
Pimples on Neck, Back, and Jawline, Meaning, Get Rid of them

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What causes pimples on neck? Get insights on the reasons for neck pimples commonly at the back of the neck, jaw line, on front, how to get rid of it fast and pictures.

Pimples on Neck Meaning and Causes

Similar to how the mapping pimples on the face can indicate to you what the pimples implies, mapping where you get pimples on the body can also indicate to you why you are breaking out, whether it’s pimples on the back, chest, or even butt.

Acne vulgaris (pimples) is a very chronic skin condition that is characterized by the areas of blackheads, whiteheads, greasy skin, and even scarring. The resulting appearance can result into anxiety, reduced self-esteem, and also in extreme cases, depression or even thoughts of suicide.

Acne is the usually the commonly used name for the pores that are clogged by sebum (also known as whiteheads or blackheads), nodules or cysts that may also appear on the face, neck, chest, upper arms and upper legs.

Most of the teenagers and a good number of the adult population suffer from the acne for longer or less extended periods of time. The condition is not just confined to any of the age groups, race, or sex. It affects hundreds of thousands of people across the continent. The biggest problems is that the acne are the unpleasant appearance of pimples on neck and the scars that they may leave behind.

Types of Pimples on Neck

Although pimples are by far the most common form of acne and the one most people are likely to encounter or suffer from, you should know that there are other forms also. The simplest form is the acne vulgaris that features only the comedones, the simplest of the lesions.

  • Lesions – Small patches of the skin affected by the pimples, although the term called lesion is not restricted to only the changes produced by the pimples on neck especially in skin tissues. Pimples lesions are the external form of comedones, the sebaceous follicles plugged by excess sebum.
  • Comedones – Also known as blackheads and the whiteheads, mostly depending on whether the pore is much open or not. Blackheads are the pores whose distended openings are thus blocked by the mixture of keratin as well as the sebum that is therefore blackened at the surface. Whiteheads are the closed pores that are filled with the secretion of the sebaceous gland that swells below the tissue. Comedones are the usual target that are responsible for picking and squeezing. However, the opening of a follicle in the less than the sterile conditions of the home will most likely to lead to a slight infection. An open pore is also an entry point for several kinds of the bacteria.
  • Papules – The papule is a very small, solid normally inflammatory elevation of the skin which does not contain any pus. Very small papules may also look to be in clusters, due to the tissue’s response to the pimples.
  • Pustules – Pustules are very small inflamed elevations of the skin that are usually filled with pus. The pus is a strong combination of bacteria, white blood cells as well as the dead skin cells. Pustules are normally formed around the sebaceous follicles and even the hair.
  • Maculae – A macula is the red spot that is found on the skin that is left behind by a pimples formed on neck. Maculae are the flat, red or stand out against the surrounding skin. A group of maculae provides the face with an inflamed aspect.
  • Nodules – The nodule is a solid lesion, one of the most painful lesions brought about by the pimples on neck. Nodules tend to extend into the deeper layers of the skin and are known to lead to tissue destruction. They can be very painful to remove and leave scars behind. Nodular acne is a severe form of acne that is treated only by use of isotretinoin.
  • Cysts – Cysts are the lesions shaped like capsules and may contain a liquid or semi-liquid pus that is similar to that found in pustules. However, the cysts are larger in size than the pustules and may be infected. Cysts are as well extending deeper into the skin and may leave scar tissue behind. Nodulocystic types of neck pimple is probably the worst type of pimple known to man. It is resistant to any treatment and can only respond to isotretinoin, which is the substance obtained from Vitamin A.

Medical practitioners say that while pimples on neck and body can be brought about by both the internal and external factors, body pimples is usually more external than it is internally. This is the better news as it implies that while body pimples may be caused by the internal reasons, it may often be controlled and even successfully cleared using external methods.

Pimples that appear on neck is very similar to back pimples as the skin on this area is relatively thicker and produces more oil (also known as sebum) than other parts of the skin.

Including the most prominent causes, like hormonal imbalance, excess oil, bacteria, and many others, there are several other causes that aggravate pimples on neck, including:

  • Wearing of tight collared shirts, turtlenecks, etc., as they may lead to serious irritation.
  • Using of different kinds of the facial cleansers or moisturizers without making sure that they are non-comedogenic or even oil free.
  • The transfer of oil from the hair to the neck as it clogs the skin pores (this may also lead to acne on your scalp).

However, not all pimples on neck cases may be treated quite that easily. This is a condition that comes and goes on its own, between the age of about twelve and twenty-three, but some of the people develop severe forms of the pimples, while others may get acne for the first time when they are adults.

This is usually the case for all men. This is due to the higher level of androgens in their systems, men are far more likely to experience pimples on neck than women to suffer. In women, such pimples are associated with their fertility cycle and even the hormonal changes it entails.

While most of the cases of acne are only confined to the facial skin, most of the people who are suffering from this particular condition experience at least the occasional blackhead or pimple down the arms, on the back or even on the buttocks.

The social impact of pimples on neck is huge. The unpleasant sight of pimples makes most of the people rush to the near drugstore or even the pharmacy due to the perceived influence the pimples has in social relations.

Pimples on Back of Neck

Pimples that appears on the back of the neck is very similar to the body acne than it is to facial pimples and also presents very unique challenges. Neck pimples lesions may be painful and may also have an abrupt onset and the long lifespan.

This is not in any way to be confused with the skin of the front of the neck, which is extremely sensitive and may have to be treated in the same way as facial skin.

More like the body, the skin that is on the back of the neck is thicker than the face and may produce lots of oil. Due to this, the skin on the back of the neck may often produce much more severe lesions such as the cysts and nodules, or the large whiteheads. Neck acne tends also to be more prevalent in the boys and men, but girls and the women may have it as well.

Neck acne is caused by the same mechanisms that cause facial and body acne. Pores become clogged due to a build-up of cells which stick together and cause a plug. Then bacteria and skin oil, which would normally drain to the surface, get caught inside, causing redness and pus to develop

Irritation can aggravate pimples on neck. Collared shirts that usually rub on the skin of the neck can make the pimples worse. This usually creates the vicious cycle. Neck pimples develops, and the sufferer may have to wear collared shirts to cover it. The collared shirts then lead to irritation and then aggravate the pimples and so on.

  • Try wearing of crew neck shirts or the shirts without collars.
  • If you must have to wear collared shirts, as most of the people must from time to time, try wearing of the soft cotton shirts which may be less harsh especially when rubbing against the skin.
  • Do not try to pick the area.
  • Try to stay aware of anything that might irritate the back of your neck and take action to stop the irritation if immediately.
  • You should become aware of all other sources of irritation

Pimples on Neck and Jawline

Of all the areas of the face, it is important to say that the chin and jawline area is the most common place to get pimples—especially to the adults. The reason for this to occur is often due to the hormonal shifts and the imbalances in the body.

The kind of a mild to the moderate pimples that most commonly happens on the forehead and the cheeks is a condition that is called acne vulgaris, or the common pimple. The kind of acne that most often crops up on the jawline is known as acne mechanica, or the irritation acne.

In the USA, the teens who obtains acne especially on the jawline are normally those who like to play football or even march in the band, wearing the helmets or hats most of the hours a week. All over the world, however, the straps for the hats as well as helmets and for dental appliances may lead to irritation and the acne at the end of the jaw.

The reason for the acne mechanica breaking out under tight straps is that they trap perspiration on the skin. Perspiration leads to the growth of all kinds of bacteria in the pores. If a person is very lucky, it is just a pimple bacteria that multiply.

They mix with the dead skin and the skin oils in the pores on the jawline and then clog pores that fast to form blackheads and whiteheads.

The challenge during treatment of pimples on neck due to acne is that they don’t usually respond very quickly to the traditional drying the spot treatments. Since the chin and the jawline breakouts tend to be very cystic (bigger blemishes are usually deep under the skin), spot treatments may simply dry out of the surface but will still leave you with the bump underneath.

Also, since they are very large and more severe, they can last for about 1-2 weeks and can leave behind red, dark scars, which may linger even for longer.

One of the most difficult skin everyday skin care problems is with the treatment of pimples especially on the jawline. Blackheads and the pimples on the jawline ruin the contour of the face, and can draw the attention away from the eyes, nose, and the expressive muscles under the cheeks and brows of the face.

Making the problem very hard to handle, the kind of the acne that you get on the jawline is usually not the same kind of the pimple that you have on the rest of the face.

More importantly than any skin treatment products, reducing of pressure on the jawline is crucial to prevention of jawline pimples. If you simply keep the skin on the jawline as loose as possible, blemishes are less likely to be a problem. This means loosening straps and seeing your dentist about changes in retainers and spacers.

The next more important thing in treatment of the pimples mechanica is cleansing of the skin whenever you get sweaty. If you can’t be able to avoid perspiration, then you can at least rinse it away as soon as possible. It also assists to take off the hats and helmets from period to period during a sports competition or even a performance.

When you rinse the skin, don’t try to rub the pimples away. But consider using a shower mitt to clean the skin every other time you wash up after any sweating.

Painful pimples on Neck

Hormones that stimulate oil production that results to the growth of the bacteria getting trapped especially in the pore. This leads to in a sore, painful pustule or even cystic blemish. Many women find that they get chin breakouts monthly along with the cycle.

Pimples on Neck after Shaving

Most men usually suffer from the problem of rashes and even shaving of the pimples. For some of them it is an occasion that allows them to grow a beard and avoid to shave at all.

There are not so many reasons of the shaving causing pimples especially on wrong choice of shaving cosmetics or the tools or even aftershave. Sometimes such pimples on neck may be brought about by using dirty instruments or shaving without having washed hands.

Women also experience the same problem with the red pimples, but in other body parts. Women’s skin is very sensitive and may greatly suffer from the shaving.

There are no universal tips about how to get rid of shaving pimples. The treatment is strictly individual. In any case, before treating of the pimples on neck after the shaving, their cause should be found. In such case the treatment may be much more efficient.

Some tips on how to treat the small red pimples are very trivial. Some kinds of treatment can even seem to be very ridiculous. But if they are closely observed, you can very quickly do away with pimples on the chin and neck. These particular tips include washing the hands and moisturizing the skin before shaving.

You can use the special tonic or even cream for moisturizing especially if the pimples have appeared, smear them using special ointment. Such an ointment may be purchased at any pharmacy. As an alternative you can apply the use of aloe vera juice after shaving. It is also believed to be the most effective folk remedy in such particular cases

How to Get Rid of Pimples on Neck

Here are home remedies for neck pimples

  1. Lemon

This is a quick way to do away with pimples, the use of lemon juice, which is very rich in vitamin C. Lemon juice assists the pimples to dry up faster. Be sure to use fresh lemon juice and not the bottled juice, which contains preservatives. There are a several of ways to use this remedy.

  • Dip a clean cotton swab into the fresh lemon juice and use it to the pimples before going to sleep.
  • You may also mix one tablespoon of the lemon juice with one teaspoon of the cinnamon powder and put it on the pimples the whole night. In the morning, wash the skin well using lukewarm water. However, this very remedy is not too suitable for those people with sensitive skin.
  1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is also an excellent requirement for treating pimples. It contains antibacterial properties that assist deal with the bacteria that lead to these skin problems.

Plus, its soothing properties assist to reduce the redness and inflammation of pimples on neck. It also assists to dry out blackheads as well as the whiteheads.

  • Just dip a cotton ball in the tea tree essential oil and dab it specifically on the affected area. Rinse the face after about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Another available option is to mix very few drops of the tea tree oil in 1 tablespoon of the aloe vera gel. Apply it on the pimples on neck and blemishes, leave it on for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off using cold water.
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