
Pimple on Eyelid, White, Bump, Inside, Waterline, Causes, Treatment, Remove

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What causes pimple on eyelid? Pimples can occur on every part of the body and more specifically on the eyelids, Get a critical look on the bumps that forms inside the eye, waterline and their causes, treatment as well as how to remove.

pimple on eyelid

Although most of the bumps that occur on the eyelids are pimples from the oil gland that occurs on the edge of the eyelid at the point where the lash meets the lid. The bump looks red in color and swollen thus looking like a pimple and it is always tender to touch.

Pimple on Eyelid

Styes is caused by the blockage of the oil gland in the eyelids, this encourages the bacteria to grow inside that particular gland, and there can be numerous styes on the eyelid.

Styes usually develop in a few days. They can drain and heal on their own but when it becomes fully blocked then it becomes a pimple. When it becomes large enough then it becomes a problem to the vision.

Common causes include:

  • Xanthelasma– which is a raised yellow patch on the eyelid that usually happens with age, they are mostly harmless but can indicate high cholesterol in the body.
  • Papillomas– these are the pink colored bumps that grow slowly affecting an individual’s visions. But they can be surgically removed.
  • Chalazia– these are small fluid filled sacs that affects an individual’s visions

There are many causes that can cause a pimple on eyelid like a stye or even milia of which both conditions result to swelling and redness of the eyelid with a pimple that is extremely tender to touch. The treatments to the conditions vary.

This pimples on the eyelids are red lumps that are painful and at the edge of the eyelid typically where the lash meets the eyelid. These small lumps are usually harmless and don’t always require urgent medical attention as they often disappear on their own after application of a simple home remedy and home care.

Although it will be important that you speak to your doctor to try to manage the symptoms. The type of the eyelid bump and pimple will determine the best treatment on the patient.

Pimple on eyelid occurs when the bacteria invades the oil glands that makes the glands inflamed. A person with blepharitis condition is at a higher risk of being affected with eyelid bumps than any other person

Practicing good hygiene can greatly reduce the risk of getting a bump on the eyelid. Regular hand washing can help to prevent the spread of the bacteria and avoid touching the eyes before washing your hand thoroughly with soapy water

White Bump on Eyelid

These are rather small and barely noticeable pimple on eyelid but they can easily grow and become extremely painful. There are several things that can cause a white bump on the eyelid that may include the contact lenses that were not properly cleaned or even expired cosmetics. It however, doesn’t affect the vision but might become very painful

The white bump that is sometimes red and swollen as well very tender to touch. If this white bump is very close to the edge of the eyelid, then you may experience a lot of watery eyes or maybe increased itching or even feeling that something is in your eyes. Your eyes can also become very sensitive to light;

The most common reasons for a person experiencing white bump on the eyelid include the following;

  • Stye– this is an infection that is caused by bacteria. The bacteria is normally present in the eyelid but it is not known to cause any problems to the eyes. However, the bacteria growth can lead to it attacking your oil glands thus setting in the infection where the area becomes swollen and very tender. You may notice a white lump at the center of the swelling filled with pus.
  • Chalazion- meibomiam gland is a small gland that produces sticky substances that keeps the eyelashes moist. The glands can however get clogged up and create a cyst thus developing a small white bump. That is how the body reacts to the oil secretion that is trapped by that clogged gland
  • Milia– this is more common in children and the newborns where a solid white pimple on eyelid develops clearly on the eyelid implying that the child’s skin is unable to get rid of dead cells efficiently, but in adults, it is caused by eyelid trauma or even severe sunburn.
  • Xanthelasma– these are yellow patches that happens to many people and it is usually a sign of aging, they are also harmless and an indicator of high cholesterol level in the body. They can be removed surgically also.
  • Papillomas– are completely very harmless white bumps that sometimes appear pink in color, they however upset a person for cosmetic reasons and may grow large enough affecting a person’s vision., they can also be removed through a surgical process
  • Cyst– develops occasionally in a person’s lifetime, but they are entirely benign, they are also unsightly and may affect a person’s vision
  • Allergies– an allergy can lead to a pimple on eyelid that is not very painful though can be bothersome.

Types of lumps and bumps

Some of the common eyelid lumps and bumps can be categorized into three general types;

  1. Benign

A nevus is a small, usually round and pigmented benign tumor that is made up of specific cells called nevus cells. It can be thought of as a mole. Changing nevi should be checked for evidence of malignancy to rule out melanoma.

A papilloma is a small warty epidermal skin that is generally benign but often cosmetically unsightly, you should discus with the doctor the possibility of removing the masses from pimple on eyelid if this is desired

  1. Inflammatory

A stye is an inflamed swelling of sebaceous gland of the eyelid caused by a bacterial infection. It is superficial, it appears as a tender elevated pustule much like a pimple near the lid edge. If it lies deep, the swelling often involves the whole eyelid. The area of inflammation is red, swollen and very painful.

A chalazion is a chronic inflammation of the eyelid gland that results from horlodeum that does not resolve and chalazia often occur in association with blepharitis.

  1. Malignant

    pimple on upper eyelid – picture

Malignant tumors, or skin cancers are common around the eye. Prolonged exposure to sunlight especially during the youth, and fair skin type are the factors in the development of skin cancers, each with different characteristics.

Basal cell carcinoma are the most common type of skin cancer occurring on the eyelid. They arise in skin pimple on eyelid around the eyes and most often as a nodule on the lower lid.

Squamous cell cancers occur in the eyelid region most commonly in the conjunctiva.

Only one percent of eyelid malignancies are sebaceous gland carcinomas. They are highly malignant, yet they closely resemble other benign conditions, if they are left untreated, sebaceous gland carcinomas may have a high mortality rates. These cancers need to be promptly diagnosed and excised completely.

Any eyelid growth that bothers you is worth being checked, at the least, diagnosis affords peace of mind. Most of these growths are easily treated or may be removed using a simple surgical procedure

Pimple on Eyelid Treatment

The treatment of major causes of pimple on the eyelid are as mentioned below;

  • Stye– this will normally start to go away by itself within a few days from start, to decrease the inflammation and enable the stye dry up quickly, use a warm damp cloth for 10 minutes for up to four times a day. If you discover that the swelling of the pimple on eyelid is not fading away or even moves to the cheek, you should make a point to see a medical doctor to give you antibiotics.
  • Milia– they usually clear up without treatment, but they can spread and become a very chronic condition, in this case, treatment by a dermatologist will be required which may include cryotherapy, laser treatment or dermabrassion
  • Blepharitis– treatment for blepharitis may include cleaning the eyelids everyday with baby shampoo or any other mild shampoo. You can also use warm compress to help in healing blepharitis. Apply the compress four times each day and finally apply a shampoo that is mild like the baby shampoo
  • Xanthelasma– although this may indicate high lipids presence that is associated with diabetic conditions or even high cholesterol level, however it appears as a pimple on eyelid, there might not be another medical condition that causes the medical condition.
  • Chalazion-treatment for this might include warm compress for up to four times daily, do not try to squeeze the chalazion as it might not help but if it seems to affect your vision, then your health care provider can provide some antibiotics or surgically remove it completely
  • Papilloma-it does not develop into a tumor but sometimes looks like a pimple on eyelid especially for the elderly people in the society, monitoring is usually recommended by many health care providers, it also does not harm but in case it starts to affect your vision, then surgical removal is recommended
  • Cysts– treatment of eyelid cyst entirely depend on the cause of the cyst. Always ensure to keep your hands away from the eyes and make sure that they are always clean. It is mostly caused by eye make ups. Avoid using another person’s make up or medications. Warm compress help the pain and swelling, if the swelling gets worse, consult your medical doctor.
  • Rosacea– this has no cure but symptoms can easily be managed using oral antibiotics and also by keeping the eyelids very clean to avoid infection, also avoid all the triggers that make symptoms worse
  • Allergies– should you suspect an allergy after starting medication , using of make up or exposure to chemicals, then discontinue the use of the chemical that causes the pimple.

How to Get Rid of a Pimple on Your Eyelid Fast

Here is a remedy for pimples under eye:

Use of warm compress on the eye for 10 minutes up to four times in a day. Make sure that the cloth is as warm as possible and not very hot to avoid burning the skin as this encourages the pimple on eyelid to drain.

Avoid by all means to puncture or pop the pimple on eyelid. Makeups and contact lenses should also not be worn during the period of infection until it is completely gone.

Eyelid bumps should not be squeezed to pop, this can basically increase the infection and spread of the bacteria to infect the other eye. A stye can well be treated at home by use of warm compress for about 15 minutes up to four times a day as this helps to drain the stye and loosens the oil gland and speeds up the healing process.

If the pimple on the eyelid is large enough, the doctor might be required to puncture it to drain the fluid inside

A doctor might also be required to prescribe to you an antibiotic in case of bumps that won’t go away.

Surgery may be an option especially for the chalazion that have stayed for long period without going away.

Control the level of cholesterol in your body by eating healthy foods that are less of the cholesterol as this might help to prevent blockage of the oil glands that are caused by high cholesterol levels.

Home Remedy for Pimple on Eyelid

Instructions for hot spoon bathing:

We recommend that you have someone at home help you with this. The heat helps to relieve pain and encourages the lump to discharge.

  1. Pad the end of a wooden kitchen spoon with an absorbent material such as gauze or a flannel.
  2. Dip the spoon into a bowl of steaming water.
  3. Keeping the eye closed, raise the padded end to the affected eye, keeping it about an inch away from the eyelid.
  4. As the spoon cools, re-dip it into the steaming water and repeat step 3.
  5. Repeat for 10 to15 minutes and do this two to three times daily.

Alternatively wring out a face towel with warm, boiled water and gently place it over the closed lid for 5 to10 minutes. Make sure the water is not too hot. Gently massage the area with your finger tips for two minutes, every morning and night for two weeks. This is particularly suitable for children.

If the lump grows and is does not respond to hot spoon bathing or applying a warm face towel, you may need antibiotic drops or an ointment.

If the antibiotics don’t work you may need a small surgical procedure called ‘incision and curettage. Your doctor will explain this procedure if you need to have it. Please tell your doctor if you have any questions.

Don’t try bursting a stye by yourself as most of the styes get better on their own and thereafter disappear after a few days, and try the below methods;

  • Use of warm compress can help treat your stye where a flannel warmed with warm water and not hot is used, avoid using too hot water especially on children;
  • Hold the warm compress carefully over the affected eye for up to ten minutes
  • Repeat the procedure for up to four times in a day until stye clears up and some pus is released
  • Painkillers can also be used especially when the pimple on eyelid is too painful. Use paracetamol or any other painkiller to help ease up the pain. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure suitability of the medicine for you and that a person takes the correct dose

Do not give aspirin to persons under the age of 16 years.

Further references

  1. Eyelid Bump: http://www.healthline.com/health/eyelid-bump#Overview1
  2. White Bump on Eyelid: http://www.med-health.net/Pimple-On-Eyelid.html
  3. Stye – Treatment: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/stye/Pages/treatment.aspx
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