
How to Stop a Toothache Fast, Naturally,Throbbing, from Cavity, Infection, Broken Tooth

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Do you have a toothache from cavity, infection, and broken tooth? Get more insights on how to stop a toothache fast, cure, best treatment, medicine or naturally using the best home remedy for toothache.

how to stop a toothache fast

Toothache is a common condition that causes mild or severe pain, throbbing and infection in the mouth. The pain is normally worse while eating or drinking hot or cold foods. It sometimes intensify while dying down during the night.

Symptoms of a Toothache

  • Sharp, constant, or throbbing tooth pain especially when pressure is applied around the tooth.
  • Swelling and inflammation around the tooth.
  • Fever or headache.
  • Swollen cheeks.
  • Discharge from the infected tooth.
  • Soreness and tenderness around the aching gums.
  • Ear pain or earache.

What Causes Toothache

Dental pulp is the innermost layer of a tooth and is made up of sensitive nerves and blood vessels. The nerves help in detection of pain, heat and cold while the blood vessels help in the supply and nourishment of the tooth.

Toothache occurs when the pulp get inflamed due to the following factors:

  • Tooth decay characterized by holes or cavities formation in the hard surface.
  • A broken or cracked tooth which is usually too small to see with naked eyes.
  • Receding gums that exposes the softer and sensitive parts.
  • Bacterial infections that causes collection of pus at the end of the tooth a condition known as periapical abscess.
  • Periodontal abscess caused by bacterial infections, characterized by collection of pus in the gums.
  • A breaking through wisdom tooth that causes sore and swollen gums due to cracking.
  • Sinusitis an infection that also cases pain around the upper jaws.
  • Serious injury to the joint that connects the jaw and the skull.
  • Teething especially in babies where new teeth are forming.

How to Stop a Toothache Fast

You can stop a toothache by visiting a dentist to diagnose and prescribe a cure or by using the best at home remedies for a toothache.

When to See a Dentist

Dentists specializes on how to stop a toothache, teeth problems and general mouth conditions. You should visit your dentist as soon as possible if the tooth is seriously hurting. Do not let it ache for more than two days since it will worsen. Delayed treatment for a toothache can easily lead to a dental abscess. This is when the pulp get infected hence causing severe and throbbing pain.

In the meantime you can use over the counter painkillers to reduce the pain. Examples include ibuprofen and paracetamol. You may also use self-help home remedies before making an appointment with the dentist.

When you go to the dentist, a physical examination of your teeth will be done. The dentist may also be interested in your medical history before asking you few questions about when the pain started, how severe, what makes it worse and where exactly is the pain.

The dentist will however proceed to carefully examine the teeth, jaws, tongue, gums, nose, throat, mouth, sinuses, ears and neck. Some lab tests and x-ray may be done to establish the real causes of your toothache.

How to Stop a Toothache from Broken Tooth

Treatments will base on the causes. Toothache resulting from cavity will be treated by filling the cavity or removal of the tooth. Infected tooth especially the nerves can be treated by a root canal procedure. It involves the removal of the infected pulp or nerves and insert a special type of filling.

Bacterial infections causing the pain will be cured using antibiotics. Broken, decay or loose filings will be taken out and new fillings be put in place. There are some cases when the tooth cannot be treated by any of the above methods.

This is when the tooth is impacted (wedged between your jaws or another tooth) commonly for wisdom teeth. Removal or extraction may be the best option. Wisdom tooth pain relief treatments will be put in place to ensure that the tooth is recovering quickly after removal surgery.

How to Stop a Wisdom Toothache

Wisdom teeth are likely to grow in an incorrect angle including sideways and can cause pain on the gums and even tooth in front. According to the American dental Association (ADA), this can also result to more complicated cases such as infections and cysts.

Not all people have enough jaw space for all the 32 teeth to fit. This sometimes makes it a problem for the wisdom ones to come out properly and may get stuck in the front tooth hence causing pain and discomfort. This condition is described as impacted.

In other cases the wisdom tooth gets out of the gum but part of it still coved inside. This can cause sore and swollen gums. Food particles are highly likely to get stuck under edges of such gums hence attracting a bacterial infection.

How to Stop a Toothache without Going to the Dentist

  1. Use a glass of medium-hot water mixed with a teaspoonful of salt. This helps in easing out the inflammation and soreness of the gums. Do it three times a day for effective outcome.
  2. Pain and inflammation can be relieved by use of an antibacterial mouthwash.
  3. Use of pain reliever medicines such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. Swallow the tablets and not directly placing it on the affected area.
  4. You can naturally use cloves or clove oil to ease the pain by directly spreading on the gums.
  5. If pain and discomfort persist, visit a dentist who may recommend x-ray and decide on what to do basing on the possibility of the wisdom tooth getting out of the gum.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

causes of a toothache

Wisdom teeth can be removed if the dentist confirms that:

  • They are likely not to come out in the correct position due to insufficient room.
  • They are causing severe pain and discomfort.
  • Have partially come through the gums and are decayed.
  • Your jaws are not large enough for them.
  • There are high chances of the impacted teeth causing infection, damage to other teeth and bone, or cysts.
  • Wisdom teeth may break a wrong pathway through the gums causing ridges that may trap food particles, germs and infections.

A dentist or an oral surgeon are the right specialist to remove the tooth. The procedures will be carried out in a hospital or in a personal office. Before the extraction, the surgeon or dentist will have to ensure that any infections are first dealt with.

A local or general anesthetic will be administered depending on the number of teeth to be removed. This will numb the area or whole body to prevent the pain during the procedure. Dentists recommend not eating or drinking after midnight on the night before the removal. This helps you prepare for anesthetic.

During then extraction, gum tissues and bones around the tooth is opened and skillfully get separated from the tooth. Some procedures may require the dentist or surgeon to split the tooth into smaller pierced which makes it easier for extraction.

Stitches may be applied after the removal and they help the place to heal and close fast. Most stitches will dissolve in the tissues while some may be required to be removed after a few days. To stop the bleeding, the specialist will place a folded cotton gauze pad over the wound.

After Wisdom Teeth Removal – Healing and Aftercare

After extraction, the dentist or surgeon will prescribe pain relievers. Healing and recovery takes few days and here are tips on how to stop a toothache after removal.

  • Do not bite your tongue or inside your cheeks while the tissues are still numb.
  • Bite gently on the provided cotton gauze pads periodically and change them as they get soaked with blood.
  • While sleeping, do not lie flat as this will prolong bleeding. The best posture is to prop up your head with several pillows.
  • Always relax after surgery procedures. Handling physical activities will increase the rate of bleeding.
  • Apply ice pack on the outside of the cheek for 15 to 20 minutes intervals throughout the first 24 hours. Alternatively hot compress using warm moist cloth.
  • Wisdom teeth pain relief after the first day of surgery can be done using warm salt water severally during the day. This helps in relieving pain, inflammation and swelling.
  • During the first few days after extraction, do not use straw since it can slow down the healing.
  • Do not smoke within the first day after tooth extraction since it will decrease the blood supply to the wound.
  • Do not touch the wound with your tongue or fingers, this can cause irritation and more bleeding.
  • Brush your teeth and tongue gently and carefully to avoid touching the wound.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Pain and Risks

Teeth removal may associate risks and complications that include the following:

  • Severe pain and swelling of the tooth socket and gums.
  • Prolonged bleeding that don’t stop within 24 hours.
  • Difficulty in opening the jaws due to pain after surgery.
  • Possibility of damage of the adjacent roots and the existing dental network.
  • Dry socket caused by the inflammation of the tissues.
  • Numbness in the mouth and lips caused by injury of the nerves.
  • A fractured jaw especially when it was firmly attached.
  • Opening into sinus cavity a rare risk that happens when the wisdom tooth is removed from the upper jaw.
  • Bacterial infection that may enter the blood stream which eventually affects other parts of the body.
  • General anesthetic used can be life threatening a rare occurrence.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Some types of foods can prevent the rate of healing and cause pain hence need to be avoided. Such foods include crunchy and hard to chew such as grains and acidic foods. Best foods on how to stop a toothache include the following:

  1. Mashed potatoes: They are easy to eat and can be accompanied with sour cream, gravy or butter.
  2. Milkshakes: This are suitable to take after the extraction and can be taken using a spoon. Avoid using a straw since it can accelerate the rate of bleeding.
  3. Ice Cream: It is suitable during the initial couple of days after the procedure.
  4. Drinks: This includes most types of beverages except alcohol and very cold water.
  5. Fruit smoothies: Both frozen and fresh fruit juices mixed with ice and yoghurt are recommended not only as nutritional but also well for wisdom teeth pain relief.
  6. Soup: They provide plenty of proteins although not suitable for the initial 2 days after the surgery procedure. Steer clear soup that contain large chunks of meat and vegetables. Always consider going for chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, beef broth and cream of celery soup.
  7. Pudding: They are provided in variety of flavors and prevents the boredom of some tastes.
  8. Yogurt: It is nutritious, smooth and light hence ideal for a healing and recovering wound in the mouth. Avoid those that contain granola or with other added ingredients that require chewing.

Home Remedy for Toothache – How to Stop a Toothache Naturally

These include natural ingredients that helps to sooth the pain and prevent inflammation of the gums during the development of the wisdom teeth in the mouth. They are affordable, easy to prepare and safe to use at your convenience. They include the following:

Clove Oil

This is a natural anesthetic that can help in numbing the pain. Clove also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that helps in the prevention of an infection. This is how to use:

  • Use a cotton bud to gently apply the clove oil on the painful surrounding gum area two to three times a day.
  • You can also mix a crushed garlic with few drops of clove oil to make a paste and apply on the painful swollen gums. Leave the thick paste on the tooth for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.


Salt helps in easing out pain and inflammation of the gums due to teeth problems. In a glass of warm water add a teaspoonful of salt and swish your mouth. Do it several times a day. This traditional treatment on how to stop a toothache is common due to its simplicity.


This natural antioxidant has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and other medicinal properties suitable for pain relief and prevention of bacterial infections in the mouth.

  • Place a crushed garlic clove against the aching gum.
  • You can also directly chew garlic cloves to ease the pain and discomfort.
  • Alternatively mix a crushed garlic clove with black salt to form a paste and apply around the aching wisdom teeth.


Onions have antibacterial and antiseptic properties that can help in relieving pain and preventing microbes that causes wisdom teeth infections. Here is how to use:

  • Chew raw slices of onion to release the juice at the affected area.
  • Place a small pierce of raw onion directly at the affected area.


This is a natural antiseptic ingredient that has been used many times on how to stop a toothache. It also helps in preventing and killing bacteria in the mouth that may cause infections.

  • Apply some peppermint at the aching area and leave it for some time. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water.
  • Mix a teaspoonful of peppermint with a cup of hot water and cover it for 10 minutes. Simply swish the solution in the mouth for 30 seconds and spit. Do this three times a day to get over the pain.


how to stop a toothache naturally, home remedies

This is a natural pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory herb suitable for bleeding gums, toothaches and mouth sores.

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of dried, crushed sage and 1 teaspoon of salt in a small glass.
  • Allow it to sit for 5 minutes.
  • Swish the mixture around your mouth for a few minutes, then spit it out.
  • Repeat with the remaining solution.
  • Follow this remedy 2 or 3 times a day until the pain subsides.

Vanilla Extract

It is effective in numbing the pain due to its antioxidant properties. To use:

  • Apply 3 or 4 drops of vanilla extract onto a cotton swab.
  • Hold the cotton swab directly against the affected gum for several minutes.
  • Repeat 2 or 3 times a day until the symptoms subsides


It is known as a powerful antioxidant that has antiseptic properties hence suitable for relieving pain. Here is how to use.

  • Chew a few fresh wheatgrass shoots, then spit them out. Do this severally to get relief from the pain.
  • Alternatively, extract the juice of wheatgrass and use it as a mouthwash several times a day until the pain is gone.


This is a traditional pain reliever used since ancient times especially on how to stop a toothache. It has antibacterial, antiseptic and antispasmodic properties hence a good home remedy for toothaches and gum inflammation.

  • Place a small amount of asafetida on the aching tooth to get quick relief from pain.
  • Alternatively, mix 1/4 teaspoon of asafetida powder with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Slightly heat this mixture. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and place it against the aching wisdom tooth.

How to Stop a Toothache Medicine

You can use medication to treat symptoms of toothache. Before using, ensure you read the instructions on how to use, side effects, dosage and reviews. Here are some of the commonly used oral medicines for toothache:

Aleve, Acetaminophen, Naproxen sodium, Tylenol, Tylenol Extra Strength, Acetaminophen Extra Strength, Mapap Extra Strength, Non-Apirin Extra Strength, Pain Relievers Extra Strength, All Day Pain Relief Extra Strength, Acetaminophen Rectal, Midol, Mediproxen, Tylenol Sore Throat, Tactinal and Athenal oral among others.

Consult a pharmacist before use, for pregnant women and children, consider consulting your doctor or a medical specialist around. Keep all medicines away from children and keep safely as directed to avoid contamination.

How to Prevent Toothache

You can prevent a toothache, dental and oral problems by maintaining good hygiene standards in your mouth. Here are simple tips for that:

  • Brush your teeth, gums and tongue at least twice a day using a fluoride
  • Use dental floss or mouth wash to clean between your teeth.
  • Limit consumption of sugary foods and drinks.
  • Limit on tobacco smoking since it causes and worsens dental problems.
  • Let your teeth be regularly checked by a dentist.
  • Take your child for teeth checkup after every six months.

Wisdom Teeth Infection

A wrongly developed wisdom teeth can easily cause an infection in the mouth especially around the gums. This mostly happens when the gums are badly pushed and forced to form ridges in which food particles can hide and cause bacterial infection.

There is also a possibility of infection after wisdom tooth removal if not aftercare measures are correctly adhered to. The open wound in the mouth always at risk of infections which can get to the blood stream and spread to other parts of the body.

One way on how to stop a toothache caused by infection is treatment of the responsible infection. It is however important to frequently check the health status of your mouth by a dentist. Before tooth extraction, all types of infections must be treated.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

The cost of extraction vary basing on various factor. This include how complex the procedure is and where it is being carried out from. Dentists and surgeons will examine the teeth and rule out on cost estimates before the procedure.

Wisdom teeth pain relief methods used may also vary in cost depending on the effectiveness. Home remedies are much affordable as compared to the over the counter medicines which are also instant in getting rid of pain.

Therefore, your decision on methods on how to stop a toothache will depend with the intensity and seriousness of your dental problem. Always think of good health for your teeth and frequent consultation from a dentist.

Further Reading;

  1. Toothache:
  2. Dental Health and Toothaches:
  3. Drugs & Medications Search:
  4. Routine Treatment › Wisdom teeth:
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