
Bump on Roof of Mouth, Painful, Hard, White, Red, Small, Causes, Treatment

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A look at the bump on roof of mouth, painful, hard, white, red, small bumps including the causes and how to get rid of it and the treatment.

Painful Bumps on Roof of Mouth

Mouth can be very much complicated especially when it comes to the issues to do with the hard palate. One of the hard questions that dentists experience mostly is the lumps as well as the bumps that are appearing in the oral cavity.

While most of the normal structures that are found in the mouth appear in the form of bumps, they may also be an indication of disease. In order to be very sure what the bumps exactly are, it is crucial to undergo a checkup by an oral dentist.

Causes of Bump on Roof of Mouth

  1. Incisive Papilla

When the bumps happens behind the front teeth, it may be a sign of incisive papilla. These bumps are very common. However, these bumps may get enlarged and you may be required to see a medical practitioner so as to determine if the incisive papilla has already enlarged or just suffered a small irritation. You may consult the dentist but it may also be much helpful to consult the oral pathologist.

  1. Smoking

Smoking, especially when using the pipe or even a cigar, may lead to a condition known as smoker’s palate or the nicotine stomatitis that is marked by a few whitish bumps that are appearing in the palate. The bumps may be marked by the reddish depression that are occurring at the center.

  1. Dental Issues

The condition is indicated by caries happening in the upper jaw at the times passing into the root canal, leading to the formation of an abscess. Buildup of the plaque and the calculus due to bad oral hygiene may lead to the gum swelling around the upper jaw. These gum swelling can happen as bumps on roof of the mouth.

  1. Mucocele

Bump on the roof of mouth may also be a sign of mucocele that is marked by a lump that appears like a cyst but is normally harmless. The lump that develops in the mouth or even the palate may be a result of the blockage of the salivary glands. In the usual circumstances, the saliva normally drains from glands to mouth. However, when an obstruction of the ducts happen, it gets stuck inside, leading to a pool that leads to a soft as well as the painless bump that is bluish, pearly or pliable in color. One of the great reasons of the obstruction of salivary gland is the frequent sucking or biting of the inside of mouth.

  1. Torus Palatinus

The torus palatinus is normally marked by the bony protrusion happening on the roof (palate) of the mouth. The growth may not be a special source of concern as it is quite usual and may not lead to any harm. In many cases, the growth usually has a diameter of about 2cm but the size may vary from one individual to the other. It may also change over small period of time. At times, this type of growth enlarges in size as an individual grows older.

  1. Epstein Pearls

The Epstein Pearls are the bumps happening in the mouth of the newborns or the young kids. The bumps usually affect about 80 percent of all the kids and are usually very normal, harmless and even painless. Epstein Pearls are also called gingival or the palatal cysts and has yellowish or even white bump on roof of mouth or the gums. There is no need to treat these particular bumps as they are too harmless and will definitely fade within very few weeks. In case they still come after several weeks, you may be required to consult a pediatrician.

  1. Oral Cancer

In case the bumps occur in the palate without going away for a long period, it could be an indication of oral cancer. The condition can be life threatening if not diagnosed and treated early enough. The disease can also affect the tonsils, lips, cheeks, sinuses, roof of the mouth, floor of the mouth, glands, throat as well as tongue. Oral cancer can be marked by some dark and irregular lumps occurring in different parts of the mouth.

  1. Maxillary Sinus Growths

The maxilla bone happens in the area of the upper jaw. Maxillary sinus cancer is also marked by the growth happening in the bone leading to a swelling that comes out through the upper palate. This may also be seen as the bump on roof of mouth. Patients suffering from this condition can also experience a lost sense of smell, nasal sores as well as the headaches.

  1. Exostosis/Mandibular Torus

Exostosis, also called mandibular torus, occurs in the roof of mouth as well as the lower jaw’s tongue side. The condition is not only common but represents an extra protruding. This may easily be injured by the hard or sharp food and such kind of injuries may lead to painful sores or ulcers that may be difficult to heal as the skin part may get bruised and then bumped when eating.

When to be worried

There are moments when the bump on roof of mouth will appear for no good reason and will disappear on its own. However, there are times when the bump won’t just go away. In such a case, you will need to consider the underlying causes. You should contact your medical practitioner if the bumps:

  • Get bigger
  • Bleed
  • Are painful
  • Last for more than 2 weeks

If you suffer from one or more of these symptoms, it is advisable to contact a medical professional who will examine the area and determine whether treatment is necessary.

White Bumps on Roof of Mouth

There are several normal structures that may be lead to bump on roof mouth, but there are other bumps that may be an indication of disease. The only method to be sure what the bumps and lumps are is to have a thorough evaluation by a dentist or an oral specialist like the oral pathologist. The dental professionals may provide you with a definitive diagnosis.

A bump behind the front teeth is most likely what is called as the incisive papilla. Every person has one of the bumps, and you may require to see someone who is very familiar with the mouth so as to find out if the incisive papilla is enlarged or it is just temporarily irritated. The dentist might be at a good place to start, but you may require to be evaluated by an oral pathologist also.

If you smoke, and more especially if you do smoke a cigar or even a pipe, whitish bumps on roof of mouth may be a sign of a benign condition that is called smoker’s palate (nicotine stomatitis). These bumps may usually have a small and reddish depression at the center that may look like a little hole in the mirror.

An Exostosis or the mandibular torus can also cause a bump on roof of mouth, in addition to the tongue-side of the lower jaw. This common process shows an extra bone that protrudes and is usually injured by sharp or hard foods. Such injury can result in a painful ulcer or sore that is very slow to heal since the area gets normally bumped and then bruised a lot when you eat.

Mucoceles may also form on the roof of the mouth. This occurs when one of the smallest salivary glands either is blocked or is even cut. Mucus builds up under this lining of the mouth until it finally reaches a breaking point, then the white bump on roof of mouth goes away, only to re-form again sometimes later.

An oral surgery is performed usually to remove the little gland so as to completely stop the process, but this is a very minor procedure. The tissue may then be examined by the oral pathologist so as to make sure that the white bump do not show a rare salivary gland tumor of the mouth part.

Red Bump on Roof of Mouth

There are a number of potential reasons of red bump on roof of mouth. Some of the issues are very small inconvenience, but other reasons may show a serious health issue that requires to be taken care of carefully.

You require to consult the doctor to determine the reason of the spots and the severity of the issue. The following are a few possible reasons for the red spots as well as how each condition would be eliminated.

Causes and Treatments for Red Bump on Roof of Mouth

  1. Canker Sores

Canker sores also affect the majority of the people at some point and they may happen on the roof of the mouth, but are most commonly found on the lips of the inner cheeks. These are usually due to eating of certain foods, stress or even being in contact with the irritants. They start as red small bumps and normally develop white in the center.

  1. Candidiasis

Oral candidiasis or the thrush is a fungal overgrowth that leads to the white patches and even red bump on roof of mouth. This is very common among those people with diabetes or who wear dentures.

  1. Coxsackie virus Infection

This is the virus that is responsible for the hand, foot and mouth disease and may result to the painful red blisters and bump on roof of mouth in addition to the feet and hands. It may also affect all the ages, but is very common among those children under five.

  1. Oral Herpes

Oral herpes usually has red bump on roof of mouth that is followed by a white or even a gray ulcer. The ulcers can take longer period to develop than the spots. The infection is usually due to the type-1 herpes simplex virus or the HSV-1. It is transmitted by contact with an infected person’s saliva.

  1. Injuries

Hitting the mouth with a hard food item, like a pretzel, may result in red bump on roof of mouth. This may be a very temporary injury and can lead to multiple spots.

  1. Lichen Planus

Lichen planus shows a chronic lesion that is very itchy and inflammatory or the rash within the mouth and on the skin. Except red bump on roof of mouth, the lesions are lace-like or white spots. It isn’t contagious and can’t result in cancer.

  1. Petechiae

Petechiae is when the small blood vessels below the skin rupture. It may be due to the bleeding disorders or excess pressure found on the blood capillaries. This condition can include the tiny purple spots on the skin’s surface.

  1. Erythroplakia

Erythroplakia can have red bump on roof of mouth, but it usually frequently indicates a red patch along the gums or even at the floor of the mouth. This condition is a sign of a risk of a developing cancer, thus you should always see the doctor urgently if you notice it. Experts aren’t sure what leads to erythroplakia but think it is related to smoking or alcohol use. It can also be due to chronic irritation or even the poor nutrition.

How to get Rid of Bump on Roof of Mouth

When not brought about by any serious ailments or the injuries, bump on roof of mouth tend to heal on their own in about 10 to 12 days. Taking antibiotics may assist to reduce severe pain on the roof of mouth brought about by bacterial sinus infection.

Conventional medicines that has glycerin and peroxide are normally considered very beneficial for the curing Canker Sores leading to this problem. In terms of the home remedies, rinsing of the mouth with a very strong tea made from goldenseal root can assist reduce the problem considerably due to the antiseptic properties.

In the same method, the simplest means of a Cold bump on roof of mouth treatment is the application of a wet black tea bag placed on the affected area. Gargling with the aloe vera juice also serves as a very good natural remedy.

Plus, have a healthy and a very well balanced diet using special emphasis on the citrus fruits and even the green vegetable so as to boost immunity and ensure the process of healing. Regular consumption of intake yogurt is regarded as a valuable natural cure for avoiding of Canker Sores as much as possible

Besides, practice a good oral hygiene and quit all the unhealthy habit of cigarette smoking. Gargle using lukewarm saline solution to do away with mouth sore brought about by the infection. In addition, avoid having very hot or spicy foods till the bump on roof of mouth is completely healed.

Bump on Roof of mouth Treatment

  1. You can normally ignore a canker sore as it disappears by itself. You may also relieve the pain with an over-the-counter analgesic ointment. Mouthwash may also temporarily numb the bumps. In some cases, you may require a prescription for the medication with lidocaine or the aphthasol.
  2. Thrush treatment normally considers taking of prescription antifungal medications for about 10 to 14 days. They may be easily found in liquids or tablets. In some other cases, the issue may indicate another serious medical problem, so you may require to visit a doctor as well as a dentist.
  3. There is no specific treatment for a coxsackie virus infection. Antibiotics do not usually help. Instead, the doctors normally suggest over-the-counter fever reducers or even pain relievers as well as the fluids and rest.
  4. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be applied to treat the muscle aches or fever. You should also drink a lot of water so as to prevent dehydration. The doctor can also prescribe a medication for the fever. Pain relief may be through a topical anesthetic like the viscous lidocaine. There is an IV or the oral medication, but only for those who have a weakened immune systems, severe disease or even those children who are under 6 weeks old. In some cases, people who have oral herpes may require to be admitted to the hospital. This includes the younger than 6 weeks old, with a very severe local infection, that have an infection that is contagious to the other organs, with a weakened immune systems or those that are dehydrated.
  5. Red spots brought about by accidentally hitting the roof of the mouth normally go away within one or two weeks. You may also suck on an ice pop or piece of ice more frequently. Also, try rinsing using salt water. While healing, opt for the soft foods that are easily swallowed and avoid those that may lead to stinging, like the spicy foods, tomatoes as well as the citrus juices or fruits.
  6. There is no given treatment for the lichen planus, so just clear up the rash and ease the pain while also preventing secondary infections. To reduce the pain, avoid eating of foods that are acidic or spicy as they can lead to irritation. Don’t eat the crusty bread or other sharp food. Choose a bland and soft foods like the porridge or the mashed potatoes. Don’t even drink alcohol. Try to keep using the standard toothpaste but you should avoid mouthwashes using alcohol.
  7. Petechiae may also be treated using the Arnica Montana, a homeopathic drug. You may also try taking of dandelion roots as these can improve the functioning of the liver. Since this assists the blood’s coagulation properties, it can work to prevent petechiae bump on roof of mouth from occurring.
  8. The treatment options that are available for erythroplakia may vary greatly. It’s always very important to keep a very frequent follow-up appointments with your doctor. Sometimes a surgical removal is crucial and in very rare cases, laser surgery or cryosurgery is required.
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