Red Spots

Red Spots on Tongue, Small, Dots, Tip, Back, How to Get Rid of them, Pictures

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Red spots can occur on the tongue that may be small, dotted, can happen at the back and notes on how to get rid of the red spots on tongue.

red spots on tongue pictures

Red Spots on Tongue Causes

Fungiform papillae are the small red spots that are located on the top side as well as the sides of the tongue. They’re of the same color as the rest of the tongue and, under any given normal circumstances, they are unnoticeable. They give the tongue a very rough texture, which assists a person to eat. They also have taste buds as well as temperature sensors.

Papillae can also become very much enlarged for various reasons. Most of the time, these particular reasons aren’t very serious. See the doctor if the bumps are much persistent and are growing or even spreading, or are making it too hard to eat.

Causes of Red Spots on tongue

Natural Bumps

The papillae that have the taste buds that are found on the tongue normally form in a V that leads to the back of the throat. You may also experience lingual tonsils or a round mass of the lymphatic tissue especially at the back of the tongue that may appear like red spots on tongue.

These bumps are always happening at the back of the tongue, but at different conditions they might change their look. Sinus infections are also known to enlarge the size of papillae. Some of the people simply have taste buds which are just large. Sometimes eating of very spicy foods can also inflame the taste buds also.

Squamous Papilloma

Squamous papilloma is related to the virus known as human papillomavirus (HPV). It’s usually a very lone, it is irregularly shaped spot that can be only be treated surgically or using laser ablation. There’s no known treatment for HPV, but individual signs can be well addressed.


Syphilis is a recognized sexually transmitted infection (STI). It normally begins with a very small, painless sore that’s too easy to dismiss as well. The first sore is usually followed by a rash. Most sores may come and disappear as the disease progresses. In the earlier stages, syphilis is easily treated using antibiotics. After the primary stages, sores may be seen in the mouth and on the tongue. These sores can result to serious effects, and even death, if left untreated.

Scarlet Fever

red bumps on tongue

Scarlet fever can lead to what is known as “strawberry tongue.” This condition may lead leaves the tongue red and swollen. This bacterial infection can also lead to skin rash and fever. Scarlet fever is very mild and can be treated using antibiotics. Rare complications may include pneumonia, rheumatic fever, and

Traumatic Fibroma

Traumatic fibroma is a very smooth and pink tongue spots that is caused by a chronic irritation. It’s difficult to diagnose, so a biopsy is usually required. The growth can be surgically done away with, if required.


Glossitis is when the inflammation makes the tongue look smooth and with red spots rather than bumpy. It may be the result of a variety of causes, including an allergic reaction, smoking and other irritants, or infection. Treatment always depends on the cause. See the doctor if glossitis is very persistent or recurring.

Oral Thrush: This type of yeast infection usually tends to affect mostly the elderly (especially who wear dentures) and infants much more frequently. It can also affect those taking much of steroids to obtain relief that comes from diabetes or lung disease. In most cases, oral thrush may happen after taking of antibiotics that may accidentally kill all the beneficial bacteria found in the mouth.

Mouth Cancer

Most of the red spots on the tongue aren’t serious, but some are known to be cancerous. Cancerous bumps normally appear on the sides of the tongue rather than on the top side. The most common type of cancer that develop on the tongue is known as squamous cell carcinoma.

Most of the time, a person should not be concerned to find out if there are red spots on tongue, but if the situation doesn’t disappear within about two or more weeks, you should consult the doctor. It is very easy to miss out any oral cancer signs in the early stages as it may not be painful.

Oral tongue cancer comes on the front part of the tongue. The lump may be gray in color, pink, or red. Touching it may also lead to bleeding.

Cancer can also happen at the back, or the base, of the tongue. It may be very much harder to detect, especially if there’s no pain at first. It can become as painful as it progresses in stages.

If cancer is first suspected, the doctor may probably take a tissue sample for examination under a microscope in what is known as biopsy. Treatment options available include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, all depending on the type and stage of cancer.

Other Causes of Red Dots on Tongue 

red spots on back of tongue

The specific symptoms you are experiencing will help to identify the cause of your tongue problem.

Pain is mostly as a result of any injury or even an infection. If you bite the tongue, you may come up with a sore tongue that can last for several days and can be so painful. A minor infection on the tongue is not uncommon and can lead to pain and irritation. Any inflamed papillae, or the taste buds, are smaller, painful bumps that comes after an injury that results from a bite, or irritation that comes from hot foods.

A canker sore is also another common cause of red spots on tongue as well as pain on the tongue. This is a very small, white sore that can come about for no good reason. Canker sores can be brought about by a virus, in that case it is known as a viral ulcer. In most cases the cause of a canker sore is not established and known as an aphthous ulcer. These particular sores usually go away without any specific treatment.

Other, less obvious and little known reasons for red spots on tongue include cancer, anemia, oral herpes as well as irritating dentures or braces.

Neuralgia may also be a source of red spots on tongue. This is a more severe led pain that happens along any damaged nerve. Neuralgia comes from aging, multiple sclerosis, tumors, or for no explained reason.

A burning sensation that occurs on the tongue may be a symptom in women who are experiencing postmenopausal. It can also come about through exposure to irritants, such as by smoking.

A swollen tongue may also be a symptom of a disease or medical condition, like as Down syndrome, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (which can lead to enlarged organs), an overactive thyroid, strep throat, and even anemia.

When the tongue swells suddenly, the likely cause is an allergic reaction. This can result in difficulty breathing and red spots on tongue. In some other cases, this is also an emergency situation and the person who have been affected should be taken to a qualified medical professional right away.

A bright pink color on the tongue is most often caused by a deficiency in iron, folic acid, or vitamin B-12. It may also be an allergic reaction to gluten.

A white tongue is usually a result of smoking or drinking alcohol. White lines or bumps may be an inflammation called oral lichen planus. This could be due to poor oral hygiene, or from an underlying condition, such as hepatitis C or allergies.

A hairy tongue, when the tongue appears to be very furry or even hairy, is most likely brought about by a course of antibiotics. It can also be brought about if you consume a lot of an irritating substance including coffee or even mouthwash, or if you smoke.

Leukoplakia: In this particular medical condition, cells that are found in the mouth grow excessively, thus creating some white patches along the sides mouth and tongue. This can at times be an early sign of cancer and it normally begins with the tongue being irritated by a foreign object like tobacco.

Small Red Spots on Tongue

Numerous problems can seriously affect the tongue, bringing about the pain, sores, the swelling, changes that occurs in the taste, unusual colors of the tongue that indicates red spots on tongue and changes in its texture.

Most of these problems are not as such serious and are brought about by very small infections or even mouth injuries. However, sometimes the signs may be an indication of other underlying conditions that requires urgent medical treatment.

You can also prevent red spots tongue problems by a practice of good oral hygiene. If then you are already suffering from any of the mentioned tongue problems, some simple home care remedies can also relieve the pain.

Red Spots on Tongue Sore Throats

red spots on tip of tongue

When red spots on tongue appear on the back of the tongue, they also tend to be larger than other bumps on more fore areas of the tongue and are known as the circumvallate papillae, this according to Net Wellness.

These particular bumps are always found in the back of the throat, looks slightly red and sometimes form a V-shape that also points backward. However, when you experience a cold, sore throat or even an infection of some sort, these bumps may be more prominent.

Sometimes, the red bumps on tongue are just sores. The cause of these sores will always vary, however. For example, a few possible reasons include any infections, canker sores and even oral herpes.

According to studies, symmetrical bumps that occurs on both sides of the tongue are very common and are generally harmless, while bumps that appear on only a single side, unless obviously brought about by irritation, have the effects of being cancer.

Red Spots on Back of Tongue

Even though red spots on tongue found on the back of the tongue are usually nothing to be concerned about, there are very few instances where you are supposed to seek treatment.

For example, if the bumps lasts for more than three weeks or more and get bigger, you should ensure to see a doctor, according to the studies. Likewise, if they bleed profusely or are so painful they thus interfere with the normal chewing, seek the help to at least obtain a pain-relieving gel

Red Spots on Tip of Tongue

Red spots on tongue tips are minute blood bumps that can be brought about because of a variety of reasons including vitamin deficiencies, allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases etc. The tongue is usually pinkish in color.

The color, texture as well as moisture of the tongue says a lot about the general health of a pesron. Therefore any changes found in any of these aspects tend to indicate the presence of all other diseases.

Red spots on tongue often show inflammatory digestive system. Red blotches on tongue, on the other hand, may also indicate a condition known as Geographical Tongue.

Most of red spots on tongue tips are simple oral irritations. However, that do not mean that they’re pleasant to deal with. You can also get rid of these spots faster, or at least make the healing much more tolerable, by obtaining over-the-counter oral gel so as to numb the bumps.

Avoiding of any irritation foods like very hot foods, salty foods or very sugary foods can also help. Rinse the mouth using a warm salt water ensure that you rinse several times a day and also maintain proper oral hygiene to make the mouth an ideal environment for a faster healing.

Some of the common causes of red spots on tongue tips include vitamin B12 deficiency, yeast infection (that may include Oral Thrush), Herpes, Kawasaki disease, Scarlet Fever as well as other such conditions. Kawasaki disease that is affecting blood vessels found in the body is an autoimmune disease mostly happening in small children.

It usually leads to some of the development of the large red spots on tongue tips. In the case of Scarlet fever, red dots on the tongue also tend to happen as a result of streptococcal infection. This particular contagious disease is also followed by strawberry tongue.

Individuals who are suffering from any digestive ailments including Acid Reflux tend to have red bumps on tongue due to regurgitated liquid that comes from the stomach. This liquid normally contains acids and pepsins.

How to Get Rid of Red Spots on Tongue – Home Remedies

red patches on tongue

  1. Gargle using a warm saltwater solution. Swishing of a simple saline solution contains some antibacterial properties and can also assist relieve the presence of red spots on tongue. It may also assist to decrease any other inflammation that may present especially with the condition.
    • Dissolve about 1/2 a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water so as to make saline solution.
    • Gargle a mouthful of the salt water for about 30 seconds and thereafter gently spit it out.
    • Swish the salt water solution after every other meal to get rid of any debris in the teeth or on the tongue.
    • Repeat this procedure for about three to four times a day until tongue bumps disappear.
    • Do not apply saline solution that is designated for contact lenses as a mouth rinse.
  1. Drink cold or cool liquids. There is some studies that suggest that drinking of cool or cold liquids can assist to soothe red spots on tongue and reduces any associated inflammation. You can also drink cold beverages as a normal part of the daily hydration routine or as required to help relieve the discomfort.
    • To keep your body hydrated, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day if you are a woman and 13 full glasses if you are a man. Persons who are too active and pregnant women need up to 16 cups of water a day.
  2. Eat soothing foods. Some of the doctors may suggest consuming of soothing foods like the yogurt. These can assist to reduce any pain or discomfort you may experience caused by red spots on tongue.
    • Try to eat foods that are cool to enhance the soothing effects.
    • Dairy products like yogurt, ice cream, as well as milk may assist alleviate the discomfort. Other foods including pudding or popsicles may also assist.

Further references;

  1. How to Remove Bumps on Tongue:
  2. Tongue Bumps: Enlarged Papillae and Other Problems:
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