Dry Skin

Dry Cracked Hands Causes, Home Remedies, Best Lotion, Cream, Chapped Skin

Dry cracked hands causes
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An insight into dry cracked hands causes, home remedies, best lotion, cream, chapped, vitamin deficiency, fungus, eczema.

Dry Cracked Hands Causes

Dry cracked hands causes

Dry cracked hands

Dry cracked hands might happen for several reasons and lead to pain or interfere with the daily activities. Deep cracks are vulnerable to serious infections. Severely dry or the cracked skin needs evaluation by a dermatologist so as to determine the underlying cause of problem, according to the dermatologists. This will ensure that any underlying conditions are dealt with so as to prevent potential complications.

Frequent Use of Harsh Soaps

Washing hands frequently or use of the harsh soaps is able to quickly dry out the skin. And washing the hands using hot water is able to make dryness as well as cracking worse by getting rid of the skin’s protective oils.

To prevent and also treat the dry cracked hands which is associated with the harsh soaps or washing very often, wear gloves when you are washing dishes and ensure to use a mild, moisturizing soap which is designed specifically for the dry skin.

Contact Allergies

Contact with allergens is able to trigger dry cracked hands, inflammation and also other symptoms. This condition, known as the contact dermatitis, affects all people and might lead to delayed symptoms, according to the professionals. Common causes of the contact dermatitis include cleaning products, and other metals, and latex. Wearing gloves while cleaning and also avoiding exposure to any substance that leads to a flare-up in symptoms is able to prevent and also treat dry cracked hands. The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology indicates that continued contact with allergens might make symptoms more severe.


Eczema is a chronic disorder of the immune system which leads to scaly, itchy patches of skin on the hands. Cracked, painful skin might develop in very severe cases. The American Academy of Dermatology also indicates that more than half of people who experience eczema can develop symptoms on their hands during the adulthood. Treatment of the hand eczema involves lifestyle changes, frequent moisturizing with the oil-based ointments and also applications of topical hydrocortisone cream.

Low Environmental Humidity

Dry cracked hands is common during the winter months when the low outdoor humidity with indoor heating systems robbing the skin of moisture. The hands are normally severely affected as they are frequently exposed to the harsh weather conditions and also dry air than other parts of the body like the legs. When hands are severely dry, itching and pain might develop. Keeping hands covered, using a moisturizer to the dry patches and also treating cracks as soon as possible by use of the topical antibiotics is able to prevent and also treat dryness thus reducing the risk of infection and other complications.

Other Causes of Dry Cracked Hands

Hypothyroidism and other disorders that leads to hormonal imbalances can cause dryness and cracking of skin in some other cases. Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, is also able to lead to dryness, flaking and also cracking of the skin. This skin disorder is brought about by abnormal activity of the white blood cells, known as the T lymphocytes. Treatment usually involves light therapy or even the medication.

Home Remedies for Dry Cracked Hands

Home remedies for dry and cracked hand

Using olive oil to get rid of dry, cracked and peeling hands

Dry cracked hands is a common complaint during the winter time. Cold, dry winter air normally sucks the life out of the silky, smooth skin. Other factors which leads to dry skin include aging, nutritional deficiencies, and also the genetic predisposition.

There are several lotions and also moisturizers that are on the market which are meant to combat dry skin. But most of them are expensive. Natural home remedies are not only cheap, but also very much effective in nourishing and also hydrating dry skin back to a healthy state.

  1. Olive Oil

Olive oil has several antioxidants and also healthy fatty acids that are good for the skin. It is able to soothe and also condition dry cracked hands.

  • Dab a thin layer of olive oil under regular moisturizer.
  • About a 30 minutes before taking a shower, rub some amount of olive oil on the hands, legs and other areas that has dry skin and massage lightly. Take a shower and apply a light moisturizer.
  • Mix about two tablespoons of olive oil, three tablespoons of fine brown sugar, and one tablespoon of honey. Rub the homemade scrub on the dry skin by use of the light, circular motions for 5 minutes. Take a shower and then apply a very light moisturizer.
  1. Milk Cream

The lactic acid which is available in milk cream assists to exfoliate dry cracked hands. The soothing nature of milk cream also assists to preserve the skin’s delicate pH levels. Milk cream is an excellent moisturizer.

  • Mix about 5 drops of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of milk and 2 teaspoons of milk cream. Rub it on the hands and legs. Leave it on for a while before taking a shower. Do this once daily.
  • Add enough amount of milk cream to four tablespoons of gram flour so as to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the face, hands and also the legs. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off using lukewarm water. Do the process once daily.
  1. Milk

Milk contains anti-inflammatory as well as the soothing properties which greatly assists to do away with dry cracked hands condition. Also, the lactic acid in milk exfoliates dead skin cells increasing the skin’s ability to retain moisture. Also, it assists to lighten the complexion.

  • Soak a washcloth in the cold milk and put the cloth on dry skin for about 5 minutes. Gently wash off the milk using another cloth that is soaked in warm water. The natural moisturizer will remain on the skin. Do the process every other day.
  • Add some drops of rose water to about five tablespoons of milk. Rub the solution all over the body. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash the body using cold water. Follow the remedy twice daily.
  1. Honey

Honey is also considered one of the best natural moisturizers that is loaded with the antioxidant, antimicrobial, as well as the humectant properties.

Thus, it assists to lock in moisture to make the skin extra soft and also very smooth. Also, honey has several essential vitamins and also the minerals that assist to improve the dry cracked hands.

  • Before taking a shower, rub honey all over the body and leave it on for 10 minutes. Repeat the process daily to enjoy well-moisturized skin.
  • Measure out equal parts of the unprocessed honey, and also the olive oil. Melt the beeswax in a small pan over the low heat. Remove it from the heat and then mix in the honey and the olive oil. Apply the mixture all over the body and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Then take a shower. Repeat the process daily or every other day.
  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is a perfect skin-hydrating agent. Also, its antioxidant as well as the anti-inflammatory properties assists to soothe dry cracked hands.

Also, its lactic acid content assists to do away with any germs or bacteria that may lead to dryness or itchiness.

  • Apply fresh yogurt on the hands, and legs and then gently massage it into the skin. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then take a shower. The mild exfoliating action of the yogurt will get rid of the dry skin and leave the skin refreshed. Do the process once daily.
  • Mix 1 cup of yogurt and 3 tablespoons of blended papaya. Stir in a few drops each of honey and the lemon juice. Apply it on the skin and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off using cold water. Do the process once a week.
  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is good for treatment of the dry skin. It contains a good amount of fatty acids which make up for any loss of moisture from the skin.

  • Liberally apply some warm coconut oil all over the body before going to sleep. Wash it off in the morning. Do the process daily to make the skin soft and also very smooth.
  • Apply the coconut oil on the dry skin after you take a shower. When the skin is warm and supple from bath, coconut oil is readily absorbed. Do the process daily.


  1. Avocado

Avocado is packed with several fatty acids, vitamins as well as the antioxidants that assists to improve skin from the inside. The high vitamin A content that is in avocado also helps in skin maintenance and repair to restore smooth and silky skin, it helps improve the condition of dry cracked hands.

  • Mash the pulp of an avocado into a very smooth paste. Rub the paste all over the dry skin. Let it sit on the skin for 15 minutes and then rinse it off using cold water. Repeat once daily.
  • Mash one ripe avocado and stir in one cup of honey. Apply the mixture on the dry skin and let it sit for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off. Use the hydrating face mask once a week. Do not use more often than that.
  • You can as well drink a glass of an avocado mixture daily to increase the intake of healthy fats that will help keep the skin hydrated and moisturized.
  1. Oatmeal

You can as well use oatmeal so as to moisturize and also relieve the dry cracked skin. The high protein content that is in oatmeal leaves a protective barrier on skin, which prevents water loss and assists to maintain moisture. Also, it contains anti-inflammatory and also antioxidant properties which are good for the overall health of skin.

  • Pour one cup of plain oatmeal into the bathtub that is filled with warm water. Add some drops of lavender oil. Soak in the bath water for 30 minutes. Enjoy the soothing bath at least once a week.
  • Make a face mask by mixing a mashed ripe banana with 1 cup of ground oatmeal and then adding some bit of lukewarm milk. Apply the smooth mixture on the dry skin and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse it off using cold water. Use the face mask at least once a week.

Best Lotion Cracked Hands

How to get rid of dry cracked hands

Best lotions for cracked hands

Painfully dry cracked hands may be the result of frequent hand washing, sensitive skin or even a dry winter climate. Whatever the cause, cracking skin normally hurts and needs gentle care so as to prevent and also heal damage. Finding lotions which work well for the skin can be challenging. So as to treat very dry skin, moisturizing lotion should be thick, have rich moisturizing ingredients, and be free of common allergens.

Causes and Considerations

Dry cracked hands is a problem for several people, especially during the winter months. Dryness typically causes itching; and the associated rubbing or even the scratching might thicken skin. Thickened skin is much prone to cracks. These cracks might make daily life very much painful and can be difficult to treat. Both prevention strategies as well as the moisturizing lotions are very much essential to assist reduce or get rid of the painful cracking as well as the irritating dryness.

Maintaining Moisture

Lotions for dry hands may prevent cracking, and even help the damaged skin to heal. Moisturizers trap water in the skin, thus preventing dryness as well as keeping skin soft. To use the moisturizing lotion, wash the hands with the warm water and a gentle soap or even a lotion-based cleanser, such as Cetaphil. Pat the hands dry and use a moisturizing lotion every time that you wash hands, and consider use of a heavier, greasier lotion before sleeping.

Choosing Hand Creams

There are three types of hand moisturizers. Ointments are very greasy, but very much effective. Cream-based lotions also absorb into the skin, but do leave the greasy reside. Lighter lotions are more popular choice; but, they are least effective. Choose a thicker ointment formulation rather than a lighter lotion so as to avoid hand lotions having potentially drying alcohol.

Applying Moisturizer

Double up on the lotion applications for the better effect. Use a thin layer of lotion after washing the hands. Allow the lotion to soak into the skin for many minutes, then apply a second layer. You might also apply a rich ointment hand lotion to the hands, then cover with cotton gloves. Leave the gloves on overnight so as to help heal the dry cracked hands.

Cortisone Cream Caution

While over-the-counter cortisone and also other anti-itch creams might be tempting, be very much conscientious about their use on the dry winter skin. Limit the use of cortisone cream to red patches of dermatitis on dry cracked hands and follow up with a rich moisturizing lotion. If dermatitis is very much severe, see a dermatologist or the regular health care provider for a prescription. Avoid an anti-inflammatory or anti-itch products which might worsen redness or burning.

Cracked Hands Cream

1 – Maple Holistics Natural Hand Cream for Dry and Aging Hands

The first-hand lotion that has merit is from a company known as Maple Holistics, and the manufacturer claims it has all natural ingredients to deliver fabulous results for all the skin types. The most active ingredients is said to be Chamomile, and Lavender.

Some of the feedbacks from the existing customers also claim that it is capable of repairing wrinkles and also the cracked skin. The inclusion of therapeutic-grade essential oil makes it very safe to use for people who have even sensitive skin. This particular product is manufactured in America by use of cruelty-free methods.

This best cream for dry cracked hands have no harsh chemicals which includes sulfates, parabens, artificial fragrances, synthetic colors, or even the mineral oil. Your purchase is backed by an unconditional money-back guarantee from the manufacturer. It is very much suitable for use by both men and women.

2 – O’Keeffe’s Working Hands Cream

If you ignore the odd spelling and also the sounding of the name, this particular lotion for dry cracked hands is very good, with several feedbacks from the current users. The included moisturizing ingredients is able to improve the dry skin.

This hand skin restoration beauty product is non-greasy and also odorless. It is the best hand lotion for dry cracked hands that is found on Amazon, based on sales figures as well as the feedbacks from existing users.

Your purchase is backed by a money back guarantee, which needs you return unused portion for 100% refund of the purchase price.

3 – Derma-nu Miracle Skin Remedies Intensive No Crack Hand Cream

This is a hand cream that has a unique name that needs practice to get it right. Derma-nu hand cream is made so as to attack the symptoms of the dry skin, calluses, as well as the dry cuticle. It has Shea and cocoa butter, which implies that it is capable of nourishing as well as soothing your dry skin.

The manufacturer also claims that the product is able to provide longer lasting hydration and the moisture, which makes it very much suitable for use during the winter months. It made using organic natural ingredients, and the purchase entitles you to a 30-days money back guarantee.

4 – Miracle of Aloe Miracle Hand Repair Cream

The name for this hand cream indicates what it can do for dry cracked hands. It is a very good therapeutic formula with about 50% of Ultra Aloe substance.

The unique formulation can assist to reduce redness and also the flaking. Some of the customers have called it fast acting as it normally penetrates the damaged skin layers.

The miracle of this cream is priced right, and few of the customers said that the daily use is able to leave the hands looking and feeling moisturized and comfortable.

5 – Mee Beauty Hand Repair Cream Moisturizer

This particular cream moisturizer that is made for dry cracked hands, and it is made by a company known as Mee Beauty. Two of the most active ingredients are organic Shea butter and also honey.

As you understand, pure natural honey contains several healing powers, which guarantees the dry cracked or aging hands will appear and feel different in a few days with continuous daily use.

Within the ingredients, you’ll also find organic Aloe Vera, a substance that has several anti-aging properties. Most of the current users of the product love to use it.

Dry Cracked Hands Vitamin Deficiency

Causes of dry and cracked hands

Cracked hands vitamin deficiency

Cracked skin on the hands is able to prove uncomfortable and also very painful, and it detracts from the appearance of hands. In addition, chronically dry cracked hands can pose a health risk, offering an entry point for bacteria or fungi to go into the body. While dry cracked hands are able to develop for a number of reasons, a number of vitamin deficiencies might also contribute to cracked skin on your hands.

Vitamin C

One vitamin deficiency that can lead to dry cracked hands is a deficiency in vitamin C, or also known as the ascorbic acid. Deficiencies in vitamin C causes a depletion of collagen in the skin tissue, which can cause wounds and also cracking. In addition, the loss of collagen prevents the skin from healing properly, so even the small skin lesions on hands could develop into very large noticeable cracks. The deficiency can affect the skin on other parts of the body, and also harm the bones, gum tissue, blood vessels and cartilage.

Dry Cracked Hands Eczema

Hand eczema, also called the hand dermatitis, is a condition that affects about 12% of the U.S. population. Both genetics and also the contact allergens (irritating substances) play a big role in “triggering” this form of eczema. It affects people who work in cleaning, hairdressing, healthcare and mechanical jobs where they might come into contact with chemicals and several other irritants.

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