
Itchy Eyelids Swollen, Puffy, Dry, Allergies, Yeast Infection, Home Remedy, Treatment

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Ever had itchy eyelids? Here, you will discover, the causes of itchy eyes, that are swollen, puffy, dry as well as yeast infection, treatment and home remedies.

itchy eyelids causes

Itchy Eyelids Causes

Flaky and itchy eyelids are normally brought about by an inflamed eyelid edge. The eyelids can also stick together and be very difficult to open, especially when you wake up.

These conditions can be very irritating, but are rarely serious. You can then reduce the irritation by keeping the eyelids clean and applying artificial tears if the eyes are dry.

The eyelids are the folds of skin that cover the eyes and then protect them from the debris and injury. The eyelids also have lashes that have short, curved hair follicles on the edge of the lids. The follicles have oil glands. These oil glands may sometimes become clogged or even irritated, which brings about inflammation. This condition is called eyelid inflammation.

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids which is mainly the eyelash follicles, bringing about symptoms of red, itchy, and the irritated eyelids and scales that form on the eyelashes. The eyes can feel swollen, crusty, and like grit is in the eye.

Itchy eyelids is not in any way contagious and do not usually lead to any permanent damage to the eyes. The causes are many and can have bacterial infection, seborrheic dermatitis of the face or even a scalp, rosacea, allergies, and in very rare cases, the lice.

If the itchy eyelids is brought about by seborrheic dermatitis then you may develop dry, flakey patches of skin on the eyelid.

Blepharitis can be a chronic condition for some and relapses are possible even after any successful treatment. Treatment depends upon the cause but in most cases daily cleansing using pure water and the baby shampoo or even a doctor recommended eyelid scrub might assist.

In some other cases an antibiotic can be prescribed if there is an infection present. Dry eyes may be an accompanying symptom and artificial tears may ease discomfort.

Contact dermatitis is also another possible cause of flaky or itchy eyelids. This is a type of eczema that is triggered when the skin comes into contact with something you are irritated by or even allergic to, such as a make-up. The condition normally clears up after you stop using the substance the skin is reacting to.

The exact cause of the itchy eyelids cannot always be determined, but very different factors can increase the risk of blepharitis. For instance, you might have a higher risk if you also experience dandruff on the scalp or the eyebrows. It’s also possible to have an allergic reaction to a makeup or any other cosmetic products that you have used around the eye, triggering an eyelid inflammation.

Sticky eyelids along with red and watering eyes can be brought about by conjunctivitis, which is when an infection, allergy or even an irritant leads to the front of the eye so as to become inflamed. This may get better on its own, although the doctor may be able to prescribe a medication to treat the underlying cause.

Eyelid contact dermatitis is also an inflammatory reaction that involves the eyelid skin that is brought about by contact with a trigger substance. It can be due to the allergy irritation. Eyelid dermatitis is also known as eyelid eczema.

Upper, lower or both eyelids on one or both sides might be affected by the contact dermatitis. The patient can report itching, stinging or even burning, and the lids are red and very scaly. They may swell. With persistence of the dermatitis, the eyelids become thickened with increased skin markings. The eyelid margins can become much involved. The appearance is very similar, whatever the reason.

The thin skin of the eyelids is particularly sensitive to irritants and allergens and is thus prone to develop contact dermatitis. Contact with the same trigger may not lead to a rash on other areas of skin.

Irritant contact dermatitis is an innate inflammatory reaction that is due to injury to the skin. Unlike allergic contact dermatitis, it does not involve specific antibodies or even any specific immune cells.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis are the red watery eyes, scratchy or even itchy eyelids, and a discharge from the eyes that can stick in the eyelashes. This particular discharge might be clear and watery or yellow.

Conjunctivitis may be triggered by the allergies, by contact with the irritating chemicals, or by infections that have either a virus or bacteria.

Treatment of this condition depends upon what type of conjunctivitis that you have, a viral or even a bacterial infection. Warm compresses might help ease discomfort regardless of the cause. If you have any bacterial infection, the doctor will most likely prescribe the eye drops that has antibiotics.

The eye area is a common site for an allergy symptoms to happen. If the eyes are itchy, red, and irritated it may be an indication that you are allergic to something in the environment.

The common triggers are pollen, mold, and the animal dander. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are a stuffy nose, frequent sneezing, and even itching of the throat, nose, and the eyes.

In severe cases dark circles can develop under the eyes and the lower eyelid may become puffy and lined with creases. For women, one of the reasons for itchy eyelids or irritation of the surrounding skin around the eyes is a type of allergy to the make-up or face cleansers or creams.

Irritant contact dermatitis can be triggered by the contact with an irritating substances or physical triggers.

Irritating substances that may lead to irritant contact dermatitis of the eyelids are:

  • Soaps and detergents
  • Acids and alkalis
  • Chemicals like chlorine under goggles worn while swimming
  • Hydrophobic substances (comprised of molecules that repel water, i.e. drying agents)
  • Cosmetics such as eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara and sunscreen

These substances that touch the eyelids directly or can be transferred from the fingers (that may be unaffected by dermatitis).

Physical triggers that can lead to irritant contact dermatitis include:

  • Temperature extremes
  • Humidity extremes

Itchy eyelids contact dermatitis might happen in anyone. However, it is very common in people who have sensitive skin. People who have a background of atopic eczema, asthma and even hay fever are more likely to suffer from an irritant contact dermatitis than those without the history.

Any pre-existing inflammation of the skin might lead to the skin’s waterproof to be compromised and can make it more vulnerable to an irritant contact dermatitis. Barrier function can also be defective for genetic reasons.

Diagnosis of eyelid irritant contact dermatitis is made by identification of its characteristic features.

  • itchy eyelids that affects one or even both of the eyelids, which might occur intermittently or even continuously
  • Suspicion that it has been brought about or aggravated by contact with an irritant.
  • Often, pre-existing sensitive skin or atopic eczema
  • Patch tests to suspected contact allergens are very negative

It can be difficult to identify the precise reason.

Dry Itchy Eyelids

swollen itchy eyelids

Dry, scaly, or flaky skin on the eyelids can be the worst of these conditions, as it can be very uncomfortable, irritating, or unattractive. Before using of the lubrications, moisturizers, or even lotions to the eyelids to relieve the dryness and itchy eyelids, it is crucial that you talk to a dermatologist to find the underlying reason.

Itchy Swollen Eyelids or Puffy

A swollen eyelid can be very difficult to deal with at times. Unfortunately, most of the people have had to deal with a swollen eyelid at a point in our lives. Puffy, swollen eyelids can lead to discomfort, embarrassment, impaired vision, and difficulty using a cleanser or make-up.

Eyelid swelling can also become very serious if it is not attended to properly and very quickly. In most of the cases, itchy eyelids and red swelling of the upper or lower eyelid are signs of an infection. Sometimes the swelling can be with a discharge in the corner of the eye.

Depending on the severity of the swelling, and depending on whether it is very painful, you may want to seek for a medical attention immediately.

You can try the at-home remedies, but if you already have a swollen eyelid and you do not know what the underlying reason is, you need to find out so as to prevent the condition from persisting.

Itchy Eyelid Home Remedy

An itchy eye is a common problem. The problem usually worsens in a high-polluted environment or during an allergy season.

As the name suggests, itchy eyes implies an unpleasant itchy sensation in and around the eyes. The problem may be the recurring for people who frequently touch or rub their eyes.

For instant relief, you may try some easy-to-follow natural treatments. Most of these remedies apply readily available ingredients from the kitchen.

However, in case the problem is severe or brought by an underlying condition then do consult your eye care professional. Health experts indicate finding out the exact cause of itchy eyes before looking for the solution.

  1. Cold Compress

Use of cold compresses around the affected eye area may assist you to get an instant relief to itchy eyelids. The simplest way to do this is by soaking a cloth in ice cold water and placing it over the eyes. Repeat this several times a day.

Chamomile tea bags used as cold compresses may also assist to relieve itching eyes.

  1. Put used chamomile tea bags in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  2. Place the chilled tea bags over the affected eye(s) for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Do this three to five times a day for fast recovery.
  1. Cucumber

Cucumbers contains anti-irritation properties that assist in to reduce inflammation , swelling and irritation contributing to itchy eyelids.

  1. Thoroughly wash a cucumber and cut it into thin slices. Refrigerate the slices for 15 to 20 minutes, and then put them over your eyes for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Repeat the process four to five times a day.
  1. Cold Milk

Milk is also one of the known home remedies for the itchy eyelids.

  1. Dab a cotton ball in cold milk and then rub it around the eyes. You can also place a cotton ball that is soaked in milk on the eyes as a compress for an instant cooling effect.
  2. Repeat this twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
  1. Rosewater

Pure rosewater is one of the most effective home remedies for the itchy eyelids. It is very soothing and cooling for the eyes and assists to clear them. It may be used in a number of ways.

  • Rinse the eyes with rosewater at least twice a day.
  • You can also apply rosewater as eye drops for instant relief. Put at least three drops of rosewater into the inflamed eye.
  1. Water and Salt

Water and salt are easily found and helpful in treatment of painful and the itchy eyelids. When applied as an eye rinse, the combination is perfect for an irritated as well as inflamed eyes and helps to wash away the debris collected in the eyes. Plus, salt being an antibacterial agent gets rid of the bacteria.

  1. Make a natural eye wash by mixing a cup of distilled water with about one teaspoon of salt. Boil the solution until the salt dissolves much completely.
  2. Allow the solution to cool and then use it to flush the eyes.
  3. Repeat several times a day for two to three days.
  1. Green Tea

Green tea contains several health benefits that includes providing relief from itchy eyelids. It soothes the eyes and also has anti-inflammatory benefits.

  1. Make an eye wash by boiling about two green tea bags in about one cup of distilled water. Allow it to cool completely.
  2. Flush the eyes twice a day with the solution until your symptoms subside.
  1. Aloe Vera

Owing to its soothing as well as the moisturizing properties, aloe vera is also another effective home remedy for the dry, sore, and itchy eyelids.

  1. Mix aloe vera gel extracted from an aloe leaf with one teaspoon of honey and one-half cup of elderberry blossom tea. Rinse your eyes with the solution at least twice a day until the problem is solved.
  2. Alternatively, you can simply apply aloe vera juice as an eyewash.
  1. Raw Potatoes

Raw potatoes can bring quick relief from itchy eyes due to their astringent properties. Thus, they help relieve redness and inflammation.

  1. Cut a raw potato into thin slices and keep them in the refrigerator for several minutes.
  2. Put the chilled slices over your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Do this daily for two or three days, at night before going to sleep.

Itchy Eyelashes

itchy crusty eyelids

People who have blepharitis may have a gritty or a burning sensation in the eyes, excessive tearing, itching, red and swollen eyelids, dry eyes or crusting of the eyelids. For some other people, blepharitis leads to only minor irritation and itching.

However, it can causemore severe symptoms, such as blurring of vision, missing or misdirected eyelashes, and inflammation of other eye tissue, particularly the cornea

Yeast Infection Eyelids

The underlying reason of seborrheic dermatitis is not very clear. A type of yeast known as Malassezia furfur is involved. However, it is not just a very simple skin infection and it is not much contagious, i.e. you cannot be able to catch the condition from others.

This yeast lives in the oil of human skin in most adults and normally does no harm. However, in some other people the yeast seems to trigger itchy eyelids with an inflammatory reaction, leading to the blepharitis.

Itchy Eyelids Allergies

Allergic contact dermatitis is brought about by an immune reaction to the trigger; this is known as the allergen. This is normally a substance that the patient has been exposed to several number of  times previously without problem.

The itchy eyelids normally occurs one to several days after the contact with the allergen. This may make it very difficult to identify the cause of the dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis has a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction and involves immune memory cells.

Itchy Eyelid Treatment

Eyelash loss is a potential complication of eyelid inflammation. This is brought about by scarring in the hair follicles, which can make the lashes grow incorrectly. Extensive scarring can also prevent the eyelash growth.

Common short-term complications of eyelid inflammation are the dry eyes and pink eye. Long-term complications are:

  • scarring on the eyelid
  • a stye (an infected lump that appears on the base of your eyelashes)
  • chronic pink eye

The oil glands on the eyelids may also become infected and blocked. This may lead to an infection under the eyelids. An untreated eye infection can lead to permanent eye damage and even vision loss. Scarring under the eyelids may scratch the eye’s delicate surface and lead to ulcers on the cornea, which is the clear, protective outer layer of your eye.

The general doctor, an internist, or an eye doctor may diagnose an eyelid inflammation. In some other cases, a physical examination of the eye is very enough to diagnose the condition.

The doctor can also closely examine the eyelids by use of a specialized magnifying tool. This eye examination checks the eyes for inflammation as well as the presence of bacteria, fungi, or viruses that can indicate an infection.

If there are signs of any infection, the doctor will swab the eye and take a sample of any fluid seeping from the eyes. This sample is examined under a microscope.

Washing the eyes and using a warm compress can reduce itchy eyelids inflamation. Depending on the severity of inflammation and whether your inflammation is brought about by an infection, the doctor may recommend other treatments.

If you don’t have an infection, the doctor may prescribe steroids, eye drops, or ointment so as to reduce inflammation. The doctor may also prescribe lubricating eye drops to stop irritation caused by dry eyes.

A course of antibiotics can effectively treat the eyelid infections. The doctor might prescribe antibiotic medication in pill, ointment, or liquid drop form. Doctors normally prescribe drops when an infection spreads beyond the eyelid.

Further references;

  1. Blepharitis: http://patient.info/health/blepharitis-leaflet
  2. Allergy Relief: Soothing Swollen Eyes: http://www.everydayhealth.com/allergies/soothing-swollen-eyes.aspx
  3. Eyelid Inflammation (Blepharitis): http://www.healthline.com/health/blepharitis#Overview1
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