
Pimple inside Nose, Bump, Zit, Ingrown Cyst, Treatment

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What causes a pimple inside your nose? Does the zit in your nose hurt? Get more insights on the causes of pimple in nose that is painful, hurts, bump, zit and sores, treatment, popping and how to cure.

A pimple inside nose is so annoying doe to pain, inflammation and discomfort. This can be a minor issue if you get to know how to care for an infected pimple, bump or zit. It could also be a sign of a serious skin infection such as acne, a viral or bacterial infections.

Pimple Inside Nose Causes

Here are the main causes of pimples in nose:

Blockage of Pores

Sebaceous glands located beneath the skin produces sebum which is an oily substance that helps in keeping the skin and hair soft. The oil reaches the surface of the skin through openings known as pores which also house hair follicle and sebaceous glands.

Pores on the skin can get blocked due to dead skin deposition and production of excessive oil hence causing pimples. Normally pimples form on the face, forehead, on ears, nose and lips. In some cases pimples can also appear inside nose.

Bacterial Infections

Bacteria can also infiltrate in the skin pore which also causes red bumps, skin irritation, painful and tender pimples that hurt, inflammation and itching. Bacterial infections such as folliculitis and nasal furuncles can also occur.

Folliculitis is a caused by strep bacteria and is characterized by red inflamed or white bumps mainly on the nostril opening. It can also be caused by habits such as often picking and blowing of your nose. It is contagious when not treated since it can affect other nasal tissues.

Nasal furuncles is a deeper nasal infection inform of boils. It is a serious condition because it can easily cause cellulitis which is a rapid spreading skin infection that can extend fast to the bloodstream hence life threatening.

Cellulitis is caused by staph, strep and methicillin- resistant staphylococcus (MRSA). Its main symptoms include skin dumpling, red inflammations and swelling. MRSA infection is a contagious infection that is resistant to many antibiotics and hence difficult to treat.

Infected pimples inside nose is regarded dangerous since it also affects the veins that connect the nose and brain. A serious condition known as sinus thrombosis can occur although rare causing a blood clot in a main vein located at the base of the skull.

This condition can associate symptoms such as pain and headache, eye pain and double vision, high fever, drowsiness, uneven pupils and difficulty in seeing. This should make you to seek urgent medical attention by calling your doctor.

Acne can also cause pimples in nose. It is difficult to recognize acne in your nose although you can tell through signs and symptoms such as: Appearance of pimple like boils at the tip and wings of your nose, nasal passages, floor and septum. Inflammation and redness of the skin that is tender at the affected areas.

Other symptoms of acne in the nose include; pain, body weakness, swelling and infiltration, fever, and difficulty in nasal breathing. While it is presumed that traditional acne goes away with time and through at home self-care treatments, it is good to seek medicines and cures from skin specialists.

Nasal Polyps are also causes of pimples in your nose. The tear shaped growth inside the nose is caused by serious allergic reactions and persistent use of stimulants such as tobacco. They sometimes affect hair follicles and nasal passages.

Picking Nose

Picking your nose especially with dirty fingers can cause pimples. This may scratch the inside lining of the nose or transmit bacteria to the underlying tissues. Scratching of the nose with other objects can also cause damage to the nerves and capillaries which can easily get infected.

Hair Removal

Trimming of the hair inside the nose either by use of scissors or tweezers can cause injuries that can attract bacterial infections. When nasal hairs are also left to grow too long, they can also cause clogged pores hence formation of pimples.

Pimple inside Nose Cure, Treatment and Care

The best treatment for a pimple in nose depends on the causes. Antibiotics are the best for the treatment of bacterial infections that causes pimples in your nose. They include use of ointments like bacitracin or mupirocin. Tablets, capsules and intravenous methods may be applied depending on the seriousness.

Swelling and pain characterizes pimples, zit and bumps in the nose. Taking over the counter anti-inflammatory medicines can help in relieving pain. Examples include; ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Self-help treatments such as warm moist compress can also help in the easing out the pain and discomfort. Place a piece of cloth in hot water and place on your nose for 15 minutes. Repeat three times a day for the symptoms to go away.

Nose picking, scratching and attempts to pop, increases the chances of bacterial infections. The best thing to do is let it heal without interruption or visit the doctor who may prescribe medication or remove it.

When to Seek Medical Help

Bumps, zit or pimple inside nose can be a sign of serious infection that requires special medical attention. You should call or visit a doctor if:

  • You have difficulty in seeing or double vision.
  • You are experiencing dizziness and confusion.
  • There is a red swelling and painful rash.
  • Abnormally high fever.
  • Uneven pupils and bulging eyes.

During the diagnosis the doctor will conduct physical examination and various tests such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) of the head. Blood sample can also be obtained or some of the fluids in the pimple for lab testing.

How to get rid of a pimple inside your nose Fast, Overnight and Naturally

Red and white pimples in nose are painful and hurting. Acne prone skin is very sensitive to touch it and doing so will increase the intensity of redness and eventually itching. It is not easy to heal pimples in nose overnight.

To get a healthy spotless skin, try to avoid oily foods which contributes to clogging of pores in the nose. Take plenty of fluids such as water and fresh fruit juices during the healing process. This helps the immune system to fight both viral and bacterial infections perfectly.

Do not try to pop or drain the pimple inside your nose. This is dangerous since it can easily cause infections to spread further into blood stream hence causing illnesses in the body.

You can use a clean washcloth and place it in hot water and slightly compress the pimple. This may help it drain as well as reducing the soreness or inflammation in the nose. Alternatively you can use herbal infusions such ad witch hazel, lemon juice and tea.

Witch hazel is a natural astringent and a disinfectant that helps in easing out irritation and reducing inflammation. Apply the liquid extract directly on the pimple. You can also mix it with few drops of lavender essential oil for effectiveness.

Lemon juice has a strong anti-acne property. Squeeze lemon juice in a glass and dip a cotton swab to apply directly on the pimple inside nose. Use little amount of lemon juice to prevent drying. Twice a day should help.

Tea of different varieties is known to have little amount of tannins. These are plant based acids which are also present in cinnamon, oak, pomegranate and guava among others. Place one tea bag in hot water in a glass. After 5 minutes place it on the pimple.

Essential oils are also suitable for getting rid of pimples, acne and sores among other skin blemishes. To make a perfect cure, add 3 to 5 drops of essential oils to base oil such as coconut oil, olive oil or jojoba oil. Alternatively make a 2% concentration by putting 12 drops of essential oil to every ounce of base oil.

Oregano essential oil is the best for pimple and other skin blemishes. It has both antifungal and antibacterial properties due to its thymol and carvacrol compouns which destroys the out membranes that protect microbes from the body’s natural immune system.

Prepare a mixture of essential oil and base oil and perform an allergy test by applying a small amount on your inner wrist. After 24 hours, dip a cotton swab in the oils and place it on the pimple in your nose. A good alternative is to use tea tree oil which is also good for spots and acne.

Add 3 drops of tea tree oil to 2 teaspoons of base oil such as jojoba oil, virgin coconut oil or sweet almond oil and stir well in a glass bottle. Test for allergic reaction and apply on the pimple using a cotton swab.

Papaya is an anti-pimple fruit which contains natural enzymes called papain. This makes papaya effective in preventing the formation of clogged pores, pus and helps in exfoliating the skin. It is known as best for most skin blemishes such as dark spots, white spots, red spots, uneven skin tone and acne.

Mash a moderately ripe papaya and add a teaspoon of honey. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and gently apply on the pimple. Papaya may cause skin irritation and do not let it stay for more than 15 minutes. If you feel the irritation wash immediately using lukewarm water.

How to Prevent Pimples Inside Your Nose

You can prevent the formation of pimples in your nose by avoiding constant blowing and picking your nose. Do not insert dirty fingers in your nose since they can transmit bacterial infection. Avoid constant scratching of the inner tissues of the nose.

Maintain a healthy and high hygienic standards of your nose. Avoid places with a lot of dirty and dust which can get in and settle on the nose hairs. They can cause clogging of pores and also attract bacterial infections.

Avoid oily foods especially for people who have sensitive acne prone skin. This will help in preventing the pores from producing more fats that may clog to cause pimples inside nose, face, chin, cheeks and on the forehead.

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