
Bumps on elbows, and Knees, White, Red, Not Itchy, Get Rid

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Bumps on elbows? A critical look at the bumps that occurs at the elbows and knees that are white or red in color, itchy and not itchy

Bumps on Elbows and Knees

Bumps on a person’s elbows are brought about by a lot of reasons. One of the main causes of bumps on the elbows in the babies is because of either psoriasis or eczema that are the most usual conditions of the skin.

These particular skin conditions are usually brought about by a combination of the genetics and irritation that occurs to the immune system and the allergens. Psoriasis and the eczema usually occurs in elbows, knees, forearms as well as the fingers, and mostly any other place that naturally creases.

Bumps can also attack the babies’ elbows amongst many other body parts due to the scabies. This is a condition which is brought about by the tiny parasitic mites that usually hide under the skin. If the baby is attacked by scabies, then he’ll develop a very itchy rash. It will also appear as red seriously scattered bumps normally around the fingers, the wrists and the elbows.

Scabies is also a very contagious condition of the skin that can be transferred from someone who has contact with your baby to the infant.

Rashes can also be related with other skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and even impetigo. The elbow is a normal location especially for the psoriasis eruptions that may cause a scaly white spots and even inflammation. Some of the chronic skin conditions may also flare up for a period of time, then resolve on its own.

Other known causes of bumps on elbows include autoimmune disorders that happen when the body is attacked by its own immune system that usually serves to protect the from foreign invaders which in this case antigens. Most of the viruses that happen during the flu season, or those that are associated with childhood diseases, may produce a rash.

Bumps on elbows can be brought about by an allergic reaction to the food, lotions or even detergents. These reactions may range from the mild to a potentially life threatening, especially if the swelling and constriction of a breathing happens, which may indicate anaphylaxis. Call the doctor if a rash is accompanied by any other serious symptoms including a swelling of the elbws or knees, swelling and constriction of the throat, fainting, or even change in level of consciousness or the alertness, or purple rash.

Symptoms of bumps on elbows or knees

Short-term symptoms of bumps on elbows includes the itchy skin, the redness and even tiny bumps or even blisters.

If most of these symptoms remain untreated, the skin may become very thick and dry. There can be body areas that may have hair loss and even color changes. Hands that are affected by a long-term bumps on elbows is more vulnerable to secondary infections.

Each type of bumps on elbows-eczema has specific characteristics and patterns of symptoms:

  • Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis) — Atopic dermatitis is seen as irritated, red, crusted patches on the skin of the elbow and other parts of the body. If the skin becomes much infected, it may develop a wet or weeping look. Scratching the itchy parts leads to more irritation. It also increases the risk of infection.
  • Contact dermatitis — when an irritant leads to contact dermatitis, then the symptoms may range from a mild redness of the skin to even severe skin ulceration.

When this is triggered by the allergic reaction, it normally leads to skin redness, fine red bumps on elbows or blisters and very severe itching.

A reaction brought about by plant allergies (like poison oak) is very intense. It is seen as bumps and blisters in lines or even streaks where the plant is brushed against the skin.

  • Hand eczema — Hand eczema normally appears during the winter period as patches of dry, cracked skin. There may or may not be any redness. Hand eczema may also cause itching, red bumps on elbows or blisters. Irritation usually happens under rings from the soap trapped.
  • Nummular eczema — Nummular eczema starts as minute areas of irritation. They then turn into a round red, crusted or even scaly patches.
  • Asteatotic eczema — This type normally occurs on the lower parts of the legs. It leads to itching or the stinging pain in the areas of dry, cracked and reddened skin. There may or may not even  be tiny bumps.
  • Stasis dermatitis — Stasis dermatitis happens in legs that are puffy or swollen. It normally starts with very mild redness and itching of the lower parts of the legs. If the redness and the skin tenderness develop rapidly, it may be brought about by a secondary bacterial infection. Bacterial infections need immediate medical attention.
  • Lichen simplex chronicus — This type of a rash leads to thickened, leathery skin that causes darkening of skin color. It is extremely itchy. Scratching usually makes the problem worse.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis— Seborrheic dermatitis leads to red, scaly patches that has yellow, greasy crusts. These particular patches can be very itchy or can lead to burning.

Itchy Bumps on Elbows

Small itchy bumps can also appear in all parts of the body after tanning. However, they are more usually found in the areas, such as the stomach, chest, the elbows and legs that are more exposed to the harmful ultraviolet rays for a longer period of time.

The eruptions are normally referred to as tan bed rash that can develop at the time after tanning or even a few days later. They appear like the blisters and are also red in color. Their look is also similar to that of look of heat rash. The skin bumps on elbows may or may not be very painful but lead to a lot of irritation.

These bumps are brought about by excessive exposure to the UV rays. Lighter skinned people are also much prone to the formation of the itchy red bumps occurring on the elbow and the areas where the skin will naturally crease. Allergic reaction that occurs due to the tanning lotion can also lead to the bumps on the elbow.

Red Bumps on Elbows and Knees

Rash is a sign that leads to the affected part of skin to turn the color to red and blotchy and also to swell. A rash may also lead to spots that are very bumpy, flaky, or even filled with pus. Rashes may also vary in location and extent it may lead to in any area of the body.

An elbow rash may also have a variety of causes, and it may show something happening around the elbow itself or even suggest a systemic condition.

Contact dermatitis also known as skin inflammation is brought about by the body’s adverse reaction to something that touches the skin, this including any chemicals that are found in the detergent, soap or any fragrance. For instance, you can develop a rash on the elbow when putting on a shirt that was washed using a particular type of detergent or even treated using a chemical.

Exposure of any kind to metal can also lead to elbow rash. Other forms that are related contact dermatitis may also include exposure to various plants like the poison oak or the ivy, an animal bite, or even an insect sting. Lyme disease is brought about by tick bite that can first appear as a circle with a bull’s-eye pattern, then it progress to a rash.

The elbows usually become too much exposed to irritants from soaps, the clothing or even the sun. They also are much prone to the pressure-sensitive skin irritations.

Any increased number of medical conditions or environmental factors can lead to the formation of the small red bumps elbows that can become very uncomfortable. You should consult a dermatologist if the condition continues and home remedies have failed to relieve the discomfort

Scabies is a condition brought about by the tiny mites that usually burrow under the skin where the clothing is more tight or even in the skin folds. The elbows are usual spots where scabies appears, and also the mites may lead to tiny red bumps that normally become very itchy.

This condition is also highly contagious and may spread through human skin or clothing contact. According to the research of the American Academy of Dermatology, the skin condition of scabies affects about 300 million people worldwide every other year. Intense scratching can lead to infections, but scabies is sometimes easily cured using prescription medications.

When the level of immune system is weakened or is even compromised, then the skin cells may not always be able to slough off as they are supposed and the small red bumps may form especially on the elbows. The condition called psoriasis is not very contagious and normally runs in families. A lot of triggers can easily set off an outbreak.

Most people who carry the condition gene develops the outbreaks in the winter period or during stressful times of their lives. Other very common circumstances that can lead to psoriasis and the emerging red bumps on elbows include strep throat or the injury to the elbow. Some of the medications, especially the lithium used in treatment of bipolar disorder, can cause psoriasis outbreaks

Eczema is one of the most known skin disorders which can present small red bumps elbows. According to studies, this skin condition may come about erratically at initial stages and develop into a chronic condition. Permanent color changes on the elbows, thick skin as well as scaling and also dryness can lead to many after years of outbreaks.

Eczema is a usually an inherited disorder that is often linked to a lot of allergies to things like gluten or pollen. Eczema often initially appears in the babies that are between the ages of 18 months and 2 years. In the older children and adults, the red bumps normally are seen on the inside part of the elbows.

White Bumps on Elbows

Atopic dermatitis (that is also called eczema) is an itchy, white bumps on elbows. It may also appear all over the body also. Many of the people experienced white bumps especially on the elbows or even behind the knees. Babies usually experience eczema that comes on the elbws or knees, especially on the cheeks and the chin. They may also have the bumps on the scalp, chest and back, and outer arms and legs.

Children and even adults tend to experience eczema especially on the neck, wrists, and even the ankles, and in the areas that usually bend, including the inner parts of the elbow and even the knee. People who experience eczema are usually diagnosed with it at the period when they are babies or even at young age. Eczema symptoms normally become less severe as the children grow into the adult age.

For most people, eczema may continue into the adulthood. Less often however, it can start in adulthood. The rash of eczema is very different for each and every person. It can also look very different or at times affect different parts of the body from one time to another. It may also range from mild, moderate, or even severe. Usually, people who have eczema may suffer from dry or sensitive skin.

Eczema is also known for its intense itch. The itch may also be so bad that you may scratch the skin until it profusely bleeds, this can make the rash even bad, resulting to even greater level of inflammation and itching. This is known as the itch-scratch cycle.

Although it is also not known the exact causes of eczema, the following may be thought to accelerate or make the condition to generate.

  • The genetics
  • Abnormal function with regard to the immune system
  • The environment
  • Activities that may lead to the skin becoming more sensitive
  • Defects of the skin barrier that allows the moisture out and the germs in.

Olecranon bursitisis is an inflammation of the small sac of the fluid which is located on the extreme tip of the elbow. The inflammation may lead to several problems inside the elbow. Bursitis is usually the inflammation of the bursa. In other cases, any direct blow or even a fall on the elbow may damage the said bursa completely.

This usually leads to bleeding that flows into the bursa sac, due to the blood vessels that are found in the tissues that makes up the bursa are usually damaged and also torn. In the skin therefore this would simply make up a bruise, but in the bursa blood can also fill the bursa sac. This leads to the bursa to swell up like the rubber balloon that is filled using water.

The blood found in the bursa is said to bring about an inflammatory reaction. The strong walls of the bursa can also thicken and thus remain thickened and even tender after the blood has been absorbed in the body. The thickening or swelling of the bursa is known as olecranon bursitis.

Olecranon bursitis may also happen over a longer duration of time. People who are constantly putting their elbows on a very hard sure elbows or knees as part of the activities or the job may also repeatedly injure the bursa. This repeated injury may lead to the irritation and thus thickening of the bursa over a given time. The chronic irritation will thus lead to the similar condition at the end called olecranon bursitis.

The olecranon bursa can also be infected. This can happen without any sign, or it can be brought about by a small injury and the infection of the skin on the bursa that normally spreads down to the bursa. In this case therefore, instead of blood or inflammatory fluid found in the bursa, it can become filled with pus. The area around the bursa becomes hot, red, and very tend

How to Get Rid of Skin Colored Bumps on Elbows and Rough Knees Fast, Naturally

Currently, there is no developed and effective method for prevention of bumps on elbows, but the signs and symptoms of the condition may be improved. To improve this signs of eczema:

  • Reduce the level of stress
  • Avoid being in contact with scratchy materials (for instance wool) and the chemicals such as harsh soaps, and solvents
  • Moisturize the body frequently
  • Avoid any sudden changes in the temperature or even humidity
  • Avoid situations that may lead to sweating and even overheating

Besides that, you can utilize some home remedies for the removal of bumps on elbows and knees as follows:

Lemon Juice

  • A small number of drops of lemon juice performs well, when applied on the pimple. Despite the fact that it can lead to a touch of tingling, but it assists to bring down inflammation and swelling.
  • Ensure that you apply only fresh lemon juice and not the packaged ones.
  • Dip a clean swab made of cotton in the fresh juice and apply it on the bumps for at least before 1 hour when going to bed.
  • Before sleeping clean the lemon juice and use some moisturizer.


Toothpaste is a very extraordinary way of treatment to get rid of bumps. Also, it is found in every house and you do not need to go out to the supermarket. Toothpaste is best used as a catch up to the icing to bring about the quickest comes about. It is important to note that the white toothpaste must be used instead of the gel toothpaste to get rid of bumps. You can also find how to get rid of bumps using floss and mouthwash.

  • Apply some toothpaste to the affected parts of the skin before quaint little inn overnight, wash using cold water in the morning to treat bumps.
  • In an event that you aren’t going anywhere, you can repeat the procedure amid the day, thus making a point to leave the toothpaste in contact on the elbows or knees with the bumps for no less than thirty minutes to be viable.

Cinnamon and Honey

  • First of all make a thick paste of cinnamon with honey.
  • Then cleanse the elbows or knees before using the paste on the bumps.
  • Have a peaceful and moderate sleep.
  • Observe the difference in the wake of washing the elbows or knees following day especially in the morning.

Orange Peels

As shown by Cosmetic Dermatologist Principles and Practice that is expressed in the sense that the causticity and vitamin C substance in oranges makes it to become a flawless cure for acnes.

  • First wash the hands before touching the skin, since dirty hands can cause bacteria with the skin.
  • Then wash the elbows or knees using warm water as this assists to enlarge the pores.
  • Gently rub the orange peel especially on the affected area.
  • You need to use separate orange peels for every pimple on the elbows or knees, generally, there is a higher risk of bacterial infection.
  • Now dip a cotton ball or swab in the fresh orange juice and use it on the acne.
  • Change the cotton ball while treating the pimple to prevent bacteria from spreading.
  • Now wash the elbows or knees using cold water, this will enable choking of the pores and prevent them from further blocking of pores.

Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Wash your elbows or knees using normal water and pat dry.
  • Using a ratio of 1 part vinegar to exactly 3 parts water, dip a cotton ball into vinegar and use it directly to the pimple.
  • Leave on for at about 10 minutes, or overnight. Reuse several times a day, washing the elbows or knees thoroughly after each time. Make sure to apply a moisturizer afterwards as well if you feel like the skin is getting dry.

Milk and Honey

A mixture of these two ingredients forms a unique formula for the removal of bumps on elbows and knees.

  • Obtain and let yogurt or milk come to room temperature so that you don’t get a chilly shock when you put it on the skin. Mix about 1 tablespoon of milk or yogurt thoroughly with 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • You can use the mixture with a cotton pad, but scooping it up and patting it on works just fine as perfect. Let each layer dry before adding a new one, until the mask is the thickness that you want.
  • Let it sit for about 15 minutes. Wash the mask off the skin and use a clean washcloth to gently scrub in a circular motion, getting rid of loosened dead skin. Once you’re finished, moisturize also.

Egg Whites

  • Rinse the elbows or knees with water and pat dry. Separate the whites from the yolks. You can use as many egg whites as you like, but normally 2 to 3 eggs are enough.
  • Whisk the whites until they look much frothy, and let them sit for about 15 minutes. Cover the elbows or knees using the mixture (applying with fingertips is easy) focusing on problem spots. 3 to 4 layers is usually enough, but make sure to wait the first has dried before using more.
  • Allow the mask to sit and dry for about 30 minutes before rinsing off completely using warm water and a patting dry with a soft washcloth. Apply some moisturizer appropriate for your skin type.


Rinse the elbows or knees using water and pat dry.

Mash up the flesh of the papaya well, until it is of a consistency that can be easily applied to the skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, and then rinse off completely using warm water.

If your skin has a tendency to get dry after you cleanse it then you can use a moisturizer that appropriate for the skin type afterwards.

Baking Soda

  • Take a couple of teaspoons of a baking soda and by use of water make a consistent paste.
  • Gently massage the knees and elbows using this paste focusing on pimple scars.
  • After massaging for about 2 minutes, leave the paste there on the face for about 15 minutes.
  • Now wash off using warm water.
  • Use some moisturizer, preferably olive oil.
  • Repeat the process at least twice or thrice a week.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel can be used directly on the affected skin area to get rid of bumps on elbows and knees. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial properties and assists to reduce the redness and skin irritation. Utilize enough amount of aloe vera gel to mask the bumps while also doing spot treatment.

  • Better apply and utilize a fresh aloe vera leaf.
  • Squeeze the fresh juice out from the aloe vera.
  • Now, use this gel directly on the bumps and leave the gel on overnight to remove bumps.
  • You have to keep on repeating the process on day to day basis till that period bumps get completely disappeared.


This is the removal of dead skin cells that causes rough elbows and knees. Natural sugar scrub is the best for skin exfoliation. You can also consider the drugstore type as well. Here is how to use;

Take exactly three table spoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of milk powder as well as one tablespoon of honey, mix the ingredients together and scrub the mixture over the face for few number of minutes and rinse it off after about 15 minutes.

Treatment of Bumps on Knees and Elbows

Atopic eczema can be easily treated using medications, including the over-the-counter creams and ointments that have the steroid hydrocortisone (for instance, Cortizone-10, Demarest Eczema and Neosporin Eczema).

These products may also assist to control the level of itching, the swelling, and redness associated with the eczema. Prescription-strength cortisone creams, together with cortisone pills and shots, are also applied for very severe cases of eczema.

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