
Heat Bumps, on Face, Forehead, Rash, Itchy, Get Rid, Pictures, Treatment

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A focus on the heat bumps that are on the face, forehead, and rashes that are itchy including how to get rid of the as well as the treatment.

heat bumps on forehead

Heat Bumps

Heat Bumps or Heat Rashes is a condition that normally develops when the body is exposed excessively to the hot as well as the humid climate. Not only are they itchy and also irritating but are very much unsightly.

Bumps caused by heat normally develop in the areas of the body where the skin to skin contact is high such as the groin, neck etc. but, they can even develop in the part of the skin which is highly covered by clothes like the back and chest.

Hot weather isn’t the only thing that can leads to a person on to become very hot and develop heat bumps. In colder conditions you can tend to over-bundle yourself or the children to stay warm that can increase sweating and decrease air flow to the skin.

The body temperature is also higher when you have a fever, but very high fevers can lead to heat rash due to the fact the body is trying to cool itself by sweating.

Heat rash, also called miliaria rubra, prickly heat, or wildfire rash may be uncomfortable.

Heat rash normally appears as very small pinpoint bumps at the entrances to the small hair follicles. In some other areas, there can be red or pink patches of skin. An advanced heat rash can have greater extent of irritation and the large welts and raised red bumps. Some other people who have heat rash are much itchy while others can have no irritating symptoms.

Any body part may be affected. Characteristic heat rash areas are:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Abdomen
  • Under the breasts
  • Elbow folds
  • Buttocks

It occurs when a blockage of the sweat glands leads to perspiration to be caught in the deeper layers of the skin. Inflammation, redness, as well as the blister-like lesions can result.

People who are much overweight, and those who are sweat easily, are very likely to get prickly heat. Babies and children are prone to it, as their sweat glands are not much fully developed.

Heat bumps on the skin, normally develop from an excessive exposure to the heat or humidity. The condition can be as mild as a few small bumps but might also develop into a painful blistering of the skin. According to the studies, heat rash is a type of heat stress, in which the body becomes overheated and is unable to properly cool itself.

The tiny red bumps on the skin that normally itch and burn a lot are brought about by a skin condition called miliaria rubra. They are caused because of exposure to an excess heat and humidity. The sweat that is produced in the body as a byproduct of the bodily functions as well as exercises requires to get out.

If it remains beneath the skin, it causes trapping of other oils and particles as well, leading to heat rashes. In most of the cases, the heat rash is very innocent and disappears after a few days once you start cooling down the system.

Persistent heat rash that needs a rigorous treatment often stems from other causes that tend to be ignored. Such of the complicated heat rash normally interferes with the bodily functions causing other signs of a heat related disorders including exhaustion or dehydration. For these very reasons, heat rashes should never be ignored.

Heat Bumps on Face

Our body has a very natural mechanism, to cool itself through sweating. However, in some of the adults and mostly in the babies, the sweat ducts remain closed as a result of which the sweat is not able to come to the surface of the skin and thus seeps into the ducts thus forming heat bumps on face.

Heat rash and pumps are normally not itchy but they become so because of the continuous accumulation of sweat that results in the tearing of the lower epidermis layer.

Heat Bumps on Forehead

heat bumps on face

The condition is brought about when the body’s sweat glands become blocked. Excessive sweating can lead to sweat becoming trapped under the skin. The trapped sweat leads to the skin irritation and the characteristic heat rash.

The symptoms of prickly heat are worse in areas that are much covered by the clothing but can also happen to other uncovered areas like the face and the forehead. This is due to the fact that clothing can make you sweat and sometimes causes friction (rubbing).

How to Get Rid of Heat Bumps

Bumps between legs is common during summers when the temperature goes high to the extremes. During the hot as well as the humid summers, germs easily enter the body through the sweat glands. This can cause follicular inflammation and infection.

When the sweat glands get blocked, the sweat starts accumulating under the skin and thereafter results in the heat bumps. Skin Bumps due to heat are also called miliaria or heat rash and can happen on the chest, under arms, and most often between legs. These bumps are inflamed, and red in appearance

Prevention of heat rash is the best treatment for the heat rash. Avoid hot environments and take refuge in the cooler environments. Air conditioners, and limiting physical activity in a hot environment can assist to prevent heat rash.

Home remedies for treatment of the heat rash are washing the affected area using a mild soap and rinsing the area, then you gently dry the area. Over-the-counter remedies used to the affected areas can also help. Wear clothing that allows the skin to breathe in a hot environment. Stay hydrated and drink a lot of water so as to prevent dehydration in hot environments. Medical care can be necessary if the heat rash does not resolve with home remedies

Getting naked can keep the body much cooler but it does not avoid the problem of sweat buildup motre especially under the breasts, between buttock folds, and the places where skin overhangs. It can be best to wear light, absorbent fabrics that separate out skin fold areas.

Individuals who do not wear underwear normally notice more retained sweat and thus more irritation in areas that is between the buttocks and groin. Short sleeves tops and shorts are very helpful.

Take a look at the effective remedies and also preventive measures that will assist you do away with heat rash bumps on legs:

  1. Cold Shower:

The best way to prevent heat bumps is by taking of a bath with cold water frequently during summers. Cold showers not only minimize the occurrence of heat bumps, they also assist in rendering of the skin clean from sweat and dirt.

Normally heat bumps are temporary and can disappear with some very basic treatments. Try using some ice to soothe the skin directly or even wrap it up in a towel if it is too cold for you. Try this for five to ten minutes in a three hour interval until the rash is gone. Using ice can cool down the skin and the bump would gradually become much less prickly and would disappear with repeated use.

  1. Loose Fitting Clothes:

During summers it is better to wear loose fitting cotton pants. Natural or cotton fabrics may easily soak up an excessive perspiration whereas the loose clothes can keep the body ventilated and very dry. Avoid wearing of nylon or synthetic garments as it can lead to sweat to accumulate between the thighs and increase the chance of heat rash.

  1. Ice Pack:

Using of ice pack on the affected spot is the best home remedy that can be applied to treat heat bumps. Take a plastic bag and add about 4 ice cubes and seal it well. Now wrap a cloth around the bag and place it on the bumps between the legs for about 15 minutes and remove. Repeat the process at an interval of four hours till the redness dies away.

  1. Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe vera gel also contains healing properties that assists to reduce heat bumps. It not only relieves itching and swelling of the skin, but also imparts a soothing and a cooling effect. Use a fresh aloe vera gel between the legs at least three times during the day so as to reduce the redness and begin the healing process. It is not good to apply a commercial aloe vera gels as they have chemicals that will clog the pores and thus aggravate the condition.

Cut a small portion of the thick and fleshy aloe vera leaves, split it open and use this gel on the face, neck and other affected areas. Leave it on for five to ten minutes and then wash it off so as to get a smooth, shining skin without the bumps with a regular usage. Aloe Vera is really a nectar as far as skin related problems are concerned. You may even replace it with the everyday face wash and other cosmetics, it’s really that effective.

  1. Oatmeal Bath:

Oatmeal bath also assists in reducing heat bumps between legs. Add about a cup of oatmeal to the hot bathwater and stir till it dissolves. Soak in the water so as to relieve the condition.

Also, if you are someone who is looking for fast and effective remedies, grind some oats and make a paste by adding an amount of natural honey to it. Use the mixture on the skin and leave on for half an hour. Rinse using warm water to get a blister free, hydrated and glowing skin.

  1. Cornstarch or Baking Soda:

    heat rash on face

Corn starch or baking soda also assists in doing away with bumps on legs. Use cornstarch or baking soda between the legs just after a cold shower. This absorbs any excessive water on the skin that intensifies heat bumps.

  1. Calamine Lotion:

Use of calamine lotion on the irritated skin between the legs also has a soothing effect on the bumps. Repeated application can reduce redness and completely heal the bumps.

  1. Sandalwood Powder:

Sandalwood powder has a skin rejuvenating property that is very effective in treating of the skin irritation and rash and rose water is a natural skin toner. Make a very smooth paste of a sandalwood powder and rose water and use it directly on the bumps. After it has dried wash off using cold water. This remedy has a soothing effect and also reduces the itchy sensation.

  1. Margosa or Neem Paste:

Margosa is also a natural herb that is used commonly to treat skin ailments. Grind few margosa leaves and mix it with rose water so as to form a thick paste. Use it on the affected skin and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash off using water and pat the skin dry.

  1. Cod Liver Oil or Vitamin E Cream or Extra virgin oil:

Heat bumps between the legs can also be healed by use of a mixture of cod liver oil and Vitamin E cream directly to the skin. Use of olive oil on the affected skin reduces redness and gives a soothing effect.

These are few effective measures that can be used to treat heat bumps between legs. As over perspiration is the main cause of these bumps, it is best to avoid the sun or use umbrellas before stepping out especially during summers. Drinking plenty of water and keeping the body well-hydrated is the natural way that can be used to reduce the formation of bumps on legs.

People have a knack for finding out easy and the natural remedies to cure almost any kind of abnormal growth or even the diseases. Extra Virgin Olive Oil would not only make the skin supple, hydrated, and shiny, it can as well be highly effective in curing of those very irritating heat bumps.

Before going to bed ensure that you take a warm water bath and use Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the affected area and also on the unaffected areas so as to keep them healthy looking. This is sure to work wonders.

Heat Bumps Treatment

If you develop the heat bumps, keep the skin as dry as possible to keep the rash from getting worse or becoming infected. Avoid friction on the skin, which can happen with tight-fitting clothing. If the rash is in a place where the air flow is minimal, try applying baby powder so as to absorb excess moisture.

If heat is unavoidable due to work or other situations, then take frequent breaks and give the body a chance to cool down. If the bumps are blistery, avoid breaking them open, which can cause infection.

Most cases of heat rash normally resolve without evaluation and also formal diagnosis by a physician. Persistent heat rash is diagnosed from the characteristic skin appearance on exam and a history of recent heat exposure.

Atypical or more resistant cases of heat rash can require skin culture, microscopic exam from skin scrapings, or even less commonly a skin biopsy (surgically removing a very small piece or skin by use of a local numbing agent; this skin is then sent to the pathologist for a closer examination).

Additional tests can be required so as to exclude other causes of skin rashes like the bacterial infections, allergic reactions, eczema, as well as the fungal infections.

Most cases of the heat bumps on the body disappear within a matter of very few days. To facilitate faster healing you can try some of the home remedies: Use an over the counter cream that has up to 1% hydro-cortisone.

  1. Calamine lotion is also another beneficial remedy for treating most of the rashes on the face.
  2. If you are experiencing burning or painful sensation, try applying a cold compress to the bumps. You can even directly apply some ice to soothe the skin or wrap it up in a towel first if it is too cold for you.
  3. Cream that is obtained from full fat whole milk is also another home remedy that is well known to soothe inflamed skin bumps.

Preventing Heat Rash on Face and Neck

Some skin care routine tips may be used to prevent heat rashes on the face and neck in summer months:

  1. Wash the face with a mild facial cleanser at least twice a day. Use cool water for rinsing and do not scrub the skin using a towel. Instead, allow the face to air dry.
  2. Apply facial lotions that has stearic acid or glycerol stearate. Most of the creams and lotions have both of these ingredients. Make sure that the product you are using is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic.
  3. Olive oil is another beneficial skin remedy that may assist help soothe and thus prevent various types of heat bumps. You can apply Extra Virgin Olive oil directly on the face and neck for a natural antimicrobial action so as to prevent pimples and rashes.
  4. If you have an Aloe Vera plant in the garden, you can directly cut it open and then use its gel to parts of the skin that are much prone to developing of the heat rashes. This remedy is also gentle enough to treat and also prevent heat rash on the face and neck of the babies and toddlers.
  5. Witch hazel is a natural remedy that is proven to prevent and treat several skin infections including heat bumps. Many alcohol-free skin toners that has witch hazel are found in the market and they are ideal for prevention of the acne, heat rash on face and also for elimination of the wrinkles etc.
  6. Honey and oats is also another soothing remedy that is used for preventing heat rash on face and neck. Make a face pack by grinding of the oats and adding some natural honey to it. Use this all over the face and the neck. Let remain on the skin for a few minutes and then wash off using warm water.

Further references;

  1. Skin problems & treatments guide: https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/default.htm
  2. Symptoms: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heat-rash/basics/symptoms/con-20033908
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