
Bump behind Ear, Painless Lump, Painful, Soft, Lymph Nodes, Causes, Get Rid

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What causes lump behind ear? Get insights on bumps behind ear, painless lump, and painful lump that hurts including the lymph nodes and how to get rid of the bump behind ear.

Bump Behind Ear Causes

Bump behind ear is very common. They may be big or even small in size and can be either painful or painless. Most of the causes may be associated with the ear lumps. Some are very negligible while others might be a reason for the medical treatment. Regardless of the possibilities, it is always important to seek the advice of a health care provider.

A bump behind ear is a protuberance or localized area of the swelling that can happen anywhere on the ear. Other terms that are used to describe the many types of lumps are the bump, nodule, tumor and cyst.

Lumps may be brought about by any number of conditions, including the infections, inflammation, tumors or even trauma. Depending on the reason for its existence, ear lumps can be single or multiple, soft or firm, painful or also painless. Bump behind ear can grow rapidly or may not change in its size.

Both benign as well as the malignant tumors of the skin, soft tissues, or organs might sometimes feel like lumps. In these given cases, either a biopsy or a surgical getting rid of the lump might determine whether cancer is also present.

Cysts, which are fluid-filled, sac-like structures that may form in several parts of the body, usually feel like lumps. Some of the cysts can be present at birth, while other cysts develop due to inflammation, tumors, or wear and tear over a period of time. Sebaceous cysts are benign lumps that are filled with pus, dead skin cells, as well as the excess oil.

Bump behind ear brought about by infection, inflammation or even trauma is normally temporary and go down as the underlying condition is resolved. Ear lumps that persist or even continue to grow over time might indicate a more serious conditions, such as the tumors.

A lump that is near the ear that is related to a head injury can indicate bleeding in the brain or any other emergency and can have life-threatening complications. Seek medical care if you have a lump that is near your ear as a result of head injury.

Common places for ear lumps include are the ear canal, ear lobe, or even behind the ear. Ear lumps may be brought about by exostoses and osteomas, which are the types of tumors that normally grow in the bones of the ear canal.

An ear lump and the tenderness in the bone behind the ear, along with other pain and a swelling, could signal mastoiditis (which is an infection of the mastoid bone).

Bump behind ear that is due to the local infectious causes can appear as boils or abscesses. Most of the types of infections leads to the the lymph nodes behind and below the ears near the jawbone to enlarge and thus feel like lumps. Traumatic causes of the lumps range from the bug bites to a severe injuries that may produce a localized collection of blood in the tissues (also known as hematoma).

The exact reason of the problem of bump behind ear is not known. Cysts may happen when the oils are produced in a skin gland faster than they can be released from the gland.

Benign tumors of the ear canal (exostoses and osteomas) are brought about by excess growth of bone. Repeated exposure to the cold water can increase the risk of benign bony tumors of the ear canal.

Most of the lumps and bumps that are behind the ears can be due to the common causes. However, there are some cases when lumps behind ears might be due to very serious causes. The most worrisome cause of a lump behind ear is the cancer.

Common symptoms of the head and neck cancer are the bump behind ear, difficulty in swallowing, a sore throat that do not heal and even a hoarse voice. Sometimes, cancer of the salivary glands may also cause a bump behind the ear. This is known as metastatic squamous neck cancer and can be detected with tests and physical examinations.

Early detection is one of the necessary prerogatives in treating any form of cancer successfully.

Swollen Lymph Nodes

A lump behind ear usually results from a swollen lymph node. Lymph nodes belongs to the immune system and fight infections and gets rid of cell waste from the body. Lymph nodes are normally located in very strategic points throughout the body.

The armpit, neck, groin and pelvic area and even the abdomen are the key places where lymph nodes can be found. Lymph nodes normally enlarge due to infection and other diseases. Swollen lymph nodes are very common when experiencing wound infections and even tooth abscesses.

Most often, the lymph nodes might not be serious. However, when they are hard and very immobile and grow rapidly, this might be due to cancer. Therefore, swollen lymph nodes that appears as a bump behind ear needs a medical examination, more especially if they do not subside within few days.

Pain relievers, antibiotics as well as antiviral medication assist to treat and even relieve the symptoms of swollen lymph nodes.

Most swollen glands or lumps that are under the skin are not a cause for concern. The glands (lymph nodes) on either side of the neck, under the jaw, or even behind the ears usually swell when you have a cold or even a sore throat.

More serious infections might lead to the glands to enlarge and thus become very strong and tender. Glands can also swell and become very tender after an injury, such as a cut or even a bite, or when a tumor or an infection happens in the mouth, head, or neck.

Swollen glands and other lumps under the skin may be brought about by several different things, including the illness, infection, or another cause.

Lymphadenopathy starts in the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are very tiny, organ-like structures that are available throughout the body. This includes under the arms, in the neck, in the pelvis, and behind the ears. From time to time, the lymph nodes might swell. In most cases, the swelling is the result of an infection. As the number of infection-fighting cells increases, they will start to build up in the lymph nodes. As a result, the lymph nodes will again start to swell. Swollen lymph nodes are normally due to the infection, inflammation, or cancer.

Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous cysts form just under the skin and can be felt as a lump that is behind ear. These cysts contain a protein with a foul smell. This protein substance is known as keratin. Sebaceous cysts happen due to the swollen hair follicles or the skin trauma.

Sebaceous cysts are not very dangerous and do not need treatment as most often it goes away after a time. However, the infected sebaceous cysts can become abscesses. Abscesses leads to the inflammation and needs medication as they are filled with pus and may become extremely painful, requiring surgical draining.

Sebaceous cysts are very noncancerous bumps that arise below the skin. They commonly develop on the head, neck, and even the torso. This type of cyst normally develops around the sebaceous gland, which is responsible for the production of oil that lubricates the skin and hair.

Most sebaceous cysts leads to little to no pain. They can, however, be very uncomfortable or even irritating due to where they develop on the body.


Mastoiditis happens when the ear infections leads to an infection in the mastoid bone. The mastoid bone is found directly behind the ear. Mastoiditis leads to the area behind the ear to swell and then protrude out of the skin. The bump that is behind ear is normally accompanied with fever, ear pain, hearing loss and even ear redness.

If you develop a bump behind ear and don’t get any treatment, you may develop a more complicated infection of the ear known as mastoiditis. This infection usually develops in the bony protrusion that ia behind the ear, which is known as the mastoid. It may lead to pus-filled cysts to develop. In turn, you can feel those as lumps or knots behind the ear.


An abscess normally develops when tissue or cells in an area of the body become infected. The body responds to the infection by trying to kill off the invading bacteria or even virus. To fight off the bacteria, the body normally sends white blood cells to the infected areas.

The white blood cells starts to accumulate in the damaged location. As a result, pus begins to develop. Pus is a thick, fluid-like product that develops from dead white bloods cells, bacteria, and all other invading substances. Abscesses are usually painful and warm to the touch.

Acne Vulgaris

Acne is a very common skin condition that happens when the hair follicles in the skin become much clogged. Dead skin cells and oil might clog the follicles. As a result therefore, pimples and bumps can develop. In some other cases, the bumps might grow to be large, solid bumps that can be painful.

Throat Infection

Many bacterial and viral infections can lead to swelling in and around the neck and face. Two such infections are strep throat and infectious mononucleosis. Other conditions, like the HIV/AIDS, measles, and chickenpox can also lead to swelling in and around the neck and face.

Otitis Media

Otis media is also another term used for an ear infection. Ear infections might be bacterial or viral. When an infection happens, it can lead to painful fluid buildup as well as swelling. These symptoms may result in visible swelling behind the ear. Antibiotics can be used to ease the symptoms and thus end the infection.


A lipoma is a very fatty lump that normally develops between the layers of the skin. A lipoma can develop anywhere on the body, and it’s almost always completely harmless. Lipomas are not always detectable from the skin’s surface, but the larger they grow, the more likely it is that an individual will be able to feel them with your hand.

Painless Lump behind Ear

In most of the cases, lumps or nodules that are behind the ears are very harmless. They may indicate a need for medication, as in the case of an infection, but rarely are they a sign of any dangerous or life-threatening problem.

Painful Lump behind Ear

If the bump behind ear is however problematic, causing you pain or discomfort, or associated with other symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor. A quick physical inspection of the area and a general checkup can usually tell your doctor exactly what is happening behind your ear.

Based on what your doctor finds, they may suggest leaving the lump to resolve on its own, or they may suggest any number of treatments, from medicine to surgery.

Rest assured, however, that lumps behind the ear are usually not harmful. Together with your doctor, you can find the best way to eliminate the lump and possibly prevent future problems.

Bump Behind Ear Lobe

It is a very scary thing to find the bumps or lumps behind ear, or anywhere else on your body. They can be small or large, and either is painless or painful. There are several reasons for a hard lump behind ear. Many are quite insignificant, but others will require medical treatment.

No matter the possibilities, you should ensure to speak with the doctor about the lumps you find. Fast detection may sometimes assist to identify and even treat a very serious problem and avoid any complications.

If you have any history of acne, it will likely be very easy to identify the lumps that are behind the ears and then realize that there is nothing to worry about. For other people, trying to figure out what the lump is may be harder.

When doing a self-check, ask yourself if the bump behind ear feels soft. If it does, then it might be a cyst or fatty tissue. Ask yourself if the spot tender and painful when touched. In most of the cases where a person feels slight pain, it is often a pimple or an abscess forming. Of course, you may need to take note of any other symptoms such as fever or chills.

The symptoms can highly depend on what is leading to the problem and whether or not the lump has become much inflamed or disturbed in any way. For instance, if you scratch it to the point where it bleeds, it might become infected, which makes it much more worse.

Although exact statistics are not available, doctors do understand that cysts behind the ear are rather common.

Lymph Nodes behind Ear

Lymph nodes are the small glands that filter lymph, the clear fluid that normally circulates through the lymphatic system. They then become swollen in response to infection and tumors.

Lymphatic fluid circulates through the lymphatic system, which is made up of channels throughout the body that appears similar to the blood vessels. The lymph nodes are the glands that store white blood cells. White blood cells are the ones responsible for getting rid of the invading organisms.

The lymph nodes normally act like a military checkpoint. When the bacteria, viruses, and the abnormal or diseased cells pass through the lymph channels, they are then stopped at the node.

When faced with infection or even illness, the lymph nodes then accumulate debris, such as the bacteria and dead or diseased cells.

Lymph nodes are normally located throughout the body. They might be found below the skin in several areas including:

  • in the armpits
  • under the jaw
  • either side of the neck
  • above the collarbone

Lymph nodes usually swell from the infection in the area where they are located. For instance, the lymph nodes in the neck may be swollen in response to the upper respiratory infection, like the common cold.

Soft Bump behind Ear

It can be very alarming to find out that something is on the body, such as a lump, that isn’t supposed to be there. However, it can also surprise you to learn that the lump behind ear are actually quite common.

You may have had them several times in the past, but have never noticed as you can’t see that area very often. Bump behind ear have a number of different reasons and can come in a variety of different types.

Some lumps are negligible; others could be signs of more serious conditions. For the curious or the concerned, here is a guide to what can cause lumps behind your ear and how to treat them.

Bump behind Ear Hurts, Please Help

The good news is that the majority of nodules or bumps even if painful, behind the ears are nothing to worry about. However, if you do have an infection, you may require medication. Moreso, in very rare cases, the lumps shows a serious condition, and require immediate medical attention.

How to Get Rid of Bump behind Ear

Certain lumps in the ears might be treated using home remedies. This entirely depends on the severity as well as the seriousness of the lumps. For example, sebaceous cysts can be treated using tea tree oil. Saturating a cotton swab using tea tree oil and then holding it to the cyst for about 6 minutes and washing it using oil-free soap dries up the fluids that is in the cyst.

This therefore minimizes any swelling. Swollen lymph glands behind the ears can be treated by gargling with salt water or turmeric. Pain with mastoiditis can be treated by pouring a few drops of warm, Mullein oil in the infected ear. Garlic oil may also be used for treatment of the ear aches associated with infected ears.

While some people are very comfortable in trying out the home remedies, it is always advisable that an indication such as bump behind ear is brought to medical attention. Home remedies may help in minor conditions but relying on them for a long period, when there is no relief, can lead to further medical complications.

Treating Lump behind Ear

Lipomas may not be treated and can disappear on their own, but all of the other causes of the ear lumps have several remedies that can be found. Some are even possible to do at home.

  • Mastoiditis: The cause of the lump is the underlying ear infection. Create a strained mixture of olive oil and garlic oil and place about one to two drops into the infected ear.
  • Lymphadenopathy: The swollen node is in the neck. Gargling turmeric or salt water might help alleviate the symptoms.
  • Cyst and abscess: Do not try to pop a cyst or abscess. Instead, a warm compress might help drain the fluid and offer some relief from any discomfort or pain. A cyst can sometimes be treated using tea tree oil as well. Soak a cotton swab in tea tree oil and hold it to the cyst for about five minutes, then wash with an oil-free soap. This will assist dry up the fluid inside the cyst and help relieve any swelling.
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