
Bump on Nose, White, Red, Painful, inside, That Hurt, causes and Treatment

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Do you have a bump on nose? Here you will get information on the bump on nose, red white, that is inside, that hurts, the causes and how to get rid of the them.

Bump on Nose Causes

A bump on nose piercing may form after a few days or even months after the piercing has been done. Usually, the bumps form as a result of the trauma that is directed to the pierced area.

Trauma happens when the ring or even the stud is also knocked, tugged or being removed and then reinserted, leading to damage to the surrounding tissue areas. The bumps usually appear red and more raised.

If left untreated, the nose piercing infection may lead to the development of a scar tissue. For this particular reason, you should then take several remedial measures as soon as possible.

Bump on nose piercing- is it an infection?

  1. Bumps without Infection

Not every other bump on the nose piercing is an indication of infection. There is a big chance that it’s only a form of granuloma. A Granuloma is a benign body tissue growth which is harmless. It normally has a red and a very raw formation that bleeds easily and sometimes drains a very clear or a yellow fluid. Africans as well as Asians are the most likely to obtaining keloids (a type of raised scar) than all other races.

  1. Bumps with Infection

If you happen to have an infected bump, it will look like a pimple and may even have some pus. If it happens to have pus, then you should immediately seek treatment before it forms a kind of pustule or even abscess.

A pustule is a very hard lump formation that happens under the skin due to the body’s tries to isolate and encapsulation of chronic infections. While it is not very easy to identify an infected nose piercing bump, you should only check whether the bump is very pink, tender and resemble a pimple.

Causes and Treatments of Bump on Nose.

Here are the main reasons for nose bumps

  1. Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are one of the most usual reasons of the bumps formation inside of the nose. Nasal polyps happens when the mucus membrane of the nose is extremely inflamed. Medical researchers are not very sure why the polyps are able to form from the inflammation, but they only know it is a usual happening that has a long-term inflammation.

Nasal polyps may also lead to nasal discharge, congestion as well as a decreased sense of smell and taste, headaches and itchy eyes. Larger polyps may also affect an individual’s breathing.

Nasal polyps may not need treatment. Larger polyps may need to be extracted surgically, but the smaller ones typically clear up on their own. The doctor may also prescribe some medication to help with the signs and symptoms of a polyp.

  1. Folliculitis

Another reason of bump on nose is folliculitis. This is taken as the most common cause of the inner nose bumps and is brought about by an infection that happens at the root of a nose hair. This particular infection is also triggered by the presence of the bacteria inside part of the nose.

If you are also able to see the kind of the infection, it will be seen as a small white bump that is near a hair follicle. The bump may itch, swell, have puss, or lead to the skin to appear red and inflamed.

Follicuitis usually clears without the treatment, but if the pain is very severe or the bump is too chronic, the doctor may prescribe a topical or oral antibiotic to ease the pain.

  1. Excessive Nose Picking

Excessive type of nose picking may also lead to bumps on nose. This is due to the fact that the action of picking at the skin usually damages the hair follicles and also introduces bacteria into the inside parts of the nose. When a follicle is therefore damaged, it makes it easy very for bacteria to access the inside of the body and thus trigger an infection.

  1. Squeezing the Bumps

Most of the people also find that squeezing of the bump on nose can lead to them to getting bigger or spread. This is normally true especially when the bump is brought about by an infection. Squeezing of the bump aggravates the infection and also makes it more likely to spread deeper into the nose.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that bumps tend to be itchy or cause an irritation, people are most likely to pick or even squeeze them. There is also a tendency to squeeze the bumps on nose, but this particular action can eventually turn a minor problem into something very serious, so it should be much avoided.

In very rare instances, a bump that is found inside of the nerve shows a much more serious problem that is known as cavernous sinus thrombosis.

Since the nose and the brain are so much and closely linked, any infection that develops in the nose may easily make its way to the brain because of the body’s intricate system of veins. If you in any way suspect a bump in the nose might be very serious, contact the doctor immediately.

White Bumps on Nose

You are likely to have milia, which is a skin condition that’s very common among the newborns – very common that up to half of all the newborn babies develop milia.

Milia happens when dead skin cells get trapped under the skin’s surface and then form small, hard cysts. Milia is very common in babies as their skin is still learning how to exfoliate, or slough off the dead skin cells on its own.

Although milia is very commonly seen on the nose, chin or even cheeks, it can happens on other areas like the upper trunk as well as the limbs.

Adult milia falls into two categories: primary and secondary. Primary is almost similar to the kind that babies usually get. Secondary occurs when the skin condition that leads to the blistering damages the pore lining. Burns or severe rashes, for instance, can increase the number of skin cells that are trapped under the skin’s surface.

Red Bump on Nose

Bump on nose are very unpleasant for a lot of reasons, but they also add pain to the available problem and it’s even worse. A blind bump on nose can be even more painful than all other pimples as it is deep within the skin and closer to the nerves.

Like all other known types of bumps, it is also brought about by overactive sebaceous glands that forms under the skin that excretes excess oil leading to clogged pores. But it usually does not have the typical white head that normally bump on nose have as it remains below the surface of the skin.

These bumps normally grow on the nose, also behind the ears and elsewhere on the face. They are usually red in color, do not have pus and vary in size. It is normal to get tempted to sometimes poke or even squeeze the blind bump on nose, but you should not do that as it may only increase the risk of infection.

Painful Bump inside Nose

Most of the people usually experience nose piercing bumps inside their nose. This may be an indication of infection. By using of the simple home remedies like sea salt hot compresses and the tea tree oil, among others may help to get rid of such a bump.

A bump inside of the nose can also be a sign that the jewelry used is not of the right size. You should however not try to change the jewelry on your own if the discover that the piercing on the nose has not fully healed as required. Instead ensure to seek the help of a professional piercer.

A bump inside the nose can also happen as a result of the irritation that is resulting from the change of the nose jewelry a time even after the piercing has healed fully. Such a bump on nose will normally easily clear using tea tree oil dap or any other available remedy.

Infected Nose Piercing Bump

Not all the bumps that is found on a pierced nose will signify an infection. So how do a person tell if what he is experiencing is an indication of an infected nose piercing bump?  Well, the infected ones tend to look like a very small pimple and may also have some pus.

Pus is the most usual way of indicating that you are dealing with an infection and if the pus-filled bump is also left untreated, the infection may progress into an abscess or even pustule. This is a very hard lump that usually forms under the skin as a reaction by the body in an attempt to isolate the chronic infection.

Although the nose piercing infections are very unlikely to happen if proper aftercare steps are taken, a tender, pink lump that appears like a pimple is also a sign of infection. You may consider seeing the doctor for medical treatment of infected bumps on a pierced nose.

How to Get Rid of Bump on Nose Fast, Naturally or Home Remedies

The following are ways to get rid of bumps on nose naturally fast

  • Tea Tree Oil

Applying of some tea tree oil to the nose piercing that is infected is a perfect way to deal with the infection. Simply take a small amount of tea tree oil and add a small amount to some jojoba oil or any other available carrier oil.

Apply the formed mixture to the infected skin part using a clean cotton wool. Do this practice only two times as tea tree oil can lead to the skin to dry out.

You can also use a few drops of tea tree oil into another type of oil like the almond or even the coconut oil. Thereafter, use a cotton ball or a cotton swab to use in application of the oil to the bump.

Tea tree oil is very powerful for getting rid of germs as well as bacteria, so it can be able to heal the nose as long as you apply it once or twice a day. You do not need to use it too much though, or it can dry out your nose or irritate it as explained above.

  • Hot Compress with Sea Salt

Performing a hot compress is the best way of getting rid of the bump on nose piercing. Simply soak a small cotton wool in a very hot solution made up of sea salt and press it very softly onto the bump until the heat completely dissipates. Repeat this process at least thrice a day for about five days.

You should also ensure that the hot compress is hot enough for the heat to be able to penetrate the bump. Once you’re finished with the process, rinse the area to remove any salt residue.

  • Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea may also assist remedy an infected nose piercing. Simply add a small amount of chamomile tea bags to a container that has hot water. Take out one of the bags and slightly compress it on the bump until it completely cools off. Dip it again and also repeat the procedure for at least thrice a day for about fifteen minutes only each time.

  • Aspirin

Aspirin is known anti-inflammatory drug which implies that it can be able to heal the infection without leading to an irritation. Make enough Aspirin paste using a few pills and only pure water. Use the paste on the bump every other night before going to sleep. It is easily absorbed into the skin and also allow the infection to drain

Another method is for you to mix a bottle of the aspirin into a glass that has only a little warm water so that it completely dissolves into a thick paste. Afterward, apply the mixture each and every night before you go to bed over the next few days like for a week.

During this particular time, the aspirin paste may assist to get rid of the irritation and thus allow the infection to completely drain. You will also need to ensure that you continue to clean the nose piercing during the time like you usually would.

  • Anti-Inflammation Drugs

Medication like ibuprofen may assist if the bump is formed due to trauma. This may occur if you accidentally knock your nose piercing or even pull out the ring accidentally.

  • Consider Changing Jewelry

Sometimes, the infection leading to the bumps is brought about by the choice of jewelry. Only wear a surgical stainless steel, a quality niobium and a titanium jewelry.

Avoid buying of the cheap or even free jewelry that is offered at the piercing shops as they can easily lead to an infection.

Avoid changing of the jewelry until the piercing has completely healed. Should the infection develop in any way after the piercing, do not try to find a remedy of the situation at home.

Go back to the piercing person who did the piercing as he is a professional and have a jewelry change the for you.

  • Refrain from Draining

Avoid trying to drain the infected bump on nose. This may make it much worse than it already is. This is usually so if you apply the use of a contaminated tool which may introduce bacteria into a wound. If the infection gains entry into the bloodstream, it can turn very fatal. You should ensure to see a doctor and let him determine whether or not the bump should be as well drained.

When to Seek Treatment

  • If there’s no seen improvement in the bumps after 3 weeks of treatment
  • If you have thick smelly discharge from the affected area and fever
  • If there’s a formation of dark streaks that appears on the piercing
  • If you develop some keloids

Surgery. For some, surgical removal of the bump might be important. This type of surgery is typically a very simple process and can be done in the doctor’s room on an outpatient basis.

Home Remedies for Bump on Nose

how to get rid of nose bumps – onion juice

There are a lot of treatments that can speed up the healing of a bump inside of the nose or ease the given symptoms that are linked with it until the bump on nose clears up on its own. You might also opt to couple these given solutions with the antibiotics that are prescribed by the doctor. These include:

  • Onion Juice. Cut and then press an onion and use the juice to the bump on nose several times each given day until the pain has eased and the bump on nose recedes. The juice is believed to speed up the healing process.
  • Lime and Bitter Gourd Juice. Mix the juices together and take them as a drink for about 7 days. Drinking the mixture first thing in the morning is said to speed up the healing.
  • Warm Compresses. Use some cotton rounds that is dipped in warm water to the exterior part of the nose. This reduces the pain and may prevent additional bacterial infection from accumulating in the area.

In most of the cases, bump on nose are not serious. But, they can be very annoying and lead to enough pain that can distract you from the usual routine.

There are several ways to deal with the bump on nose, but in some other cases, you may require medical attention. If you are in any way concerned about the bump on nose, contact the doctor and schedule an examination immediately.

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