
Bump on Inner Thigh, Female, Male, Under Skin, Treatment

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What causes bumps on your thighs? Bump on inner thigh, female, male, under the skin, std, sebaceous cyst, no head, purple, from the rubbing, how to get rid and the pictures.

Bump on Inner Thigh Causes

There are several conditions that can lead to the bump on inner thigh. Some of the conditions are very mild and may not need any medical attention. Others can be more serious and could require medication or other medical intervention in order for them to go away.

Determining the reason for the bumps on the leg will help you narrow down the required treatment more effectively.

A common cause for the bump on inner thigh is hidradentis suppurativa. Lesions that emanates from the disease will break open and leak pus, which can cause an unpleasant odor.

These are brought about by oil and dead skin cells blocking the hair follicles on the legs that then become infected with the bacteria. Some conditions, like the genetics, weight gain, or smoking might add to the likelihood that you will develop this condition.

A similar condition, folliculitis, can lead to red bumps along the inner thighs. This is brought about when bacteria disturbs the hair follicles, making them to be inflamed.

This can also result in the painful, itchy boils that develops on the area. Folliculitis might be brought by a number of different types of bacteria that will influence the severity of the condition as well as the chances of scarring.

More serious bacterial infections might lead to a bump on inner thigh. They are most notably accompanied by the pain, redness and swelling in the area. You can also notice a cyst that forms along the area, specifically if the condition is accompanied by gangrene.

Some viral infections might lead to warts that appears on the inner thigh. These are much more common in the children than the adults.

Warts appearing in this area may travel to the hands, feet, and other areas of the body, or even the bodies of others if they are much exposed. Warts that are very high on the inner thigh may also be genital warts. All warts will be dry and scaly, and some may be swollen or painful.

Bumps that are very painful or near the genitals may be brought about by an STD like the herpes or even syphilis. In most of the cases, the bumps will appear as the blisters on the thighs and the genitals. Bumps brought about by herpes can often be accompanied by the fever, muscle pain or fatigue. Syphilis can lead to chills, fever, muscle aches, full body rash, and headaches.

If the bump on inner thigh appears to be coming from below the skin, it could be a tumor. A bump due to injury or body growth can shrink or even disappear in the few days. Any other bumps that appear to be growing, more especially if they are growing much quickly, may be part of a serious condition like cancer.

Bump on Inner Thigh Female, Male

A boil known as a furuncle in medical terms, is an acute infection of the hair follicle. It is also called skin abscess.

In the women, sores might erupt in the vaginal area, external genitals, anus or even the cervix. In men, sores might appear on the penis, buttocks, anus or thighs, or even inside the tube from the bladder through the penis.

Ulcers might make urination very painful. You can also have the pain and even tenderness in the genital area until the infection fully clears. During the initial episode, you might have flu-like signs and symptoms, like the headache, muscle aches as well as fever, as well as swollen lymph nodes in your groin.

Boils may occur on the inner thighs and on the face, back of the neck, throat and buttocks. Simply put, boils are the small bumps that have white or even the yellow centers that may spread to other skin areas. They also tend to be much painful and then increase in size in a few days when the pus builds up.

Bump on inner thigh are mostly brought about by staphylococcal bacteria. Other factors like a damaged hair follicle, weak immune system, or even infected sweat glands, harsh chemicals, poor body hygiene, poor nutrition and the chronic diseases, like the diabetes make you much susceptible to developing boils.

Most of the boils may be treated at home, including those that are on the inner thighs. Home treatments for boils are very simple, yet highly effective.

However, if the boil is much resistant to any treatment, does not heal within a period of about 2 weeks, is very painful, or leads to a fever then consult the doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Bump on Inner Thigh under Skin

There can be several causes of red bumps on inner thighs. Some are too mild, while others are very serious. In order to decide promptly whether bumps on the inner thighs are serious or not, you are required to understand when they started to show up, whether or not there are associated symptoms, and whether or not they went away without treatment.

  1. Friction

Friction might happen when thighs rub together. The friction comes from irritation of the skin of the inner thighs, causing bumps on the inner thighs. The irritation might lead to cause a heat rash known as miliara.

Irritated skin usually leads to the blockage of the sweat glands and even the formation of pink, red or even the white bumps. Common symptoms include itching or a prickly feeling in the thighs. Sometimes this may be a painful experience. It is very likely to happen if you live in a humid or hot climate but anytime the thighs rub together, bumps that are due to friction can occur.

Treatment: The best treatment for the friction bump on inner thigh is to wash the area thoroughly but gently using water and then allow it to dry completely. Then put on something that is greasy like petroleum jelly. If the area is extremely swollen, painful, crusted over or even bleeding, the doctor can recommend a type of a medicated ointment that can heal the bumps.

If you can, then rest as much as you can so that you don’t rub the thighs together very much. Ongoing friction will lead to worsened symptoms and the bumps might become infected. If this is the case, then oral antibiotics or even topical antibiotics can be indicated.

  1. Hidradentis Suppurativa

This is a condition that usually involves the red bump on inner thigh that can open up and the leak pus. It happens when the dead skin cells and the oil build up and then block the hair follicles that is leading to the bacterial infection.

It might also be related to the smoking, heredity or even weight gain. The main symptoms here include having red bumps, a bad odor and pus on the inner thighs.

Treatment: The main treatment is to wash the thighs much carefully and practice a good hygiene. If you lose weight, then you may get them less. Try to put on loose clothing and use warm compresses when they become too big of a problem.

Bump on Inner Thigh std

Highly contagious, genital herpes is brought about by a type of the herpes known as simplex virus (HSV) that enters the body through small breaks in the skin or the mucous membranes.

Most of the people that have HSV never know they that they have it, as they have no signs or symptoms or the signs and symptoms are so mild they go much unnoticed.

When signs and symptoms are very noticeable, the first episode is normally the worst. Some people never have a second episode. Others, however, can have recurrent episodes for decades.

When present, genital herpes signs and symptoms are:

  • Small red bump on inner thigh, blisters (vesicles) or even open sores in the genital, anal and all nearby areas
  • Pain or itching that is around the genital area, buttocks and the inner thighs

The initial symptom of genital herpes normally is pain or itching, starting within a few weeks after an exposure to an infected sexual partner. After several days, the small red bumps can appear. They then rupture, becoming ulcers that ooze or bleed. Eventually, scabs form and the ulcers heal.

Purple Bump on Inner Thigh

A boil, also called a furuncle, is a skin infection that usually involves a hair follicle and the surrounding skin tissue. They then form beneath the skin and then present as red, tender bumps as they appear at first. Boils then fill with the pus, increase in the size and then become more painful. If a cluster of boils appear together, this is called a carbuncle. The face, neck, buttocks, the armpit and then thigh are the most common locations for the boils, although they can happen in any of the body’s hair follicles.

Bump on inner thigh starts as a purple swollen area of the skin and then develop into a larger, pus-filled pustule. The area can itch in the beginning and then become more painful as the boil fills with pus. Pustules may form and appear with a white or yellow center.

Boils are normally pea-sized but can be as large as a golf ball, usually growing at a rapid pace. Fatigue and fever might accompany the boil. The surrounding skin is purple and much swollen.

Bump on Inner Thigh no Head

The bump on inner thigh that have no head could be brought by a molluscum contagiosum infection. This is usually transmitted when you come into contact with an open lesion or even handle objects that came into contact with the virus. These bumps can be fleshy in color and might have a dimple on the top.

Bump on Inner Thigh from Rubbing

Any bacteria or the fungus that is located on the surface of the skin may lead to the cause a boil. Boils are quite common and are usually caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, the most common bacteria found on the skin.

When the hair follicle is damaged by a scratch or other break in the skin, the bacteria is able to move deeper into the follicular tissues, causing an infection and resulting in a boil. Boils may appear after taking antibiotics and are more common in diabetic and immune compromised individuals.

How to Get Rid of Bump on Inner Thigh

Hidradentis suppurativa might be treated using basic hygiene if you apply the gentle soaps. Wear loose clothing, lose weight, and then quit smoking to assist the lesions to disappear much more quickly. If it has been about 2-3 weeks and the lesions have not in any way changed, then you may have an infection that needs medical treatment.

Any abscesses on the thigh, including those from the folliculitis, should be inspected by the doctor to determine the potential requirement for antibiotics. Use a warm compress to the area for about 10-15 minutes every day with the leg elevated to assist take down the swelling and pain.

Viral infections, such as the warts or even molluscum contagiosum, will need a medical attention. A doctor may get rid of the warts, often by freezing them. If the infection has started to spread, this is a perfect way to avoid any further infection.

A very mild case of molluscum contagiosum can go away on its own. A doctor can assist you determine if the infection needs treatment.

Infections that normally appear to be the result of an STD will require medical attention. Syphilis can lead to serious health concerns that could be life threatening or cause brain damage if it goes unchecked.

There is no cure for herpes and you will need both treatment and counseling to help keep breakouts in check and to prevent you from transmitting the disease to any partners you have in the future.

Any bump on inner thigh that appear to be growing below the skin, more especially the ones growing at a fast rate, must be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. Tumors that are left to grow can cause damage to the leg and may be life threatening, even if they are not much cancerous.

Those that are cancerous will be required to be dealt with much the quickly as tumors that are not attached to the organs may easily spread once they come in contact with the blood vessels or bone.

The home remedies are as shown;

  1. Warm Compress

The easiest way to quickly get rid of a bump on inner thigh is to apply heat applications. Warm compresses that is applied on the affected skin may even increase blood circulation and allow the antibodies and white blood cells to fight any infection faster.

  1. Soak in a clean piece of cloth in warm water, squeeze out the excess water and then press it over the boil.
  2. Do this process repeatedly throughout the day until the boil erupts and the pus drains out.
  3. Clean the area thoroughly and apply a medicated ointment to prevent any further infection.

When dealing with a Bartholin gland cyst, also known as a Bartholin duct cyst that occurs just inside the opening of the vagina take a warm sitz bath. More often than not, the cysts heal on their own without treatment.

  1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is also an excellent natural remedy for the boils on inner thighs due to its strong antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal properties.

  • Soak a clean cotton swab in tea tree oil. Dab it on the affected part of the skin. Do this a few times daily until the boil is healed.
  • Another option is to mix a few drops of the tea tree oil in a small bowl of warm water. You can also mix a little of lavender oil in it. Soak a washcloth in the solution and then use it as a compress on the affected part for about 15 minutes. Repeat a number of times a day.
  1. Turmeric

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities of turmeric might speed up the healing process of a boil on the inner thigh. The compound curcumin found in turmeric also helps relieve pain.

  • Mix some turmeric powder and enough water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on the boil and then leave it on for at least 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing it off completely. Repeat a few times a day. It will assist the boil come to a head and then burst within a few days.
  • You can also add about 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of milk, boil it and drink it twice daily to get relief from the inflammation and pain caused by the boil.
  1. Onion

Onions do contain antiseptic qualities that assists to fight skin an infection and then speed up the healing process. When the juice of the onion comes into contact with the infected skin part, it acts as an irritant as well as an antimicrobial agent. This assists to draw out the heat from the boil and promote eruption. It also helps reduce inflammation and alleviates pain.

  1. Cut a very fresh onion into thick slices.
  2. Put the onion slices on the boil and then cover them with a cloth.
  3. Change the onion slices every about 2 to 3 hours until the boil erupts and drains.
  1. Neem

Due to the natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties of neem, it also called Indian lilac and margosa, is an effective natural cure for the bump on inner thigh.

  • Wash and then grind a handful of neem leaves into a thick paste. You might also add some turmeric powder. Apply this paste on the affected area and leave it on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off. Repeat this a few times a day.
  • Another option is to boil the neem leaves in a pan that is filled with water until most of the water evaporates and about a third of it remains. Cool and then strain the solution. Rinse the affected part using this neem-infused water a few times a day.
  1. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt assists to bring a boil to the head and speed the drainage of the bacteria. Plus, being highly absorbent, it assists to draw out toxins and the impurities from the skin.

  • Dissolve about a quarter of a cup of Epsom salt in 2 cups of warm water. Dip a clean washcloth into the solution and place it on the boil. Leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat a few times daily until the boil starts to drain.
  • Alternatively, take a sitz bath in a warm water that is mixed with a cup of Epsom salt. Repeat the process for about 15 to 20 minutes, for about 2 or 3 times daily for a few days.
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