Red Spots

Red Spots on Body, not Itchy, Random, Small, Pictures, Baby, How to Get Rid

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What causes red blood spots on skin? A focus on the red spots on body, that rea not itchy, random, std, the blood, the baby, the pictures and how to get rid of them.

small red spots on body

Red Spots on Body that don’t Itch

Red spots on body are a very common medical complaint. When the spots happen in outbreaks, they are sometimes referred to as rashes.

Rashes can happen due to infections of the skin, disseminated infections (that have spread throughout the body), allergic reactions, or the irritations of the skin. When the red bump or the rash is flat, it is medically called a macule.

When the red spot is raised, it is called as a papule. Erythema is the medical term that is used for redness of the skin.

Red spots on body that happen singly might be a small benign tumor of the blood vessels, called a hemangioma. Tiny, pinpoint hemorrhages might be seen in the skin and are called petechiae. Bleeding disorders might also lead to the formation of the purplish red spots that are larger, called purpura.

Rashes may be associated with other symptoms, like the hives. Red spots on the skin that are related to the underlying medical conditions may be associated with other symptoms of the underlying condition.

Skin disorders vary much in symptoms and the severity. They may be temporary or permanent, and may be painless. Some have situational causes, while others can be genetic. Some of the skin conditions are minor, and others may be life-threatening.

Random Red Spots on Body

Skin conditions shows a wide range of symptoms. Red spots on body that appear due to the common problems aren’t always the result of the skin disorder. Such symptoms might include blisters from the new shoes or a chafing from tight pants. However, skin problems that have no obvious cause may show the presence of an actual skin condition that needs treatment.

Skin irregularities that are usual symptoms of a skin disorder are:

  • a rash, which might be painful or itchy
  • scaly or rough skin
  • ulcers
  • open sores or lesions
  • discolored patches of skin
  • fleshy bumps, warts, or other skin growths
  • changes in mole color or size
  • excessive flushing

Most of the people who have diabetes experience red spots on body due to their condition at a point. Some of the skin disorders only affect people who have diabetes. Others happen more frequently in people who have diabetes as the disease increases the risk for the infection and blood circulation problems. Diabetes-related skin conditions are:

  • bacterial infections, such as boils, styes, and folliculitis
  • fungal infections, like the athlete’s foot, ringworm, and yeast infections
  • acanthosis Nigricans
  • diabetic dermopathy

Pregnancy leads to significant changes in hormone levels that may lead to skin problems. Pre-existing red spots on body can change or even get worse during pregnancy. Most of the skin conditions that arise due to pregnancy disappear after the baby is born. Others need medical attention during pregnancy.

Small Red Spots on Body

red spots on body

A skin rash is the area of skin that has become swollen or even irritated. Skin rashes may include skin bumps or sores, scaly or the red skin, and itchy or the burning skin. Skin rashes may be brought about by most of the medical conditions.

Some skin rashes happen right away, while others take a longer time to develop. The location, appearance, and even the color of the skin rash are all crucial to help the doctor make the right diagnosis and begin the right treatment.

A person can develop small red spots on body for several different reasons. Some of these underlying causes can be quite serious, while others cannot raise any concern. It is, however, crucial to understand when you should go see the doctor and then seek medical treatment

If you’re suffering from the skin rash, check out the following images to see if it could be one of the most common

Cherry angiomas are very common and may appear on any area of the body. Also called senile angiomas, they normally affect people over 25 years of age. They look red due to broken blood vessels inside them.

While the exact cause of the skin growths is not very clear, most of the experts believe it has something to do with the genetics. Some people are very likely to get them compared to others. They are more likely to appear in pregnancy and are even linked to the climate and exposure to the chemicals. You do not need to worry about these skin growths unless you notice a change in the shape or color. Talk to the doctor if they bleed often.

The virus called varicella zoster, more commonly known as chickenpox, creates a skin rash of itchy blisters on the face that spreads down to cover the chest and even the back. It’s normally accompanied by fever and sore throat. Even though a vaccine is available, chickenpox is still very common in children under age of 12. Treatment is aimed at controlling of the symptoms, including the fever with acetaminophen or ibuprofen and the itch with creams and cold compresses.

A drug-induced red spots on body may be from an allergic reaction to the drug, a side effect of a drug, or from the sensitivity to sunlight brought about by a drug. A drug rash may happen right away after taking the drug, or up to several hours later.

Types of drug rashes are hive or skin bump eruptions, purple or red spots on body, or scaly and thickened areas of skin. This skin condition can happen anywhere on the skin or even inside of the mouth. Treatment is to stop taking of the drug and then manage the symptoms using antihistamines or even steroids. In the rare cases, drug-induced rashes may be serious or even fatal, so check with the doctor.

Baby has Red Spots on Body

red spots on upper body

Skin disorders are very common in children. Children may experience most of the same skin conditions as adults. Infants are also at risk for the diaper-related skin problems. Since children experience more frequent exposure to other children and the germs, they can also develop the skin disorders that rarely happen to adults.

Most of the childhood red spots on body go away with age, but children may also inherit permanent skin disorders. In most of the cases, doctors may treat childhood skin disorders using topical creams, medicated lotions, or the condition-specific drugs.

Not seeking treatment for strep throat in a timely manner may result in rheumatic fever. It usually affects children from 5 and 15 years of age. Older children and even the adults may also contract the fever. It is not a very serious illness and when left untreated, it can lead to serious issues including permanent damage to the heart and death.

As it is a complication of the strep throat, you should go for a strep test if the child has specific symptoms, like the sore throat that has swollen lymph nodes and the tiny red dots on skin. They can also have trouble swallowing the thick, blood discharge from nose.

Once the doctor confirms that the child has rheumatic fever, they can decide to use one of the following available treatment options:

  • Antibiotics can be prescribed to help in treatment the infection and can also prescribe a long-term treatment so as to avoid reoccurrence.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications can also be used to deal with the pain. The most common choices are the naproxen and aspirin. Some of the healthcare providers can also use corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.
  • The child may require to take anticonvulsant medications for some time if the involuntary movements are leading to serious problems.

In addition, the child requires to take plenty of rest until the red spots on body and inflammation go away completely. It is very important to ensure that the rest for a few weeks at least if the fever leads to heart problems.

Prickly heat, or heat rash, leads to the red skin that stings and itches. Small skin bumps can form as well. Heat rash is brought about when sweat gets blocked in your pores. This is a common rash in the babies, but can happen at any age. This skin condition tends to form where skin rubs against skin, such as in skin folds of the neck, breasts, groin, and underarms. The best treatment is to cool off, dry off, and reduce friction.

Children are particularly prone to red spots on body that develop as a result of illnesses, such as:

  • chickenpox, which is a virus that is characterized by red, itchy blisters that form all over the body
  • measles, which is a viral respiratory infection that leads to the widespread rash consisting of itchy, red bumps
  • scarlet fever, which is an infection that is due to group A Streptococcus bacteria that normally produces a toxin leading to the bright red sandpaper-like rash
  • hand, foot, and mouth disease, which is a viral infection that may lead to red lesions on the mouth and a rash on the hands as well as the feet
  • fifth disease, which is a viral infection that normally leads to a red, flat rash on the cheeks, upper arms, and the legs
  • Kawasaki disease, which is a rare but very serious illness that triggers the red spots on body and the fever in the early stages and may lead to an aneurysm of the coronary artery as a complication
  • impetigo, which is a contagious bacterial infection that leads to an itchy, crusty rash and yellow, fluid-filled sores on the face and hands

Red Blood Spots on Body

Another viral skin rash that normally affects children and the young adults is rubella, or the German measles. Rubella leads to a rash of red skin spots that spreads quickly like chickenpox from the face down.

The skin rash may be itchy. Other symptoms are the sore throat, swollen glands, headache, and the runny nose. There is a vaccine for rubella, but about 10 percent of young adults are still susceptible. Rubella may be very dangerous for the pregnant women as it can lead to birth defects. Treatment is very similar to that for chickenpox.

Intertrigo is a skin condition that happens in skin folds, under the breasts, under armpits, or even under belly folds. Chaffing causes a rash of red skin or brown skin that gets infected with yeast or bacteria and becomes raw. The red spots on body rash can ooze and itch. This rash is very common in people who are overweight and in the people who have diabetes. Treatment involves keeping of the the areas dry, treating infections, and use of steroid creams.

Urticaria, also called hives, is a skin rash that comes on suddenly and leads to pale, or red swellings on the skin, and burns or even stings. This skin condition may happen anywhere on the skin. Up to 20 percent of the people can experience hives at least once in their lifetime. Hives can last for a few days or a few weeks and can be brought about by an allergic reaction to the food or medication. The most common treatment is to avoid the cause and then treat the symptoms using an antihistamine medication.

If you notice the pinpoint, round, tiny red dots on skin, they could be petechiae. These growths develop as a result of bleeding, and this is the reason why they may look brown, red, or purple. They look more like red spots on body and appear in clusters. The color remains the same even when you press on them. And they can appear on the eyelids or on the inner surface of the mouth.

While petechiae are very common, they can indicate different conditions. The most common causes are allergic reaction, local injury, autoimmune diseases, and viral infections that impair clotting.

Certain medical treatments like the chemotherapy and even radiation, as well as leukemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and all other bone marrow malignancies may also cause petechiae to appear.

Drugs like the aspiring, or cortisone may also cause petechiae. They are more common in newborns and then become prominent after the violent vomiting.

Antibiotics are also prescribed in case of an infection leading to petechiae formation and the appearance. If the petechiea spots are the result of the injuries to the blood capillaries, apply ice packs or cold compressions over the affected region. It is suggested that before applying ice, a paper towel should be put between your skin and the ice pack. This will prevent damage to the skin surface.

Leukocytoclastic vasculitis or commonly referred to as hypersensitivity vasculitis is the inflammation of small blood vessels. Leukocytoclastic is a term that is used to refer to the debris of immune cells or the neutrophils that are within the walls of blood vessels. The disease can only affect the skin or spread to other organs of the body, including the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and the kidneys.

When it affects the skin, you notice damaged blood vessels that are leaky. It leads to hemorrhage that appears as small areas of purple-red, raised lesions or tiny red dots, also known as palpable purpura. These lesions are very commonly found on the legs. They generally do not lead to any symptom, but you can sometimes feel the pain and the itching.

More severe vessel inflammation can result to a large ulcerated blisters that may be quite painful. They may make you deal with other issues, including vomiting, muscle aches, fever, blood in the urine, numbness, and cough.

The doctor will consider the medical history before determining the best treatment option for leukocytoclastic vasculitis. If you have a single occurrence of tiny red dots on the skin, this is an acute case.

The lesion diminishes in this case after getting of the drug, or food that may be leading to the problem. In recurrent or chronic cases, your doctor will consider several other factors to select a treatment option.

They may ask for tests to help identify an underlying systemic disease. They may also give corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents in case the red spots on body has spread to your internal organs. Medications such as dapsone may help treat chronic cases.

How to Get Rid of Red Spots on Body

Many skin disorders are treatable. Common treatment methods for skin conditions are:

  • antihistamines
  • medicated creams and ointments
  • antibiotics
  • vitamin or steroid injections
  • targeted prescription medications

Not all skin disorders respond to the treatment. Some conditions disappear without any treatment. People who have permanent skin conditions often go through the periods of severe symptoms. Sometimes, people are able to force the incurable conditions into remission. However, most skin conditions reappear due to certain triggers, like the stress or illness.

You can often treat red spots on body that are temporary and cosmetic using:

  • medicated makeup
  • over-the-counter skin care products
  • proper hygiene practices
  • small lifestyle adjustments, such as making certain dietary changes

Preventing skin disorders

Certain skin disorders aren’t in any way preventable, including the genetic conditions and even some skin problems that are due to other illnesses. However, it’s possible to prevent some of the skin disorders.

Follow these tips so as to prevent infectious skin disorders:

  • Wash the hands using soap and warm water more frequently.
  • Avoid sharing of the eating utensils and drinking glasses with any other people.
  • Don’t share personal items, such as blankets, hairbrushes, or swimsuits.
  • Sleep for at least seven hours each night.
  • Avoid excessive physical or emotional stress.
  • Eat a nutritious diet.
  • Get vaccinated for infectious skin conditions, such as chickenpox.

Noninfectious skin disorders, like the acne and atopic dermatitis, are sometimes preventable. Prevention techniques vary depending on the condition. Here are some tips for prevention of some noninfectious skin disorders:

  • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and water every day.
  • Use moisturizer.
  • Avoid environmental and dietary allergens.
  • Avoid contact with harsh chemicals or other irritants.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Protect your skin from excessive cold, heat, and wind.

Learning about a proper skin care and treatment for red spots on body might be very crucial for the skin health. Some conditions need the attention of the doctor, while you can address others safely at home. You should learn about the symptoms or even condition and talk with the doctor to determine the best treatment methods.

Further references;

  1. Red Spots on the Skin:
  2. Common Skin Disorders:
  3. What’s Causing This Raised Bump on My Skin?:
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