
Bump in Ear, Canal, Behind, Hurts, How to Get Rid of it, Pictures

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What causes bumps in ear? An insight on bump in ear, behind the ear, on cartilage, on earlobe that is painful and the methods of how to get rid of it.

bump in ear – picture

Bump in Ear that Hurts

In most of the cases, lumps and nodules that are found behind the ears are very harmless. They may also signal a need for urgent medication, as found in the case of an infection, but rarely are they a sign of any dangerous or even life-threatening problem.

A bump in ear is a protrusion or the localized skin part of swelling that can happen anywhere in the ear. Other terms that are used to refer to the various types of the lumps includes the bump, nodule, tumor or the cyst.

Lumps can be brought about by any given number of conditions, including the infections, inflammation, the tumors or even the trauma. Depending on the reason, ear lumps can be either single or even multiple, either soft or firm, either painful or painless. They can also grow very fast or may also not change in its size.

Common places for the bump include the ear canal, the ear lobe, and even behind the ear. Ear lumps may be brought about by exostoses and osteomas, which are the types of tumors that will grow inside the bones of the ear canal. A bump in ear and the tenderness in the bone that is found behind the ear, along with the pain as well as the swelling, may indicate mastoiditis (which is infection of the mastoid bone).

Both the benign and the malignant tumors of the skin, the soft tissues, or even the organs may sometimes feel like the lumps. In these indicated cases, either a biopsy or even a surgical extraction of the lump may determine whether cancer is also present.

Cysts, which are the fluid-filled, the sac-like structures that may be formed in several parts of the body, often feel like the lumps. Some cysts can be present especially at birth, while others types of the cysts may develop due to inflammation, tumors, or even the wear and tear that happens over time. Sebaceous cysts are the benign lumps that is filled with the pus, the dead skin cells, and even the excess oil.

A bump in ear that is brought about by an infection, inflammation or even the trauma are usually temporary and goes down as the underlying condition is resolved or resolves on its own. Those that persist or even continue to increase in size over some time can indicate a very serious conditions, like tumors.

A lump that is near the ear that is related with a form of head injury may indicate bleeding that is going on in the brain or even another emergency and can have a life-threatening complications. Seek immediate medical care if you find that you have a bump near your ear or even in the ear as a result of a head injury

Types on Bumps in Ear

bump behind ear

The following are various types of bumps in ear canal.


An abscess usually develops when the tissue or the cells in an area of the body usually become infected. The body responds to the infection by trying to kill off the invading bacteria or the virus. To fight off the bacteria, the body usually sends the white blood cells directly to the infected areas.

These special white blood cells starts to accumulate in the damaged location. As a result therefore, pus starts to develop. Pus is usually a thick, fluid-like product that may develop from the dead white bloods cells, the tissue, bacteria, and other various invading substances. Abscesses are usually painful and very warm to the touch.

Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous cysts are the noncancerous bumps that may arise below the skin. They mainly and commonly develop on the head, in ear, neck, and even the torso. This type of cyst will develop around the sebaceous gland that is responsible for production of oil that lubricates the skin and the hair. Most sebaceous cysts leads to little or even no pain. They may, however, at times be a bit uncomfortable and irritating depending on where they develop on the body.


Lymphadenopathy starts in the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are the tiny, organ-like structures which are found throughout the body. This may also include under the arms, in the neck, in the pelvis, and in the ears. From period to period, the lymph nodes may swell.

In most cases, the bump in ear swelling is as a result of an infection. As the number of infection-fighting cells continues to grow, they will start to build up throughout the lymph nodes. As a result therefore, the lymph nodes may start to swell. Swollen lymph nodes are usually due to infection, inflammation, or even cancer.

Acne Vulgaris

Acne is a very usual skin condition that happens when the hair follicles in the skin become very much clogged. Dead skin cells and the oil may clog the hair follicles. As a result therefore, pimple and the bump in ear may thus develop. In some of the cases, these particular bumps may also grow to be large, solid bumps that may also be painful.


If you in any case develop an ear infection and don’t receive any treatment, then you may develop a very serious infection of the ear known as mastoiditis. This particular infection mostly develops in the bony protrusion that is behind the ear, which is known as the mastoid. It can also lead to pus-filled cysts to develop. In turn therefore, you can also feel those as some lumps or knots in the ear.

Otitis Media

Otis media is also another term referring to an ear infection. Ear infections may be bacterial or viral. When the infection happens, it may lead to painful fluid buildup and even the swelling. These particular symptoms can lead to visible bump in ear. Antibiotics can be used to ease the symptoms and stopping of the infection.


A lipoma is an established fatty lump that usually develops between the layers of the skin. A lipoma may develop anywhere on the body including in the ear, and it’s almost at all times completely very harmless. Lipomas are not very detectable from the skin’s surface, but the larger the size they grow, the higher the likelihood it is that a person will be able to feel them with the hand.


A growth that emanates from the tissue of the salivary gland, the mastoid bone, or even skin found behind the ear may be a tumor. These results when the cells increases the number uncontrollably instead of the self-destructing at the end of their life cycle.

While it may only be a malignant tumor which is cancer, a benign one may also be very problematic. Depending on its size as well as placement, a benign tumor may affect the hearing quality or lead to dizziness.

Painful Bump in Ear

painful bump inside ear

The main symptom of the bump in ear is pain. This pain can become very severe even though sometimes the boil is most commonly very small. This is due to the location of the boil.

Other symptoms can include the itch, irritation and even sometimes pose a temporary hearing loss at that period when the infection is present.

If the boil however bursts, then you may have a sudden discharge that emanates from the ear. If this occurs, the pain usually eases on its own, and the signs and symptoms may soon settle.

Bump in Ear from Headphones

Wearing over-the-ear headphones is a good setup for leading to an increase of acne breakouts as well as skin infections. This is due to the case when you wear them during and after a workout, or if you continue to keep them on for longer periods of time.

Sweat and the moisture collect on and even around the headphones, thus compressing the skin and thus encouraging bacteria and the yeast so as to multiply leading to bump in ear.

Bump in Ear Cartilage

Ears are always very tender and also sensitive. If you in any way develop the bumps on the top of the ears, it may even be uncomfortable and very painful. It may make the tasks, such as talking on the telephone, very difficult to undertake. Depending on the cause of the bumps, the hair may aggravate them

Bump in Earlobe

The bump in earlobe can appear small and very hard or large as well as tender. They can look like acne, blisters or even larger sores. The skin on and around the bumps can be rough, flaky or even smooth. The bumps may or may not have the texture, depending on the cause. If the bumps are much infected, pus can ooze from the site

How to Get Rid of Bump in Ear Fast

bump due to infected ear piercing

The skin of the ear is almost like the skin that is found on any other part of the body. It contains pores that may also become blocked, and these particular blocked pores usually develop into painful, even hard to reach bumps, or even bumps.

While they may be more difficult to reach or even see, there are also a number of very effective treatments that you can apply to get rid of the bumps inside the ear.

  • Touch the bump using clean hands. Before touching the bump, ensure that you wash the hands for about one to two times. Touching the bumps with the unclean hands can lead to the bumps getting worse, since dirt as well as oil may further block the pores.
  • Wipe the bump using alcohol. A single way to begin healing of the bump is to wipe it clean using an alcohol pad. This also assists to keep it away from getting infections and stopping of the spread of any irritation.
  • Clean the area using witch hazel. Witch hazel is also another disinfectant that may also help to clear up and even prevent any ear bumps. Wipe the ear area using a cotton ball or a swab that is coated in witch hazel.
  • Wash the bump in ear. Wash the area that has the bump with water that is as warm as you may withstand it. Also apply natural soap or even an oil-free cleanser. The cleanser must have Salicylic Acid that helps to unclog pores and even heal bumps. For inside of the ear, apply a warm or also a hot washcloth or even a Q-tip to clean and massage thoroughly the pimple. Do not try to rub the bump as that can lead to further irritation.
  • Apply acne cream. To assist reduce the level of the bump, apply an acne cream which has two to 10% Benzoyl Peroxide. Ensure that you let the cream to dry on the pimple
  • Let the bump in ear heal naturally. Ear bumps tend to be brought about by a buildup of the dirt, the shampoo, and even earwax. The key to stopping the infection is to leave the bumps alone and they will just heal.

Don’t try at any moment to pop it, even if this is what you normally do with the bump in ear. Aural bump (bump in ear) are not only painful when they are squeezed, but if they are on the fleshy lobe of the ear or even inside the ear, they can thus bleed for a longer time afterwards and lead to more problems.

Home Remedies for Bump in Ear, How to Remove Naturally

cyst behind ear

Here are ways you can remove bumps in your ears at home.

  1. Make a hot compress. This is a way to speed up the natural way of popping of the bump is by use of a very hot compress. Wipe the bump using alcohol. Cover the bump using cellophane and thus secure.

If you don’t need to apply cellophane, then soak a washcloth in the hot water, then squeeze gently out any excess water. Fold the cloth in half and then place it on the pimple. Leave the hot compress on for about 10 – 15 minutes. You can repeat this process for about three to four times a day

  1. Use black tea. Wet a black tea bag using the hot water. Place carefully the tea bag on the bump and cover it with a hot and wet washcloth. The tannins when combined with the heat may assist to reduce any inflammation.
  2. Try milk. Milk contains the alpha hydroxyl acids that help to unclog the pores as well as get rid of dead skin. Soak the cotton ball in the milk, then gently squeeze it. Wipe the milk along the bump. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then wash clean the area using lukewarm water. You can repeat the process for about 3-4 times a day.
  3. Use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil contains antibacterial properties that may do away with the bump leading to bacteria. It also assists increase the healing process. Spread the tea tree oil mixture on the bump in ear using a cotton ball.

Always dilute the tea tree oil. Use one part of the tea tree oil with other nine parts water. (So, if you apply use of 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil then mix the oil with nine teaspoons of water.)

  1. Apply aloe vera gel. Aloe vera contains antibacterial properties that may help get rid of bump in ear and reduce the swelling. You can apply the gel from the inside of the aloe vera leaf or even gel from the pharmacy. Use the gel to the bump in ear and leave on for about 30 minutes. Then rinse using lukewarm water. Repeat the process at least twice a day.
  2. Try apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar contains antiseptic properties that can greatly help to prevent infection and even the bacterial growth. It also assists to shrink pores. Soak a cotton ball in the cider vinegar and then wipe it over the bump in ear. Leave it for about one minute, then rinse using cold water. Do this process for about three to four times in a day

How to Prevent Bumps in Ear

Some other people usually find that water, soap, hair spray, etc. that gets into the ears may lead to irritation or even itch. The particular itch can lead to poking or scratching of the ear canal using a finger or even a cotton wool bud. This can badly damage the skin in the ear canal and lead to inflammation. Inflamed skin may easily become infected.

Some people usually try to clean out the ears using cotton buds. This is not only unimportant, but can as well damage the skin found in the ear canal.

Therefore, you can prevent the infections of the ear canal by applying the following:

  • Try not to even scratch or stop poking of the ear canal using the fingers, the cotton buds, towels, etc.
  • Do not at any time clean the ear canal using cotton buds. They can scratch or even irritate, and therefore push dirt and the wax further deep into the ear. The ear will however clean itself, and bits of the wax will on itself fall out now and then.
  • If you have very sensitive ears, try keep the ear canal very dry, and avoid any soap or shampoo from getting in. You can do the process this when you are in shower by placing of a piece of cotton wool that is coated in a very soft white paraffin in the areas of the outer ear.

Do not apply the use corners of towels or even cotton buds to try to dry the water that get into the ear canal. This can only push the water and wax further in. Let the ear dry itself naturally. When you also swim try to keep the ears dry as a way of preventing bump in ear and other infections.

You may also do this by trying to wear a tightly fitting cap which covers the ears. Some of the swimmers use a silicone rubber earplugs. But, only use them if they do not in any way irritate the skin in the ear canal.

Further references;

  1. Bumps on the Top of My Ears: http://www.livestrong.com/article/306391-bumps-on-the-top-of-my-ears/
  2. What Causes Lumps Behind the Ears?: http://www.healthline.com/health/causes-lumps-behind-ears#Overview1
  3. What is an ear lump?: http://www.healthgrades.com/symptoms/ear-lump
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