Red Spots

Red Rash on Face, Cheeks, Baby, Not Itchy, Hives, How to Get Rid, Treatment

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What causes red rash on face? The cheeks of the child and the babies, rashes that are not itchy and the hives. Including how to get rid of the red rash and the treatment.

Red Rash on Face

red rash on face with white bumps

Early spring can bring problems on individuals who suffer from seasonal allergies. The coming up of new life, fresh pollen grains in the air, and scattering of the seeds over the landscape can turn a face into a red, weepy one.

Seasonal allergies that are also called hay fever, cause a lot of facial symptoms that includes red, watery, itchy, and swollen eyes. Severe allergies can result in allergic conjunctivitis, which is an oozing infection of the conjunctiva membranes of the eyes.

Critters of many kinds can lead to allergic reactions on the face. Contrary to what many people might think, people who have pet allergies react not to the animal’s fur, but rather strictly to the skin cells and the animal’s saliva.

If you’re allergic to the cats, dogs, or other furry animals, then you are likely to sneeze and be congested. Animal-induced type of allergic reactions also includes hives and rashes. Hives are however, raised bumps on the skin that are very common on the neck and face. Insect bites and stings can also lead to hives and welts.

You might also get an angry red rash on face or hives on the face if you’ve touched a substance that the body perceives using its own mechanism as an allergen. This type of allergic reaction is known as contact dermatitis. The allergen can in this case range from poison ivy to a food that is eaten or a new brand of a laundry detergent.

Red Rash on Face Not Itchy

Wherever the skin has come into contact with the offending substance, the skin can have a reaction. Since many individuals touch their faces a number of countless times throughout the day, it is very usual to have contact dermatitis near the eyes or mouth.

Food allergies are one of the very common types of allergies that affects the face. The severity of food allergies also vary from one type to another. You can also feel sick to their stomach after eating a certain type of food, while others may develop a red rash on the face or swelling around their lips. Hives are a common allergic reaction to the foods.

A severe, life-threatening food allergy may lead to the tongue and the windpipe to swell up. This type of reaction also known as anaphylaxis needs immediate medical attention.

Just like an allergy to the food, drug allergies is also able to range in severity and types of the symptoms. Skin rashes that also appear on the face and arms are common with medication allergies.

Hives, which is a generalized swelling found on the face, and also anaphylaxis may also indicate an allergy to some type of medication.

Red Rash on Face Child, Baby, Toddler

red rash on baby face

Red rash on face of the children are very usual and are in any case nothing to worry about. Most of the rashes are harmless and always go away on their own.

But, if the child has already developed a rash and seems to be unwell, or if may be you’re worried, you should see the GP to find out the exact cause and for any relevant treatment.

The below guide can give the best idea of the cause of the rash, but do not use this to self-diagnose your child’s condition – always ensure to see a general practitioner for a proper diagnosis.

This below indicated are the most common causes of rashes in children, which are:

  • Chickenpox – This is a mild and common viral condition that most children catch at a point. It leads to a red rash on face, itchy spot that eventually turn into fluid-filled blisters. They then crust over to form small scabs, which in the long run drops off. Some children have only a small number of spots, but in others they can cover the whole body.
  • prickly heat
  • Eczema – This is a long-term condition that leads to the skin to becoming itchy, red, dry and cracked. The most common form is the atopic eczema that mainly affects the children but can continue into adulthood.

Atopic eczema commonly occurs behind the knees or on the elbows, neck, eyes and ears. It is not a very serious condition, but if the child is later infected with the herpes simplex virus, it can lead to the eczema to flare up into an outbreak of small blisters known as eczema herpeticum, and will lead to a fever.

  •  Erythema multiforme – Red rash on face that looks like the targets develop on the parts of the hands or feet before spreading across the entire body. The child will sometimes feel unwell and may have a fever, but you should be able to treat the symptoms with the available over-the-counter medicine.

It may take from at least two to about six weeks before they feel better. In rare cases, erythema multiforme can be triggered by a reaction to medication like an antibiotic or anticonvulsant. This is much more severe and can be life threatening.

  • See the doctor if your child has a rash and seems unwell.
  • Impetigo – is a highly contagious bacterial infection caused to the surface layers of the skin that leads to sores and even blisters. It is not very serious. There are two types:
  • bullous impetigo – that leads to the large, painless, fluid-filled blisters
  • non-bullous impetigo – that is more contagious and leads to sores that very fast burst to leave a yellow-brown crust

If you think that the child has impetigo, see the general practitioner for a prescription of antibiotic cream that should clear the infection within the first 10 days of application.

  • hand, foot and mouth disease
  • Ringworm – is a common and very highly infectious fungal infection of the skin that leads to a ring-like red rash that appears on the skin. The rash can also appear almost anywhere on the body, on the scalp, feet and even the groin being common areas.

Ringworm is not that serious and is normally easily treated using the creams that you can buy from the pharmacy. Ringworm of the scalp can lead to scaling and patches of the hair loss and is treated using antifungal tablets, which is often combined with antifungal shampoo.

  • pityriasis rosea
  • keratosis pilaris (“chicken skin”)
  • scabies
  • molluscum contagiosum
  • psoriasis
  • slapped cheek syndrome
  • Urticaria (hives) – is a raised, red and itchy rash that appears on the parts of the skin. It occurs when a trigger leads to a protein known as histamine to be released in the skin. Histamine leads to redness, swelling and itching.

Urticaria can also be triggered by several things that includes allergens (like food or latex), irritants (like nettles), medicines, or physical factors, such as exercise or heat. However, usually no cause can be identified.

It is a common skin reaction that is more likely to affect a good number of children. The rash is normally short-lived and mild, and can often be controlled using antihistamines.

  • measles – This is also a highly infectious viral illness. Any person can get measles if they haven’t been vaccinated or haven’t had the infection before, but it’s most common in children that are aged between one and about four years old.

It causes a red-brown spotty rash that tends to start behind the ears and spread quickly to the head, neck, legs and finally the rest of the body. Your child will usually also experience a cold-like symptoms and a fever.

Most of the childhood rashes are not measles, but you should see the medical doctor if you notice any of the above signs.

  • cellulitis
  • scarlet fever

Red Hives on Face

red patches on face due to sunburn

A red rash on face is an inflammatory reaction of the skin especially of the face. Facial rashes can be led to by a wide variety of the mild to serious diseases, disorders and other conditions. In some other situations the presence of the facial rash is a warning sign for other problems elsewhere in the body, such as systemic lupus.

Red rash on face may vary greatly in appearance, location and even severity depending on the underlying cause. Facial rashes may or may not be very itchy and can be red, purple or silver in color. The texture of a facial rash can also be flat, raised or scaly and include the flaking off or peeling of the skin cells. Facial rashes can sometimes appear as dots or spots or occur over a large, solid continuous area.

Skin rashes can happen from a variety of several factors that includes infections, heat, allergens, immune system disorders and even the medications. One of the common skin disorders that leads to a rash is atopic dermatitis also called eczema.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic condition that leads to itchy, inflamed skin. Most often it occurs as patches on the face, neck, trunk or limbs. It tends to increase periodically and then subside for a time.

Red Rash on Face Treatment

At-home interventions like avoiding harsher soaps and even detergents or any other irritants and application of the creams or lotions, can lessen the symptoms or even reduce the risk of flare-ups. Medicated creams and ointments also can lessen the symptoms.

Facial rashes that are not itchy can also affect a smaller to a larger area of the face and can happen in all the age groups and populations.

Witch hazel is a good astringent that works well to treatment of the skin infections the rashes, eczema and also psoriasis. Soak a small cotton ball in a witch hazel and apply it on the body over the rash.

You can also boil the hazel bark in small amount of water then soak a clean piece of cloth in it and place it over all the affected areas. Keep it for about a half an hour and then finally rinse it off with water.

How to Get Rid of Red Rash on Face Fast, Naturally – Home Remedies

  1. Use Of Clay

Put a bit of bentonite clay on a bowl. Remember that clay is very useful for itching and a number of other skin issues such as acne. It particularly assists in healing of the venomous stings and bites, like from bees, wasps as well as the spiders. The clay also helps to draw the venom out of the skin that eventually helps to relieve the pain and let the sting to heal more quickly.

Use virgin and untreated clay, such as the green clay (often known as montmorillonite or bentonite clay) is the most powerful type.

How to use the clay: Mix the clay in a large sized bowl or cup with a bit of filtered water until you observe that it has a creamy consistency just like peanut butter. Then, just dab the clay paste carefully onto the itchy areas, let the clay paste dry completely then rinse or carefully peel it off.

How to do a clay pack: Spread the clay on a small piece of clean and porous fabric that includes wool, muslin, the cotton and the flannel. Then place carefully the clay-covered cloth especially to the irritated area and with the clay directly and over touching the skin. You can use the bandaging tape or wrap it in plastic wrap so as to keep the cloth in the right place and to protect the clothing and the furniture. Maintain the clay pack on for about 5 hours or until when the clay is hard and dry.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a well-known and effective antiseptic, anti-fungal and also anti-bacterial agent that is able to offer relief to itching, especially the itching that is associated with adry skin (for instance due to sunburns and the dandruff). It’s also popularly used for pets that have dry, itchy skin also, by adding only a few cupfuls of the vinegar to their bath water.

How to use it: Just ensure to put a few drops of the vinegar on a cotton ball or a clean washcloth and dab it smoothly on to the affected area. Use only a raw, organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar (Bragg’s is although a better brand) a strand-like sediment that is floating at the bottom of the bottle which contains raw enzymes and the beneficial bacteria.

  1. Peppermint Leaves

Peppermint is recommended for bug bites and also itching, as it gives a cooling sensation that definitely gives you a welcome relief.

How to use it: The quickest, easiest way is to crush up the leaves and rub the peppermint directly onto the skin.

You could even freeze the crushed peppermint leaves into ice cubes for a cooling double-whammy, as the cold of the ice cubes also helps to numb the affected area and bring down swelling and inflammation. Always use clean, filtered water.

  1. Aloe vera

Most people love aloe vera for just on every type of skin irritation. Aloe is normally the best-known for its ability to the healing of sunburns, however, it’s extremely versatile as it otherwise soothes the skin and thus relieving the swelling and even irritation. If you ever live in Southern California or somewhere near there, there’s probably about 0.85 chance it’s already growing in the yard.

How to apply it: Break off a leaf from the aloe plant and cut the leaf open lengthwise from top to bottom using a knife. Scoop out carefully the gooey gel inside, and rub it directly onto the irritated skin. If you have got some extra left over, you can keep it refrigerated stored in an airtight plastic container for up to about a week.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal has compounds known as avenanthramides that is used to reduce inflammation. This is the trick that’s been applied around for ages. It’s also commonly applied for poison ivy and also eczema. You can also add oatmeal to the bath or even just make a small poultice.

How to use it: To promptly make an oatmeal poultice, add a small amount of water to a cup or bowl of plain, organic and uncooked oatmeal (ground or steel-cut work well for this), then let it sit for about 15 minutes until it reaches a paste-like consistency. Apply the paste to the itchy area as required.

Further references;

  1. Skin Problems & Treatments Health Center:
  2. Visual guide to children’s rashes and skin conditions:
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