
Rash around Mouth, Lips, Itchy, Dry Skin, Nose, Causes, How to Get Rid ,Pictures

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A look at the rash around mouth with consideration of the adults, child that occurs on the lips thus making them dry and itchy as well as the causes, how to get rid of the condition and the pictures.

rash around mouth picture

Rash around Mouth

Perioral dermatitis is an inflammatory rash around mouth that erupts and involves skin around the mouth area. The rash can spread up to the nose or even the eyes. It normally appears as a scaly or even bumpy rash around the lips. It may also sometimes weep clear the fluid. Redness and some slight itching and even burning may also occur.

Rash around mouth is very common in women, but also tends to affect the young children and the infants. Without the correct treatment, cases of perioral dermatitis disappear, but can reappear later. Episodes of perioral dermatitis may last weeks and even several months

The cause of perioral dermatitis is not known. However, research points out that it may occur after the use of topical steroids on the skin that can be prescribed to treat another given condition. According to doctors, nasal sprays that have corticosteroids can lead to an outbreak of perioral dermatitis as well.

Perioral dermatitis is a facial rash that usually tends to happen around the mouth. Most often, it is red and scaly or bumpy. Any itching or even burning is mild. It can spread up around the nose, and sometimes the eyes while at the same time avoiding the skin that is adjacent to the lips. It is rarer in men and children. Perioral dermatitis can come and go for months or years.

There may be more than a single cause of perioral dermatitis. One of the most usual factors is the prolonged use of the topical steroid creams and the inhaled prescription steroid sprays that is used in the nose as well as the mouth. Overuse of the heavy face creams and then moisturizers are another common cause.

There is also a lot of evidence that points at ingredients in cosmetics that can lead to rash around mouth. Heavy skin creams that have petrolatum or a paraffin base can lead to or even worsen the condition.

Other factors that can trigger the condition are:

  • bacterial or the fungal infections
  • constant drooling of children
  • fluorinated toothpaste
  • oral contraceptives
  • rosacea

Perioral dermatitis normally appears as a rash of red rash around mouth and in the folds around the nose. The bumps can be scaly in appearance. The bumps may also appear in the area under the eyes, on the forehead, and even on the chin. These small bumps may have pus or fluids and can resemble the acne.

You may also experience symptoms such as burning or even itching, especially as the rash worsens.

The doctor or even dermatologist may often diagnose perioral dermatitis with just a visual examination of the skin.

Your doctor can also perform a skin culture test so as to rule out any possible infection. During this test, the doctor can swab a small patch of skin in the affected area. The doctor will send the sample to a laboratory to test the skin cells for the bacteria or even fungi. Finally, the doctor can perform a skin biopsy, more especially if the rash doesn’t respond to the standard treatments.

A dermatologist diagnoses the rash around mouth by examination. No other tests are normally done. The first step in the treatment perioral dermatitis is to stop use of all topical steroid creams, even the non-prescription hydrocortisone.

A mild soap or even soap substitute should be used for washing. Scrubbing should be very much avoided. Try stopping fluorinated toothpaste for the stubborn cases. Non-fluorinated toothpaste is found at a health food store.

The most reliably effective treatment is the oral antibiotics. These are taken in the decreasing doses for three to twelve weeks. Topical antibacterial creams and lotions can also be used for a faster relief. These may be continued for the several months so as to prevent recurrences.

Even after any successful treatment, perioral dermatitis sometimes may come back later. Usually, the same type treatment can again be effective. Most cases that come back usually turn into rosacea. Perioral dermatitis is a very common skin problem, but fortunately most of the people do very well with the proper treatment.

Rash around Mouth Adults

Adults who usually develop a rash around mouth are more likely to be suffering from one of the conditions mentioned below. These may also affect the children as well as infants although the most common causes of the rashes among that demographic are listed above.

  • Perioral dermatitis is a skin condition that is very common among women. Perioral dermatitis can lead to groups of small red bumps to be seen around the mouth. The rash may also spread to the upper lip and chin making the areas of the skin very dry. This medical condition occurs to people with oily faces and can be brought about by using certain lotions and creams that have strong chemicals.
  • Eczema is a skin problem that causes both irritation, inflammation and rash around mouth and may also cause a rash to appear on the feet, face and hands. The rash may also cause itching, redness, and swelling, and can appear thick and flaky. There are several different triggers that may lead to rash around mouth to flare up, such as the extreme temperatures and certain chemicals that may be found in the soaps you use, etc.
  • Hives—When a person has this skin problem, it is normally due to the allergic reaction that the body produces due to some medication or food. Another trigger is stress. If the rash is on the lips, it is called angioedema.
  • Contact dermatitis—This skin problem may happen after coming in contact with allergens or irritants, such as certain makeup products, poison ivy, or some skin care products. Contact dermatitis is seen as itchy red bumps that are sometimes painful.

Rash around Mouth Child

itchy rash around mouth children

Rash around mouth of a child can be caused by;

  • Drooling—For infants, the rash around mouth may be caused by drooling. This is more especially true if the saliva is left on the skin for longer periods of time.
  • Pacifiers—Pacifiers can also lead to rash around mouth of a child because of the drool that they collect. These will likely occur in the corner of the infant’s mouth.
  • Messy eating—If the child smears any food around his or her mouth and it is left there for some time, a rash can develop.
  • Bacteria from clothing—Infants and small children may get rashes around their mouths if they rub their faces along the clothes that the parents are wearing.
  • Impetigo—Impetigo is also a bacterial infection that leads to a contagious rash around mouth. The rash may consist of raised red bumps and a light brown crust around the child’s mouth and nose.
  • Hand, foot, and mouth disease—This is brought about by a virus named coxsackie. With this disease, the rash is normally accompanied by a fever.

Rash round Lips

Dry skin may happen just about anywhere on the body, but when it develops around the lips it’s especially noticeable. This doesn’t just happen to people who have dry skin, either; even if the skin is oily or normal you may still experience some dryness in the mouth area.

For some other people, rash around mouth is a chronic, ongoing condition. For others, it may pop up seemingly at random, even if the rest of their skin isn’t dry. Although the reasons may vary depending on the person. Here are some of the most common causes of dry skin around the mouth.

  • Perioral dermatitis: A condition that may resemble acne, this looks like as red, raised bumps around the mouth that are normally accompanied by dry, scaly and sensitive skin. There are theories that the overuse of the topical cortisone creams, fluoridated toothpaste, or heavy ointments or creams may be responsible.[1, 3]
  • Contact dermatitis: This happens when something comes in direct contact with the skin and then spurs an irritation response. Ingredients such as the fragrance, fragrant oils, menthol, citrus and drying alcohol can all lead to irritation and dryness, and are usually used in around-the-mouth products like toothpaste, mouthwash, lipsticks and lip balms.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: More common in the people with oily skin, this is brought about by the overproduction of oil combined with irritation from a type of yeast that happens naturally on skin. For some other people, this yeast may result in dry, flaky skin. Since there are oil glands on the sides of the nose, this may result in the condition becoming much apparent in areas that are close to the nose, which of course includes the mouth.[3]
  • Climate changes, lip licking, and certain medications: Changes in weather, such as very cold temperatures and dry or windy conditions can cause skin to become chapped and dry. There are also certain medications (both topical and oral) that can lead to dry skin, such as some prescription acne medications like tretinoin and antibiotics like tetracycline.

When you experience any rash around mouth, the perfect thing to do is treat it using gentle skincare products that are free of fragrance and known irritants, since these usually make dry skin worse.

If you are using a lip balm, lipstick or mouthwash that has a high amount of alcohol, essential oils, or even mint, consider the alternatives that may not include these particular ingredients (such as the fragrance-free lip balms and alcohol-free fluoride rinses).

In the case of toothpaste, it can be hard to find one that doesn’t contain some amount of mint. You can prevent irritation by using a gentle cleanser so as to wash the area around the lips after brushing to remove any toothpaste that might be on the outside of the mouth. Using a moisturizer for the skin type after cleansing may help seal in moisture to keep skin from getting drier.

If the dry skin around the mouth is persistent and don’t seem to be getting better with the moisturizers, speak to the doctor about any potential causes, since it may be the result of a medication that you’re taking, or even the medical condition that requires treatment using prescription topical products.

Itchy Rash around Mouth

Periorificial dermatitis is a common facial skin problem characterised by groups of itchy or tender small red papules. It is given this name because the papules occur around the eyes, the nostrils, the mouth and occasionally, the genitals.

Skin Rash around Mouth

Rash around mouth may be a source of shame and discomfort. They change the color as well as the texture of the skin, and some may cause a permanent disfigurement. Most of the rashes that happen around the mouth are relatively mild and do not require any treatment from the specialist. Rashes can have many causes, but clinicians can usually diagnose them through physical examination and medical history

Rash around Mouth and Nose

acne around mouth and nose

Perioral dermatitis is a common inflammatory rash that occurs around the mouth area. Other affected areas include around the nose, chin and eyes. Perioral dermatitis mostly affects women more than men and is frequently related to topical steroid medication usage. Fortunately, perioral dermatitis is responsive to the treatment and recurrence is rare.

This condition is very common in the women than men. Children may also be affected. Perioral dermatitis may be symptomless however burning, tightness and itchiness are common.

Perioral dermatitis frequently starts off from an unrelated rash or skin irritation. Topical creams, most often corticosteroid and over the counter preparations, are then used. This leads to an outbreak of perioral dermatitis that then seems to be less red with further steroid usage.

Ceasing topical steroids generally leads to a rash around mouth which then at that moment encourages further steroid use. Hence there is a vicious cycle of steroid use is set up.

If the steroid cream use is suspected, then stop using the cream at all. A flare-up of perioral dermatitis is to be noted immediately after you stop using the cream, however do not try to re-use the steroid cream again.

If steroid nasal sprays or inhalers are suspected, try rinsing of the face and mouth after the use. Simplify all the skin care. Use all soap substitutes and the gentle skin care products. If possible, keep make-up use to a minimum.

Oral antibiotics are the usually effective treatment. They are much effective through anti-inflammatory mechanisms and not through their anti-microbial actions.  Usually about a 6 week course is normally prescribed. An additional 6 week course may be considered if the rash recurs.

Tetracycline and macrolide antibiotics are frequently used, including doxycycline and erythromycin (the only option in children whose teeth have not formed).

Topical medications are not as effective as oral medications though.  Examples include erythromycin, clindamycin and azelaic acid.  These may be preferred in the pregnancy.

Topical pimecrolimus has also been used however this medication has occasionally been reported to be the trigger for a rash around mouth and should be used with caution.

Erythromycin suspension for 4 to 8 weeks is also recommended in the treatment of children under the age of 8.

Dry Skin around Mouth

Rash around mouth presents as multiple red pimple-like bumps that normally tend to group around the mouth, nose and even the chin.  The skin around the eyes is sometimes affected. If the lip area is also affected, the lip line is classically spared. The overlying skin may be red, dry or flaky.

How to Get Rid of Rash around Mouth

Red patches or bumps on the skin is generally brought about by a rash also known as dermatitis. There are several different types of rashes that may cause redness around the mouth, such as an allergic reaction to use of new skincare products or skin conditions such as the perioral dermatitis, or sebhorric dermatitis.

In order to treat redness around the lips, then you can make changes to the everyday routine to help reduce the appearance of the redness.

  • Clean the affected area with a clean washcloth, soaked in cool water. Gently pat the area dry with a towel, and do not rub it—this could increase the redness.
  • Eliminate any new products you might be using on the area, such as a new facial cleanser, or new makeup. If the redness happened suddenly, this is a good sign that the redness is caused by allergies to a new product. Eliminate the new products for a few days and see if the redness is relieved.
  • Avoid using any harsh cleansers, alcohol based lotions or skin creams that contain steroids on your face, especially near the mouth area. This will help reduce the appearance of most redness caused by rashes, such as perioral dermatitis.
  • Apply a layer of hydro-cortisone cream to the rash around mouth. This cream is available without a prescription and will soothe the skin and help eliminate redness.
  • Wash the skin around the mouth with a gentle oatmeal cleanser if you experience any irritation or redness—the oatmeal can help reduce these symptoms.
  • Practice yoga, or other relaxation techniques to help you reduce stress—some redness and skin irritations that can occur are made worse by increased stress. Reducing the stress in your life can help reduce the redness of a skin rash around your mouth.
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