. Scratching is to be avoided so as to prevent spread of infection. No treatment is required for mild cases, but for very severe cases, a prescription cream that has tretinoin or imiquimod might be used.
  • Sexually transmitted infections. Skin bumps, and sores in the pubic, groin, or the genital area may be because of the STIs, which include genital warts (brought about by human papillomavirus), genital herpes (brought about by herpes simplex virus), and also the pubic lice. These might be the first symptoms of STI, and it is also advisable not to have sexual contact until you are evaluated by the doctor. STIs might be accompanied by symptoms like vaginal or penile discharge, fever, pimples, muscle ache.

Pimples on Pubic Area Male

  1. Pubic lice.

Lice are tiny bugs that are able to live anywhere on the body.  They prefer thicker, which is why they are common in the pubic area (but can as well be found in the armpits, beard, eyelashes and head hair).


  • are about 2mm long – smaller than head of a match
  • Are grey or even brown in colour.
  • The female lays eggs which are smaller than a pinhead in hair. She can lay up to 300 in 3 months. The eggs are white in colour.
  • These hatch after about 10 days.
  1. Jock itch.

Jock itch (also known as the Dhobi itch, gym itch, jock rot) is brought about by a fungal infection in the skin of the groin area.

What are the symptoms of jock itch?

  1. Itching in the groin area and or the skin folds of the thigh.
  2. The skin might appear lighter or darker in colour.
  3. Pimples on pubic area also manifests.
  4. There are red, raised circular patches of the scaly skin.  They have dark red outer rim and also a pale red or even the normal skin colour inside the patch.  These patches might blister and ooze fluid.
  1. Lichen simplex chronicus.

This skin problem leads to a long term itching-scratching cycle which might be very hard to break.

  • Whatever the trigger (skin condition or even irritation from clothing) this sets off an itch-scratch cycle.  This implies that the more a person scratch the more the skin itches.
  • This can happen on any part of the body, including the pubic area.
  • The skin becomes scaly in places where the scratch occurs.
  • These patches might appear leathery.
  • The itching might be worse with stress.
  • There might be raw areas and also scratch lines on the skin.

Painful Bump on Pubic Area Female

Common causes of painful bumps in the groin area include:

  • a cyst – which is a harmless fluid-filled lump
  • swollen glands – a sign of infection, like a cold or even the glandular fever; the glands tend to go down when you recover
  • a hernia – where an internal part of the body, like the bowel, pushes through a weakness in the muscle or even the surrounding tissue wall
  • an enlarged vein – also called a saphena varix, which is brought about by a faulty valve that is inside the vein (the lump normally disappears when a person lies down)
  • genital warts – small, fleshy growths brought by a sexually transmitted infection (STI)

Lump in Pubic Area Female under Skin

You can as well get bumps in the pubic area that are harmless. These include cysts, and Mollusca.

Cysts are yellowish round lumps that are under the skin, which feel like a small ball that can easily be moved around. These might enlarge slightly, but they stay about the same and do not lead to any problems. They are brought about usually by blocked hair follicles. No treatment is required.

Angiomas are the small collections of blood vessels and are either bright red or even slightly purplish. These do not enlarge or bleed. No treatment is required.

Mollusca are viral in origin and in the pubic area are sexually-transmitted.
They are usually skin colored, tiny. They will disappear with time, but this might take up to four years.

Although they don’t lead to any disease or increase the chance of cancer, they do represent a sexually-transmitted disease and are an indication of unprotected sexual intercourse. Thus, if you develop, you should see the doctor and get tested for possibility of other sexually-transmitted diseases, like HIV, syphilis and hepatitis.

How to Get Rid of Pimples on Pubic Area

The hair of the pubic region makes the area to be prone to the acne-type lesions known as the folliculitis. The spots are, an inflammation of hair follicles, and appear as the red bumps, sometimes with pus being inside them. Itchiness as well as the tenderness are common. The pimples on pubic area contains several potential causes, including friction, fungi and also the yeasts. Folliculitis pimples in the pubic area are highly treatable and generally be cleared, but the condition frequently recurs, making the repeat treatment important.

Step 1

Wash the pubic area twice a day. Pubic acne normally stems from microorganisms, like the bacteria or even the fungi, growing in the area. You can also use the antibacterial soap or even the body wash or try an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment.

Step 2

Keep dry. Moisture, like from sweat, enhances growth of germs which contribute to folliculitis. You might want to use a blow dryer three times per day.

Step 3

Take a break from the hair removal, if that is part of the grooming routine. This can let the irritation go down. Shaving in particular can lead to the pimples on pubic area. Give the area six weeks of rest. When you do go back to the shaving, following up with a soothing aftershave can be beneficial, according to the dermatologists.

Step 4

Use the compresses so as to relieve the discomfort during healing. A warm washcloth moist with water might serve the purpose if it is used many times a day, according to the dermatologists. Also worth a try is a warm compress that is made with white vinegar.

Step 5

Wear clean, loose-fitting clothing. Tight clothing is able to irritate hair follicles. The dermatologists recommend washing clothing in hot, soapy water after each wearing. This does away with microorganisms, dead skin cells and also the sweat.


  • Some cases of the folliculitis are very much contagious, so direct skin contact with the affected skin area should be avoided until the condition has completely cleared up.
  • Diabetes, obesity and also compromised immune systems can cause folliculitis in pubic area as well as other areas.

Ingrown hairs, commonly called the razor bumps, are the hairs that have curled and grown back into the skin instead of rising up from it.

According to dermatologists, ingrown hairs or razor bumps appear frequently among people of the African American community or all other people who have curly hair.

An ingrown hair might produce a raised bump that appears like a little pimple. At times, there might be pus inside the bump. It also leas to redness, inflammation, pain and also irritation in the area.

The condition occurs frequently where people shave to do away with unwanted hair, like the beard area, legs and bikini area.

  1. Avoid shaving if possible

It would be better if you could stop shaving, more especially in case of the women who have the option of using hair-removal creams. However, if that is not possible, in case of men who prefer remaining clean shaven, use a clean needle so as to release the shaft when you notice that pimples on pubic area are forming – this will ensure that the bumps do not in any way grow.

  1. Aloe vera

If you have pimples on pubic area or on any part of your body, especially in the extremely sensitive vaginal area, aloe vera is the best option. If you have an aloe plant at home, then break off the tip of a leaf and then apply the gel directly to the inflamed area. If you don’t, then buy an aloe gel, but be very much sure to opt for one that has no artificial components. Even the skin specialist would tell you how treatment for doing away with the pimples on pubic area.

  1. Cold compress

It’s commonplace for women to have burning sensations on the skin in or even around their pubic area and the underarms after shaving. This simple remedy might assist a lot to overcome the itching and also burning. Ice cubes that is wrapped in a piece of cloth or even the towel will make the burning sensation subside. Not only will it assist to reduce inflammation, it will also prevent the pimples on pubic area from growing in size.

  1. Also, hot compress

Unlike the cold compress, the hot compress, which you might make by dipping the cotton wool in warm water, will open up the pores and then allow the hair in the affected area to become free. This particular remedy is best after you have shaved.

  1. Aspirin

Aspirin that is mixed in a teaspoon of water to form a paste, if it is applied twice a day on pimples on pubic area, is sure to help. Be sure that you leave it on for about 10 minutes before washing it off using lukewarm water.

  1. Witch hazel

For any person who can get access to the witch hazel, we would advise strongly that you use it, since it is one of the best remedies available for pimples on pubic area. Apply it directly on the inflamed area to reduce redness and irritation.

  1. Lemon juice

Lemon juice, due to its acidic properties, can help with razor bumps by keeping the bacteria away. Rub it onto the sore areas so as to keep all problems at bay. Use it with caution, but, because it will react with the painful part of the skin, and also sting a bit.

  1. Honey

Not only is honey a very good soothing option, it also has anti-bacterial properties – these are sure to ensure that you can do away with the pimples on pubic area with ease – and fast. It will prevent the affected region from becoming in any way infected, and keep the skin well moisturized. You can apply honey, leave it to dry, and rinse it off using cold water; alternatively, you can also mix honey and also the plain yoghurt, apply it to the affected area, and wash it off using lukewarm water after about 20 minutes.

  1. Tea

Only use black tea for this purpose. Moisten a black tea bag in the warm water, and allow it to cool. Rub this over the bumps for a minutes or so. The tannic acid will assist to reduce redness and also irritation. As with nearly all other remedies on the list, you can do this as many times a day as you feel necessary, until you see the itchy hair pimples on pubic area subside.

  1. Tea tree oil

Clearly, tree is great not only for the drinking, but also really assists with dealing with the pimples on pubic area. Tea tree oil, being an anti-bacterial agent, will assist you deal with the razor bumps on legs with much ease. Make sure that you dilute it using some amount of water before using it directly, however.

  1. Hydrocortisone cream

This isn’t quite a traditional home remedy, you have some of this lying around at home for the skin burns and also the inflammations anyway. Just use some on the pimples on pubic area, and you’re good to go.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar keeps the inflammation at bay, and it has acetic acid, which will prevent the infection from developing.

  1. Baking soda

Baking soda has anti-inflammatory properties which can keep any burning sensation and also the itchiness at bay.

  1. Cucumber

Cucumber is soothing, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is also full of vitamins. Refrigerate a few slices, and then apply to do away with the pimples on pubic area.

  1. Olive oil

Olive oil contains anti-inflammatory properties also. Mix with tea tree oil, leave it on for a while, and then rinse off so as to cure hair and also the shaver bumps.

How to Prevent Pimple like Bumps on Pubic Area

  1. Always wash the bikini area twice a day, this can prevent the bacteria from appearing there. Make sure that you use a soap that is specifically used for the bikini area.
  2. If you use a razor to shave unwanted hair, you are required to make sure that the razor is clean and also very sharp so as to prevent pimples from appearing in the bikini area. Never use the same razor once it is blunt, it is actually healthy to change it every few days.
  3. To prevent the pimples on pubic area, you are required to always moisturize with products that have hydroxide. Also remember to scrub the bikini area twice a week so as to get rid of any dead skin cells.
  4. Before getting rid of any unwanted hair from the bikini area, be sure to shower using hot water first, as this will open up the pores, and getting rid of the hair will be a lot easier.
  5. The most vital tip to prevent pimples on pubic area, is to try and avoid any ingrown hairs. So be sure to get rid of any unwanted hair correctly, implying in the opposite direction of its growth.
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