
Itchy Armpits, Cancer, No Rash, After Shaving, Yeast Infection, Deodorant, During Pregnancy,Treatment

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Ever experienced itchy armpits? That may be due to cancer, after shaving, yeast infection, pregnancy and deodorant. A closer look at all this factors including how to get rid of the itchy armpits and the treatment.

Itchy Armpits

The condition is very common in most men and women and may be extremely discomforting and even irritating. This kind of sensation is medically called pruritus. The symptoms experienced due to the itchy armpits vary according to the underlying condition.

In most of the cases you may have itching accompanied with the redness, soreness, swelling and scarring. Scratching the itch might temporarily relieve the symptoms, although it can lead to an infection through the lacerations brought about by scratching.

The best method of preventing infection and even getting rid of the Itchy armpits is to visit a doctor. Any underarm itching that happens for more than two weeks must be inspected by a doctor and prescribed with medications.

Causes of Itchy Armpits

Itchy underarms may be a source of distress and discomfort, to those suffering from the condition. Certain causes can be cured by the general measures, but others require medical treatment. This is why you require to get a proper diagnosis of the cause of the underarm itching.

Itchy armpits result due to the allergy, infections, heat rashes and various dermatological conditions. As there are many causes related, understanding several root causes leading to the situation will be crucial if you are to find a proper cure.

  • Lack of Hygiene – Armpits are very susceptive to the bacteria build up resulting from the sweat and dirt. One of the most variable causes of the underarm itching is lack of proper hygiene. People who do not clean well their underarms more than at least once a day are more at risk of having underarm itching than those who do.
  • Axillary Hyperhidrosis– This is a condition that leads to excessive sweating for no good reason. It is a socially embarrassing condition that can lead to stained armpits in the clothing and excessive body odor and itching. This condition happen due to the overstimulation of the sweat glands.
  • Miliaria Rubra – This is the heat rash that leads to the itching after exposure to hot and humid environments. Heat rash happens when the sweat glands are then blocked. Miliaria Rubra may also lead to red bumps to appear on the armpit.
  • Inverse Psoriasis – This is a condition that leads to the overgrowth of skin cells. This leads to symptoms such as, smooth, thick, scaly skin and dry or even the red patches. Inverse psoriasis under the arm can lead to pain, as well as Itchy armpits. Obesity is one major reason that can increase the onset of inverse psoriasis.
  • Dermatitis – This condition leads to inflammation and itching of the skin under the arms. Skin lesions and the redness are very common symptoms of dermatitis. This may happen due to an allergic reaction to the antibiotics, perfume, laundry soap and the detergents.
  • Deodorants and Antiperspirants – Sometimes, items used for hygienic purposes may also lead to itching under the arms. Deodorants and antiperspirants clog sweat glands and leads to Miliaria Rubra and another condition known as, Hidradenitis suppurativa. This condition causes itchiness and abscesses.

Medical Conditions

They include the following:

Axillary Dermatitis

Axillary dermatitis may include the atopic or contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis is also considered the most common, and usually happens when the skin contacts an irritant. Allergens coming in contact with the skin may also lead to the reaction or even a rash.

In most of the cases, sudden and even painful rashes are due to the contact dermatitis and the allergic dermatitis takes a day or so to develop and be itchier.

Axillary Folliculitis

This condition is when at least one of the hair follicle in the armpit is infected, usually by a bacterial infection involving the Staphylococcus aureus. Most of the time, folliculitis is much superficial in nature, implying that it can heal by itself in time.

People with this condition normally notice small white pimples, Itchy armpits and if there is deep folliculitis, there may also be scarring. In extreme cases, it may even be accompanied by the boils. Axillary folliculitis is uncommon, but can be caused by spending time in a chemically imbalanced hot tub.

Axillary Hyperhidrosis

This is a sweat gland disorder leading to the excessive sweating that is affecting the armpits. The causes aren’t known and it can occur spontaneously. It may be related to the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the fight or flight.

Although the condition won’t directly lead to the itching, the excessive moisture may lead to peeling, then infections, then itchiness and irritation.

Axillary Lymphadenopathy

In this condition, the lymph nodes that are located underneath the armpits are much enlarged. Most of the time, axillary lymphadenopathy will be due to a relatively benign disease, typically with the lymph nodes having the abnormal number, size, or consistency.

Most of the time, this condition may be mild, with only Itchy armpits or even no symptoms. If the lymph nodes are larger, they will be monitored closely or removed.


This autoimmune disorder leads to the formation of red plaques on the skin. The skin may also flake and can be itchy. Inverse psoriasis, when red patches are smooth instead of flaky, may also occur in the armpits. The skin can be itchy and swollen. Inverse psoriasis can be caused by the skin folds related to obesity.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

This condition is also acne inverse and affects the sweat glands in the groin and along the armpits. The disease isn’t much contagious and includes clusters of cysts which may be large in addition to abscesses. When the abscesses burst, they may not heal slowly. Symptoms include the Itchy armpits, pain, and tenderness.

Tinea Axillaris

This is ringworm of the armpits, or armpit fungus. Infections happens in the armpits due to the low light, high moisture, and even high body temperature. Despite this, it is not very much common and it is more likely to affect the people who have axillary hyperhidrosis, a condition associated with excess sweating.

Itchy Armpits Cancer

Itchy armpits is a sign to check the area carefully with the fingers. A lump under the armpit is hard and doesn’t move when you touch it. It feels like a sore or even tender spot under the arm. You may not necessarily feel the lump.

In some women, the swelling is much prominent under the arm or under the collarbone. The lymph nodes in the armpit are where breast cancer spreads at first, by way of lymphatic fluid that drains from the breast.

If breast cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, the five-year survival rate declines to 84 percent, as compared with 98 percent for node-negative breast cancer. Colds, flu and infection can also lead to the swollen lymph nodes, so if you’re sick or have an infection, wait for it to clear up before you worry. If a lump or tender spot in the underarm area persists for a week with no apparent cause, see your doctor

Itchy Armpits no Rash

It is entirely possible to have itchy skin no rash. As people age, their skin becomes dryer and can become itchy. Various systemic disorders can also be responsible for itchy armpits. This is the case with people who have kidney disease or liver disease.

Some antibiotics and medications used to treat tuberculosis cause the skin to itch. Anemia is another condition that leads to skin that itches.

If you try over the counter and home remedies but don’t get relief in a couple of weeks, you should see the dermatologist. Some conditions could result in complications for your health if they are untreated.

Itchy Armpits after Shaving

Itchy underarms after shaving are a common problem with several possible causes. It  can be your body’s reaction to the shaving, an allergy to the deodorant or even the antiperspirant, or troublesome bacteria from the unsanitary razor. There are several things you can do to reduce the likelihood of getting the itchy armpits after shaving.

Change razors of blades more frequently; discard after about three to five shaves. Dull razors can lead to folliculitis or even inflammation of the hair follicle. Old razors are the breeding grounds for the bacteria. If you do reuse the razor, be sure to place it in a well ventilated place so as to dry out between uses. Use shaving cream or gel so as to minimize irritation. Regular soap doesn’t do a good job of reducing razor drag.

Another way to prevent the itching after shaving is to use moisturizer about 10 to 15 minutes after you shave. Use deodorant after the moisturizer is absorbed. Try changing the brand of deodorant. If itchy armpits persist to be a problem, see the doctor. You could have a bacterial infection.

In general, there are several causes of itchy skin. Dyshidrotic eczema, a type of atopic dermatitis leads to itchy hands and feet. Allergies, insect bites, and some diseases like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis lead to itchy spots on skin.

Yeast Infection Armpits

Candida is a strain of fungus that can lead to an infection in the skin, among other locations. In normal conditions, the skin may host small amounts of this fungus, but the problems arise when it starts to multiply and creates an overgrowth. More than 150 species of candida exist, but the majority of infections are brought about by the species known as Candida albicans.

Candida skin infections may happen on almost any area of the body, but they are more commonly found in intertriginous regions, where two skin areas may touch or rub together. Such areas include the armpits, groin, and the skin folds, as well as the area between the fingers and also the toes. The fungus thrives in warm, moist, and sweaty conditions.

Normally, the skin acts as an effective barrier against infection, but any cuts or breakdown in the superficial layers of the skin may allow the fungus to cause infection thus itchy armpits. Candida becomes pathogenic when conditions are favorable for it to multiply. These conditions may be produced by hot and humid weather, lack of hygiene, or restrictive clothing.

Itchy Armpits Deodorant

There are many causes of the itchy armpits and different treatments for each cause. Armpit rash may be the result of the perfume or even deodorant that you are wearing or a soap product you are using. If you experience armpit rash, learn how to recognize and heal the condition. Symptoms might include itching, rash, darkening of the skin, flakiness, pain and increased odor.

Itchy Armpits during Pregnancy

Skin disorders that happen during pregnancy can be:

  • rashes specific to the pregnancy, known as specific dermatoses of pregnancy
  • non-specific rashes that may happen at any time
  • Itchy armpits without rash.

These disorders can lead to harming of the mother and baby, so seek medical advice if you spot any skin changes that seem abnormal.

Itching without a rash can be very normal or abnormal in pregnancy. Advice should be sought if itching occurs after the first trimester (three months) of pregnancy, or if it keeps getting worse

Itchy Armpits Treatment

Treatment of the itchy armpits may include general measures that are aimed at improved hygiene and more specific measures that may involve medications. In order to avoid the excessive perspiring under the armpits, it is advisable that you avoid hot and humid conditions and to wear cotton clothes.

Some people are allergic to certain deodorants and cosmetics and hence, these should be avoided as well, if suspected of causing irritations and itching. Specific treatment of itchy armpits rash involves the diagnosis and treatment of any specific dermatological conditions causing the itching.

Continued itching under the arms may be extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, it should be checked by the doctor. The treatment will depend on the root cause of the itching. Here are various treatments:

  • If the itchy armpits is caused by lack of hygiene, the doctor may advice the patient to practice good, personal hygiene. They may also be prescribed with a mild anti-bacterial soap.
  • Candida yeast infections of the itchy armpit may need oral or topical anti-fungal medication.
  • The most effective method for treating axillary hyperhidrosis is using of aluminum chloride hexahydrate 10-25% solution or gel. However, if symptoms persist, 1% hydrocortisone cream can be applied twice daily for a few days.
  • Most cases of heat rash and inverse psoriasis can be treated using calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream.
  • Itchy armpits due to an allergic reaction can be managed by avoiding of coming into contact with the item or product that leads to the allergy.
  • Itchy reaction brought about by deodorants and antiperspirants can be avoided by using roll-on products with mild, natural ingredients.

How to Get Rid of Itchy Armpits Fast

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known for its perfect properties. It is known to assist to heal the skin against the breakouts so it is not much surprising that it can also assist to heal the rashes that are found in the armpit area too. You can choose to apply the fresh Aloe Vera leaves or you may also want to make use of Aloe Vera extract.

  • Apply the gel of the Aloe Vera leaves on the rash,
  • Leave on for a few minutes
  • Wash it off with cold water.
  1. Lemon

Lemon is not only one of people’s favorite citrus fruits it can also assist in getting rid of the rash that you may have in your armpit as it can assist kill the bacteria that you might have on your arms right now. The best thing about this is that you can also use it as a deodorant.

  • You may choose to place a swipe of lemon on your armpits in order to get rid of your problems.
  • You may want to not use lemon after you have shaved.
  • You can repeat this every day.
  1. Baking Soda

The best thing about baking soda is that it can assist you to get rid of the itchy armpits. There are different options on what you can do so that it will be effective for you.

  • You may choose to place baking soda on the bath water.
  • If you would want, you may want to choose the baking soda on the armpit so that it will not feel wet.
  • You can leave it on until such time that it becomes correct.
  1. Ice

The coolness of ice can be much helpful. You can be sure that this may be effective for you in getting rid of the problems that you may have associated with the armpits.

  • Place the ice on the affected area.
  • Leave it on there for a few minutes to assist get rid of the itch and even the pain.
  • You may have to do it as often as you require.
  1. Hot Compress

The great thing about applying the hot compress is that it can help promote drainage. You can make sure that this can be effective in getting rid of the itch that may be causing you to feel uncomfortable.

  • You may have to place the hot compress on the affected area for a longer period of time.
  • Do remember that you would have to change the hot compress especially if you plan on using this for a longer period of time.
  • You may have to alternate this with cold compress if it is needed.
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