Red Spots

Small Red Spots on Skin, Itchy, Tiny, Dots, Bumps, Pinpointed, Bloody, Get Rid, Pictures

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What causes small red spots on your skin? There are several reason that may cause you to develop these kind of spots on your skin. We will also handle some of the ways you can avoid and treat and get rid of the small red spots.

tiny red spots on skin

Small Red Spots on Skin

There are many reasons that may lead you to develop red spots on your skin. When not handled carefully, some of these underlying causes may be so serious, while others may not be a cause fo worry.

For you to be on the safe side, you should be cautious and very observant to make sure all the conditions are handled as per the severity at hand. There are several causes of small red spots on skin. Here we are going to talk about some of them.

Causes of Tiny Red Dots on Skin

Red mole or cherry angiomas

These kind of spots are very common and usually appear on any part of the body. Cherry angiomas are common in people aged 30 years and above. What makes them red is the broken vessels inside them. Though the general cause resulting to these dots is not known, experts link them to something to do with genes.

Some people are likely to get them but others are not. They normally occur in pregnancy, and are linked to climate change and even continuous exposure to severe chemicals. Worry not about then unless they change in color, shape and size. You can visit your doctor to see them if they bleed more often.


They are pinpoint, round, small red spots on skin that develop as a result of bleeding and this is the reason they may appear to be brown, red or purple. The color remain the same even when they are pressed and they mostly appear on eyelid or in the inner surface of the mouth.

Causes: The most common causes of petechie is allergic reaction, local injury, autoimmune disease, trauma, and viral infection that impair clotting.

Treatment: they can be treated by use of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor in case of an infection causing their formation on the skin. If the spots cause of injuries to blood capillaries, apply ice packs or cold compress to the affected area.

Keratosis pilaris

This is also one of the main cause of those small red spots on skin. It is a genetic disorder that affects the hair follicle of the skin and is often seen as rough, small folliculoentric keratotic papules. They are also known as chicken skin, chicken pumps, or goose bumps and they mostly appear on the upper thighs or upper arms.

The condition usually get better oil summer months and worsens in winter season when the skin become dry. This skin condition is self-limited and often improves with age.

Treatment: there is no prescribed treatment for this skin condition, but you can use moisturizing lotions and creams to reduce the dryness of the small red spots on skin.

Leukocytoclastic vasculitis

Also known as hypersensitivity vasculitis, refers to the inflammation of small blood vessels [capillaries]. This type of disease may only affect your skin or spread to other organs of the body, including central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, heart, lungs and even the kidneys.

Symptoms: damaged blood vessels on the skin that become leaky. It results in hemorrhage that appears as small areas of purple- red, raised lesions or small red spots on skin, also known as palpable purpura.

In other cases they may not form lesions but appear with pain and itching on legs. When in severe condition, appear with inflammation that result to large ulcerated blisters that are painful.

Treatment: the doctor will ask for your medical history before coming up with the best treatment option. Test may be taken to help in finding the main cause of the underlying disease.

Rheumatic fever

When you do not seek medications for strep throat in time you may end up having a rheumatic fever. This is common in children aged 5 to 15 years of age. The illness is not serious but when left untreated for long time may cause complications including permanent heart damage, stroke, and even death.

Symptoms: go for strep test if you child is having sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and small red spots on skin. A child may also have troubled swallowing with thick blood discharge from nose.

Treatment: the doctor may recommend use of antibiotics to treat the disease and long –term treatment to avoid reoccurrence. Also anti- inflammatory medication may be used to reduce pain.

Small Red Spots on Skin not Itchy

Those red rushes on your skin even if they are not itchy or painful, your body may require medical checkup at a given point. When this spots on your skin you may worry about what may have caused them and if they can be spread to other part of the body, or to other people. Although they may appear not to be itchy, small red spots on skin have no indication of a serious medical condition especially if you do not have any other underlying sickness.

What you can do to be on the safe side; anything that may occur on your body and cause a concern you should seek medical advice.

Types of not- itchy red spots

The main cause of those rushes may be bug bites and skin irritations, like contact rushes or heat rushes, causes of itchiness along with red bumps. The most probable causes of non- itchy red bumps in adults are folliculitis, an infection that occur on hair follicle, and eczema, an allergic condition that make your skin dry and prone to irritation.

If you do not treat these skin conditions they may turn to be itchy and painful leading to more complications. Sebaceous cysts – which occur as small, closed cysts under the skin can cause small red spots on skin as well. The cysts commonly originate from ingrown hair follicle and in most cases form on your face, neck and trunk.

Identifying the red rushes

Apart from observing the skin bumps with his/ her eyes, the doctor will have to request for your medical history. You will have to answer questions about the bumps, such as when they first appeared and whether they have been formed all over your body. The American Academy of Dermatologists argue that a trained doctor can be able to identify or distinguish the causes of many bumps by use of eyes. Though in most cases, it is very important to carry a test.

Lab test will enable the doctor to know if it is a bacteria or fungus present in the rushes if she suspects folliculitis. Patch testing can help in the identification of allergens that are causing the eczema.


The condition though rare in adults, children can get viral rashes that appear as non- itchy red pumps. These type of rashes will always appear with a fever and lack any specific pattern or appearance. The rashes in common cases starts from the trunk and spread out to the arms and legs.

Prevention and treatment

When you wear tight clothing you may develop friction, or irritation from shaving or waxing are common cause of folliculitis. To avoid this from happening, wear loose clothing as you wait for the infection to go away. Also do not shave or wax the area when the small red spots on skin are still present. Keep the area clean and dry, avoid use of contaminated towels or washcloths.

What to avoid

Red spots that are not itchy can be assumed in many cases as they cause no pain to give anxiety. Be warned not to ignore those cysts and bumps, contact your doctor if you notice new growths on your skin so he can look at them as they can be skin cancers.

Small Red Spots on Skin Itchy

small red spots on skin

It does not matter what your skin type is, but once in your life time you have ever had an itchy, red, bumpy rash at one time or another. If the bumps do not affect your normal daily life or covering the whole body, and you are not seek, chances are that it is nothing to worry about and will go away on its own.

Treating it with over the counter medicines can also be important, but if it stays for more than two weeks, or go away and come back, or if the medicine does not cause any help, it is very important if you visit a dermatologist as you might require a much stronger medicine to give a clear solution.

 Causes of Small Red Spots on Skin that are Itchy

Allergic reactions to personal care products – this may include cosmetics, skin care, hair care, nad even laundry detergent. Your skin come to contact with so many allergens every day, the possibility of it getting irritated is much higher. Some people are allergic to chemical ingredient in sunscreens that absorbs UV rays.

Inflammation of skin/ eczema – either dermatitis, can appear anywhere on the body, though it is most commonly found in the elbow creases or behind the knees. The small red spots on skin can look very different from person to person, but they are usually associated with intensely itchy, redness, and dryness.

Chicken skin or keratosis pilaris – KP is a common skin condition that is vary with eczema. It causes the skin cell to cluster around the hair follicle, trapping the hair underneath and causing a raised skin. They normally show up on the backs of the arms and thighs in large patches of rough, raised skin. Though not always itchy, but in other cases it can be. As per the skin type, the bumps can be red or brown. In some cases it can be severe but when handled with products like chemical exfoliators like glycolic acid and lactic acid can be better.

Rubbing from fabrics– putting on cloths that cause friction to your skin may result to itchy contact dermatitis. The friction factor of the fabric may become irritating mostly when you are working out and your cloths start to slide on your sweaty skin. If you notice an itchy red rash after gym, check if it falls where the seams of your athletic wear lies. Cotton clothing is not irritating to the skin, hence can be the best for working out.

Bug bites – they show up as small red spots on skin, but many people can develop generalized allergic reaction after getting bit by certain bugs. The most insects associated with this are the mosquito bites, which are seen with red bumpy rash that is itchy around the affected area.

Heat rash- causes itchy red bumps that may also feel prickly and tingle, and usually happens around the neck or other areas where sweat becomes trapped beneath clogged pores. Heat rash can appear in small red spots on skin, but in other cases as tiny clear blisters. People who leave in hot, humid weather are prone to this. When the skin is cooled the rash often go away on its own at once.

Allergic reactions caused by food or medicine- some people may be allergic to some food or medicine hence when they take them, end up having skin break outs in hives, an itchy red rash that appear as welts [large bumps]. This kind of allergy is different as the rash can appear anywhere on your body, versus a skin irritant that causes a rash right where it touched your body. These kind of allergies can be extremely dangerous, and it is important to get checked out ASAP if you have hives or in some way can connect something you ingested to small red spots on skin.

Sun allergy– the most common one is sun poisoning – when you have been in winter and go into the sun and break out in an itchy red rash, your body may be having a reaction to a sudden burst of sun exposure. This usually occur on forearms or other places that have been exposed to sun after a long period of cover from UV sun rays. Remember, this kind of reaction do not take place to everybody but to those who have this kind of allergy.

Itchy Bumps on Skin

Rashes that my result to itchy pimples on the skin affect a good number of people at one time or another in their life time. Dermatitis or a rash can appear in association with a fever or other kind of signs that will call for medical response. There are some rashes that may go away without you doing anything to them, but if they continue develop other more side effects like severe itchiness, change in shape, see a doctor.


Hives may result to small red spots on skin that are itchy and usually they are resulted from allergic reaction to some substances. Contact to pollen, chemicals, soap, food or other irritants may be a cause of hives. The hives cause fever, difficulty in breathing, dizziness or swelling. Research have it that hives can be as small as mosquito bite and last for on few hours, or can appear as large pimples that last for some days.

Features of bumps on skin

The common skin condition is acne which affect people in their pubic stage or menopausal women since hormonal imbalance cause excess oil to get in the pores, causing them to be clogged and form a pimple. When infected the pimple become itchy and painful. The infection may be due to squeezing or much exposure to germs that are harmful. If the pimple is infected you can use antibiotics to treat them, followed up by topical creams that contain benzoyl peroxide or retinol content.

Causes of red itchy bumps

Determining the cause of the small red spots on skin, or itchy bumps can be somehow difficult. The cause of irritation may be from a common household product like cosmetics, clothing materials and soaps. Pay attention to the location of the itchy bumps to find the main cause. For example, breakout on the wrist, or inner thighs may be caused by friction in between clothing and skin resulting to irritation hence red pimples. You may have ultraviolet sun sensitivity if you develop rashes after you are exposed to sun.


A dermatologist can contact skin patch tests that expose your skin to a wide range of substances to determine which one cause you an allergic reaction. Though patch tests have limitations because of wide range of possibilities. This may be somehow hard to get the real cause of breakouts. Still doctors are trained to know the cause of small red spots on skin by just examining them by eyes.

Pinpointed Red Spots on Skin

red bumps on skin

The unexpected formation of red pinpoint bumps on the skin surface can be anxious and disturbing. They may develop anywhere on the skin including most sensitive areas like face, stomach, legs, arms and even butts. In some cases the bumps may be a symptom of serious medical conditions, so it is much important to know the cause and how they can be handled.


Red pinpoint skin bumps can be similar to dots left by a fine- tipped red ink pin. They are flat against the skin and may also turn purple or brown in color. The bumps can spread far apart or clustered together like a rash. In most cases these small red spots on skin don’t lose their color if press on them.


The red pinpointed bumps are caused by bleeding in the skin. When the dots are small, the condition is called petechiae. If the bums are not treated, can get larger and morph into a condition called purpura. Bleeding under the skin is caused by physical injury, aging, viral infection or allergic reactions.

Treatment and prevention

Consult your doctor to know the exact cause of bleeding under the skin and red pinpoint bumps as treatment rely on cause. You can prevent the bumps from appearing by protecting your skin from injury. If it is due allergy from drugs your doctor can advise you on switching medications.

How to Get Rid of Small Red Spots on Skin

Maintaining your skin from any kind of skin rashes, to pimples, to angiomas will start by you avoiding exposure to many causes that result to skin harm. First of all examine your area to know the cause of your condition and work on the preventive measures to curb more harm. Let us look at some of the ways that can help in getting rid of small red spots on skin.

Home remedies

Baking soda

It is good to get rid of red marks on face. Make a paste out of it and apply on the affected area. This helps as it exfoliates the skin to minimize annoying acne scars.


It has a healing property and it get rid of the small red spots on skin marks overnight when applied. It has anti- bacterial properties that reduce scars and it also soothes the skin and prevent inflammation.

Aloe Vera

Is an easy way of getting rid of red marks on your skin fast, just apply aloe vera sap on the skin. The sap fades the scars and leave the skin moisturized and rejuvenated.

Green tea

Contains anti-inflammatory substances and an ice cube made of green tea keeps the small red spots on skin away.

Wrap a green tea ice cube in a soft towel and hold it against the affected area until it feels numb. The cold cube reduces redness and also have a soothing effect on the skin.


Squeeze some fresh lemon juice into a glass and mix with same amount of water. Apply the solution on the reddened area while avoiding surrounding skin. Naturally bleach your skin due to citric acid. Wash off after 20 minutes and it get off the redness with a fading effect.

Medical treatment

If the home remedies have not worked you can visit your doctor to examine your condition you may be having a severe infection that require strong medication without knowing,

The doctor will observe on the condition and if possible carry some tests to determine the cause. He/she may advise and prescribe on the right treatment that can work perfectly.

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