
Cystic acne on chin, Jaw Line, Causes, Treatment

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What causes cystic acne on chin? A clear discussion on cystic acne on chin, jaw line, cause and how to get rid of as well as the treatment.

Cystic Acne on Chin Causes

Cystic acne is a blemish that is much deeply embedded under the surface of the skin. It can be very painful, and it does not even come to a head like the pimples or any other forms of the acne, this is according to the studies.

For most people, cystic acne on chin is related to a hormonal imbalance especially to women. So they are likely to have cystic acne around their period of menstrual cycles, and they observe it appear on the jawline, the chin and the lower portion of face.

Despite the acne being very sore, picking at the cystic acne is not a perfect idea. It does not assist and it may only lead to some infection. Doctors recommend giving up the bad idea of picking. That if you pick at the acne and try to make it to pop out through the skin surface, you will be working against the skin’s repair as well as the healing methods and this only makes it all bad idea.

Picking at a cystic acne on chin may only leave the face with a very oozing and a bleeding scab that is impossible to avoid even with makeup, all the period, the bump may still sit underneath.”

Doctors further recommends that you visit a dermatologist immediately to discuss various treatment options. In the meantime however, they suggests taking of an Advil or even applying an ice pack to assist with the pain as well as inflammation.  That you can also use soothing hot compresses to the skin that may assist with the irritation.


Like almost every other type of acne, the cystic acne on chin is also triggered by hormones. With cystic acne, for reasons that are not clear, the skin’s oil glands become very much hypersensitive to the excess male hormones (women experience male hormones that trigger acne), and thus react by producing in excess sebum which is an oily substance that is produced by the body so as to lubricate and even waterproof the skin.

The large amount of sebum that is produced is so much in excess that the oil gland in itself becomes much engorged or swollen and much hardened with the excess.

Unable to push in almost any of the much extra oil to the skin surface, the gland thus bursts below the skin, thus creating the larger swollen mass which is also called a nodule or a cyst underneath the skin’s surface. Once that happens, then a person is officially dealing with the terrible and painful and even unsightly type of an acne.

Although not a lot of information is indicated about what really leads to some people to get a cystic acne, there is more likelihood that a genetic component is much involved.

It is also likely to happen during these particular times or if a certain disorder is present:

  • The beginning of puberty that is when hormones become bonkers
  • At pregnancy
  • During the menstrual cycle
  • At the Perimenopause and the menopause
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome which is a condition brought about by a hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman’s ovaries

Cystic Acne on Chin Hormonal

Given the much strong hormonal component involved, that androgen hormones may at times overstimulate the sebaceous oil glands, which makes the body to produce much oil that it gets stuck in the pores and thus trapping the bacteria.

The bacteria then multiplies, leading to the inflammation that begins cystic acne on chin. People are more likely to experience this acne when the hormones surge, like during puberty, and some days before each menstrual period

How to Get Rid Of Cystic Acne on Chin Fast

Try the below quick-fix solutions to assist you to safely do away with the cystic acne on chin you already have.

Multivitamins: Talk to the doctor on taking of a daily multivitamin. The zinc that is found in the vitamin is able to reduce the skin inflammation and vitamin E can assist in healing the skin.

Spot Treatment: Use a warm compress for about five minutes at least three times a day so as to bring the cystic acne on chin to an end. Dab on the acne gel or the cream at least  twice a day so as to dry it up.

Cortisone Shot: If you get one night before an event, like the prom or even a homecoming, and ice as well as the spot treatments aren’t much helping, don’t try to panic. See the doctor so as to have him inject the pimple using cortisone, which is a steroid that slows down inflammation under that skin and shrinks the swelling around the infection. Within about six hours the pimple should have gone.

How to Prevent Them

Follow these blemish-fighting methods to help keep your skin free of underground pimples.

  • Skin-Clearing Diet: A healthy diet will not be necessarily to make the acne disappear, but fueling up on the key vitamins as well as the nutrients can be helpful. Eat at least one serving daily of the foods that have vitamin B6 like one banana or a bowl of whole-grain cereal so as to help even out the hormone levels; and the beta-carotene which is two medium carrots so as to give skin a very smooth texture.
  • Cleanser: Apply a salicylic acid or the deep-cleaning wash about twice a day so as to clear pores of the oil and debris.
  • Topical Treatment: Look for the over the counter creams and the ones that have pimple-fighting ingredients like the benzoyl peroxide. The key is to use it to the entire affected skin area, not just the particular zits you have now and to apply consistently so that to stop the new zits from forming. Cystic acne on chin can be harder to get rid and require a stronger kind of medication. If the problem persists beyond one month or even two, see the doctor. A dermatologist can then prescribe a stronger topical prescription-strength acne meds like Epiduo, Aczone, or Retin-A.
  • Birth Control Pills: If you get cystic acne on chin often, birth control pills may assist — certain types helps regulate the breakout-leading hormones and are also proven to improve the acne. Consult the doctor for what’s right for the skin.
  • Oral Medication: The doctor may also at times recommend oral medications so as to treat a more severe acne. Certain types of over-the-counter antibiotics may assist to kill the infection-causing bacteria, like Zithromax and Bactrim which is an antibiotic sulfur pill that performs well for a bad acne. In more severe cases, doctors may also prescribe Accutane, which is a strong oral medication that also decreases the amount of oil that the sebaceous glands can produce.

Cystic Acne on Chin Treatment, Cure

There is no particular method to completely do away with cystic acne on chin as you’re either prone to the acne or not, but there is always ways that you can use to minimize its happening while doing the relevant for the skin – and it doesn’t require the involvement of applying drying or irritating products.

As with all this types of acne, the initial place to begin with is using over-the-counter products as well as the common sense skincare tips:

  • Keep the skincare routine normal and as simple as possible and follow it strictly.
  • Apply a gentle, but a very effective water soluble type of a cleanser at least twice a day in drying and harsh cleansers only make everything to do clearing of the acne worse).
  • Avoid all bar cleansers as the ingredients that keeps bar soap in the bar form can easily clog pores.
  • Exfoliate only once or twice daily using a salicylic acid based exfoliant so as to reduce the redness and the swelling, assist to reduce bacteria found in the pore, and exfoliate only on the surface and the inside of the pore so as to improve oil flow.
  • Use benzoyl peroxide so as to kill the bacteria that is clogged in the pore and be sure that the benzoyl peroxide product which you choose does not have irritants such as menthol or the alcohol that may increase the redness as well as the inflammation.
  • Never apply thick moisturizers and especially creams in the areas that has any type of the acne happens as these may clog the pores. Stick with application of lightweight options using gel or the lotion textures.

The bad news with this acnes types it that for some other people who have cystic acne, traditional therapy of applying over-the-counter acne products can be of smaller help. If over-the-counter medications are not successful after at least a few weeks of the daily treatment, then the next step is to consult a dermatologist. Here are the various options that the dermatologist may offer, ranked in given order of their potentiality for the side effects:

  • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT): Recent studies points to the good results that cystic acne affected people have found using a series of this type treatments that is a procedure that may involve use of topical application of the photosensitizing cream and the repeated, controlled blue or the red LED light exposure.

Though the treatment takes a lot of visits to a dermatologist over the span of a few to several months and may also carry a very high price tag, there’s also a lot of evidence to point to the fact that the treatments may shrink the oil glands, reduce the amount of oil found in the pores and even killing the bacteria, all of which may minimize cystic acne on chin breakouts.

  • Oral Antibiotics: There are a lot of types of the oral antibiotics that can be found for those who have cystic acne on chin. All of which are worth a discussion with the dermatologist and are the options to be applied for short-term application under a doctor’s care.

Side effects that accompanies this include, but are not limited to the dizziness, headache, rash, and gastrointestinal issues like the diarrhea and the abdominal pain. The emergence of sulfa-based antibiotics like the Bactrim to manage cystic acne on chin is due to the development of the bacterial resistance to the commonly noted antibiotics like the tetracycline.

For better results, oral antibiotics may be used with other topical products that are formulated to treat acne.

  • Hormone Therapy: For some other women constant in production of the androgens which are the hormones that in charge of production of male traits is the main culprit for leading to cystic acne. There is a better deal of research indicating that drugs (including the oral contraceptives) that blocks the production of the androgens hormones can be very helpful.

The downside of the process is that these prescribed drugs are not without the side effects that must be discussed with the physician. To reduce the side effects, anti-androgen medications is an example that would be spironolactone is generally prescribed in very low dosages.

  • Isotretinoin: Isotretinoin that formerly used to be prescribed as Accutane is an oral medication that affects the oil gland, thus literally changing its original shape as well as stopping the flow of the oil. Results can be very immediate and longer lasting.

Unfortunately, the isotretinoin is linked with other serious side-effects that should be taken into consideration. The risk to a fetus if you any case become pregnant, overly dry skin, nose bleeds, liver function problems, and the headaches are some of the notable side effects that you should be aware of. Despite the indicated risks, isotretinoin may remain the only potentially known permanent cure for the cystic acne on chin.

Summing up, cystic acne on chin is the most difficult type of an acne to treat given the depth of the breakouts as well as the damage to the oil gland itself. Although the over-the-counter acne products may be very helpful for some people with cystic acne on chin.

Almost every other person dealing with cystic type of acne may be required to seek help from a dermatologist. A consistent routine of anti-acne skincare together with topical and more possibly, oral prescription medications may get cystic acne under good control and thus reduce its potential to leave the permanent scars.

How to Treat Cystic Acne

Over-the-counter medications that works on the milder acne often have very little effect on the cystic acne. A dermatologist will most likely recommend either one or even more of the following:

  • Oral antibiotics helps to control the bacteria and lower the inflammation. Sometimes the acne may not respond at all to antibiotics, although. Or you might find that they don’t work as well after very few years.
  • Birth-control pills assists some women in regulating the hormones.
  • Prescription-strength cream and lotions, or the gels that have retinoid, a form of vitamin A, can assist to unplug the pores and assist the antibiotics do their respective job.
  • Isotretinoin, which was formerly also known using the trade name Accutane, attacks all the causes of acne. You take a pill at least once or even twice daily for about 5 months. For most of the people, this clears the skin completely and also permanently. If it happens again, you can repeat this treatment. Women should thus avoid to become pregnant while taking the drug.
  • Spironolactone is however a medication that assists you get rid of any unneeded water, but may also work as a hormone blocker.

Home Remedies for Cystic Acne on Chin

  1. Baking Soda

Baking soda has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can heal cystic acne on chin, balances pH level, and also makes the skin healthy by absorbing the excess oil and exfoliation of the skin.

Process 1:

  • Mix about 1 – 2 tablespoons of the baking soda and the water to make a very thin paste.
  • Apply it directly to the affected area.
  • Leave it for about 15 – 20 minutes and then rinse using lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the process about 1 – 2 times daily until results are clear.

Process 2:

  • Mix a very small amount of baking soda and the sea salt to make a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste to the affected area.
  • Leave it on for 3 – 5 minutes and rinse with water.
  • Repeat the process about 1 – 2 times daily until results are visible.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV):

Apple cider vinegar stabilizes the skin’s natural pH levels and also prevents any future outbreaks.


  • Use a cotton ball or a Q-tip to apply apple cider vinegar to the affected area a night before going to sleep.
  • Leave it on overnight and rinse with water the next morning.
  • Repeat regularly until the results are visible.
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