
Belly Button Piercing Scar, Keloid, Removal, Before and After, Infection, Tissue, Pregnancy

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A critical look at the belly button piercing scar, removal, before and after, infection, tissue, pregnancy, how to get rid and revision.

Belly Button Piercing Scar Causes

Belly button piercing scar

Navel piercings, also called the belly rings, have increasingly become very common in the last few years. The people who choose to get rid of their navel jewelry area able to find out that they have a belly button piercing scar that is very much unsightly, especially if the piercing id due to trauma.

Keloid or even the hypertrophic scars are very common complications of the navel piercings that do not heal as expected or even the ones that suffered an injury like due to pulling or even being torn.


Keloids are the raised parts of skin that area brought about by the overgrowth of the belly button piercing scar tissue. A range of several skin injuries can lead to the keloids to form, which are some of the common reasons behind the formation of the keloids are the burns, chickenpox, wounds, vaccinations and also the piercings.

You can experience a genetic predisposition to the keloids, which are normally seen to run in the families. Additionally, the keloids are usually very much common among the younger females as well as the individuals who are from the African heritage.

Closed Holes

After getting their navel pierced, some other people are able to change their minds about putting on the jewelry. When they are left unattended, then the holes can eventually close over due to the formation of new skin.

The mark that was brought about by the puncture may still be very much visible, but for many years. This may be treated using the topical belly button piercing scar cream so as to reduce its prominence over a period of time.

Belly Button Piercing Scar Removal Before and After

Scar revision is normally successful for the enlarged scars that are near the belly button. The key of scar removal is the plastic surgical closure as well as the optimal scar management thereafter.

There are no indicated easy ways to get rid of the excessive or even the hypertrophic scarring that are due to the multiple umbilical piercing trials. A person may need to schedule a consultation with the dermatologist for the steroid injections to reduce the thickened areas of the belly button piercing scar.

Before you get the belly button pierced, ask the piercer on how the scar will appear if and when you take it out. One of the good methods to reduce scarring is placing the piercing well. If they are well placed, some belly button piercing scars can disappear into the skin, making them to be very hard to see.

Even the eyebrow piercings are able to be placed close to the hairline to reduce the look of the scars. The scars that emanate from other piercings, such as the navel rings, but, can be a big challenge to hide, even if they are carefully placed.

When a person takes out a piercing, then there will be much scarring, more especially if it’s fully healed. But, a person can still take several steps to reduce the amount of the belly button piercing scar scar tissue by taking the proper steps.

Once the piercing is fully closed up, then you can use some amount of Vitamin E oil to further reduce the appearance of the scars.

Belly Button Piercing Scar Infection

Navel piercing scar infection

Belly button piercing infections are not very much common if the instructions are followed from the piercer and have the piercing performed by a professional piercer. Still, localized piercing infections are able to happen, and it’s very vital to treat it so as to prevent it from spreading or even getting much worse.

Regarding the belly-button-piercing-induced infection, there are two basic kinds of infection that are possible to happen—the allergic reactions as well as the bacterial infections. Allergic reactions are normally triggered if a person is allergic to a metal that is used in the navel piercing, while the bacterial infection happens due to the bacteria infestation especially in the damp, folded navel skin area.

Nickel is the commonest metal that leads to the allergic reactions especially among the susceptible people. Whereas, bacteria, as well as the foreign object which can get into the piercing wound a moment before it is fully healed are the culprits of the infection.

After getting the piercing, it’s very common for there to be a lot of redness, irritation as well as the light-colored discharge that appears at the area. But if the symptoms continue for more than one week and also worsen, you may experience an infection. Some of the warning indications that the piercing is very infected are:

  • Persistent pain, redness as well as the warmth at the piercing area
  • Thick, very dark-colored discharge
  • Fever, chills as well as the nausea
  • Red streaks that normally radiate out from the infection area.

But, some other people can have an allergic reaction that is due to the metal of the piercing. Some of the metals, like the nickel and the low-grade gold (gold that is mixed with the metal alloys), may spark an allergic reaction. Here are some of the warning indications that an individual is having an allergic reaction:

  • Intermittent tenderness especially at the piercing area
  • Redness, itchy rash that appears around the piercing
  • Blisters at the site

If you do have the symptoms, then you should contact the piercer and inquire if they are able to swap out the piercing. Make sure that the piercing is made out of surgical steel, platinum or even the labeled hypoallergenic.

Step 1: Leave Your Belly-Button Piercing in

If the piercing is very much infected, some easy steps that are used to treat an infection at home are;

It can appear counter-intuitive, but you should not take the piercing out. Taking of the piece of jewelry out can lead to the hole to close itself up and then trap the infection inside, which may lead to an abscess to be below the skin. Keeping of the piercing in helps to keep the hole in and also allows the pus to drain out.

Step 2: Clean the Piercing Site Daily

Before touching the piercing or even the piercing area, wash hands thoroughly. To prevent and also treat an infection, an individual is supposed to clean the belly-button piercing using warm water and also soap at least twice in a day.

Avoid use of alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or even any harsh soaps. Switch to the milder soap if you see the red bumps appearing around the navel spot and have tenderness.

After cleaning, pat the skin spot very dry using a paper towel. Don’t scrub the piercing area using a washcloth or even rub it dry by use of a towel. The piercing may catch on the piece of cloth and scrubbing might spread the infection. Avoid over cleaning of the area, as this may irritate the skin.

Step 3: Use a Warm Compress

Use a wet, warm washcloth on the infected skin area so as to encourage the pus to drain. Don’t make use of an antibacterial ointment as it may trap the infection at the skin area and then delay the healing process.

Step 4: Consult the Piercer or a Doctor

If the symptoms don’t clear up after a period of about 72 hours or if they worsen, then make sure that you reach out to the piercer or even the doctor. The doctor is able to prescribe a cream or even the gel that have mupirocin, an antibiotic, so as to assist get rid of the infection.

How to Prevent Future Piercing Infections

To prevent any kind of infection from happening or reoccurring at the piercing skin area, it’s very vital that you follow a few key steps:

  • Keep the piercing very much clean and also dry.
  • Wear very loose clothing until the belly-button piercing completely heals so as to avoid any kind of chafing or even the irritation.
  • Avoid touching of the piercing unless it is very vital to keep the bacteria from the hands transferring to the piercing skin area.
  • Check the area daily for any unusual irritation or even the redness.
  • Shower, don’t bathe. Soaking in the bathwater is able to transfer the bacteria to the piercing area.

Belly Button Piercing Scar Tissue

Navel piercing scar tissues

Keloid Scars
Keloid scars are normally the raised blister- or even the pimple-like formations of the scar tissue that normally forms in or even around a piercing. Keloids can appear as red, itchy, and also much inflamed, and can change the size over a period of time.

Keloids also seem to happen frequently in the ear piercings and also the nostril piercings but also to the belly buttons. Labret, nipple, as well as the navel piercings have also been indicated to be affected.

There is no particular way to predict on whether or not a keloid belly button piercing scar can develop in a piercing – a first or even the second lobe piercing is able to heal much more perfectly, but the next piercing can flare up through the scar tissue.

The piercing method that is applied (which includes the piercing gun, or even the sewing needle) may not make any noticeable difference. Many people have had varied experiences.

Irritation of the belly button piercing during the healing, like changing of the jewelry before the piercing has completely healed or tearing of the piercing, is likely to increase the occurrence of scar tissue.

With cartilage piercings, the belly button piercing scar tissue is very likely to form if the ring is very much small in the diameter as compared to the length of the piercing, or if the jewelry is very short, which is normally the case of the sleeper studs that has butterfly clip backs which are installed using a piercing gun.

Bacterial infections may also irritate the piercing for a smaller lump of the scar tissue to form.

How to Treat Keloids

  1. Removal of the jewelry at the first indications of keloid formation as well as allowing the piercing to heal when they are closed will normally remove the keloid, or even minimize its size.
  1. Existing or the healed keloid scars may be done away with surgically, under the local anesthetic, by a dermatologist or even the plastic surgeon. Surgical extraction of the scar tissue does not guarantee in any way that more belly button piercing scar tissue will not be formed.
  1. Scar tissue may as well be injected with the cortisone or any other relevant steroids. A large or even a deep scar may need more than a single session. The cortisone usually acts so as to shrink and also break down the scar tissue. Possible side effects of the cortisone injections are the unwanted hair growth, and all other steroid-related side effects.
  1. Some other people have also indicated diminished keloids with the application of tea tree oil, which can be found in most of the health food and also organic stores.
  1. Vitamin E, which is used during healing, can decrease the formation or even the chance of formation of the belly button piercing scar tissue.
  1. Several piercers have also recommended the use of a paste of distilled water and also aspirin, for a period of about 30 minutes twice a day.

Belly Button Piercing Scar Pregnancy

Belly button piercings is fun, exciting, and also very sexy. But, when it comes to being pregnant, piercings that are around the navel region may be a real hassle.

The increasing stretching that is in, and also around, the belly button may lead to pain and also infection. However, there are a few methods to obtain or remove a navel piercing while a person is pregnant.

  1. Clean the jewelry regularly. So as to prevent any infection, it is very vital that the piercing is clean and also sanitized. At least to be done once a week, take the piercing and wash it using warm water and the soap.
  • Scrub hard so as to disinfect the ring or even the bar. Dry it using a paper towel or even the wash cloth before being re-inserted.
  • Use the safe soaps when you are cleaning. Soaps that have flowery scents, as well as the artificial additives area also able to increase the likelihood of an infection.
  1. Disinfect the belly button and also the navel region. Beyond the daily shower, it is very vital that you keep the navel region very clean and also sanitary so as to prevent any infection. Every day, make use of a wash cloth that is soaked in the warm water and also the soap, and clean the navel area.
  • After you are done cleaning, dry off gently by use of a paper towel or even a dry wash cloth. Use a gentle dab rather than pressing hard against the skin.
  • Keep a cortisone cream around, which may be used whenever you feel as if there is a redness or even a dryness. Check the labels that are on the packaging as some of the antibiotics are very much unsafe for the pregnant women.
  • Do not use the fingernails or even the fingers so as to scrape due to causing irritation.
  1. Leave the belly button ring alone. Try to avoid as much as possible tugging on it or even fiddling with it, since the pregnancy will make the skin to be very much elastic and also prone to stretching or even tearing.
    • You should not touch the piercing and do not let anyone else touch or lick the piercing. The exchange of the bacteria or fluids that are around the healing area is a recipe for an infection.
  2. Wear loose fitting clothing. A navel piercing is likely catch on to the shirt as the stomach grows, and also the shirts become tighter. This is the case for the tight maternity clothing that tend to go up over the stomach and latch onto the navel piercing.

Make sure that each of the shirts as well as the pants give an extra inch around so that the piercing has more room to be very free and not to hook.

  • When buying the clothes, try to go to the stores that specializes in pregnancy clothing. They will have the shirts that are available in bigger sizes. Do not get very much tight fitted stretch pants if you do have a navel piercing, as there is a higher likelihood that the piercing can catch on.
  1. Avoid tight pantyhose and also the belts. As you become pregnant, the belly starts to push against the clothes. There is a likelihood that the piercing will hook onto the clothes and then rip out. Contact the doctor in case this occurs, and do not make use of the over the counter antibiotics so as to solve a very serious problem.
  2. Use a sea salt soak. This is a natural home remedy which may assist to decrease the likelihood of an infection and also spreading of the illness. If you are already taking an antibiotic that is prescribed by the doctor, then do not use this as it can interfere with the drugs.
  • Add a teaspoon that is full of salt to a cup that has warm water. Mix together the ingredients by use of a spoon.
  • Get a washcloth, and then soak the cloth in the liquid. Gently dab the clean washcloth onto the affected skin part. Make sure that you wash the belly button and the surrounding belly button region. You may also sprinkle the mixture on the belly button region using hands, but make sure that they are clean.
  1. Use warm compresses or even the cold packs. By providing of the warmth of coolness to the pierced skin part, you may calm down the inflammation and thus decrease the risk of any infection. You can also buy specialized hot water cold packs, or even use a very strong plastic bag.
  • If you choose to make use of the plastic bag, then make sure that it is very thick. Sometimes the cheap bags are able to leak, and you do not need to burn or even freeze the already inflamed skin part.
  • Insert either the warm water, or even the cool water into the bag. Gently dap the bag against the skin. Do not try to press down very hard and lead to more inflammation.
  1. Use tea tree or even the emu oil. These are perfect home remedies that give some minor health assistance. Gently use the small doses especially to the pierced navel area. Clean the area off using a damp paper towel or even the wash cloth. Make sure that the affected part has dried completely before being replaced by the shirt.

Belly Button Piercing Scar Repierced

For most of the people, getting to be re-pierced might be a stressful and emotive experience. Sometimes people had to retire a piercing for the traumatic reasons, so the re-piercing process might be very much cathartic.

For other people, a re-piercing is a means to achieving of the ideal aesthetic. Whatever the reason for seeking a re-piercing, make sure that are pierced by reputable piercing studio so as to ensure that the process is handled very much safely and also professionally.

It might be very difficult for some other people to know the reasons that are behind wanting to get re-pierced, though this is usually because of lack of comprehension with regard to the personal choices that lead to getting a piercing.

For instance, it’s very much common to opt for a re-piercing if you’ve had to get rid of the jewelry for the below reasons:

  • Surgery
  • Pregnancy
  • Rejection
  • Illness
  • Issues to do with healing
  • Extreme weight gain or even loss

There are also several people who normally choose to get re-pierced that have retired a piercing simply due to being forgetful to re-insert jewelry or even observed a change in their personal style.

How to Get Rid of Belly Button Piercing Scar

Belly button piercing scar treatment

When the skin suffers an injury, like a piercing, the cells produce a substance called collagen so as to completely close the wound. If the navel piercing is healed without the jewelry in place, the collagen will then form a tough, fiber-like tissue that normally makes a scar.

Scars normally have several form of texture and do not in any way match the tone of the surrounding skin part. Over several years, a scar fades and then turns a color that is closer to the natural skin tone. While it is not very possible to get rid of a belly button piercing scar fully, you can also assist it to fade faster using proper skin care.

  • Combine the lemon juice and also the water in a small bowl and then stir using a spoon. Use a funnel so as to pour the juice mixture into a small bottle and add about 2 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Soak a clean cotton ball in the juice mixture and then rub it on the skin of the navel. Massage the solution using the thumb and also the forefinger for about 2 minutes.
  • Wet the adhesive bandage pad with four drops of lavender essential oil and then place it over the scar on the belly button.
  • Get rid of the adhesive bandage after about 15 hours and then discard it. Re-apply the juice solution and repeat the process before using a new soaked bandage.

Belly Button Piercing Scar Revision

There are basically two methods that can be used to repair a piercing. A surgical re-excision of the belly button piercing scar might be performed or either a chemical acid may be used to the piercing so as to assist re-heal the hole and then stimulate the new collagen growth.

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