Skin Lightening

Dark Inner Thighs Causes, Whitening, Treatment, Blackheads, How to Get Rid

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The causes of dark inner thighs and the treatments as wells as whitening of such thighs have been explored here.

dark inner thighs causes

dark inner thighs picture

Dark Inner Thighs Causes

There are many reasons that leads to inner thighs darken that may include profuse sweating, razors, and certain lotions as well as creams are some of the major reasons. Dark inner thighs can be a cause of social embarrassment, they are not as painful as such.

  • Obesity
    Being overweight may make the thighs to rub against each other as an individual’s walk, this can cause discoloration and itchy skin known as chaffing. To prevent this from happening wear loose-fitting pants and do not wear nylon and other unnatural fabrics as they create more irritation on the skin, wear natural fibers if available.
  • Sun Exposure
    If you enjoy spending a lot of time on the sun and the thighs are highly exposed it can increase the pigmentation that darken the skin of the thighs.
  • Hormonal Imbalance
    Your inner thighs are able to darken due to hormonal imbalance, some people especially women notice that their inner thighs have darkened during parts of the menstrual cycle, this happens as hormonal changes that results from pregnancy can also lead to darkening of skin.
  • Medications
    Some medications can lead to skin changes, this includes oral contraceptives. Ask the medical doctor for alternatives if there is need to.
  • Friction
    Excess sweat from the body and tight clothes that we wear can lead to darker thighs. Friction that is caused by this can lead to darker thighs, again choose fabrics that can allows easier passage of air.
  • Acanthosis Nigricans
    This skin condition causes dark patches and discoloration to occur on the skin. There are very many remedies that are available from the doctor or to make for yourself at home.
  • Shaving and using old razors

A lot of shaving and using old razors can cause the problem that is related to dark inner thighs. This happens to especially women who are naturally vain and would want to be as hairless in their sensitive and intimate areas.

There is nothing wrong with shaving the inner thighs but make sure that you use or the aesthetician uses brand new razors all the time you shave the inner thighs. The reason for using a new razor is due to the fact that if you keep on using the old razor, it will start to irritate the skin and thus causing the dark inner skin darkening. It is recommended that waxing of hair is done between thighs to decrease the chances of irritation.

  • Brazilian waxing

If you do this process all the time and you start to notice that the inner thighs are darkening, it might due to the fact that the aesthetician may be using the low class wax so as to save money and it might start to irritate the skin. You might start to get a lot of ingrown hair that may turn into scars. You are encouraged to avoid the low cost salon and go for a reputable salon.

Dark Inner Thighs with Blackheads, Bumps

How to remove blackheads from the dark inner thighs? These practical tips may include losing of the weight that is not only good for overall health but also an effective way of doing away with blackheads on the dark inner thighs.

Leaner thighs reduce the friction that is created by constant rubbing. Another tip is wearing of loose fitting clothes made of absorbent natural fiber like cotton or linen, so that there is no accumulated sweat found on the skin.

How to Get Rid of Dark Inner Thighs Naturally

Aloe vera for dark inner thighs

Aloe vera help in whitening of darker inner thighs

The inner thighs are one of the most neglected body parts and many individuals do not give much attention to their care.

If you would like to brighten up the thighs so as to look good in the shorts and skirts, you can do it quickly and with ease at home. There are several natural and safe methods that can be applied to lighten the skin. Unless otherwise stated, apply these methods until you are satisfied with the outcome.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has a well both nourishing together with antioxidant properties that helps to repair the skin and also encouraging skin rejuvenation. It can even get rid of hyperpigmentation, fading of dark skin patches and restoring the skin’s original color.

  • Extract small amount of pure natural aloe vera gel from the leaf and massage it gently directly on the affected parts. Allow it to on sit for about 20 minutes, then rinse it off using warm water. Repeat the process once or twice daily for faster results.
  • Alternatively, you can mix a few drops of almond oil in about 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture on the inner thighs and massage gently until it is fully absorbed into the skin. Wait for about 15 minutes, then rinse the skin carefully using with water. You can use this pack at least 3 times a day.
  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is a very gentle bleaching agent that can lighten the color of your inner thighs, thanks to its lactic acid. Plus, its zinc content combats sunburn.

  • Gently rub some plain yogurt on the inner thighs of the body. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off using warm water. Use this simple treatment at least once in a day.
  • Alternatively, you can also mix the juice of at most 1 lemon with 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt that is preferably sour. Add the 1 teaspoon each of turmeric and gram flour. Apply it on the affected skin and allow it to dry. With a little water applied on the hands, gently rub from the pack. Rinse the thighs using warm water. Use this pack about 3 times a week.

3. Lemon

The acidic property that is found in the lemon applies as a natural bleaching agent used for a dark skin of the thigh. The high level vitamin C content also helps new cell growth and is very good for the skins dark complexion.

  • Apply some lemon juice on the dark inner thigh by using a cotton ball. Leave it on the skin for about 30 minutes, then rinse it off using cold water. Repeat the process for about 3 times per week. Those who have sensitive skin must dilute the lemon juice with water.
  • Alternatively, you can combine some 1 tablespoon each made up of lemon juice and some glycerin. Add 1 teaspoon made up of rose water and mix properly. Apply this pack on the inner thighs before going to sleep. Leave it on overnight and rinse it off using warm water especially the next morning. Repeat this process once daily.

As lemon is able to dry out the skin, apply some moisturizer every time and day after using these lemon processes.

  1. Oatmeal

To start lightening the complexion of the dark inner thighs, regular exfoliation of the dead skin cells is required and is very important. For exfoliation, oatmeal is one of the best products that can be used when at home. Exfoliating also makes the skin very supple and soft.

  • Mix about 3 tablespoons of oatmeal with a cup of tomato juice to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the dark inner thighs, allow it to sit the skin for about 20 minutes and then rub the paste gently using warm water so as to scrub off the dead outer skin, then rinse the  thick paste off using cold water. Repeat this process for about 3 times a week.
  • Another option is usually to mix a cup of lemon juice and a small pinch made up of turmeric in 2 teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Repeat the process as mentioned in the procedure above.

5. Cucumbers

The natural bleaching property found in the cucumbers can be helpful in lightening the dark inner thighs. Also, several other components that are found in the cucumbers are helpful in repairing the skin cells and removal of the dead skin cells. The nature of cucumbers is that it is soothing and can suit all skin types.

  • Gently rub cucumber slices or cucumber juice on your thighs for 10 minutes. Wait 5 minutes, then rinse it off with water. Repeat once or twice daily.
  • Alternatively, you can mix equal amounts of cucumber juice with lemon juice. Stir with little turmeric as well as sandalwood powder. Apply it on the thighs for about 20 minutes, then rinse off using warm water. Repeat the process at least once daily.
  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil also very helpful in lightening the hyperpigmentation and also able to revitalize the skin around the dark inner thighs. Plus, the oil is an antioxidant with moisturizing properties that helps to maintain a look of the skin that is soft and younger-looking.

  1. Mix about 3 tablespoons of coconut oil with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass.
  2. Apply the formed solution on the inner thighs and massage it gently for about 15 minutes.
  3. Wait for another 10 minutes, then rinse it off using warm water.
  4. Repeat the process and the treatment every other day for two weeks.

Dark Inner Thighs Home Remedy

how to lighten dark inner thighs

how to lighten dark inner thighs naturally – cucumber juice

  • Lemon
    Lemon always acts as a bleaching agent for the skin. You are advised to cut one in half and rub it on the inner thighs for 15-20 minutes then wash it off using warm water, pat dry and repeat daily for best results. It will be able to dry the skin so after patting dry using soft and clean cloths you can apply a thin layer of olive or coconut oil as a moisturizer.
  • Sugar, honey, lemon

How it helps: Sugar is a natural a known exfoliator that assists in shedding of the dead skin cells from the area. Honey on the other hand helps to moisturize the skin and lemon reducing pigmentation.


  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and juice from one half of a lemon and 1 tsp of sugar.
  2. Apply the paste of the inner thighs and gently scrub in circular motions till sugar disappears completely.
  3. Let it stay on the skin of the dark inner thighs for about 10 minutes and then wash it off using water.

Sandalwood and cucumber

How it helps: Both of these are well known natural cooling agents that soothe the tender skin of the inner thighs. The addition of lemon in this pack as another ingredient makes it acidic which helps lighten the dark spots.

  1. Steps to be followed are;
  2. Peel off and grate a cucumber and add at least 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder to it. Add lemon juice and mix well.
  3. Apply on the inner thighs and let it stay on the skin till it dries off.
  4. Then wash it off using warm water.
  5. If there is chafing, you are advised to skip the lemon juice and use this pack to soothe the area.
  • Aloe Vera
    Massage aloe vera gel gently on the affected areas, it will help in repairing the skin and reduce the inflammation.
  • Potato and tomato juice with honey

How it helps: The juices from this ingredients act as natural bleaching agents but the juice of potato and tomato is well suited for sensitive skin also. If you have dark spots that refuse disappear, this is the perfect remedy for that skin. Honey will soothe the inner thigh area.


  1. Peel half of the potato and grate it. Add some tomato juice to it and 1 tbsp of honey.
  2. Apply the mixture on the inner thighs and let it dry.
  3. Then wash it off using plain water.

Orange peel with honey

How it helps: Orange peel is usually packed with vitamin C that also acts as a bleaching agent. When it is mixed with honey, the mixture gently soothes and makes the skin blemish-free.


  1. Take the peel of an orange and 1 tbsp of honey.
  2. Squeeze the peel to release its acidic content in the honey.
  3. Now grate or powder the peel and add it to honey.
  4. Now apply this sticky paste on the inner thighs.

Dark Inner Thighs Treatment

alpha arbutin and kojic skin lightening cream

alpha arbutin and kojic skin lightening cream

Here are ways on how to treat and cure darkened inner thighs fast.

Peel the dark skin away

People use strong peeling oil known as Marie France Macro exfoliator. Since the inner thighs are ten times darker than the normal skin tone, you are advised to use the skin peeling oil first before using the other skin whitening products.

After applying the peel, you will not wash it off until after three day, you will though notice a big difference but also you may redo it if the dark inner thighs are way too dark.

After another application, you may notice that the dark skin in my inner thighs is almost may also apply kojic soap and whitening cream that come with it after all of your dark skin has already peeled off.

You can use the products of soap and cream for at about 4 weeks before the dark inner thighs finally lightens. Ensure that you use it every other day and thus be patient if you really want to see a huge difference.

Use a skin whitening cream.

Use the cream in the morning and at night every day. Try to use a generous amount as a little bit of the cream wouldn’t do much difference. Always remember also that you have to be consistent and exercise a lot of patience with skin lightening.

This is not a process that can be done within a few days more especially if the area that you’re whitening is really dark.

The problem of dark inner thighs is very much on people without thigh gap and this is why you may have a dark inner thighs. Since the inner thighs rub together most of the time, it causes friction that leads towards skin darkening.

Use a skin whitening soap everyday

A lightening soap can actually be used also on the face and body. What’s important is that it is a combination of both Kojic Acid and Papain, which implies exfoliation and lightening at the same time.

Leave it on the dark inner thighs skin for about 3 minutes (on the inner thighs but not on the face) then gently scrub it. It performs well, however, consistency of application is the key.

A tingling feeling might occur due to the high concentration of the kojic acid in the soap. Anyway, you will be able to see the skin exfoliates, but make sure that you use the said whitening cream and a moisturizer soon after as this might dry your skin out.

Dark Inner Thighs Cream

They help to lighten and brighten the underarm and the groin area. Lightening of the dark spots while also helping to remove the dead skin cells in a gradual way of up to a month.

This creams are spots correctors especially the dark inner thighs by clearing of the dead skin cells  and bringing up the radiance to your skin.

Constant use of skin lightening products is the best way to remove the dark inner thighs permanently. People still use the kojic soap and the lightening cream every day so as to prevent the dark skin from occurring again

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