
Baby Acne on Face, and Ears, Neck, Head, How Long Does it Last, Remedy, Treatment and Pictures

how to get rid of baby acne on face
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Does your child have pimple like bumps on the face? In this article, we shall review baby acne on face, the ears, the neck, the head and how long it lasts, the remedy, treatment and the pictures.

baby acne on face

baby acne on face picture

Baby Acne on Face

This is a type of acne that normally develops on the baby’s face or even body. It is a very common skin condition that is usually temporary. In almost all the cases, the acne will then resolve on its own, even without any treatment.

Although baby acne on face is too common, it’s not clear why it then develops. Specific reasons have not been identified.

Like acne in the adolescents and even adults, baby acne normally appears as the red bumps or even pimples. White pustules or the whiteheads can also develop and then the reddish skin can surround the bumps.

Babies may also develop acne anywhere on the parts of their face, but it is commonly seen on the cheeks. Some of the babies may also have acne on their back.

Acne can become much pronounced if the baby is crying. Rough fabrics can also irritate the acne, as can spit-up or even saliva that normally lingers for a very long on the face.

Baby acne on face can be present at birth. In most of the cases, however, it can develop within two to four weeks after birth. It can last for a few days or even a few weeks, though some of the cases may stick around for a number of months.

To several parents’ dismay, their newborn’s face normally breaks out with the red bumps. One of the most common reasons for the red bumps on an infant’s face is the baby acne. It normally tends to happen at about the same age as the baby’s peak gas production and fussiness. Parents are quite concerned both about how the bumps look and also on their significance.

In baby acne on face, the bumps, are quickly fleeting evidence of any connection between the body and the child’s. During the very final moments of the pregnancy, the hormones crosses the placenta into the child. Among other things, this stimulated the oil glands on the son’s skin, eventually giving rise to the baby acne.

Fleshy or the red pimples may be present at birth, but normally appear at the age of about 3 to 4 weeks of age. They happen predominantly on the cheeks, but are also very common on the forehead as well as chin. Whiteheads are at times present. This condition also tends to come and go until the baby is between the ages of 4 and 6 months old.

The baby acne on face can be most prominent when the child is hot or fussy (increased blood flow to the skin), or when the skin is much irritated. If the skin comes into contact with the cloth that is laundered in the harsh detergents, or even becomes wet from the saliva or milk that he has spit up, the condition can appear bad for several days.

Gently cleanse the face once a day using clean water, and also with a mild baby soap. Oils and lotions do not assist, and may much aggravate this condition. If the acne is very severe or lasts for more than 6 months, the pediatrician can prescribe a mild medicine to assist.

Otherwise, you may expect that the rash can soon be a memory. The oil glands will thus disappear, and you won’t be able to see the acne again on the baby until he’s a teenager. This time the acne will be evidence that the hormones are turning him into a man.

It’s quite normal for babies to develop the skin rashes from as early as a few days old, as their sensitive skin is adapting to a different environment. Most of the rashes are very harmless and normally go away on their own.

However, if the baby has developed a rash and seems a bit unwell, or if you’re worried, see the doctor to find the reason or any necessary treatment. It’s especially crucial to be aware of the symptoms of meningitis.

The most common causes of the baby acne on face are:

  • milia (blocked oil glands)
  • erythema toxicum (the “normal newborn rash”)
  • cradle cap
  • eczema
  • nappy rash
  • miliaria (“sweat rash”)
  • urticaria (hives)
  • slapped cheek syndrome
  • hand, foot and mouth disease
  • scabies

It also indicates the warning signs of meningitis and explains what to do if you’re worried that the baby may be at risk.

Baby acne or rash?

baby acne on cheek

baby acne on cheek

While it’s very possible to confuse the infant acne with that other common newborn skin condition, milia, the two aren’t the same. Infant acne appears like the red pimples, while milia are tiny whiteheads. But they’re both treated the same using washing, watching and also waiting.

There are also a number of skin rashes in the children (that, unlike pimples, are usually itchy and very uncomfortable for the baby and tend to spread sometimes beyond the baby’s face). A few of the most common are:

Baby heat rash: These clusters of the tiny, moist, red bumps appear similar to acne and often on baby’s arms, upper chest and diaper area in addition to the face when it’s very hot outside. Skin normally feels itchy or tingly, which may make the baby moodier than usual.

Diaper rash: This kind of baby acne on face that is caused by the moisture, irritants and too little air in baby’s diaper area appears as red, irritated skin in baby’s diaper area.

Cradle cap: These are red bumps are smaller in size than the baby acne on face and can be accompanied by the yellow, flaky skin, normally on the head (though it can spread to the eyebrows and even the upper body).

Infant eczema: Skin appears more dry, flaky and red, usually in the patches (often around the cheeks and even on the scalp). The rash then spreads (often to the elbow creases and also behind the knees) and then progresses to fluid-filled pimples that pop.

Baby acne on face appears similar to the teenage acne. You’ll observe some white or red bumps or pimples that may be surrounded by the reddish skin.

Acne normally appears on the cheeks and sometimes on the forehead, the chin, and even the back. It can appear more pronounced when your baby is hot or even fussy, or if his skin is irritated by saliva, spit-up milk, or fabric that’s a little rough or has been washed in strong laundry detergent.

Blemishes on the new baby’s face aren’t necessarily the acne, however. Tiny white bumps that are there at birth and can disappear within a few weeks are known as milia, and they’re not in any way related to the acne. If the irritation appears rasher or even scaly than pimply, or it appears elsewhere on the baby’s body, he may have another condition, such as cradle cap or eczema.

Pediatricians and the researchers haven’t in any way come to any consensus about what brings about baby acne on face. Most of the experts believe that the acne may be a result of the mother’s fluctuating hormone levels at the end of the pregnancy.

However, infant acne on face can sometimes appear weeks or even months after they are born. As a result therefore, some experts say that baby acne could be brought about by clogged pores or even irritation from the harsh detergents, just like the teenage or even adult acne.

Baby Acne on Face and Ears

Baby acne can happen on the chin, cheeks or even the ears. Like the teenage acne, the pimples can appear red and a person might experience white or green centers. Whiteheads, or white dots that is surrounded by a red, inflamed skin, can also appear.

If the baby has white bumps that do not come inflamed and do not cause pimples, these bumps can be milia, which are not related to the acne. Milia are very normal bumps that appear on a newborn’s face. If the baby has a rash that does not form the pimples, he may have eczema or a skin irritation brought about by contact with something in the environment.

Baby Acne on Face and Neck

The baby is having a mini puberty brought about by the lingering hormones that is still circulating through the body. When acne shows up after the very first few months, it’s known as infantile acne, and you’re likely to see pus-filled pimples along with whiteheads and blackheads

Baby Acne on Face and Head

It’s very common for the baby acne on face or other skin problems. Some of the baby acne have long names that are hard to say and may sound scary. But most will obviously go away on their own in a few days or weeks.

Here are some of the things you will notice about the baby’s skin.

It looks like pimples.

  • Babies normally get pimples on their cheeks, noses, and even the foreheads. This baby acne can show up during the very first few weeks of life and normally clears up on its own within a few number of months. Baby acne has nothing to do with whether the child will have acne problems as a teenager.
  • Tiny white spots very normally appear on the newborn’s face during the first week. The spots are known as milia. Sometimes the white spots will appear on the gums and the roof of the mouth (palate), where they are known as Epstein pearls. The white spots go away by themselves in a few weeks and aren’t much harmful.

Baby Acne on Face How Long Does it Last

how to get rid of baby acne on face

how to get rid of baby acne on face

Infant acne normally clears by the time the baby is 6 months old (which occurs to be the terrific time to schedule the professional pics) — leaving the beautiful baby skin you’ve been waiting for in its place.

And just in case you’re already worrying about your little one’s middle school yearbook photos, know that infant acne does not leave permanent scars (like the grown-up version can), and it doesn’t predict future pimple problems.

A breakout of baby acne on face usually disappears within a few weeks to several months without special treatment.

  • Even though the skin condition can look very much awful, it rarely leads to the baby pain or discomfort. If it does, however, you can go to the doctor for a more advanced and professional treatment.
  • Baby acne on face normally makes its first appearance at the 2 to 4 week mark, and it can last until the baby is about 5 to 6 months old. The breakouts are normally at their worst between 6 and 12 weeks of age.
  • Note that the baby acne is usually most severe when the baby is hot and fussy.
  • Baby acne generally lasts longer with the breast-fed babies, since the same residual, oil-triggering hormones that the baby was exposed to in the uterus may come through the mother’s milk.

As a result therefore, it often starts clearing up as the baby is weaned off of breast-milk. It can even clear up sooner if the baby’s oil glands have matured enough to handle the hormones before then.

Baby acne on Face Remedy

Baby acne is a normal condition that affects many babies within several weeks to several months of age. Most pediatricians agree that the best treatment for the baby acne is nothing at all, since the condition is natural and will clear up quickly enough as long as the baby’s face is gently washed. Under severe conditions, though, your baby’s doctor may recommend a stronger treatment.

Wash the baby’s skin with water and mild baby soap. Wash the baby’s face with warm water on a daily basis. For severe baby acne, a mild soap may also be used.

  • Use the soap that is formulated for babies whenever it is possible. Soaps meant for adolescents or adults may be too harsh for your baby’s skin.
  • If you cannot use soap meant for babies, use the mild moisturizing facial soap or a soap using a high percentage of emollients. These soaps are usually mild enough for most babies, but you should stop use immediately if your baby’s skin turns red or if the acne gets worse.
  • Do not wash the baby’s face more than once a day. Over-washing the skin may irritate it, leading to oil-producing glands to work even more and thus ultimately creating more acne.

Avoid scrubbing the skin. When you wash the baby’s face, do so by patting it or wiping it down very much gently.

  • Since baby acne on face is caused by over-active oil glands rather than dirt, scrubbing the skin will only irritate it and cause the glands to produce more oil.
  • Use a soft sponge or terry washcloth to wipe your baby’s skin.

Do not apply oily lotions. Avoid using lotion to the face, more especially over acne-covered patches, since the lotion may aggravate the problem.

  • Even though the patch of the acne can seem to be dry, the fact that it is brought about by over-active oil glands means that adding further oil will only make the acne much more worse.
  • If you are concerned with how dry your baby’s face seems because of the acne, use a moisturizing baby soap as you cleanse the skin to minimize further drying out and pat the skin dry as soon as possible.
  • If the baby’s skin seems especially dried out, you could also try a non-oily cream instead of an oily lotion. Only use the cream to a small patch of skin and pay attention to it closely to make sure that the skin does not get worse. If the cream seems to help, you can apply it to the rest of the affected area.

Only use over-the-counter remedies with your doctor’s permission. In most cases, over-the-counter creams will only irritate your baby’s skin and should be avoided. In special cases, though, your doctor may recommend a mild 1 percent hydrocortisone cream or ionic colloidal silver solution.

  • Hydrocortisone cream treats the dry, itchy, and sometimes painful skin that results from severe cases of baby acne on face. By soothing the skin, the cream reduces the production of oil, ultimately leading to a clearer complexion. Note that hydrocortisone cream can hurt your baby if it gets into the eyes or mouth, though.
  • Ionic colloidal silver solution is normally considered safer than hydrocortisone cream. It kills the bacteria that thrive in facial oil and soothes itchy skin.
  • Only use a small amount of either product to the baby’s skin and use the product for a maximum amount of twice a day for two days.

Baby Acne on Face Treatment and How to get Rid of

Baby acne will normally disappear without any treatment. Some of the babies may have acne that lingers for over several months instead of just a few weeks. To treat this kind of stubborn form of the baby acne, the pediatrician can prescribe a better medicated cream or even an ointment that may help to clear up the acne.

Do not use over-the-counter acne treatments or lotions. The baby’s skin is very much sensitive at this young age. You can make it worse or cause additional skin irritation by application something that is too strong.

There is no given treatment for the baby acne on face, but you should still consult the pediatrician if you’re worried about the case. A well-baby visit or even the general checkup is a great time to ask questions about the baby acne, as well as any given concerns you may have about the baby’s health.

In some of the babies though, what you assume is acne may actually be an allergic reaction or the eczema. If an allergic reaction is also suspected, the doctor will then review ways to determine the allergen.

The rash should resolve once the allergen is then found and eliminated from the baby’s environment. Eczema may be treated using over-the-counter products like Vanicream, or a mild prescription medication if the doctor thinks one is necessary, or by removal of the food allergens and giving probiotics daily.

Further references;

  1. Newborn Rashes and Skin Conditions – Topic Overview:
  2. Can Home Treatments Help Your Baby’s Acne?:
  3. Baby acne:
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