
Hole in Tooth, no Pain, Near Gum Line, Big, Small, How to Get Rid and Pictures

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A look at the hole in tooth with no pain, near the gum line, big hole, small hole, how to get rid of them as well as the pictures.

holes in teeth

Hole in Tooth Causes

Cavity, also known as tooth decay, is the hole in tooth. Cavities are the second-most common health disorder that is found in the United States. Hole in tooth is due to the two primary factors: bacteria found in the mouth and a very high-sugar and starch diet.

It is very natural to have the bacteria in the mouth but it also becomes problematic in the case of the poor oral hygiene.

According to the researchers, the mouth’s normal bacteria normally combine with the food pieces and saliva so as to form plaque. Plaque is a sticky, invisible substance that mostly accumulates quickly. Foods that are rich in sugar or starch make plaque stickier.

If plaque stays on teeth for more than about 5 few days, it gets harder and becomes a substance known as tartar.

Hole in tooth form when bacteria in the plaque and tartar will then convert sugar into acid. According to Culotta-Norton, Streptococcus mutans is bacteria especially will most likely combine with fermentable carbohydrates such as the sucrose, fructose and the glucose and then produce acid.

The acid then demineralizes the hard structure, which over time creates a soft spot, or a hole in the tooth known as the cavity.

The destruction then continues, as reported by the dentists. After the enamel is finally worn away, the acid then reaches the next layer of the teeth. This very layer, known as the dentin, is softer and susceptible to the acid. The bacteria and the acid then continue to work their way through the tooth, into the pulp, thus creating a bigger hole.

According to the doctors, a hole in tooth is commonly found where the plaque is highly prevalent, like the on the molars, near the gum line, and also at the edges of fillings.

Improper care and poor cleaning can result into holes in the teeth.  Eating poorly, like the candy, junk food or something that is too sugary, might wear away at the enamel and make the teeth softer.  Without the enamel that helps to shield the teeth, the chances of holes or even the tooth decay increase.


There are normally no symptoms of the cavities, which is why doctors stress the importance of visiting a dentist and having radiographs being taken periodically so that the cavities might be diagnosed and treated early enough before they get large to lead to symptoms. The reported most common early symptoms of cavities are a chalky white and a discolored spot on a tooth and sensitivity to cold.

As the cavity progresses, the decay then gets near the nerve and may lead to pain that gets progressively worse more especially with exposure to heat, sweet foods or drinks. If the decay gets large enough, part of the tooth can then fracture off, thus leaving a large visible hole, and the tooth can be much sensitive to the biting pressure. Bad breath and or even a bad taste in the mouth are also symptoms.

Hole in tooth on the front teeth are the easiest to observe and will appear like a brown or a black spot. Cavities that are found in other parts of the mouth are normally not very visible without an X-ray.

Besides cavities or even hole in tooth that can lead to pain when biting, pain when drinking or even eating, tooth sensitivity, there are other dental problems.

  1. Gingivitis

Gingivitis is the initial stage of a gum disease, or the gum inflammation, due to the dental plaque accumulation on teeth. Plaque that isn’t extracted might become tartar, causing sensitive, inflamed, or even red gums. This may be prevented by removal of the plaque using daily flossing and brushing.

  1. Periodontitis (Gum Disease)

This is a very advanced stage for the gum disease, when the tissues that are supporting the teeth (such as the bones and the gums) are much inflamed. Over time, the tissues will then detach from then teeth, thus increasing the gap between gums and the teeth. This might lead to teeth loosening and the gums become much exposed. It can also cause bone loss and thus losing one or more teeth.

  1. Receding Gums

Receding gums are when the gum tissue that are surrounding the teeth wear away. This is normally brought about by the dental hygiene which is very much inadequate or the gum disease like the gingivitis and periodontitis.

It can take several years to develop gradually and the teeth will start to appear longer. Slowly the space between roots and teeth can get visible, thus increasing sensitivity. If it isn’t treated, the teeth in question can lead to hole in tooth then be lost.

  1. Dental Abscess

Dental abscesses are normally created from the pus and they can affect the teeth or gums. They are due to the bacterial infections that is frequently beginning as cavities or tooth infections. They will normally involve redness and pain. As they advance, they can include diarrhea, fever, vomiting, or even nausea. There can also be cavities, gum inflammation, tenderness, or oral swelling.

Hole in Tooth Pain

Tooth decay cannot lead to any pain. But, if you have dental caries you might have:

  • toothache – either continuous pain keeping you awake or an occasional sharp pain without an obvious reason
  • tooth sensitivity – you may feel tenderness or pain when eating or drinking something hot, cold or sweet
  • grey or black spots that are appearing on the teeth
  • an unpleasant taste in your mouth

When cavities are untreated, they become very large, thus spreading to deeper layers within the teeth. This might lead to infection, severe toothache, or a tooth loss.

If you are having very sharp pains while eating or even drinking hot or very cold foods, it might imply that you have a cavity. It can also be an indication that you may be having sensitive teeth, either from receding gums or even from a thinning of the tooth enamel.

While you are still waiting for a dental appointment so as to confirm the cause of the sensitive teeth, use of a soft-bristled toothbrush and a toothpaste that is designed for sensitive teeth can assist to ease the symptoms.

To reduce the pain and any related issues of hole in tooth, aim to eat foods that are much healthy for the teeth. This implies avoiding foods that can get stuck into the teeth’s pits and grooves, like the cookies and then brush right after. Instead opt for the foods that can increase saliva flow to wash away the food particles. Consider unsweetened tea and coffee and fresh fruits or vegetables.

Hole in Tooth no Pain

big hole in tooth

In most of the cases, hole in tooth is painful, but it is possible to have a hole in teeth or dental abscess lower jaw without any pain. Even without constant pain, it may occasionally feel sore. The best solution for this issue or any other tooth-related issues is to visit a dentist immediately. The existing hole indicates that you have put off the dentist visit too long and need to take action immediately to minimize the negative effects.

Cavities are erosion along the tooth’s enamel or outer surface. These lead to a pit within the tooth where bacteria can reproduce. As the erosion gets deeper, the nerve within the tooth’s center may become involved, leading to swelling and pain.

This implies that most of the cavities will not be much painful unless they are deep where they can reach the nerve root. That is why the dentists will suggest having a screening at least twice a year so as to search for and treat cavities, even if there is no pain.

Hole in Tooth near Gum Line

There’s two possibilities about what the notches that you are seeing are: a carious cervical lesion or even a non-carious cervical lesion. Normally, the hole in tooth is either brought about by dental decay or by something else.

The first thing that the dentist must find out is if there is decay in the notch. If the notch has a dental decay, it’s a cavity. Most of the patients are very familiar with what that is. You can even hear the dentist say buccal caries to describe the surface where the decay is.

There are many times, but, when there is no dental decay in the notch. There’s a notch there, but the tooth structure is very hard with no evidence of any dental decay.

The cause of the carious cervical lesion is very easy. It’s like any other cavity on any surface of a tooth. Dental decay is brought about by the right mix of poor diet, poor hygiene, and the right type of the bacteria that are living in the mouth.

What leads to the non-carious cervical lesion, the little notch in the tooth right at the gum line that don’t appear to have dental decay? This is normally a somewhat controversial idea in dentistry. There’s a school of thought that has data to back it up that that the lesions come from toothpaste.

The abrasive properties of a toothpaste leads to these lesions to form on the vulnerable spot on the tooth: the root surface. There’s also a group of dentists that have evidence to suggest that hole in tooth comes from an aggressive tooth brushing.

A number of dentists however have research to support the idea that the misplaced biting forces are the normally a culprit, or that a habits like clenching and also grinding teeth are to blame.

While the timetable varies from one individual to another, it can be said with certainty that existing dental problems normally get worse over time when they are left untreated. It doesn’t matter what it is. Decay in teeth gets larger over time if it is left untreated.

Gum disease and the bone loss around teeth usually gets worse over time when left untreated also. If the teeth are crowded or even crooked, it will get progressively worse over time if left untreated.

In my opinion, noncarious cervical lesions, the little notches, are one of the most underdiagnosed and undertreated dental problems.

The treatment option of choice depends on several factors that only a conscientious dentist can properly analyze.

The overall health of a patient, the patient’s desires as well as the expectations, if the tooth is asymptomatic or not, how big the notch is, the quality of the gum tissue that is around the tooth in question, the quality of the bone that is around the tooth in question, the overall health of that tooth, the dental caries risk level of the patient, whether or not there is decay in the lesion, are just a few factors off the top that go into selecting the right treatment.

Big Hole in Tooth no Pain

If the hole gets very deep, however, the tooth might become a ticking time bomb, that has pulp degeneration, and then lead to big trouble like an abscess

Small Hole in Tooth

small hole in tooth

A small cavity that is in a tooth that leads to no pain can be easily repaired before it does.

Proper care of teeth is very important. Brush teeth regularly so as to avoid cavities and gum infections. This is very important during a time of crisis, like the disaster or an evacuation. While brushing is the last thing on mind, hole in tooth or even gum infections are very frequent during times of emotional and physical stress, more especially when coupled with poor oral hygiene.

How to Get Rid of Hole in Tooth

Treatment of tooth decay depends on how advanced it is.

  • For early stage tooth decay –the dentist will discuss with you about the amount of sugar in diet and the times you eat. They can assist to apply a fluoride gel, varnish or even a paste to the area. Fluoride assists to protect teeth by strengthening of the enamel, thus making teeth very resistant to the acids from a plaque that can lead to tooth decay.
  • Your dentist may discuss a filling or crown with you –this involves removal of the dental decay, offering local anesthetic to numb the tooth and then filling the hole.
  • If tooth decay has spread to the pulp) –this may be extracted in a process called as root canal treatment.
  • If the tooth is so badly damaged that it can’t be restored –it may require to be extracted. The dentist can be able to replace the tooth with a partial denture, bridge or implant.

A hole in tooth likely implies you have a cavity.  This is not something that you can treat yourself and you should go see a dentist urgently.  Even if the hole is not much painful, you should still visit a dentist.  It is better to take care of the hole sooner rather than l when the hole grows or leading to more painful tooth complications.

A dentist will then fill the tooth so as to stop the hole from growing and also block it off from any impurities that could lead to an infection.  Be sure to schedule an appointment with the dentist right away.

In the event that the tooth is much rotted, the tooth may require to be drilled down and then covered with a crown.  In extreme cases, the tooth can even require to be pulled and then replaced with a fake tooth.

Thoroughly brushing as well as flossing the teeth 3 times a day after each meal can decrease the likelihood of an enamel wear and a hole in tooth.  Decreasing of the intake of sugary foods can also assist tremendously.  Opt for fruits instead of sugary foods—they are just as sweet and much healthier for you

A filling is a way that can be used to restore a tooth that is damaged by decay back to its normal function as well as shape. When a dentist gives you a filling, he or she removes the decayed tooth material, then cleans the affected area, and then fills the cleaned out cavity using a filling material.

By closing off the spaces where bacteria might enter, a filling also assists to prevent further decay. Materials used for the fillings include gold, porcelain, a composite resin (tooth-colored fillings), and an amalgam (an alloy of mercury, copper and sometimes zinc).

No one type of filling is best for everyone. What’s right for an individual will be determined by the extent of the repair, whether you have the allergies to certain materials, where in the mouth the filling is required, and the cost. Considerations for different materials are:

  • Gold fillings are made to order in a laboratory and then cemented into place. Gold inlays are well tolerated by the gum tissues, and can last more than 15 years. For these given reasons, most of the authorities consider gold the best filling material. But, it is often the most expensive choice and needs multiple visits.
  • Amalgam (silver) fillings are very resistant to wear and a bit inexpensive. However, due to the dark color, they are more noticeable than the porcelain or composite restorations and are not normally used in very visible areas, such as front teeth.
  • Composite (plastic) resins are matched to be the same color as the teeth and thus used where a natural appearance is required. The ingredients are well mixed and then placed directly into the cavity, where they harden. Composites may not be the ideal material for the large fillings as they can chip or even wear over time. They might also become much stained from the coffee, tea or even tobacco, and do not last as long as other types of the fillings generally from three to about 10 years.

Further references;

  1. Potential Causes Of Toothaches: It’s Not Always A Cavity: http://www.colgate.com/en/us/oc/oral-health/conditions/tooth-sensitivity/article/potential-causes-of-toothaches-its-not-always-a-cavity-0213
  2. Root Canal Treatments: http://patient.info/health/root-canal-treatments
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