
Pimples on Chin, Itchy, Painful, Hard, Causes, How to Get Rid

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What causes chin pimples? A look at the pimples on chin that are painful, hard, causes and the methods of how to get rid of them.

Pimples on Chin Causes

A skin pimple is an area of skin that has become much swollen or even irritated. Skin pimples may include skin bumps or the sores, scaly or the red skin, and the itchy or even burning skin. Skin pimples may be brought about by most of the medical conditions.

Some skin pimples on chin happen right away, while others may take some time for them to develop. The location, appearance, as well as the color of a skin pimples are all crucial to help the doctor make the right diagnosis and begin the right treatment.

A pimple on chin is usually a small pustule or papule. Pimples are very small skin lesions or the inflammations of the skin – they mostly develop when the sebaceous glands (oil glands) is clogged and even infected, thus leading to swollen, red lesions that are filled with pus

The sebaceous glands that produce sebum, are found inside the pores of our skin. The outer layers of the skin are always shed continuously.

Sometimes, the dead skin cells are normally left behind and may get stuck together by the sticky sebum, leading to a blockage in the pore.

Pore blockage is normally likely to happen during puberty (the process of physical changes by which a child may become an adult thus capable of reproduction) as the sebaceous glands can produce more of sebum at this time.

Where sebum and dead skin cells accumulate and even block the pore, this normally encourages the growth of the undesirable bacteria that includes Propionibacterium acnes which is the slow-growing bacterium that is linked to the pimple.

Propionibacterium pimples on chin also exists harmlessly on the skin; however, when the conditions are very right, it may reproduce much more rapidly and thus become a problem. The bacterium feeds off the sebum and then produces a substance that leads to an immune response, leading to skin inflammation and then spots.

Researchers at the medical school identified two unique strains of P. acnes in the skin of 20% of people that have pimples on chin, while those who have healthy skin tended not to have these strains. The situation was reversed for another strain of P. acnes: the people with pimples on chin tended not to harbor the strain, but it was present in a healthy skin. As such, it seems that particular types of bacteria also determine the severity as well as frequency of pimples on chin.

Pimples on chin and the acne have also been linked to the yeast infections, with a group of yeasts known as Malassezia that is thought to be the main culprit.

The yeasts grow on the skin of the forehead as well as the chest, but are rarely on the sides of the face, and do not inhabit the same pores as P. acnes. And thus as such, treatments that seek to eradicate these yeasts or P. acnes can unwittingly create ideal conditions for the other.

People who are prone to the pimples on chin have been found to have the skin that is normally sensitive to the normal blood levels of testosterone which is a natural hormone that is found in both males and females.

In such mentioned people, testosterone may trigger the sebaceous glands to also produce excess sebum, thus increasing the likelihood of the clogged pores.

Despite also being related to bacterial infection, pimples are not contagious. You cannot catch pimples from another person.

Researchers from the New York University also reported in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that the dairy products with a high glycemic index foods are also linked to the pimples on chin. The researchers also found that the people who take a lot of high glycemic index foods and dairy products are most likely to have acne. They also suggested that using medical nutrition therapy may help in the treatment of acne.

In addition to the following a low-Glycemic Index, the dairy-free diet, it is also important to ensure a good intake of the healthy polyunsaturated and even a monounsaturated fats. Despite the pimples on chin being brought about by the blocked pores due to the excess sebum production, fat-free or very low-fat diets are not also recommended for the acne as very little fat in the diet may actually dry out the skin and even prompt the body to ramp up the sebum production.

A good intake of fats from the nuts, seeds, as well as olive oil seems to help by keeping inflammation in check; supporting the body in maintaining the healthy blood sugar levels; and maintaining a good skin moisture levels so as to give an effective barrier and the immune response so as to prevent bacterial infection

Types of Chin Pimples

There are many different types of the pimples on chin and they have very different signs and symptoms:

  • Whiteheads – also called closed comedo. These are too small and remain below the skin, looking as a small, flesh-colored papules.
  • Blackheads – also called open comedo. The pimples on chin are clearly visible on the surface of the skin and are black or even dark brown due to the oxidation of the melanin, the dark skin’s pigment. Some people mistakenly believe that they are brought about by dirt, because of their color, and scrub the faces vigorously – this does not assist and might irritate the skin and lead to other problems.
  • Papules – these are very small, solid, rounded pimples on chin that normally rise from the skin. The bumps are usually pink.
  • Pustules – these are the pimples full of pus. They are clearly visible on the surface of the skin. The base appears red and the pus is on the top.
  • Nodules – these are morphologically similar (similar structure) to the papules, but larger. They may be painful and are embedded deep in the skin.
  • Cysts – these pimples on chin are very clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are usually filled with pus and are usually painful. Cysts commonly cause scars.

Itchy Pimples on Chin

Itching of the face is a usual symptom that every other person experience, often on a frequent basis. In most case it is a mild it that is quickly relieved with rubbing or scratching. The face is the most exposed part of the body as it is almost never covered. It is constantly bombarded by the environment through dust, dirt, microbes, wind, heat, cold and other irritants. These are easily removed with washing.

Sometimes the skin is more sensitive or even a mild irritant, that may not even irritate every other person, can lead to itching of the pimples on chin. It may be related to allergies or even skin diseases. An itchy face usually does not require any specific medical treatment unless it becomes very persistent and is related with a skin rash or other symptoms that shows a problem.

Causes of Itchy Face

Facial itching is sometimes imagined or associated with nervous behavior. Sometimes a person may not have any itching of the pimples on chin yet scratch the face more regularly. Apart from the nervous disposition, itching is also at times an indication of being untruthful as are most of other nervous tics.

Treatment of the itchy facial pimples on chin can also involve counseling or the application of anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication. In most of this cases though, no specific treatment is needed.

Unwashed Face

Dirt, dust and microbes are normally making contact with the face. These contaminants if not done away with may irritate the skin. An unwashed face tends to be itchy. In men, this may at times be related to the facial hair that tends to trap and hold contaminants.

Treatment for this involves good hygiene by regularly washing of the face.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is a very normal cause of an itchy face, second only to the poor hygiene. It may happen at any time in the year but is very common in winter. Seasonal dryness as well as itching is thus often referred to as the winter itch. However, the constant exposure to the air conditioned environments particularly in the settings like the workplace can dry out the skin.

Facial itching that is due to climatic conditions is also very likely to happen in windy environments.

Dryness of the skin leading to the itching may also happen with :

  • Excessive washing of the face, particularly using hot water and very harsh soaps may also dry off the facial skin. Most of the soaps, particularly the heavily scented varieties, and facial washes dry out the skin on the face.
  • Alcohol based products, like the men’s aftershave and antiseptic soaps, are known to cause excessive dryness.
  • Acne products also tend to dry out the skin as part of its chemical performance to combat pimples.
  • Sun exposure, which does lead to additional oil secretion and sweating, has a harsh drying effect on the skin.

Treatment of this type of pimples on chin may also involve proper moisturizing of the skin, avoiding any other conditions or products that dry the skin and using of the sunscreen for an adequate protection.


An allergy, or even hypersensitivity, may be due to allergic skin diseases or irritants to the face in the person who may otherwise do not experience the conditions. Allergic skin diseases that are very likely to present with the itching includes the atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis or even urticarial.

Pollen, pet hair, molds and dust may trigger the allergic reaction. Other irritants that may also be responsible for an allergic reaction even in the absence of skin diseases includes:

  • Hair dyes (itchy scalp, front and often marked facial swelling)
  • Shampoos (itchy scalp and/or face)
  • Cosmetics (itchy face)
  • Food and the medications (itchy lips, throat, and upper body)
  • Head lice (itchy scalp, shoulders, face)
  • Pollens (itchy eyes and nose)
  • Jewelry (itch and rash at the site of skin contact)

Treatment of the pimples on chin due to allergy can involve the application of antihistamines and corticosteroids. Severe cases that are related to with anaphylaxis require adrenaline (epinephrine). A very important measure, however, is to prevention by avoiding of the trigger.

How to Get Rid of Pimples on Chin Fast, Home Remedies

The following are ways on how to remove chin pimples:

  1. Apply some apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a known powerhouse when it comes to the acting as an acne remedy. It kills off the bacteria that can be leading to all the trouble in the first instance. It also becomes much alkaline, and balances off the pH of the skin, which in turn makes it very hard for the bacteria to thrive.

To top it off it’s an astringent, like the lemon juice, and may assist to dry up excess oil. Keeping that in mind, don’t overdo and dry out the skin too much. This could lead to the sebaceous glands overproduce to compensate, thus triggering an outbreak.

You may require

  • Pure unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • Fresh water

Wash the face using water and pat the face dry. Using a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water, dip a cotton ball into vinegar and apply it directly to the blemish. Leave on for at least 10 minutes, or overnight. Reapply several times a day, washing face thoroughly after each time. Make sure to use a moisturizer afterwards as well if you feel like your skin is getting dry.

  1. Make a cinnamon and the honey mask

Honey is very sticky, and cinnamon is also spicy, and it seems like they’re both things you may want to avoid getting near the skin. Surprisingly, while it might sound very strange, honey and the cinnamon make a killer combo when it comes to pimples.

Cinnamon has the antimicrobial properties, so it may assist to stop bacteria from getting out of hand. If it does, the honey is a natural anti-biotic, ready and waiting to wipe the little pimples on chin out.

You will require

-2 tablespoons of honey
-1 teaspoon of cinnamon
– paper towels

Rinse the face using water and pat it dry. Mix some 2 tablespoons of honey and even 1 teaspoon of cinnamon together until they are thoroughly blended and have formed a sort of paste. use the mask to the face (or even spot treat) and leave on for about 10-15 minutes. Rinse off completely, and pat the face dry. This is a very sticky mixture, so make sure that you have some paper towels at on hand.

  1. The use of milk and honey (or even yogurt)

While there is quite a lot of questions around dairy products leading to pimples, used topically it seems that the milk can improve the outbreaks and the skin tone. The reason it is suggested that the milk may cause acne is due to the extra hormones in it-but unless it’s ingested, this doesn’t really do much.

For the most part, it just soothes the irritated skin, and assists the bring down the redness. You may also use yogurt. The acids in it are antibacterial while the fat gives the moisture, making it very nourishing for skin.

You may require
– 1 tablespoon plain low-fat or full-fat yogurt or milk, anything but skim
– 1 tablespoon of natural, raw, honey

Let the yogurt or milk come to the room temperature (or close to) so you don’t get a very chilly shock when you put it on your skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of milk or yogurt thoroughly with 1 tablespoon of honey. You can apply the mixture with a cotton pad, but scooping it up and patting it on works just fine as well.

Let each layer dry before adding of a new one, until the mask is the thickness you want. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Wash your mask off and use a washcloth to gently scrub in a circular motion, getting rid of loosened dead skin. Once you’re finished, moisturize as usual.

  1. Papaya for the pimple prone

Papaya is an important ingredient in a lot of the beauty products on the market nowadays, but theres no need for a person to go out of the way to gain its benefits.

Plain raw papaya is an all-natural pimples on chin remedy that gets rid of the dead skin cells as well as the excess lipids from the surface of the skin, thus leaving it soft and smooth. Lipids are a general term for the fats, of which oil is a form of.

Papaya also has an enzyme known as papain that minimizes inflammation and assists prevent the pus from forming.

You may require
-1 fresh papaya

Rinse the face using water and pat it dry. Mash up the flesh of the papaya very well, until it is of a consistency that can be easily applied to the skin. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse off completely using warm water. If the skin has a tendency to get dry after you cleanse it, then use a moisturizer appropriate for the skin type there afterwards.


  1. Make an orange peel paste

They taste much more rejuvenating and also refreshing, and the skin may find them just as appealing as the taste buds do. Pimples on chin that is brought about by the bacteria and even the extra oil or the dead skin cells that are clogging up pores can improve with the application of an orange peel face mask of sorts, thanks to the vitamin C and its astringent properties.

The vitamin C is particularly use because it increases the growth of new healthy cells, keeping the skin in a better condition overall.

You will require
-2 Orange peels
-Clean, fresh water

Rinse the face using water and pat it dry. Grind up the orange peels and add a little water so as to create a paste. Add a little at a time, as too much may make it too thin and very runny. Once you have the right consistency, use it to the face and/or problem areas. Wait for about 20-25 minutes. Ideally the mask should be much firm, but it may still work if it isn’t. Rinse off completely using water, pat the face dry, and use a good moisturizer.

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