Red Spots

Red Bumps on Legs, Thighs, Like Pimples, Small, Itchy, White, Colored, Pictures, Get Rid, Treatment

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A clear look at the red bumps on legs, thighs that look like pimples and are also very small, itchy, white colored, the picture and including how to get rid of and the prescribed treatment.

red spots on legs

red bumps on legs

Red Bumps on Legs

What causes small red dots or bumps on legs?

  1. Keratosis Pilaris

Do you experience some small red bumps on legs or even white bumps that look like goose bumps on the fleshier areas of the thighs and arms? If they don’t usually itch or they itch too little, they may also good to be keratosis pilaris. This is a normal condition, affecting normally about 50 percent to 80 percent of teenagers, and 40% of the adults, according to the studies published in the  Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Keratosis pilaris occurs when the skin openings are clogged with keratin, a protein that is found in the skin, nails, and hair. You’re more likely to get the pilaris if you have a dry skin or eczema. Although the condition is not very harmful, you may want to talk to the doctor about the usage of medicated creams. In severe cases, laser therapy can also be applied.

  1. Folliculitis

These are small, red bumps on legs or some pimples that happens on parts of the body that is shaved or where the clothing rubs the skin are signs of folliculitis. You may also see it as razor rash.

This skin condition is usually caused by the bacteria or even the fungi that infects the hair follicles. Shaving, tight clothing, and the combination of both the heat and sweat — think of gardening gloves — are normal sources of folliculitis. You can get folliculitis at any particular age, but there are certain risk factors that you may experience. You’re at risk if:

  • You have much of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, diabetes, AIDS, or other condition that makes the body more susceptible to infection
  • You have the condition of acne or eczema
  • Your skin has been seriously injured
  • You frequent more hot tubs
  • You’re obese and overweight

Folliculitis can at times be itchy and uncomfortable. But it’s not very serious unless it moves to a more severe type of infection, including the boils, carbuncles, and the cellulitis. Folliculitis usually goes away on its own. If it lasts more than 10 days or it gets worse, you should see the doctor.

  1. Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

If the red bumps on legs combine in patches and very itchy, you may have the eczema condition that is a common skin condition. Eczema can be dry and also scaly, or it can blister a little and ooze a more clear fluid. Eczema tends to flare up at number of times. Common triggers include:

red dots on legs causes

red dots on legs causes

  • soaps and detergents
  • cleaning products
  • perfumes
  • animal fur
  • wool
  • cosmetics
  • sweat and heat
  • stress

The cause of eczema is not fully explained, but there are several common patterns.

  • Eczema often runs in several families.
  • You have a greater chances of getting eczema if you or any family member has asthma or even seasonal allergies.
  • Eczema is very common in urban areas with higher levels of pollution and in very cold climates.
  • Children that are born to older mothers are more apt to experience this condition.

Although people of most or all ages can have the eczema, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) observes that 90 percent of cases that occur to children under the age of five.

The American Academy of Dermatology also adds that about 50 percent of adults who had eczema as a child can continue to have some signs of the condition in adulthood.

A number of treatments are used in dealing with eczema, including the use of strong antibiotics, antihistamines, and even corticosteroids.

The doctor will help in getting the right medications for the red bumps on legs that are most effective for you. Your doctor may also work with you to investigate and find out the reasons and causes that trigger the eczema and reduce the skins exposure to them.

Like most of the skin conditions, eczema can be very infectious. Additionally, if you have this condition, avoid being around individuals who have cold sores or even chicken pox. Exposure to the viruses that cause the conditions puts you at risk of getting eczema herpeticum, which is a severe and rapidly spreading infection.

Small Bumps on Thighs

Red bumps on legs and thighs that are itchy are caused by bedbugs also tend to appear on the thighs. However, you have to make sure that you have removed yourself from this infestation. If you are having outbreaks at the middle of the nights, you may want to consider the possibility of having bed bugs and call an exterminator.

You can use soothing and anti-itch that is found over the counter as creams on the legs to help with the itchiness, but for the most of the part on the skin, the bites will resolve on their own.

Itchy Bumps on Upper Legs

Red bumps legs that are also itchy can be very frustrating, but they are normally nothing to worry about. You can experience some bumps from the feet all the way up to the top of the thigh. Most of the time, these bumps are small in size, they are raised, and don’t burst open. However, in many cases, the bumps can burst and be able to crust over. You may experience some itchiness anywhere along this rashes on the legs, and it may at times come and go.

In general, the red itchy bumps on the legs are not a cause for any alarm. Most of the doctors have seen this type of itchy rash before and understands how to diagnose.

You may feel the urge to scratch the bumps, but that is not in any way advisable as you can open up the skin and cause an infection by over-scratching. But if you have already scratched the bumps open, then apply some Neosporin to the place of the skin to help prevent the infection.


  • The most common cause of this red bumps on legs is an allergic reaction. You may not even have knowledge that you are having a reaction to something and that can even develop an allergy over time.

For example, a latex allergy can actually cause red itchy bumps, but it does not start with the first exposure to latex. This happens over a period of time. You could be allergic to some soap, (the laundry or body soap), environmental pollutants such as poison ivy, or a new piece of clothing that you have acquired.

You should be able to think hard about what may have actually changed in your normal routine, as allergies are the most common cause of the problem.

  • You can also have itchy red bumps on legs emanating from a viral infection. For example, chicken pox can cause actually this type of rash, but it is not usually the most common presentation here.

It is more likely to show on the stomach. Shingles, which is also the reawakening of the chicken pox virus that is often in very old people, can also cause the itchy bumps. As with the chicken pox, it would be an unusual presentation as shingles usually occurs on the torso.

  • Vasculitis is not a common cause of the itchy red bumps on legs. This is a condition where the small vessels of the skin of the legs burst open and produce the red and itchy bumps.

If you are diabetic and it is not controlled, you can have the bumps appear on the legs due to vascular problems. In this case, you need to see a medical doctor to accurately diagnose and treat the cause of the vasculitis, which is usually diabetes.

  • Bug bites are another cause for red itchy skin if you have red itchy bumps on the legs. You may think that it is not possible for a bug to bite you that many times, but mosquitos and also the bed bugs are actually able to.

You should particularly pay attention to the living conditions to ensure that you are not in a compromised situation where there is more infestation of either type of insect.

  • Another possible reason for itchy red bumps on the legs is a skin condition. For example, dry skin can be intensely and extremely itchy, and thus occasionally, it can look like there are very small bumps on the legs.

Eczema and psoriasis can show up and indicate as small itchy bumps on the legs, but they usually present themselves in other places of the body. But, it is possible that they can cause a rash on the legs, and present in an odd manner. It is not very likely, but it is possible that the rash could be caused by one of the two common skin conditions as mentioned.

White Bumps on legs

red dots on skin

red dots on skin

Keratosis pilaris leads to small white bumps on the skin that feel like a rough sandpaper. They are however skin-colored bumps with the size of a grain of sand and many of which are closely surrounded by a slight pink color in the light skinned people and more dark spots in the dark skinned people.

Most of the people with keratosis pilaris do not show signs but the bumps found on the skin can occasionally be very itchy.

Though most people with keratosis pilaris may experience the condition all year-round, the problem can however become exacerbated and the bumps are more likely to look and also feel more pronounced in the color and the texture during the colder periods of time, when the moisture levels in the air are lower.

The signs may also worsen during pregnancy stage or even after childbirth.

Red Rash on Legs Treatment

The way to treat the itchy red bumps found on the legs largely depends on the cause. The most common way of treatment of this symptom is by first attempting to get rid of all allergens. You want to examine the soap choices and critically determine if you may have been largely exposed to poison ivy.

You can also be able to treat this type of response using anti-histamine drugs like Benadryl. That will help in cutting down the allergic response and decrease the extent of itchiness that you have experienced. You can also apply topical creams to help reduction of this itchiness.

If the problem is caused by a virus, then there cannot be any treatments that are available. For example, with chicken pox, it has to fully run its course. With shingles, on the other hand, you can take an anti-viral medication that includes the acyclovir, to help in killing off the virus and decrease the symptoms. Your doctor must make this prescription.

If the problem is caused by vasculitis, then you need to decipher the underlying cause of the problem. It is usually caused by out of control diabetes. If you are not diabetic, you should at least be examined for it. If you do have diabetes, then there is need to control the blood sugar better. Vasculitis is an indication that your blood sugar is out of control and thus a medical intervention is required.

If you have eczema or even psoriasis, you may need medical attention to help in controlling it. Eczema can heal itself, and it is generally associated with environmental factors. However, psoriasis can be challenging in treatment and can thus lead to plaques, or crusty lesions, that form on the outer skin.

You may require an immunosuppressant drug to help treat the autoimmune attack on the skin. Your doctor will do tests on the skin and prescribe strong medications if psoriasis is strongly suspected.

How to Get Rid of red Bumps on Legs Naturally – Home Remedies

Chemical exfoliators. Both the use of glycolic acid and lactic acid can be of help a little bit get rid of red bumps on legs, especially when in the form of a wash. It is recommended that you use Vivité Exfoliating Cleanser that has 15 percent glycolic acid.

Retinoid. Patients are given topical retinoid that helps to improve the condition by going deep below the surface of skin to exfoliate the cells. A higher percentage can be tolerated as an ingredient on the body than on the face, and it is therefore recommended that you apply Skin Medica Retinol Complex 1.0 as a top over-the-counter medicine.

Moisturization. To instantly make the bumps look and feel better and greater, use a deeply hydrating moisturizer. This will definitely help in softening the feel and the look of bumps, though you have to remember that it won’t help in prevention of the condition from forming if you’re genetically prone.

Gentle cleansing. Harsh soaps can be able to dry out the skin and exacerbate the rough texture of the bumps. It is recommended that you use a hydrating soap that is free of detergent like Dove Deep Moisture Nourishing Body Wash (also found on Amazon) or Aveeno Skin Relief Body Wash (also available on Amazon). And be sure to moisturize the bump-prone areas in a minute of stepping out of the shower.

Sunscreen. Again, while the sunscreen won’t be able to prevent the condition of red bumps on legs from forming, it can make a significant difference in prevention of the bumps from worsening and looking more obvious. The sun’s damaging rays are known to increase keratosis pilaris. Wear sunscreen of at least SPF 30 every day to encourage smoother skin.

Remember also that these bumps are extremely common, so don’t feel any self-conscious about them. By incorporating the simple habits that are good for the overall health too, you can feel a lot more confident putting on that tank top this summer with the best accessory there which is the glowing skin.

Further references;

  1. Red Itchy Bumps on Legs:
  2. What Causes Red Bumps on Your Legs?:
1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Mayra Lewi

    January 18, 2017 at 2:35 am

    Stretchmarks are occasionally an issue. It sometimes happens after pregancy. It happens anytime the skin is stretched. I often use a cream to get them to fade away.

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