
Pimples on Scalp, Painful, on Head that Hurt, Won’t Go Away, Acne, Causes, Treatment,Remedies

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We are going to discuss the issues that lead to pimples on scalp that at times hurt, won’t go away, acne causes, treatment and home remedies.

pimples on scalp under hair

Pimples on scalp has been a problem to so many people for so many years that has affected very many people. Scientists have not been able to develop an effective solution to remove zits on the scalp but they have come up with better options that depends on causes of the acne

This scalp pimples are sudden occurrence. The appearance of acne is not only a medical condition but also a cosmetic condition. It bothers a person especially when combing hair as it hurts thus causing psychological discomfort.

Pimples on Scalp Causes

  • Infants are at risk to suffer these rashes as much as they are always kept in sterile conditions, though a wrong diet of the mother is entirely to blame as all the foods that a mother takes as often transmitted to the mother through the milk thus calling for a keen attention to the mothers ration.
  • For very small children, the usual and most common cause of pimples on scalp is the allergic reaction especially to body care products that revolves much around the cosmetics, the pollen, new food products. You are advised to be very careful with any new product that you acquire especially clothing and toys that you may buy for your child and there may be a need for allergy test before using the products
  • For adolescents, which is usually the highest risk group amongst all, the beginning of puberty is believed to be the main cause of appearance of rashes on various parts of their body as the sebaceous glands activities are high thus causing a lot of perspiration. Zits appear on their scalp as well other parts of the body like the chest and the face

Pathogenic microflora are reproduced due to clogged pores on the body thus causing painful pimples on the scalp, but all these disappears mostly at the age of 18-20 years.

  • Women usually experience this pimples on scalp problem at the start of their periods due to hormonal imbalance. They can also be caused by consumption of steroid drugs that are against auto immune diseases.
  • The most common cause of pimples on scalp can however be attributed to lack of personal hygiene. A person should always pay attention to cosmetic care products like hair shampoo, where hair should be washed after every second day or if oily, then it should frequently be subjected to the use of hair dressing products that will enable the sebaceous not clog.
  • All cosmetics that are acquired should be subjected to allergy test, especially the ones that provoke rash.
  • Internal issues and immune disorders are some of the reasons that cause pimples on scalp for instance, consumption of sugary and junk foods leads to digestive problems , or some people can develop hepatic problems due to use of some antibiotics.
  • Mechanical factors can also lead to this problem like wearing of a very tight headgear or even the simple habit to keep scratching a head.
  • Stress and fatigue has been attributed to be some of the causes of acne.

Symptoms of pimples on scalp

The pimples that occur on the head can be tender, scaly, inflamed and the appearance be red in color, the bumps can also be filled with pus filled material. They can as well be surrounded by the oily or greasy skin. Hair loss also affects the exact area that the scalp has been affected.

Painful Pimples on Scalp

A blackhead is generally level with the skin surface and cannot be removed by normal washing of the face. A whitehead is slightly raised from the skin, but there is no inflammation.

Papules are red, small, hard bumps that are slightly raised on the skin. In clusters, they can feel like sandpaper to the touch. White blood cells enter the follicle, causing inflammation.

When the white blood cells in a papule make it to the surface of the skin, a pustule is formed.

Pustules appear as red, inflamed circles with a central, raised bump that is yellowish or white. The bump is filled with pus. Pus is the result of inflammation and contains white blood cells, dead skin cells and bacteria.

When a papule or pustule expands, it can cause more severe inflammation in the surrounding skin. This can lead to nodules, which are deep, red, round bumps that can have a diameter of 6 to 20 mm. They are sometimes referred to as cysts.

Nodules are formed by irritated, inflamed hair follicles that have ruptured deep under the skin. They can be throbbing and painful, even without touching.

Pimples on Scalp Causes Hair Loss

Pimples on scalp affects most people at one point to the point of hair loss. For some people, development of acne can be a sign of a more serious symptoms of something else. When one has acne especially the ones that are recurring, then he starts to develop redness, loss of hair and scabbing which is visible through the hair especially for those who like the short hair style. People always feel a lot of discomfort when their head feels itchy most of the time due to pimples.

Being able to understand the causes of the pimples on scalp then you should brush up your knowledge on acne that very body is made up of pores that work as protective measure for human hair follicles and they are also tasked with keeping the body well lubricated. The pores are always supposed to be blocked since that may lead to prevention of sebum oil from being released.

The bacteria that is responsible for the pimples on scalp is always present in human skin.

Pimples on Scalp Won’t Go Away

pimples on scalp

The skin is formed by many layers of tissue, containing hair, glands, muscles, sensory receptors and blood vessels. During puberty, a group of hormones are released called androgens. Androgens allow the sebaceous glands in the skin to produce an oily substance called sebum. pimples on scalp is in part caused by this increase in sebum that naturally occurs during puberty.

Normal amounts of sebum keep skin and hair from drying out. However, excess oil can mix with dead skin cells and clog hair follicles (the tiny tunnels that lead to the root of the hair) and pores (the opening in the skin where the hair passes through).

Acne leads to persistent redness and inflammation, especially on the face, scalp, back and chest, where the most sebum is produced.

Acne varies from mild to severe, depending on what kind of kind of blemishes appear.

Pimples on Head that Hurt

A common type of bacteria that lives on the skin, known as Propionibacterium acnes, sometimes contributes to acne by causing inflammation. The acne signals white blood cells to the area, which damage the tissue and cause an inflammatory response. This causes swelling and infection.

How to Treat Pimples on Scalp

Treatment depends on the severity and type of the pimples on scalp. An effective treatment will help reduce future breakouts and improve the skin’s appearance. Keep in mind that up to six weeks of treatment might be necessary to start noticing results.

In most cases, your doctor or dermatologist will prescribe topical treatments (applied directly on the skin). Sometimes the doctor may prescribe an oral treatment (taken by mouth).

After establishing the exact causes that affect your skin, then proceed to treatment stage.

  • Aloe Vera is the most common ingredient that is used to reduce as well as remove acne, it is used in any form including as gel, cream, ointment or as preserved juice.
  • Blue clay masks are also very important remover of acne that also goes to the extend of making the hair to appear shiny and very strong.it is recommended that you also add to your hair essential oils to strength the hair and be able to dry the scalp. If hair mask is combined with face mask on the same day then the effect of the process will double in that the face will glow and be bright.
  • You can also use the old method that was successfully applied, that is taking bathes that is mixed with salt and sulfur. This should applied for two to three weeks and the salt is acquired from the local pharmacy.
  • Washing hair with tar soap has been used as a popular treatment.
  • Using a mask of two tablespoon or three of hone and two tablespoon of cinnamon will greatly help in the reduction and treatment of acne in both scalp and face.
  • You can also use apple vinegar to help in fighting the acne as well as other scalp problems. Mix 200 grams of vinegar with equal measure of water and rinse your hair with the solution, rinse your hair again after 10 minutes, repeat the procedure three times in a week for better results
  • Tea tree oil that is added to the shampoo or hair mask helps to get rid of acne quickly and t a faster rate, note that this oil can be used both in treatment as well as in prophylaxis
  • Chopping off dandelion roots is an effective method that helps to clear scalp effects. The infusion should be strained and drunk several times in a single day. This helps by cleaning important organs of the body like the liver and help you to get rid of the acne.
  • Ensure that your diet has a mix of fruits like carrot mix and apple juice and ginger
  • Local therapy like exfoliants which are products that contains lactic acids are used to reduce the effects of acne as the complex of the acids softens the sebaceous glands and cleans the pores.
  • Teenagers that use different washing products aimed at solving their skin problems are at risk of increasing their risk especially if they don’t know their skin types
  • Topical retinoid unplug comedones and improve the process of shedding the old cells. They may also help reduce any inflammation and containing the effects of pimples on scalp.

Some side effects may occur when using a topical retinoid. These include mild irritation, redness (erythema), dryness, peeling and sensitivity to sun. If you are pregnant, or thinking about having a baby, talk to your doctor or dermatologist before using a topical retinoid, as they should not be used during pregnancy.

Avoid skin damage, such as waxing or exfoliation (e.g., facials) when taking retinoid.

Common topical retinoids are available in cream and gel form. There are benefits to both creams and gels, depending on the severity of acne and the sensitivity of your skin. Retinoids are also available in many strengths and formulations.

Home Remedies for Scalp Pimples and Acne

There are a few remedies that you can use to eliminate scalp pimples and acne that include the following;

  1. Avoid greasy or thick styling

The use of hair products is usually the most common cause of acne in scalps closed pores. These always become the adverse effect to things that include gel or even hairspray.  Most of the time that something is added to the hair that does not evaporate then it creates unnatural film. Sometimes that layer that is created by substances can be very thick.

In case you are using the intense treatments of the hair like the deep conditioning masques then the issue maybe how you apply the treatment

  1. Use of tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can be added to your regular shampoo. Regular shampoo has several ingredients that are able to enhance color, smell and soap consistency. But these additives can irritate and dry out the skin as well as be prime for bacteria and other pimple causing germs. Sometimes using of mild shampoo is a great starting point that can be used to help in reduction of pimples and be able to prevent future.

To ramp up the cleansing power of the shampoo, add up 100 percent of a few drops of tea tree oil to the soap bottle. The general guideline for adding this substance to the shampoo is to use one drop of tree oil for every ounce of shampoo in the bottle then add a few drops of oil to the bottle and shake well before each use.

  1. Rinse your hair after a workout

After engaging in manual labor or from the gym, the body begins to sweat so as to regulate the body temperature. The minerals that escape the body clump together and become clogged in the skins pores along with other bacteria hanging out of the surface of the scalp. It would be necessary to adopt a more stringent and long term hygiene routine.

It the head is made to sweat daily, then it would be important to rinse the scalp each evening even without the use of the shampoo to reduce pimples on scalp. It is discouraged to continuously rinse the head with shampoo because it can drain away the important natural oil in the head. If that is not very helpful then you are encouraged to use a little amount of water and vinegar to rinse the hair. Vinegar, being an acidic element, ensure that you balance with water to avoid imbalancing the pH of the scalp, also avoid applying pure vinegar in the hair as it has lighting effect especially when the hair is exposed to sunlight.

Alternatively you can scrub your scalp with three teaspoon of baking soda that will exfoliate the skin and rinse away any lasting side effects.

  1. Avoid use of conditioners

Avoiding the use of conditioners will help to clear and prevent any acne in the scalp. The aim of a conditioner is to replace the moisture removed from the hair through the use of shampoo and other chemical dyes.

Some conditioners contains high oil level that is not suitable for people who are prone to acne as the oil can also lead to clogging of the pores. Conditioners can be of use in limited amount and times by people who are prone to oily skin as it will deal with the issue.

But a four day trial can also be applied during which use of mild soap can of great help, if the hair seems less oily and tour pimples have reduces then you can make a decision to avoid a conditioner or use it in a limited number of times in a week

If it happens that you have a long hair then you may equally consider the application of the solution only to the ends of the hair to prevent split ends. Make sure the skin or the scalp does not come into contact with the conditioner, then the level of acne will reduce

  1. Try medicated shampoo

Medicated shampoo is a simple and effective option for dealing with acne. There are several forms of the medicated shampoo that have been manufactured using different ingredients that also help in treatment of common scalp issues. There are others that are marketed as dandruff remedies that contains zinc to increase the speed of tissue repair.

Others like coal tar are helpful to work against the conditions of acne since it slows down the rate of replenishing of dermal cells. All the medicated shampoos listed above are found in supermarkets.

Above all, it is very important to seek the advise of a dermatologist in case of severe dry scalp that may trigger acne as a dermatologist will be able to accurately diagnose all the underlying conditions and prescribe an appropriate shampoo based on your requirements if you have pimples on scalp.

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