
How to Remove Pimples from Face Fast, Overnight, Naturally

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A critical look on how to remove pimples from the face, overnight, naturally for both girls and boys.

How to Remove Pimples from Face Fast, Overnight

Excess sebum secretion from the oil glands is the main reason behind the problem. Pimples generally happen on the face, back and even shoulders. Though it is not a critical condition, pimples can however make a person feel unattractive due to their appearance.

There are several number of lotions and medicines that are found on the market to cure pimples but they can take time before doing that. Several natural methods are very effective in treatment of pimples within a shorter time period.

  1. How to remove pimples from face using Ice

Ice can be applied to quickly reduce the pimples redness, swelling and the inflammation. It assists in improvement of the blood circulation to the affected skin area, and in the tightening the skin pores and removing dirt as well as oil that is accumulated on the skin. You can apply ice cubes or crushed ice, whichever is applicable.

  • Wrap the ice in a clean piece of cloth and hold it on the affected skin area for a few seconds.
  • Wait for a few minutes and repeat then process.
  1. How to remove pimples from face using Lemon juice
  • A small number of drops of lemon juice performs well, when applied on the pimple. Despite the fact that it can lead to a touch of tingling, but it assists to bring down inflammation and swelling.
  • Ensure that you apply only fresh lemon juice and not the packaged ones.
  • Dip a clean swab made of cotton in the fresh juice and apply it on the pimples for at least before 1 hour when going to bed.
  • Before sleeping clean the lemon juice and use some moisturiser.
  1. How to remove pimples from face using Toothpaste

Toothpaste is a very extraordinary way of treatment to get rid of pimples. Also, it is found in every house and you do not need to go out to the supermarket. Toothpaste is best used as a catch up to the icing to bring about the quickest comes about. It is important to note that the white toothpaste must be used instead of the gel toothpaste to get rid of pimples. You can also find how to get rid of pimples using floss and mouthwash.

  • Apply some toothpaste to the affected parts of the skin before quaint little inn overnight, wash using cold water in the morning to treat pimples.
  • In an event that you aren’t going anywhere, you can repeat the procedure amid the day, thus making a point to leave the toothpaste in contact on the face with the pimples for no less than thirty minutes to be viable.
  1. How to remove pimples from face using Cinnamon-honey mixture

In the event that you need a faster way to reduce the pimples in one single night you better strive for this remedy.

  • First of all make a thick paste of cinnamon with honey.
  • Then cleanse the face before using the paste on the pimples.
  • Have a peaceful and moderate sleep.
  • Observe the difference in the wake of washing the face following day especially in the morning.
  1. How to remove pimples from face using Calamine solution

Cleansing must be carried out in a consistent manner without fizzle every day before going to sleep or else the skin won’t have the capacity to breathe.

  • Clean up the entire face or just the affected skin area with the help of an astringent.
  • You need to use calamine lotion over the affected skin part.
  • Have a peaceful and sound sleep in the night. After you wake-up in the morning, wash the face with some warm water to get rid of the pimples.
  • You will unquestionably be very cheerful and eager to observe that the pimples has reduced from what it was the previous day.
  1. How to remove pimples from face using Peppermint

Peppermint is a very powerful herb that can be of help to treatment of pimples fast. The cooling, soothing effect of the menthol that is displayed in peppermint assists to reduce the level of irritation and redness that is caused by pimples. Peppermint has antiviral as well as antibacterial properties likewise assists get rid of bacteria that lead to pimples.

  • Crush some peppermint leaves to get the juice.
  • Use the juice gently on the pimples and leave it for about 10 minutes.
  • Wash the skin using cold water to get rid of pimples.

In the event that fresh peppermint leaves are not found, then you can make use of peppermint oil that has several vitamins and crucial unsaturated fats. Take about two to three drops of the peppermint oil and use it directly on the pimples. Rub the oil for a number of minutes and then afterwards you can rinse using cold water.

  1. How to remove pimples from face using Cucumber

Cucumber is a rich source of potassium and vitamins, for instance vitamin E, vitamin A as well as vitamin C. It also has a cooling and soothing effect on the affected parts of the skin. It is one of the best home remedy to treat pimples.

  • Cut one or two fresh cucumbers into pieces and soak them in water for 60 minutes. The supplements, for instance, vitamin A, potassium and chlorophyll then exchange to the water.
  • Strain the found mixture in water and beverage it, or use the water to wash the face.

You can also make a face mask by grinding a single cool cucumber. After grinding, make a mask on the face and allow it to dry for about 20 minutes. After getting dry, wash the face using the warm water. This helps in cleaning bacteria and dirt from the pores.

  1. How to remove pimples from face using Orange peel

As shown by Cosmetic Dermatologist Principles and Practice that is expressed in the sense that the causticity and vitamin C substance in oranges makes it to become a flawless cure for acnes.

  • First wash the hands before touching the skin, since dirty hands can cause bacteria with the skin.
  • Then wash the face using warm water as this assists to enlarge the pores.
  • Gently rub the orange peel especially on the affected area.
  • You need to use separate orange peels for every pimple on the face, generally, there is a higher risk of bacterial infection.
  • Now dip a cotton ball or swab in the fresh orange juice and use it on the acne.
  • Change the cotton ball while treating the pimple to prevent bacteria from spreading.
  • Now wash the face using cold water, this will enable choking of the pores and prevent them from further blocking of pores.

How to Reduce Pimples from Face

How to remove pimples from face  by papaya; Papaya is a crucial ingredient in a lot of beauty products found on the market today, but there is no need to go out of the way to gain its benefits. Plain raw papaya is an all-natural pimple remedy that gets rid of dead skin cells and excess lipids from the surface of the skin, leaving it soft and smooth.

Lipids are a general term for fats, of which oil is a form of. Papaya also contains an enzyme called papain, which reduces inflammation and assists in prevention the pus from forming.

You will require;
-1 fresh papaya

Rinse the face using water and pat dry.

Mash up the flesh of the papaya well, until it is of a consistency that can be easily applied to the skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, and then rinse off completely using warm water.

If your skin has a tendency to get dry after you cleanse it then you can use a moisturizer that appropriate for the skin type afterwards.

How to Remove Pimples from Face Naturally, At Home

Here are natural ingredients to get rid of pimples from face.

  1. Cide vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a powerhouse when it comes to acting as an acne remedy. Reason? It kills off the bacteria that may be creating all the pimple problem in the first place. It also can become alkaline, and balances the pH of the skin, which in turn makes it harder for bacteria to survive.

To top it off it’s an astringent, like the lemon juice, and will help to dry up the excess oil. Keeping that in mind, don’t try to overdo and dry out the skin so much. This may cause the sebaceous glands overproduce oil to compensate, therefore triggering a pimple outbreak.

You will need the below;

  • Pure unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • Fresh water


  • Wash your face using normal water and pat dry.
  • Using a ratio of 1 part vinegar to exactly 3 parts water, dip a cotton ball into vinegar and use it directly to the pimple.
  • Leave on for at about 10 minutes, or overnight. Reuse several times a day, washing the face thoroughly after each time. Make sure to apply a moisturizer afterwards as well if you feel like the skin is getting dry.
  1. How to remove pimples from face using Milk and honey or yogurt

While there is quite a bit of talks around dairy products causing pimples, applied on the skin, it looks like that milk can improve the outbreaks and even the skin tone.

The reason it is suggested that milk would cause acne is due to the extra hormones in it-but unless it’s also ingested, this doesn’t do much. For the most part, it just soothes the irritated skin, and helps tone down the redness. You could also apply yogurt. The acids in it are antibacterial while the fat gives moisture, making it very nourishing for skin.

You will require;

  • 1 tablespoon of plain low-fat or full-fat yogurt or milk, anything but not skim
  • 1 tablespoon of natural raw honey


  • Let yogurt or milk come to room temperature so that you don’t get a chilly shock when you put it on the skin. Mix about 1 tablespoon of milk or yogurt thoroughly with 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • You can use the mixture with a cotton pad, but scooping it up and patting it on works just fine as perfect. Let each layer dry before adding a new one, until the mask is the thickness that you want.
  • Let it sit for about 15 minutes. Wash the mask off the skin and use a clean washcloth to gently scrub in a circular motion, getting rid of loosened dead skin. Once you’re finished, moisturize also.
  1. How to remove pimples from face using Egg whites

Egg whites are an easy and comfortable way to assist reduce acne and fading of the scars that are left by unfortunate skin pimples.

The reason for people having found egg whites to be crucial for their skin is due to the fact that they are full of proteins and vitamins that both combat acne, and help to rebuild the skin cells.

They also soak up excess oil, which implies that excess sebum, which also implies less stuff for the bacteria to feed on. Just make sure to use a good moisturizer afterward the procedure, as they can dry your skin out a little bit.

You will require

  • 2 to 3 egg whites, separated from yolks
  • Bowl
  • Washcloth


  • Rinse the face with water and pat dry. Separate the whites from the yolks. You can use as many egg whites as you like, but normally 2 to 3 eggs are enough.
  • Whisk the whites until they look much frothy, and let them sit for about 15 minutes. Cover the face using the mixture (applying with fingertips is easy) focusing on problem spots. 3 to 4 layers is usually enough, but make sure to wait the first has dried before using more.
  • Allow the mask to sit and dry for about 30 minutes before rinsing off completely using warm water and a patting dry with a soft washcloth. Apply some moisturizer appropriate for your skin type.

How to Cure Pimples from Face

Oranges taste rejuvenating and refreshing, and the skin may find them just as appealing as our taste buds do.

Acne that is brought about by bacteria and extra oil or the dead skin cells blocking up pores may at times improve with the use of an orange peel face mask of all sorts, thanks to the vitamin C, citric acid, as well as  it’s astringent properties.

The vitamin C is particularly helpful as it promotes the growth of new healthy cells, keeping the skin in a good condition overall.

You will need…
2 Orange peels
Clean, fresh water

Rinse the face with water and pat dry. Grind up your orange peels (you could use a blender, mortar and pestle, whatever gets the job done) and add a little water to create a paste. Add a little at a time, as too much will make it too thin and runny.

Once you have the right consistency, apply it to your face and problem areas. Wait for about 25 minutes. Ideally the mask should be very firm, but it can still work if it isn’t. Rinse off completely using warm water, pat the face dry, and apply a good moisturize.

Best Pimple Treatment

Honey and strawberries make a home remedy for pimple that looks pretty sweet (pun intended) and it combines two other things that are used commonly in pricey, often sometime harsh, facial scrubs and cleansers.

Strawberries may seem to be so random, but consider the fact that they are very high in salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a primary ingredient in several commercial pimple treatments as it encourages the epidermis to shed its cells more readily thus opening up clogged pores, and neutralizing bacteria.

It also shrinks up the pores a little bit that prevents them from clogging up as much in the future, and encourages new cell growth. Honey also works against the growth of bacteria that may be behind the pimples, and is also an anti-inflammatory.

You will require
3 fresh strawberries, washed well
2 teaspoons of good honey-raw is best

Wash your face with water and pat dry. Rinse 3 strawberries and mash them up well, taking care that they don’t get over-mashed and runny. Add the strawberries to two teaspoons of honey, and thoroughly blend them together. Apply to your face and let the mixture sit for 20 minutes.

Rinse off completely using warm water, pat dry, and moisturize if your skin has a tendency to dry out. Use twice a week for at least a month.

Natural methods on how to remove pimples from face ought to be applied consistently and with patience for effective outcome.

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