Red Spots

Blood Spots on Skin, Red, Tiny, Raised, Itchy, Bumps, Pictures, Causes, Get Rid

raised blood spots on skin
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What causes blood spots on skin? Here is a closer look at the blood spots on skin with focus on red, raised, pictures, causes and how to get rid of them.

raised blood spots on skin

blood spots on skin

Blood Spots on Skin Causes

When the blood vessel bursts open, a small amount of the blood escapes from the vessel into the body. This blood can show up just under the surface of the skin. Blood vessels may also burst for several other reasons, but it normally happens as a result of an injury.

Bleeding might look as blood spots on skin, known as petechiae, or in larger, flat patches, known as purpura. Some of the birthmarks may be mistaken for bleeding into the skin. Usually, when you press the skin it becomes pale, and when you let go, the redness or the color then returns. When there is bleeding into the skin, the skin might not become pale when you press down on it.

Blood spots on skin often come from a minor occurrence, like bruising. The bleeding may appear as a small dot the size of the pinprick or even as a patch as large as an adult hand. Bleeding into the skin can also be an indication of a serious medical condition. Always see talk to the doctor about bleeding into the skin that is not related to an injury.

Common causes of bleeding into the skin are as below:

  • injury
  • allergic reaction
  • infections of the blood
  • birth
  • bruises
  • chemotherapy side effects
  • radiation side effects

Certain infections and diseases can cause blood spots on skin, such as:

  • meningitis, which is an inflammation of the membranes that is covering the brain and spinal cord
  • leukemia, which is a cancer of the blood cells
  • strep throat, which is a bacterial infection that leads to a sore throat
  • sepsis, which is normally a body-wide inflammatory response to bacterial infection

If you have any of the following symptoms then you should seek medical care immediately:

  • pain that emanates from the area of bleeding
  • significant amount of bleeding from an open wound
  • a lump over blood spots on skin
  • darkening of the skin affected
  • bleeding gums, urine, or stool

Red Blood Spots on Skin

red blood spots on skin

red blood spots on skin

Red blood spots on skin are very common medical complaint. When the spots happen in outbreaks, they are sometimes known as rashes. Rashes can happen because of infections of the skin, disseminated infections (that have spread throughout the body), allergic reactions, or even the irritations of the skin.

When the red bump or even a rash is flat, it is medically called a macule. When the red spot is much raised, it is called a papule. Erythema is the medical term that is used for redness of the skin.

Red spots on skin that happen singly might be a small benign tumor of the blood vessels, called a hemangioma. Tiny, pinpoint hemorrhages might be seen in the skin and are known as petechiae. Bleeding disorders may also lead to the formation of purplish red spots that are larger.

Rashes may also be associated with other symptoms, like the hives or even itching. Red blood spots on skin that are related to an underlying medical conditions can be associated with symptoms of the underlying condition.

Blood spots on skin can be either purpura or petechiae. Purpura might appear like bruises, but they are not brought about by an injury as most regular bruises are. Petechiae don’t appear like bruises. They are tiny, red or even the purple spots that are found on the skin, but they are very different than the tiny, flat, red spots or birthmarks that are present all the time.

Sudden unexplained bruising or blood spots on skin or a sudden increase in the frequency of bruising may be brought about by:

  • A medicine, like aspirin or blood thinners.
  • Infection that leads to the buildup of toxin in the blood or even the tissues.
  • A bleeding or clotting disorder, like hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, or another less common bleeding or the clotting disorder.
  • Inflammation of a blood vessels
  • Malnutrition, like the deficiencies of vitamins B12, or K, or folic acid.

Other diseases that might affect clotting. Examples are:

    • Chronic inflammatory diseases, like the lupus.
    • Liver disease, like the cirrhosis.
    • Some types of cancer, like Hodgkin’s disease, or multiple myeloma.

Medical treatment for the abnormal bruising or even blood spots focuses much on preventing or also stopping bleeding, or adjusting a medicine that can be leading to the bruising, or even treating the medical problem that is leading to the bruising.

If the skin is injured over a bruise, then you should be sure to watch for signs of a skin infection.

Tiny Blood Spots on skin

  1.  Red Mole (Cherry Angiomas)

Cherry angiomas are very common and may appear on any area of the body. Also called senile angiomas, they normally affect people who are over 30 years of age. They appear as blood spots on skin due to the broken blood vessels inside them.

While the exact cause of the skin growths is not very clear, many of the experts believe it has something to do with the genetics. Some of the people are likely to get them compared to others. They are more likely to appear during pregnancy and even linked to the climate and exposure to the chemicals.

You do not usually require to worry about the skin growths unless you notice a change in their shape, or color. Talk to the doctor if they bleed often.

  1.  Petechiae

If you see any pinpoint, tiny red dots on skin, they might be petechiae. These particular growths normally develop due to bleeding, and this is the reason why they may appear as red blood spots on skin, or even purple.

They appear more like a rash and also in clusters. The color normally remains the same even when you press on them. And they may also appear on the eyelids or on the inner surface of the mouth.

Causes: While the petechiae are very common, they can indicate several conditions. The most common causes are the allergic reaction, autoimmune diseases, and viral infections that impair clotting. Some medical treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, and also leukemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and other bone marrow malignancies may also lead to petechiae to appear.

Drugs like aspiring, heparin, or cortisone can also lead to petechiae. They are very common in newborns and have become prominent after violent vomiting.

Treatment: Antibiotics are normally prescribed in the case of an infection leading to petechiae formation and also the appearance. If the blood spots on skin are as a result of injuries to the blood capillaries, apply cold compressions over the affected area.

It is suggested that before applying ice, a paper towel should be put between your skin and the ice pack. This can prevent damage to the skin surface.

  1.  Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris also causes small red blood spots on skin. This genetic disorder usually affects hair follicles of the skin and normally manifests as small folliculocentric keratotic papules. They are also described as chicken skin, or goose bumps and normally appear on the outer-upper highs and arms.

The condition normally gets better in summer months and also becomes worse during winter when the skin becomes very dry. The condition is self-limited and improves with age. There is no treatment available for it, but you can use moisturizing lotions and creams so as to make things feel better.

  1.  Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis

    raised blood bumps on skin

    raised blood bumps on skin

Leukocytoclastic vasculitis or also called hypersensitivity vasculitis refers to the inflammation of the small blood vessels. Leukocytoclastic is a term that is used to refer to debris of the immune cells or the neutrophils within the walls of blood vessels.

The disease can only affect the skin or even spread to other organs of the body, including the central nervous system, heart, lungs, and the kidneys.

Symptoms: When it affects the skin, you notice the damaged blood vessels that normally become leaky. It leads to hemorrhage that appears as small areas of the purple-red, or tiny blood spots on skin, also known as palpable purpura. These lesions are commonly found on the legs.

They generally do not lead to any symptom, but you can sometimes feel some pain and itching. More severe vessel inflammation can lead to large ulcerated blisters that might be very painful. They can make you deal with all other issues, including abdominal pain, blood in the urine, numbness, and cough.

Treatment: The doctor is able to consider the medical history before determining the best treatment option that can be applied for leukocytoclastic vasculitis. If you have a single occurrence of the tiny red blood spots on skin, this is an acute case.

The lesion diminishes in this case after removal of the drug, infection, or food that can be leading to the problem. In recurrent or even the chronic cases, the doctor will have to consider several other factors so as to select a treatment option.

They may ask for the tests to help identify an underlying systemic disease. They may also give corticosteroids and the immunosuppressive agents in case the disease has spread to internal organs. Medications like dapsone and colchicines may assist to treat chronic cases.

  1.  Rheumatic Fever

Not seeking treatment for the strep throat in a timely manner may lead to rheumatic fever. It normally affects children from the age of 5 and 15 years. Older children as well as adults may also contract the fever. It is not a very serious illness and when left untreated, it may lead to serious issues including permanent damage to the heart, stroke, and death.

As it is a complication of the strep throat, you should go for a strep test if the child experience certain specific symptoms, like the sore throat with the swollen lymph nodes and tiny blood spots on skin. They may also have trouble swallowing with thick, blood discharge from nose.

Once the doctor confirms that the child has rheumatic fever, they can decide to apply one of the following treatment options:

  • Antibiotics can be prescribed to assist treat the infection and might also prescribe a long-term treatment so as to avoid reoccurrence.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications can also be used to deal with pain. The most common choices are the naproxen and aspirin. Some of the healthcare providers may also apply corticosteroids so as to reduce inflammation.
  • The child may be required to take anticonvulsant medications for some time if involuntary movements are causing serious problems.

In addition, the child is required to take plenty of rest until pain and inflammation disappear completely. It is important to ensure rest for a few weeks at least if the fever causes heart problems.

Raised Blood Spots on Skin

Blood spots are the bright red vascular blemishes that lie just under the surface of the skin. They are dome shaped or slightly raised. Blood spots are found on the midriff front or back. Most of the people over the age of 25 have at least one blood spot on skin or Campbell de Morgan Spot. They all begin out as a tiny pin-prick in size, but normally continue to grow and may become raised and noticeable.

The bright red or the purple colour appearance of the blood spots on skin is the result of tiny capillaries at the skin’s surface that are clustering together and dilating. They are not very harmful in any way, and are considered to be a benign skin growth.

Blood spots on skin are not very painful, but some are prone to bleeding when they are scratched or bruised. People may need them removed just because they find them much annoying or unsightly. From a purely medical perspective they don’t need removal unless they’re prone to very frequent bleeding.

In some cases, raised blood spots on skin do enlarge past their normal size as indicated. In these cases, if you notice the growth of blood spots on skin it may be a perfect idea to have it removed. Sometimes doctors can perform a biopsy just to be sure that the spot is a harmless angioma.

This is normally unnecessary as they are well recognized by the medical community. Larger blood spots on skin may require a second treatment a few weeks after the first. For this given reason alone is it better to get them treated whilst they are small, quickly and easily treated.

tiny bloody spots on skin

tiny bloody spots on skin

How to Get Rid of Blood Spots on Skin

The following are the best home remedies:

  1. Ice

The first thing you are required to do when treating a blood blister is to use an ice wrap. The cold temperature can make the blood vessels constrict, which can reduce swelling and thus stop the internal bleeding.

If you don’t have ice, you can also use a bag of frozen peas or even a cold spoon.

  1. Put some ice cubes in the plastic bag and wrap the bag in a clean small towel.
  2. Place the wrap on the blister for about 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the ice for some time and then use it again.
  4. Repeat a few number of times immediately after the injury.

Note: Do not use ice directly on the skin as it may lead to an ice burn.

  1. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel has astringent tannins that not only assist to reduce pain but also assist dry out blisters very quickly. It will also reduce inflammation of blood spots on skin.

  1. Dab a small amount of witch hazel extract on the blood blister and then allow it to dry.
  2. Follow this remedy at least four times a day for one or three weeks.
  1. Cucumber

Cucumbers has silica, a trace mineral that usually strengthens the connective tissues in the skin.

When used on the blood blister, it will assist to reduce swelling, pain and also the inflammation.

  • Simply cut a chilled cucumber into very thick slices and put a slice over the blood spots on skin for a few minutes. Repeat the process several times a day for a few days until the blister has disappeared.
  • You may also drink a glass of fresh cucumber juice every day.
  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory properties that may be very useful in treating blood blisters at home. It can also have a cooling effect and also alleviate pain.

  • Use fresh aloe vera gel on the blood spots on skin daily for a few days. If the aloe vera gel is not available, then you can use aloe vera juice that you may easily find in the market.
  • You might also mix aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil in equal amounts. Use it gently on the blister and then allow it to dry on its own.
  1. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is normally used in treating various skin problems.

Sandalwood can quickly absorb the heat away from the blood blister and also speed up the healing process. It can also ease the pain as well as inflammation.

  1. Mix some sandalwood powder and the rose water so as to make a thick paste.
  2. Apply the paste over the affected skin and allow it to dry on its own.
  3. Rinse the area using cold water.
  4. Follow the remedy about three times a day.
  1. Turmeric

Turmeric has therapeutic and medicinal properties, is normally used to treat skin problems such as minor burns, suntans and also the blisters.

It is antiseptic in nature and will assist to prevent blood spots on skin.

  • Make a paste of one teaspoon of turmeric powder and enough rose water or honey. Use it on the blister two times a day.
  • You can also add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk and have it before going to sleep.
  1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains several medicinal properties that will assist to treat blood blisters quickly. Its antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties can naturally dry out the blister. You can also apply ointments, lotions and soaps that have tea tree oil in them.

  1. Dilute tea tree oil with water.
  2. Put the diluted solution on the blister and let it sit for about 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse the area using cold water.
  4. Repeat a few times daily until the blister heals.

This remedy is not much recommended for the pregnant or breastfeeding women.

  1. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt can assist to relieve pain and inflammation that is associated with blood spots on skin. The warm water can make the blister pop out naturally.

  1. Mix some warm water and a little Epsom salt.
  2. Use it to cleanse the blister.
  3. Repeat three times daily.
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