
Rash under Breast Causes, Heat, yeast Infection, Itching, How to Get Rid

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A look at rash under breast, heat, yeast infection under the breast, itching, pictures, the causes as well as how to get rid of it.

Rash under Breast

Sometimes, the skin under the breast becomes red and much irritated. This is known as the breast rash, or Interigo. Breast rash may be quite itchy, even painful in some other cases and it may also accompany blisters.

You may have a rash under breast when you live and work in hot and even humid conditions. Women who are of overweight, pregnant or have pendulous breasts are more likely to develop the condition. In order to obtain an appropriate treatment, it’s very crucial to find out the underlying reason of under breast rash first.

The most usual causes of rash under breast include the excessive sweating, lack of air circulation, and the heat. If you put on ill-fitting bra, it can rub against your breasts and skin to cause rashes. In some cases, your rashes may lead to fungal infections because the yeast and fungi will thrive in warm, moist environment. An infection of the breast tissue or an allergic reaction may also cause red patches, itchiness, discomfort, and a burning sensation.

Heat Rash under Breast

Many women develop Intertrigo and other skin rashes under the breasts in the summer or humid months. Skin rashes are especially very common during pregnancy or in women who have naturally voluptuous breasts.

Sometimes, malodorous heat rashes on the chest and even underneath the breast area may also arise from the hormonal changes that leads to excessive perspiration. Also during the pregnancy, the breasts also tend to naturally swell up as a result of which the extra weight and the folds of skin may develop skin-on-skin friction causing skin rashes.

Like in case of the prickly heat rashes coming out on various parts of the body, prickly heat rash under the breasts is also characterized by the indicated symptoms:

  1. Red pimples or even pustules in the folds of the skin under the breasts
  2. These rashes are usually very itchy and painful
  3. Many of the women report of a foul smell emanating from the rash
  4. Some women have soreness and bleeding in the rash.
  5. Contact due to clothing may also lead to further chaffing and even the irritation.
  6. Failure to treat the rash can lead to secondary or bacterial skin infections.

Some cases of heat rashes under the breast become much painful that most of the patients consider breast reduction surgeries so as to prevent this chronic problem.

Prickly heat rash under the breasts is not a very serious condition but it can cause a great deal of irritation as well as pain to the sufferer. Here are some of the effective, tried and tested home remedies used for treating and preventing of the chronic heat rashes under the breasts:

  1. Try to stay cool as much as possible. Avoid stepping out in the sun especially in the peak hours of heat. Seek some shade where possible.
  2. Go braless if possible. It is especially crucial to avoid the underwire bras as these may increase chaffing and even worsen the inflammation brought about by the prickly heat rash under the breasts. When required, use only 100% cotton underclothing bras while avoiding nylon fabrics that may increase the irritation.
  3. There are several ways of treating heat rash under the breast naturally using remedies like Aloe Vera gel, or soothing prickly heat powders (such as Baby powder medicated powder) available over the counter. Aloe Vera gel may also be extracted directly from the plant’s leaves and applied on the rash. This may prevent pain, itchiness and redness that is caused by the rash under the breast area.
  4. Other natural remedies for the heat rash under breast include the baking soda that is mixed with some water and then applied directly to the skin so as to relieve pain and inflammation.
  5. Ensure that the rash is not brought about by fungus. Fungal rash under breast is very common in women suffering from the diabetes. Have the blood sugar levels checked if you have such rashes especially if you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.
  6. Some cases of heat rashes under the breasts may develop into the bacterial infection which is noted by pus formation. Make sure to have these treated immediately by use of oral or topical antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor.
  7. In summers, bathe by use of cool water as far as possible. You may also soak in a tub of warm water to which some colloidal Oatmeal may have been added. This is able to cool and even soothe the skin. Most of the women have also experienced relief from blowing cool air from a hair drier on the rash.
  8. Keep the skin very dry after bathing. Avoid use of harsh cosmetics, soaps or even body washes as they tend to aggravate much the rash.

Itching Under Breast

Bacteria and fungi are also everywhere, but sometimes they are on the skin and may also cause a rash under breast. Warm, moist areas like under the breasts, are more prone to the skin rashes than other areas of the body.

Fungal and bacterial infections are very common culprits, but the skin allergies and even the chronic skin disorder psoriasis can lead to itchy skin rashes under the breasts. Keeping skin clean and dry, looking out for possible allergic triggers and seeing a dermatologist when necessary may prevent rashes from coming back.

Fungal infections are a very common cause of the itchy rashes under the breast. A type of yeast known as Candida is the most frequent offender. Candida-related skin rashes are usually red, but white, scaly areas may form as well.

Uncontrolled diabetes, antibiotic use, the chronic steroid use, obesity as well as the HIV are the risk factors for the Candida skin infections. Fungal skin infections also tend to clear up very quickly using topical antifungal creams like ketoconazole.

Keeping the area dry by sprinkling of the antifungal powder, such as nystatin under the breasts may also help. Remove the damp clothing more especially bras as soon as possible and then dry skin thoroughly after showering so as to prevent any future rashes.

Itchy rashes under the breast may also be caused by the bacteria, especially the Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria. As with Candida, diabetes and the immune system disorders are the risk factors.

However, minor skin trauma may also allow some bacteria to invade the skin and lead to an infection in someone without the risk factors. Bacterial skin rashes are normally bright red, can be slightly raised and are usually warm to the touch.

Oral antibiotics, including amoxicillin-clavulanate (Augmentin) are necessary to treat rashes caused by a bacterial infection.

Skin allergies may also lead to rash under breast. A skin rash due to an allergy is called allergic dermatitis. Allergic dermatitis is usually red and very much itchy. People who have history of asthma, seasonal allergies or eczema flaky, inflamed skin including on other parts of the body are at increased risk for allergic dermatitis.

Allergic triggers usually vary from person to another, but laundry detergents, perfumes as well as the lotions are the ones to blame. Topical steroids, including hydrocortisone are the treatment of choice. Long-term use of topical steroids should generally be avoided since they can lead to chronic skin changes and promote the overgrowth of Candida and other fungi.

Psoriasis is also a chronic skin disorder that leads to patches of itchy, red, scaly skin. It most commonly affects the elbows and knees. A subtype of the psoriasis called inverse psoriasis, however, also develops in skin folds under the arms, in the groin as well as under the breasts.

Rash on Breast

Breast rash usually describes the redness and irritation of the skin on the breast. A breast rash may also be itchy, painful or blistered.

Most breast rashes have the same causes as the rashes that are occurring elsewhere on the body. Some rashes happen only on the breast.

Rash between Breasts

There are at least two very common skin conditions that may give this set of symptoms. The first is a fungal or yeast infection of the skin. This is common in the area between and even under the breasts, happening due to fungus thrive in moist, dark, warm environments, such as the skin in the area of the body.

The second is eczema, which is an inflammatory condition of the skin which might be worsened by constant moisture from sweating. Although both of the conditions may often seem similar in terms of the symptoms to the average person, a doctor may normally distinguish between the two easily just by looking at the rash under breast or on breast.

Telling the difference is crucial as fungal infections are normally treated using anti-fungal creams, whereas eczema is treated using a steroid cream. Applying a steroid cream to a fungal infection may make it worse.

Yeast Infection under Breast

A breast fungus is a very common term used for the fungal infection of the skin that is overlying the breast. It does not imply an infection of the deeper breast tissue. Fungal skin infections are very common and thus the most affected sites are the feet and groin although skin anywhere on the body may be affected.

The area under the breast (known also as inframammary fold) is especially prone to the fungal infections in women for a good number of reasons that makes the region ideal for the fungi to thrive.

Most of the fungal skin infections persist without the medical treatment thus it has to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. The infection may spread to eventually affect the top of the breast and even the cleavage.

One of the consequences of the long term fungal skin infection is the dark discoloration of the skin which may be unsightly. There are usually no any other significant complications of the breast fungus. The symptoms are limited only to the skin. Fungal skin infections almost never penetrate into deeper tissue to infect internal organs.

Fungi thrive better on dead matter and even the outermost layers are ideal as these skin cells are also dead and protein-rich. Certain fungi also have a predilection for human skin and are called dermatophytes.

It has special enzymes that may digest the skin protein. In most of the instances the infections are much superficial and may never penetrate the deeper tissue. Yeasts also thrive in the cavities that is lined by the living tissue but the immune system normally prevents it from leading to an infection. The dark, warm and moist conditions under the breast is ideal for any skin fungus to thrive and even spread with time.

How to Get Rid of Rash under Breast

A rash under the breasts is a common problem. It is usually a form of irritant dermatitis and is known as intertrigo characterized by inflammation of skin folds.

The most common causes of the breast rashes are the excessive sweating, heat, lack of air circulation, and wearing an ill-fitting bra that rubs against the breasts. Thus, the factors like hot, humid climate and obesity contribute to this problem.

The condition can also be accompanied by yeast or other types of fungal infections as the warm, moist environment harbors the growth of germs.

Sometimes it may even be due to some kind of the allergic reaction or an infection of the breast tissue due to the breast-feeding. It may lead to the red patches, a burning sensation, dryness and the great discomfort.

You can try some simple natural remedies to get relief from this problem. Also, consult your doctor, especially if there are signs of infection.

  1. Cold Compress

A cold compress may relieve most of the symptoms like itching as well as burning sensation brought about by the rash under breast.

  • Wrap some ice in a thin cotton piece of towel and put it on the affected area for 5 to 10 minutes. Take a break and then repeat the process.
  • Another option is to use a skim-milk and the cold-water compress using equal parts of both the ingredients so as to relieve itching and reduce swelling.
  • Also, try bathing using cold water. It will assist to close the skin pores, therefore reducing sweating and the appearance of the rash.
  1. Cotton

The best way to deal with a rash under breast is to reduce the accumulation of sweat around the breast area.

  • Place a thin piece of cotton between the lower part of your breasts and the skin underneath to absorb moisture and create a barrier. You can also use soft paper towels or dinner napkins.
  • Also, wear lightweight clothing, preferably made of cotton or natural fibers that help absorb moisture and keep your body sweat free thus reducing any rash under breast.
  1. Vinegar

At times, the chemical residue that is present on the clothes may cause a breast rash. Vinegar may assist solve this problem.

  • Mix one-half cup of white vinegar in half a bucket of hot water. Use it to wash all your bras and dry them in direct sunlight.
  • Another option is to use apple cider vinegar on the irritated skin. Wash the infected area using mild soapy water, rinse using cold water and then pat dry. Mix at least one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and use it to the affected area. Do this for at least two or three times daily. If it causes discomfort, stop using it.
  1. Cornstarch

Cornstarch is very effective for alleviating the itching and burning sensations associated with a rash under breast. It assists to keep the skin dry. In case of any fungal rash though, simply use talc as fungi feed on cornstarch.

  1. Clean the affected skin using soap and water, and then it pat dry using a clean towel.
  2. When the area is completely dry, lightly dust cornstarch over it.
  3. Do this at least twice daily until you completely get rid of the problem.
  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has a soothing and the healing effect on skin that assists to provide relief from the rashes. Plus, due to its greasy nature, it will assist to reduce friction that leads to rash under breast and also avoid infections, thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Simply use some extra-virgin coconut oil on the affected area and then allow it to absorb completely into the skin. Repeat this two or three times daily until the rash is gone.

  1. Calamine Lotion

Calamine lotion may be used on a rash under breast to provide soothing relief from itching and speed up the healing process. It will also help keep the area dry and therefore reduce the chance of infection.

  1. Clean the affected skin using a mild soap and also lukewarm water. Pat dry the area with a towel.
  2. Use a cotton ball to gently apply the calamine lotion.
  3. Repeat the process several times a day.
  1. 7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains antifungal properties and hence it can be used topically to treat a rash under breast. It can also prevent the growth of fungus and infection.

  1. Mix about six drops of pure tea tree oil in four tablespoons of olive oil.
  2. Dip a cotton ball in the oil and apply it on the rash.
  3. Massage the area gently so that the oil penetrates deeply into the skin.
  4. Do this right after taking a shower and again before going to bed. Usually you may notice positive results within a few days.
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