Red Spots

Red Dots on Skin, Little, Small, Pinpointed, Not Itchy, Treatment

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A critical look at the red dots on skin, the little, small, pinpointed, not itchy, raised, pin sized, patches, the pictures as well as the treatment.

Red Dots on Skin Meaning

Red spots that are found on the skin are a normal medical complaint that are received by doctors each single day. When the spots happen in outbreaks, they are soften termed as rashes.

When the red dot on skin is however raised, it is called a papule. Erythema is a medical term that is applied to refer to redness of the skin.

Causes of the red dots on skin

  1. “Red Mole” or Cherry Angiomas

Cherry angiomas are very common and can be seen on any area of the body. Also referred to as senile angiomas, they normally affect people who over 30 years of age. They appear red due to the number of broken blood vessels inside them.

While the exact reason for occurring of these skin growths is not very clear, most experts say that it has something to do with genetics of an individual. Some individuals are more likely to get them compared to others.

They are more likely to be seen in pregnancy and are also associated to climate and increased exposure to chemicals. You don’t usually have to worry anything about these skin growths unless you notice a change in their shape or color. Talk to the doctor if they bleed most of the time.

  1. Petechiae

If you see a pinpoint that is also round, tiny red dots on skin appearing, they may be petechiae. These growths occurs due to bleeding, and this is the main reason why they may appear red or purple. They appear more like a rash and also in clusters. The color do not change and remains the same even when you press on them. And they may appear on your eyelids or on the inner surface of your mouth.

Causes: While petechiae are more common, they can show different conditions of the skin. The most common causes of this pinpoint is allergic reaction, the local injury, autoimmune diseases, trauma, and the viral infections that impair and destabilize clotting of the blood.

Certain medical treatments including chemotherapy and the radiation, leukemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, as well as other bone marrow malignancies may also make petechiae to be seen. Drugs like the aspiring, heparin, or even cortisone may also lead to petechiae. They are more common in the newborn babies and become very prominent after the violent vomiting.

Treatment: Antibiotics are usually prescribed by the doctor in case of an infection that causes petechiae formation and even that appearance. If the petechiea spots are the result of injuries occurring to the blood capillaries, apply some ice packs or very cold compressions over the affected region.

It is also suggested that before the application of ice, a paper towel may be put between the skin and the ice pack. This prevents damage that occurs to the skin surface that may cause red dots on skin.

  1. Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris also creates small red spots on the skin. This genetic disorder affects greatly the hair follicles of the skin and usually manifests as some rough, small folliculocentric keratotic kind of papules. They may also be described as chicken skin or goose bumps and usually van be seen on the outer-upper thighs and arms.

The condition normally gets better during the summer months and is worse in winter when the skin becomes dry. Keratosis Pilaris is a self-limited and normally improves with age. There is no specific treatment available for it, but you can use the moisturizing lotions and creams to make things feel better.

  1. Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis

Leukocytoclastic vasculitis or commonly referred to as hypersensitivity vasculitis refers to the inflammation of the small blood vessels in the skin. Leukocytoclastic is a term that is used to refer to the debris of the immune cells or the neutrophils that are within the walls of the blood vessels. The disease can only affect the skin or spread to other parts of the bod that includes the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and also the kidneys.

Symptoms: When it affects the skin, a person may notice damaged blood vessels that becomes leaky. It leads to hemorrhage that can be seen as small areas of red, raised lesions or some tiny red dots, also called palpable purpura. The lesions are most commonly seen on the legs.

They do not cause any other symptom, but you may at times feel some pain and itching. More severe vessel inflammation can lead large ulcerated blisters that are very painful. They may make a person deal with all other issues that includes vomiting, minor abdominal pain, a lot of muscle aches, minor fever, blood seen in the urine, general weakness, numbness, and cough.

Treatment: The doctor may consider a persons medical history before determining the best treatment option that are available for leukocytoclastic vasculitis. If you have experienced a single occurrence of the tiny red dots on the skin, this is also an acute case.

The lesion goes away in this case after removal of the drug, the infection, or even the food that may be causing the problem. In many of the recurrent or chronic cases, the doctor may consider several other factors to select a treatment option.

They can also ask for tests to help in identification of an underlying systemic disease. They may also prescribe corticosteroids and the immunosuppressive agents in the case the disease has spread to the internal organs. Medications that includes dapsone and colchicines may help treat chronic cases.

  1. Rheumatic Fever

By not seeking treatment for a strep throat in a timely manner may lead to rheumatic fever. It normally affects the children from the tender age of 5 and 15 years of age. Older children and the adults can also contract the fever. It is not a very serious illness and especially when left untreated, it can cause serious issues that includes permanent damage to the heart, stroke, and even death.

As it is a complication that affects the strep throat, a person should go for a strep test if the child has certain specific symptoms, like the sore throat with swollen lymph nodes and tiny red dots that occurs on skin. They may also have problems with swallowing with observed thick, blood discharge from nose.

Once the doctor provides a confirmation that the child has rheumatic fever, the doctor may decide to use one of the following treatment options:

  • Antibiotics that may be prescribed to help treatment of the infection and may also prescribe a long-term treatment to avoid reoccurrence of the fever.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications that may be used to deal with the pain. The most common choices are usually naproxen and aspirin. Some medical care providers can also use corticosteroids to reduce increased inflammation.
  • The child may also need to take anticonvulsant medications for some period of time if involuntary movements are creating serious problems.

In addition, the child may need to take plenty of rest until the pain and inflammation go away completely. It is very important to ensure that the child rests for a few weeks at least if the fever leads to heart problems.

Little Red Dots on Skin

Little dots on skin can be linked to other symptoms, like the hives or even itching. Red spots that are found on the skin that have close relationship to the underlying medical conditions will be linked to the symptoms of that same underlying condition.

Red Patches on Skin

Red spots found on the skin that happen solely can be a small benign that appears as a tumor of blood vessels, also known as a hemangioma. Tiny and pinpoint hemorrhages can be clearly seen in the skin and are called petechiae. Bleeding disorders of the skin can also lead to the making of purplish red spots that are larger in size, referred to as purpura.

Bleeding into the skin

Bleeding into the skin is common and can happen from the broken blood vessels that forms tiny red dots that are also called petechiae. Blood can also be able to collect under that tissue in a larger flat areas that are known as purpura, or in a larger bruised area that is known as an ecchymosis.

Aside from the common bruise, bleeding into the skin or mucous membranes is a very significant sign and should always be checked out by a health care provider.

Redness of the skin that is referred to as erythema should never be mistaken for any kind of bleeding. Areas of bleeding that are known under the skin do not also become paler when they are pressed on the area, like the redness from redness of the skin does.

Protect the aging skin. Avoid where there is trauma like bumping or pulling of the skin areas. For a cut or any kind of scrape, use some direct pressure in stopping of the bleeding.

If the problem is a drug reaction, then ask the provider on stopping of the drug. However, you can follow the prescribed therapy in treatment of the underlying cause of that problem.

Red Spots on Body

These rashes can happen because of infections of the skin, disseminated kind of infections or the infections that have spread to most parts of the body, some allergic reactions, or a person may experience irritations of the skin. When the red bump or the rash is flat, it is medically referred to as a macule.

Red Dots on Skin Treatment

Treatment of red dots on skin can make use of Extra-virgin olive oil is the best to work as a perfect skin moisturizer, it facilitates the healing and promoting of the skin renewal as it is rich in vitamin E as well as antioxidants. It will also soothe the skin and lead to reduction of itching.

Baking soda also helps to treat red dots on skin and to dry out the skin rashes. Plus, it relieves the itching and inflammation that is associated with rashes.

How to get Rid of Red Dots on Skin Naturally – Home Remedies

  1. Apply some apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a perfect requirement when it comes to the situation of resolving and providing acne remedy. Reason? It is able to kill off the bacteria that is causing all the possible trouble in the first instance. It also able to become alkaline, and usually balances the pH of the skin that in turn makes it hard for the bacteria to survive.

In addition to all the above it’s an astringent, just like lemon juice, and will be able to help dry up excess oil on the skin. Keeping that in mind, you don’t need to overdo and dry out the skin so much. This could make the sebaceous glands to overproduce in order to compensate, thus triggering an outbreak.

What you need
Pure unfiltered apple cider vinegar
Fresh and pure water


  1. Wash the face with the water and pat dry.
  2. Using a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts of water, dip a cotton ball into the vinegar and apply it directly to the blemish.
  3. Leave on for at least 10 minutes, or overnight. Reapply several times a day, washing face thoroughly after each time. Make sure to use a moisturizer afterwards as well if you feel like your skin is getting dry.
  4. Make a cinnamon and honey mask
  • Honey is sticky, and the cinnamon is very spicy, and it looks like they’re all the things you’d want to avoid getting near the skin.
  • Surprisingly, while it may seem so strange, honey as well as cinnamon make a killer combo when it comes to dealing with acne.
  • Cinnamon contains antimicrobial properties, so it can help stop the bacteria from getting out of hand. If it does, the honey is a natural anti-biotic that is ready and waiting to wipe the little buggers out.

You will need the following

  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Paper towels


  1. Rinse the face with water and pat the face dry.
  2. Mix some 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon that are together until they are fully blended and have formed a kind of paste.
  3. Apply the paste mask to red dots on skin, face and leave on for about 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off completely using water, and pat the face dry.

This is a sticky mixture, so make sure you have some paper towels at on hand.

  1. The land of milk and honey (or yogurt)

While there is a bit of hub that forms around dairy products thus causing the acne, applied topically it seems that the milk can be improve the outbreaks and skin the tone.

The reason that it is suggested that milk may cause acne is due to the extra hormones in it-but unless it is ingested, this doesn’t really do much. For the most of the part, it just soothes the irritated skin, and helps to tone down the redness.

You could also apply yogurt. The acids in it are very antibacterial while the fat gives the moisture, making it more nourishing for the skin.

You will need

1 tablespoon plain low-fat or even full-fat yogurt or some milk, anything else but skim
1 tablespoon of natural, raw, honey


  1. Let the yogurt or milk cool to room temperature, so you don’t get a chilly shock when you put it on your skin.
  2. Mix at least 1 tablespoon of milk or yogurt thoroughly with 1 tablespoon of honey.
  3. You can also apply the mixture with a cotton pad, but scooping it up and patting it on works just fine as also.
  4. Let each layer be able to dry before adding a new one, until the paste is the thickness you just needed. Let it sit on the skin for about 15 minutes.
  5. Wash the mask off and use a clean washcloth to at least gently scrub in a circular motion, getting rid of loosened dead skin.

Once you’re finished, moisturize as usual.

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