Red Spots

Red Patches on Skin, Itchy, Round, Raised, Face, Baby, Pictures, Get Rid

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What causes red patches on your skin? A closer look at the red patches on skin, itchy, round, raised, face, baby, pictures and how to get rid.

itchy red patches on skin

red patches on skin

Red Patches on Skin Causes

Red patches that appears on the skin are a very common medical complaint. Spots or bumps on skin can happen because of infections of the skin, disseminated infections (spread throughout the body) or irritations of the skin.

There are different types of red bumps or spots on skin:

When a red bump or rash is flat, it is medically called a macule. When the red spot is much raised, it is called a papule. Erythema is the medical term that is used for redness of the skin.

Red patches on skin that happen singly might be a small benign tumor of the blood vessels, called a hemangioma. Tiny, pinpoint hemorrhages may be observed in the skin and are also referred to as petechiae. Bleeding disorders might also cause the formation of the purplish red spots that are larger, called purpura.

Rashes may also be associated with other symptoms, like hives or itching. Red spots on the skin that are related to the underlying medical conditions can be associated with the symptoms of the underlying condition.

The causes of the red patches on skin are;

Atopic eczema

Atopic eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is the most common form of the red spots on skin and makes the skin itchy, red and cracked.

It’s a long-term condition in most of the people, although it might improve over time, especially amongst children, who often grow out of it.

It might affect any part of the body, but most commonly affects:

  • the backs or on fronts of the knees
  • outside or even inside the elbows
  • around the neck, cheeks or scalp

Treatment, which includes using moisturizers and topical steroids, can help relieve symptoms.

Cold sores

Cold sores are the small blisters that develop on the lips or even around the mouth, brought about by the herpes simplex virus.

They normally start with a tingling, itching or even burning sensation around the mouth. Small fluid-filled sores also appear, usually on the edges of your lower lip.

Cold sores normally clear up without treatment within 8 to 10 days, but also the antiviral creams are available from the pharmacies over the counter. These can help ease the symptoms and also speed up the healing time.

Hives (urticaria) 

Urticaria – also called hives, welts or nettle rash – is a raised, itchy red patch on skin. It can also appear on one part of the body or also be spread across large areas.

In most of the cases, you don’t require any treatment as the rash gets better within a few days.

If the itchiness is much uncomfortable, antihistamines might assist and are available over the counter at pharmacies.

See the doctor if the symptoms don’t disappear within 48 hours.


Impetigo is a much contagious skin infection that leads to red patches on skin and blisters. There are two types:

  • non-bullous impetigo– normally affects the nose and mouth
  • bullous impetigo– normally affects the trunk

It’s very common in children, but can affect anyone.

The infection is likely to clear up by itself within four weeks, but it’s a perfect idea to see the doctor for a diagnosis as the symptoms are very similar to other, very serious conditions.

The doctor may also prescribe antibiotic cream or even tablets to get rid of it quickly.


Itching may affect any other area of the body. Mild, short-lived itching is very common, but it may sometimes be very severe and frustrating to live with.

There are several things you can do that can assist, including:

  • patting or even tapping the itchy area, rather than also scratching
  • cooling the area using a cold compress, like a damp flannel
  • bathing or even showering in cool or also lukewarm water
  • By use of unperfumed personal hygiene products
  • avoiding clothes that irritate the skin, like wool or man-made fabrics
  • using a moisturizer if the skin is dry or flaky

Antihistamine and steroid cream can assist to relieve itchy red patches on skin brought about by certain skin conditions.


Psoriasis typically leads to flaky red patches of skin covered in the silver scales. The patches normally appear on the elbows, knees and also the lower back, and can be very itchy or sore.

For some other people, psoriasis is just a very minor irritation, but for other people it can have a major impact on the quality of life.

People who have psoriasis normally have periods when they have no or even mild symptoms, followed by periods when the symptoms are more severe.

Most of the people are treated by the doctor, but you can be referred to a skin specialist known as a dermatologist if the psoriasis is very severe.

Although there is no cure for psoriasis, treatments may improve the symptoms. They include:

  • creams and also the ointments
  • treatment using light (phototherapy)
  • medication taken by mouth or injection


red patches on skin

red patches on thighs

Ringworm is not a worm, but a very contagious fungal infection that normally appears on the arms and also the legs, although it may appear almost anywhere on the body. It brings about red patches on skin or silvery scaly rash in the shape of a ring.

Anyone might get ringworm, but it’s very common in children.

You might also treat ringworm using antifungal creams, powders or tablets, which are available over the counter from a pharmacy.

You may need to see the doctor if you aren’t sure it’s ringworm, or if the infection doesn’t clear up after using a pharmacy treatment for over two weeks.


Scabies is a very contagious skin condition brought about by tiny mites that normally burrow into the skin. The main symptoms are having intense itching that gets worse at the night, and a rash of tiny red patches on skin.

See the doctor if you think you have scabies. It’s not normally serious, but the treatment – normally a crem or lotion – is required to get rid of the scabies mites.


Vitiligo brings about pale red patches that normally vary in size and can occur anywhere.

They are very noticeable on areas that are much exposed to sunlight, like the the face and hands, and on dark or even the tanned skin. Vitiligo on the scalp can make the hair to go white.

Vitiligo is a long-term condition. It’s not much contagious. You should see the doctor to if you suspect vitiligo.

Treatment aims to improve the skin’s appearance, and thus includes:

  • disguising of the patches using colored creams
  • steroid creams
  • treatment using light (phototherapy)


Warts are the small lumps that may appear anywhere, but normally affect the hands and feet. A wart on the foot is known as a verruca.

Most warts are much harmless and clear up without any treatment, but you can decide to treat the wart if it’s very painful, or if it’s leading to any discomfort or embarrassment.

Treatments include:

  • use of salicylic acid
  • freezing of the wart (cryotherapy)
  • chemical treatments

Red Patches on Skin not Itchy

This can be a case of the tinea corporis or even a fungal infection that can also be acquired through person to person contact. But, it is suggested that you have the lesions checked by the dermatologist for a definite diagnosis.

Tinea corporis is normally characterized by round plaques or lesions that has reddish well demarcated borders. They later present with a skin colored center which shows central clearing and also a slight scaling. Tinea corporis might not be as itchy as its other counterparts in other parts of the body like the tinea pedis or the athlete’s foot.

Avoid sharing of the towels for the time being and also wash the body using mild and bland soap only. Dry the body well after taking a bath.

Red Itchy Patches on Skin

itchy red skin patches

itchy red skin patches

A skin rash is an area of the skin that has become much swollen or even irritated. Skin rashes that include skin bumps or sores, red patches on skin, and itchy or even burning skin might be brought about by several medical conditions.

Some of the skin rashes happen right away, while others take some time to develop. The location, and color of a skin rash are all vital to help the doctor make the right diagnosis and then start the right treatment.

If you’re suffering from a skin rash, check out the following images so as to see if it could be one of the most common.

The virus called varicella zoster, more commonly known as chickenpox, creates a skin rash of itchy blisters on the face that spreads down to cover the chest. It’s normally accompanied by fever and sore throat.

Even though a vaccine is available, chickenpox is common in children under the age of 11. Treatment is always aimed at controlling of the symptoms, including the fever with acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen, and the itch with the creams and cold compresses.

Another viral skin rash that affects the children and also the young adults is rubella, or the German measles. Rubella brings about a rash of red patches on skin that spreads like chickenpox from the face down.

The skin rash may also be itchy. Other symptoms are sore throat, fever, headache, and also runny nose. There is a vaccine for rubella, but about 15 percent of young adults are still susceptible. Rubella can be dangerous for pregnant women as it can lead to birth defects. Treatment is similar to that for chickenpox.

Urticaria, also called hives, is a skin rash that comes on and leads to pale, itchy, or pink swellings on the skin, and burns or stings. This skin condition can happen anywhere on the skin. Up to about 25 percent of people can experience hives at least once in their lifetime.

Hives can last for a few days or a few weeks and can be brought about by an allergic reaction to a food or even medication. The most common treatment is to avoid the cause and also treat the symptoms using an antihistamine medication.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that can lead to patches of thick, dry skin covered using silver scales. Called plaques, these itchy patches can happen anywhere on the body. An estimated 6.5 million Americans have psoriasis, which happens when a faulty immune system accelerates the growth cycle of the skin cells.

Most of the people who have the condition also suffer from psoriatic arthritis, which leads to joint pain and swelling. The exact cause of the psoriasis is unclear, but the genetics play a role. Treatments like topical creams and medications can assist to manage psoriasis symptoms.

A drug-induced skin rash may be from an allergic reaction to a drug, a side effect of a drug, or from sensitivity to sunlight brought about by a drug. A drug rash can happen right away after taking the drug, or up to many hours later.

Types of drug rashes are the hive or skin bump eruptions, purple or even the red patches on skin, or the scaly and thickened areas of skin. This skin condition can happen anywhere on the skin or inside the mouth. Treatment is to stop taking the drug and manage the symptoms by using antihistamines or even the steroids. In very rare cases, drug-induced rashes can be serious or even fatal, so check with your doctor.

Red Patches on Face

Rosacea is a very common skin condition that happens on the face of adults. Symptoms of rosacea include redness of the cheeks, nose, forehead, and also the chin.

Small blood vessels can also be seen on the surface of the red skin, together with skin bumps and pimples, though this is not related to the acne breakouts. Rosacea only affects the face. The cause is not clear and there is no cure, although treatment using antibiotics can minimize symptoms.

Round Red Patches on Skin

round red patches on skin

round red patches on skin

Contact dermatitis can be brought about by any allergy-causing substance or even irritating substance that touches the skin. Irritating substances are very common and they include solvents, and detergents. Allergic contact dermatitis is commonly observed with poison ivy, and medications that are used to the skin.

Skin rash due contact dermatitis might appear as red patches on skin, skin bumps, scales, or sores. Itching is common. Treatment of contact dermatitis includes washing of the skin and by use of anti-itch lotions and steroids.

Raised Red Patched on Skin

Intertrigo is a skin condition that happens in skin folds, under breasts, on the inner thighs, under armpits, or even under belly folds. Chaffing leads to a rash of red skin or brown skin that gets infected with yeast or even bacteria and then becomes raw.

The skin rash can ooze and itch. This rash is very common in people who are overweight and in people who have diabetes. Treatment involves keeping the areas dry, treating infections, and using steroid creams.

Eczema leads to the skin to be very dry and itchy. Scratching makes the red patches on skin and also inflamed. Eczema is not very contagious, and common causes include detergents, wool, and also synthetic fibers. Eczema is very common in babies and children, but might be seen at any age. The best treatment is avoiding of the substances that your skin is sensitive to.

Impetigo is a rash brought about by a skin infection, normally traced to one of two bacteria, group A streptococcus or the Staphylococcus aureus. This skin rash occurs as brown or blisters around the nose or the mouth area. The rash is too itchy and much contagious.

Scratching of the rash and then touching other areas of the body, or even other people, will leads to it to spread. Treatment of the impetigo is with antibiotic creams or lotions, and also for severe cases, using oral antibiotics.

Red Patches on Skin Baby

Prickly heat causes red skin that stings and itches. Small skin bumps can form as well. Heat rash is brought about when sweat gets blocked in the pores. This is a common rash in babies, but can happen at any age. This skin condition tends to form where the skin rubs against skin, like in skin folds of the breasts, and underarms. The best treatment is to cool off, dry off, and reduce friction.

How to Get Rid of Red Patches on Skin

  1. Find and Avoid Triggers

If redness persists, there can be something that is bothering the skin. Look back at the products you are using on the skin. Take them all away, re-introduce them one at a time and find which one is to blame. If you are unable to find the actual product, then you may require to see an allergist for patch testing.

  1. Use OTC Cream
  • There are over-the-counter products that contains ingredients using anti-inflammatory properties. This may relieve red and irritated skin.
  • The two natural anti-inflammatories are licorice and feverfew. You might also look for products that contain tea, magnesium, or ginger.
  • Try not to use products that has harsh ingredients like witch hazel, fragrance or clove oil. These are all skin irritants and may make redness worse.
  1. Apply Cold Compresses

How It Helps: Cold may reduce redness by shutting down the inflammation to the area. It can also cool and soothe the skin while fading redness.

How to Use: Take a washcloth and run it under cool water and then place it on the skin. You can also put a wet washcloth in the fridge for a few minutes and then lay it on the face.

  1. Apply Aspirin Paste

How It Helps: Try aspirin. Aspirin contains salicylic acid which is a very common treatment for skin conditions. It may assist to reduce the inflammation in the blood vessels in the face.

How to Use: Take half of an aspirin and then crush it in a bowl. Add in a few drops of water and mix into a paste. Dab the paste onto your face and allow sitting for up to 45 minutes. You should notice less redness right away. Rinse skin and then pat it dry.

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